Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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356T0230 Ageratum houstonianum (Asteraceae); XIONG ER CAO; MexicanAgeratum. Isolated compounds: 9306, 11647, 17776, 18661.T0231 Aglaia argentea (Meliaceae); YIN SE MI ZI LAN; Argenti Aglaia*.Isolated compounds: 16002.T0232 Aglaia duperreana (Meliaceae). Isolated compounds: 375, 495, 5463,10097, 10098, 10677, 14714, 18883.T0233 Aglaia edulis (Meliaceae); KE SHI MI ZI LAN; Edible Aglaia*.Isolated compounds: 736, 737, 740, 741, 9623, 11739, 16618, 21274,21275, 21276, 21277, 21278.T0234 Aglaia elliptica (Meliaceae); TUE YUAN MI ZI LAN; Elliptic Aglaia*.Isolated compounds: 307, 738, 6824, 16002, 18887, 18888, 18889.T0235 Aglaia elliptifolia (Meliaceae); DA YE SHU LAN; Largeleaf Aglaia*.Isolated compounds: 4955, 6760, 6761, 7932, 10790, 17475, 18892.T0236 Aglaia foveolata (Meliaceae); FENG CHAO MI ZI LAN; FoveolateAglaia*. Isolated compounds: 7932.T0237 Aglaia grandis (Meliaceae); JU DA MI ZI LAN; Grand Aglaia*.Isolated compounds: 5756, 8974, 8975, 8976.T0238 Aglaia lawii (Meliaceae); Law Aglaia*. Isolated compounds: 744, 745,746, 747.T0239 Aglaia leucophylla (Meliaceae); BAI YE MI ZI LAN; WhiteleafAglaia*. Isolated compounds: 15598.T0240 Aglaia odorata (Meliaceae); MI ZI LAN; Chu-lan Tree. Used part:flower or leaf. TCM Effects: To dispel wind-damp, dissipate stasis anddisperse swelling. TCM Indications: Distention fullness in chest anddiaphragm, dysphagia-occlusion, cough and heavy head (flower),knocks and falls, flat abscess (leaf). Isolated compounds: 739, 5753,9768, 9769, 9981, 10379, 10677, 11966, 14714, 16002, 16003, 18262,18882, 18883.T0241 Aglaia oligophylla (Meliaceae). Isolated compounds: 18891.T0242 Aglaia pirifera (Meliaceae); LI MI ZI LAN; Pear Aglaia*. Isolatedcompounds: 17475.T0243 Aglaia ponapensis (Meliaceae). Isolated compounds: 1382, 1383,14714, 19910.T0244 Aglaia roxburghiana (Meliaceae); LUO KE SI BAO MI ZI LAN;Roxburg Aglaia*. Isolated compounds: 16002, 16003.T0245 Aglaia spectabilis (Meliaceae). Isolated compounds: 10677, 14714,18883, 18884, 18885, 18886, 18887, 18888, 18889, 18890, 18891.T0246 Aglaia tomentosa (Meliaceae); RONG MAO MI ZI LAN; TomentoseAglaia*. Isolated compounds: 742, 743, 744, 745, 746, 747.T0247 Agrimonia japonica (Rosaceae); RI BEN LONG YA CAO; JapaneseAgrimonia*. Isolated compounds: 757, 758, 759, 17750.T0248 Agrimonia pilosa (Rosaceae); LONG YA CAO; Hairyvein Agrimonia.Used part: aerial parts. TCM Effects: To promote astriction and stanchbleeding, check dysentery, kill worms. TCM Indications: Hemoptysis,blood ejection, hematuria, hematochezia, dysentery, flooding andspotting with vaginal discharge, bleeding due to external injury,malaria, trichomoniasis. Isolated compounds: 754, 759, 762, 10887,17361, 17362, 17363, 17386, 17750.T0249 Agrimonia pilosa var. japonica (Rosaceae); XIAN HE CAO; JapaneseArgimonia. Used part: aerial parts. TCM Effects: To promoteastriction and stanch bleeding, interrupt malaria, check dysentery,resolve toxin. TCM Indications: Hemoptysis, blood ejection, floodingand spotting, malaria, blood dysentery, swelling toxin <strong>of</strong> wellingabscess and sore, pudendal itch, Vaginal discharge. Isolatedcompounds: 753, 754, 755, 756, 760, 761, 762, 1492, 2887, 3308,3674, 6757, 8095, 10887, 15660, 16261, 18019, 18317, 19087, 19983,20792.T0250 Agrimonia pilosa var. japonica (Rosaceae); XIAN HE CAO GEN;Japanese Agrimonia Root. