Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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351tetanus, infant fright wind, wind-damp impediment pain, sores scaband lichen, damp itchy skin. Isolated compounds: 9045, 9046, 9047,9048, 9049, 9050, 9051, 9052, 10875.T0089 Aconitum crassicaule (Ranunculaceae); CU JING WU TOU;Thickstem Monkshood. Isolated compounds: 3483, 4210, 15228.T0090 Aconitum delavayi (Ranunculaceae); MA ER SHAN WU TOU;Delavy Monkshood. Used part: tuberoid. TCM Effects: To dispelwind-damp, relieve pain. TCM Indications: Wind-cold-dampimpediment, pain in joints. Isolated compounds: 4993.T0091 Aconitum excelsum (Ranunculaceae); ZI HUA GAO WU TOU;Purpleflower High Monkshood. Isolated compounds: 5073, 7673,12510, 14513, 14570, 14798.T0092 Aconitum falconeri (Ranunculaceae); FA KANG WU TOU; FalconMonkshood*. Isolated compounds: 7706, 11012, 18017.T0093 Aconitum ferox (Ranunculaceae); NI BO ER WU TOU; NepalMonkshood. Isolated compounds: 2372, 11012, 18017.T0094 Aconitum finetianum (Ranunculaceae); GAN WAN WU TOU; FinetMonkshood. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To dispel wind and relievepain, harmonize blood and vanquish toxin. TCM Indications:Wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls. Isolated compounds:2042, 4741, 4745, 4771, 5009, 5035, 7800, 11112, 11476, 12510,15658, 18168, 18531.T0095 Aconitum fischeri (Ranunculaceae); BO YE WU TOU; AzureMonkshood. Isolated compounds: 11867.T0096 Aconitum forrestii [Syn. Aconitum likiangense] (Ranunculaceae); LIJIANG WU TOU; Likiang Monkshood*. Used part: tuberoid. TCMEffects: To dispel wind-damp, settle pain. TCM Indications: Painfuljoints due to rheumatalgia, knocks and falls. Isolated compounds:3483, 7880, 12781, 12935, 22482, 22938.T0097 Aconitum franchetll (Ranunculaceae); DA DU WU TOU; FranchetMonkshood. Isolated compounds: 20650.T0098 Aconitum geniculatum (Ranunculaceae); XI BAN WU TOU;Geniculate Monkshood. Used part: tuberoid. TCM Effects: To dispelwind and dissipate cold, quicken blood and relieve pain, resolve toxinand disperse swelling. TCM Indications: Wind-cold-damp impediment,reversal cold <strong>of</strong> limbs, knocks and falls, sore toxin. Isolatedcompounds: 8270, 22938.T0099 Aconitum gymnandrum (Ranunculaceae); LU RUI WU TOU;Nakedstamen Monkshood. Used part: root, leaf and flower. TCMEffects: To dispel wind-damp, warm center and dissipate cold, killworms and relieve pain. TCM Indications: Rheumatism numbness,pain in joints, leprosy, stomachache, common cold, influenza,intestinal parasitic disease. Isolated compounds: 9103, 14478.T0100 Aconitum hemsleyanium var. circinacum (Ranunculaceae); QUAN JUGUA YE WU TOU; Circinate Hemsley Monkshood. Used part:tuberoid. TCM Effects: See Aconitum hemsleyanum. TCM Indications:See Aconitum hemsleyanum. Isolated compounds: 3735, 3736.T0101 Aconitum hemsleyanum (Ranunculaceae); GUA YE WU TOU;Hemsley Monkshood. Equivalent plant: Aconitum hemsleyanium var.circinacum. Used part: tuberoid. TCM Effects: To dispel wind andeliminate damp, quicken blood and relieve pain. TCM Indications:Painful joints due to rheumatalgia, pain in lumbus and legs, knocksand