Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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597T6794 Vitis amurensis (Vitaceae); SHAN PU TAO; Amur Grape. Used part:fruit. TCM Effects: To clear heat and disinhibit urine. TCMIndications: Heat vexation and thirst, urinary tract infection, inhibitedurination. Isolated compounds: 1090, 1092, 1093, 1095, 17889, 22505,22506, 22508, 22584, 22585, 22588, 22589.T6795 Vitis coignetiae (Vitaceae); XIE PU TAO; Coigne Grape*. Isolatedcompounds: 22586.T6796 Vitis sp. (Vitaceae). Isolated compounds: 13460.T6797 Vitis spp. (Vitaceae). Isolated compounds: 18643.T6798 Vitis vinifera (Vitaceae); PU (2) TAO; European Grape. Used part: fruit.TCM Effects: To supplement qi and blood, strengthen sinews andbones, disinhibit urine. TCM Indications: Vacuity <strong>of</strong> qi and blood,lung vacuity cough, palpitation and night sweating, wind-dampimpediment pain, strangury, edema. Isolated compounds: 943, 1445,1446, 1447, 2808, 3308, 3318, 7026, 8095, 8307, 8806, 9696, 9818,14229, 16010, 16550, 16901, 17024, 17869, 17876, 17884, 18163,18643, 18644, 18645, 18646, 19912, 20715, 21849, 22504, 22505,22507, 22587.T6799 Vitis vinifera (Vitaceae); PU TAO TENG YE; European Grape Stemand Leaf. Used part: stem-leaf. TCM Effects: To dispel wind andeliminate damp, disinhibit water and disperse edema, resolve toxin.TCM Indications: Edema, inhibited urination, red eyes, swollenwelling abscess, wind-damp impediment pain. Isolated compounds:8806, 18421.T6800 Viverra zibetha (Viverridae); LING MAO XIANG; Civet. Used part:secretion with a musky odor secreted from anal scent glands. TCMEffects: To move qi, quicken blood, quiet spirit, relieve pain. TCMIndications: Sudden pain in heart and abdomen, mounting qi. Isolatedcompounds: 3780, 7420, 11025, 17935, 19459.T6801 Vladimiria denticulata (Asteraceae); YUE XI MU XIANG;Denticulate Vladimiria. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To rectify qi,relieve pain. TCM Indications: Pain in stomach duct and rib-side,diarrhea, dysentery, indigestion. Isolated compounds: 4128, 4891.T6802 Vladimiria souliei [Syn. Jurinea souliei] (Asteraceae); CHUAN MUXIANG; Common Vladimiria. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To moveqi and relieve pain. TCM Indications: Distending pain in stomach duct,rumbling intestines and diarrhea, tenesmus, liver gallbladder pain.Isolated compounds: 4128, 4891, 13588, 15705.T6803 Volvariella volvacea (Pluteaceae); CAO GU; Straw Mushroom. Usedpart: sporocarp. TCM Effects: To clear heat and resolve summerheat,supplement qi and blood, lower blood pressure. TCM Indications:Summerheat-heat vexation and thirst, vacuity and hypodynamia,hypertension. Isolated compounds: 14229, 14237.T6804 Vouacapoua americana (Fabaceae); MEI GUO KE YA SHU;American Vouacapoua*. Isolated compounds: 3276, 14814, 22619.T6805 Vouacapoua macropetala (Fabaceae); CHANG HUA BAN KE YASHU; Longpetal Vouacapoua*. Isolated compounds: 17278.WT6806 Walsura piscidia (Meliaceae); PI XI DI GE SHE SHU; PiscidiCuttongue tree*. Isolated compounds: 17480.T6807 Walsura yunnanensis (Meliaceae); YUN NAN GE SHE SHU; YunnanCuttongue tree. Isolated compounds: 22631.T6808 Waltheria americana (Sterculiaceae); HE TA CAO; Florida Waltheria.Used part: root and stem. TCM Effects: To expel wind and eliminatedamp, resolve toxin and eliminate inflammation. TCM Indications:Vaginal discharge, welling abscess and boil, mastitis. Isolatedcompounds: 648, 649, 650, 651.T6809 Waltheria douradinha (Sterculiaceae). Isolated compounds: 14815,22632, 22633, 22634.T6810 Warburgia salutaris . Isolated compounds: 22638.T6811 Warburgia stuhlmannii . Isolated compounds: 6377, 11670, 15023,15024, 15025.T6812 Warburgia ugandensis . Isolated compounds: 12017, 12084, 12100,18388.T6813 Warionia saharae . Isolated compounds: 4941, 5274, 5275, 5494, 5794,7115, 7182, 9564, 10155, 14195, 14978, 18673, 19128, 19129.Wedelia calendulacea = Wedelia chinensisT6814 Wedelia chinensis [Syn. Solidago chinensis; Wedelia calendulacea](Asteraceae); PENG QI JU; <strong>Chinese</strong> Wedelia. Used part: whole herb.TCM Effects: To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool blood and dissipatestasis. TCM Indications: Common cold with fever, pharyngolaryngitis,parotitis, tonsillitis, diphtheria, pertussis, trachitis, pneumonia,tuberculosis and hemoptysis, nosebleed(epistaxis), hematuria,infective hepatitis, dysentery, hemorrhoids, swelling toxin <strong>of</strong> clovesore. Isolated compounds: 5101.T6815 Wedelia sp. (Asteraceae). Isolated compounds: 11794.T6816 Welwitschia mirabilis (Welwitschiaceae); BAI SUI YE; LonglivedLeaf. Isolated compounds: 8881.T6817 widely distributed in nature ; Widely distributed in nature. Isolatedcompounds: 618, 19759, 21342, 22324.T6818 Wigandia urens (Hydrophyllaceae). Isolated compounds: 6008, 14004,14027.T6819 Wikstroemia chamaedaphne (Thymelaeaceae); HE SHUO YAO HUA;Lowdaphne Stringbush. Used part: bud. TCM Effects: To drainprecipitation and expel water, reduce phlegm. TCM Indications:Edema, distention fullness in stomach duct, phlegm-rheum, cough andcounterflow with asthma and fullness, infective hepatitis,shcizophrenia, epilepsy. Isolated compounds: 15935, 22929.T6820 Wikstroemia indica (Thymelaeaceae); LIAO GE WANG GEN; IndianStringbush Root. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To clear heat,disinhibit urine, resolve toxin, break accumulation and kill worms.TCM Indications: Pertussis, rheumatic arthritis, leprosy, bronchialasthma, amebic dysentery, pneumonia, epidemic parotitis, edema,scr<strong>of</strong>ula, toxin swelling <strong>of</strong> sores, swelling and pus <strong>of</strong> sores, knocks andfalls. Isolated compounds: 1621, 2490, 2491, 4651, 4657, 11017,15805, 15809, 19891, 19892, 20556, 21589, 22668.T6821 Wikstroemia lanceolata (Thymelaeaceae); PI ZHEN XING YAO HUA;Lanceolate Stringbush*. Isolated compounds: 1537, 5376, 6204, 9035,9544.T6822 Wikstroemia monticola (Thymelaeaceae); SHAN DI YAO HUA;Country Stringbush*. Isolated compounds: 19902.T6823 Wikstroemia sikokiana (Thymelaeaceae); SI GUO YAO HUA; SikoStringbush*. Isolated compounds: 19890.T6824 Wikstroemia sp. (Thymelaeaceae). Isolated compounds: 17409, 20556.T6825 Winchia calophylla (Apocynaceae); PEN JIA SHU; Prettyleaf Winchia.

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