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To resolvetoxin and kill worms. TCM Indications: Red and white dysentery,amenorrhea, toxin swelling, taeniasis. Isolated compounds: 5699.T0251 Agrimonia pilosa var. japonica (Rosaceae); XIAN HE CAO GEN YA;Japanese Argimonia Rhizome. Used part: rhizome. TCM Effects: Toexpel tapeworm. TCM Indications: Taeniasis. Isolated compounds:762.T0252 Agrostemma githago (Caryophyllaceae); MAI XIAN WENG; GithagoAgrostemma. Isolated compounds: 765, 9183, 9297.T0253 Agrostophyllum brevipes (Orchidaceae); DUAN BING HE YE LAN;Short-stipe Agrostophyllum*. Isolated compounds: 766, 767.T0254 Agrostophyllum callosum (Orchidaceae); YING PI HE YE LAN;Callose Agrostophyllum. Isolated compounds: 767.T0255 Ailanthus altissima (Simaroubaceae); CHU BAI PI; Tree <strong>of</strong> HeavenAilanthus Bast. Used part: bast. TCM Effects: To eliminate heat anddry damp, astringe intestines and stanch bleeding, kill worms. TCMIndications: Chronic dysentery, chronic diarrhea, duodenal ulcer,intestinal wind bleeding, flooding and spotting, vaginal discharge,emission, white turbidity, ascariasis. Isolated compounds: 312, 774,777, 778, 779, 780, 1018, 3096, 3481, 6204, 13865, 15454, 18299,19826, 19827.T0256 Ailanthus excelsa (Simaroubaceae); GAO CHU; High Ailanthus*.Isolated compounds: 777, 5612, 8509, 13865, 18300, 18301.T0257 Ailanthus integrifolia ssp. calycina (Simaroubaceae); QUAN YUANCHU; Integrifolious Ailanthus*. Isolated compounds: 3481.T0258 Ailanthus malabarica (Simaroubaceae); MA LA BA CHU; HairyleafSouth Ailanthus. Isolated compounds: 3158.T0259 Aiphanes aculeata (Arecaceae); CI JI NU ZONG LV; Aculeate RufflePalm. Isolated compounds: 1448, 11672.T0260 Ajania fruticulosa (Asteraceae); GUAN MU YA JU; Shrubby Ajania.Isolated compounds: 7107, 7206, 7207.T0261 Ajuga chamaepitys (Lamiaceae); HUANG JIN GU CAO; YellowBugle. Isolated compounds: 794, 4455, 13411.T0262 Ajuga ciliata (Lamiaceae); JIN GU CAO; Ciliate Bugle. Used part:whole herb. TCM Effects: To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool bloodand disperse swelling. TCM Indications: Swelling pain in throat, lungheat hemoptysis, painful swelling from knocks and falls. Isolatedcompounds: 4455.T0263 Ajuga decumbens (Lamiaceae); BAI MAO XIA KU CAO; DecumbentBugle. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To clear heat and resolvetoxin, relieve cough and transform phlegm, cool blood and dissipateblood. TCM Indications: Swelling pain in throat, lung heat cough,pulmonary welling abscess, red eyes with gall, dysentery, swollenwelling abscess and clove sores, poisonous snake bite, knocks andfalls. Isolated compounds: 409, 788, 789, 790, 791, 792, 793, 794, 801,802, 803, 805, 806, 807, 810, 811, 4455, 4860, 6679, 12952, 17662.T0264 Ajuga forrestii (Lamiaceae); LI ZHI HAO; Forrest Bugle. Used part:whole herb. TCM Effects: To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit

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