falls, innominate toxin swelling, lichen sore. Isolated compounds:1366, 2738, 3483, 4792, 6915, 9356, 11012, 18016, 19107, 19702,20650, 22938.T0102 Aconitum hemsleyanum var. leueanthus (Ranunculaceae); ZHUA KUIGUA YE WU TOU; Unguiculate Hemsley Monkshood. Isolatedcompounds: 3483, 4210, 4774, 5473, 7700, 7935, 12728, 12729,12730, 12731, 20650.T0103 Aconitum heterophyllum (Ranunculaceae); YI YE WU TOU;Heteroleaf Monkshood*. Isolated compounds: 1964, 9459, 9472.T0104 Aconitum japonicum (Ranunculaceae); RI BEN WU TOU; JapaneseMonkshood*. Isolated compounds: 5067, 11728, 20648.T0105 Aconitum karakolicum (Ranunculaceae); DUO GEN WU TOU;Manyroot Monkshood. Used part: tuberoid. TCM Effects: SeeAconitum carmichaeli. TCM Indications: See Aconitum carmichaeli.Isolated compounds: 551, 3201, 12160, 15250, 17127, 20076.T0106 Aconitum kirinense (Ranunculaceae); JI LIN WU TOU; KirinMonkshood*. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To dispel wind andeliminate damp, dissipate cold and relieve pain. TCM Indications:Wind-cold-damp impediment, hypertonicity <strong>of</strong> limbs, cold pain inheart and abdomen, swelling toxin <strong>of</strong> welling abscess and sore,toothache. Isolated compounds: 388, 392, 821, 7673, 8378, 12668,12669.T0107 Aconitum kongboense (Ranunculaceae); GONG BU WU TOU;Gongbo Monkshood. Used part: tuberoid. TCM Effects: To dispelwind and eliminate damp, relieve pain. TCM Indications: Painfuljoints due to rheumatalgia, knocks and falls, poisonous insect stings.Isolated compounds: 7936, 12259.T0108 Aconitum kusnez<strong>of</strong>fii (Ranunculaceae); BEI WU TOU; Kusnez<strong>of</strong>fMonkshood. Used part: tuberoid. TCM Effects: To dispel wind andovercome damp, warm channels and dissipate cold, disperse swellingand relieve pain. TCM Indications: Wind-cold-damp impediment, painin joints, head wind headache, wind stroke with hemiplegia, cold painin heart and abdomen, cold mounting with pain, knocks and falls,blood stasis swelling and pain, swelling toxin <strong>of</strong> flat abscess,anesthesia. Isolated compounds: 304, 554, 2214, 2231, 10875, 12668,13794, 17672, 22938.T0109 Aconitum leave (Ranunculaceae). Isolated compounds: 508, 5008,12510, 13872, 18169, 20501.T0110 Aconitum legendrei (Ranunculaceae); MIAN NING WU TOU;Legendre Monkshood. Isolated compounds: 20650.T0111 Aconitum leucostomum (Ranunculaceae); BAI HOU WU TOU;Whitethroat Monkshood. Isolated compounds: 508, 6227, 12668.Aconitum likiangense = Aconitum forrestiiT0112 Aconitum liljestrandii (Ranunculaceae); GONG GA SHAN WU TOU;Konka Mountain Monkshood. Isolated compounds: 4792, 4806, 8271,13065, 18016, 19107.T0113 Aconitum lucidusculum (Ranunculaceae); GUANG ZE WU TOU;Lucid Monkshood*. Isolated compounds: 13057.T0114 Aconitum lycoctonum (Ranunculaceae); LANG DU WU TOU;Badgersbane. Isolated compounds: 13169, 13189.T0115 Aconitum monticola (Ranunculaceae); SHAN DI WU TOU; CountryMonkshood. Isolated compounds: 5035, 20076.Aconitum nagarum = Aconitum bullatifolium var. homotrichumT0116 Aconitum nagarum var. heterotrichum [Syn. Aconitum bullatifolium]

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