Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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596T6770 Virola surinamensis [Syn. Myristica surinamensis] (Myristicaceae);SU LI NAN ROU DOU KOU; Ucahub; Baboen. Isolated compounds:10515, 10516, 14381, 14383, 20492.T6771 Viscum album (Loranthaceae); LUAN YE HU JI SHENG; WhiteMistletoe. Used part: stem and branch-leaf. TCM Effects: To dispelwind-damp, strengthen sinews and bones, promote lactation. TCMIndications: Wind-damp impediment pain, limp wilting sinew andbone, lumbago and limp leg, postpartum scant milk. Isolatedcompounds: 22158.T6772 Viscum angulatum (Loranthaceae); LENG ZHI HU JI SHENG;Angulate Mistletoe*. Used part: stem-leaf. TCM Effects: To dispelwind-damp, strengthen sinews and bones, relieve cough, disperseswelling, lower blood pressure. TCM Indications: Wind-dampimpediment pain, aching in lumbus and legs, cough, hemoptysis,stomachache, stirring fetus disquieted, sore and boil, hypertension.Isolated compounds: 9604, 15279, 17404, 18683, 21179, 22540.T6773 Viscum articulactum (Loranthaceae); BIAN ZHI HU JI SHENG;Flatshort Mistletoe. Used part: branchlet-leaf . TCM Effects: SeeViscum articulatum. TCM Indications: See Viscum articulatum.Isolated compounds: 16050, 17405, 17407.T6774 Viscum articulatum (Loranthaceae); FENG XIANG JI SHENG;Flatshoot Mistletoe. Equivalent plant: Viscum articulactum. Used part:branchlet-leaf . TCM Effects: To dispel wind and eliminate damp,soothe sinews and quicken blood, relieve cough and transform phlegm,stanch bleeding. TCM Indications: Wind-damp impediment pain, limpaching lumbus and knees, painful wound from knocks and falls,taxation damage cough, flooding and spotting with vaginal discharge,postpartum blood qi vacuity. Isolated compounds: 7338, 11083, 11084,11085, 12905, 16050, 22536.T6775 Viscum coloratum (Loranthaceae); HU JI SHENG; Colored Mistletoe.Used part: stem and branch-leaf. TCM Effects: To dispel wind-damp,supplement liver and kidney, strengthen sinews and bones, quiet fetus.TCM Indications: Hypertension, cerebral and cardiovascular diseases,wind-damp impediment pain, limp aching lumbus and knees, stirringfetus in pregnancy. Isolated compounds: 7280, 9604, 9605, 9705,14418, 16050, 18675, 22536, 22537, 22538, 22539, 22540, 22541,22542.T6776 Viscum cruciatum (Loranthaceae); SHI ZI XING FENG JI SHENG;Cruciate Mistletoe*. Isolated compounds: 4930.T6777 Viscum multinerve (Loranthaceae); BING GUO HU JI SHENG;Stipefruit Mistletoe. Used part: stem-leaf. TCM Effects: To dispelwind-damp, supplement liver and kidney, quicken blood and relievepain, quiet fetus, promote lactation. TCM Indications: Wind-dampimpediment pain, pain in lumbus and legs, knocks and falls,hypertension, stirring fetus disquieted, breast milk stoppage. Isolatedcompounds: 16823, 18675.T6778 Viscum sp. (Loranthaceae). Isolated compounds: 19922.T6779 Vismia guianensis (Clusiaceae). Isolated compounds: 22543, 22544,22545, 22546, 22547, 22548, 22549.T6780 Vismia orientalis (Clusiaceae); DONG FANG WEI SI MU; OrientalVismia*. Isolated compounds: 2346, 6776, 8325, 22551.T6781 Vismia sp. (Clusiaceae). Isolated compounds: 13808.T6782 Vitex agnuscastus (Verbenaceae); SUI HUA MU JING; LilacChastetree. Isolated compounds: 750, 751, 752, 5308.T6783 Vitex altissima (Verbenaceae); ZUI GAO MU JING YE; HighestChastetree Leaf*. Isolated compounds: 1009, 9827.T6784 Vitex littoralis (Verbenaceae); BIN MU JING; Littoral Chastetree*.Isolated compounds: 11773, 22581.T6785 Vitex lucens (Verbenaceae); XIN XI LAN MU JING; Puriri. Isolatedcompounds: 2455, 11773, 22581.T6786 Vitex megapotamica (Verbenaceae). Isolated compounds: 18162.T6787 Vitex negundo (Verbenaceae); HUANG JING GEN; NegundoChastetree Root. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To resolve exterior,relieve cough, dispel wind and eliminate damp, rectify qi and relievepain. TCM Indications: Common cold, chronic trachitis, wind-dampimpediment pain, stomachache, sand qi, abdominal pain. Isolatedcompounds: 15322, 15323.T6788 Vitex negundo (Verbenaceae); HUANG JING YE; Negundo ChastetreeLeaf. Used part: leaf. TCM Effects: To clear heat and resolve exterior,resolve toxin and disinhibit damp. TCM Indications: Common cold,summerheat stroke, vomiting and diarrhea, dysentery, malaria,jaundice, rheumatism, painful swelling from knocks and falls, sore andwelling abscess, scab and lichen. Isolated compounds: 107, 2259,3300, 5319, 5387, 5401, 5536, 6483, 6500, 9507, 10252, 15324,15628.T6789 Vitex negundo (Verbenaceae); HUANG JING ZHONG ZI; NegundoChastetree Seed*. Used part: fruit. TCM Effects: To dispel wind andresolve exterior, relieve cough and calm asthma, rectify qi and dispersefood with relieving pain. TCM Indications: Wind damage andcommon cold, cough, asthma, stomachache with acid regurgitation,indigestion, food accumulation diarrhea, cholecystitis, gallstones,mounting qi [=hernia]. Isolated compounds: 5279, 5582, 10185, 22565,22566, 22567, 22594, 22595.T6790 Vitex rotundifolia [Syn. Vitex trifollia var. simplicifolia] (Verbenaceae);DAN YE MAN JING; Simpleleaf Shrub Chastetree. Isolatedcompounds: 5279, 5280, 5281, 22590, 22591, 22592, 22593, 22594,22595.T6791 Vitex rotundifolia [Syn. Vitex trifollia var. simplicifolia] (Verbenaceae);DAN YE MAN JING ZI; Simpleleaf Shrub Chastetree Fruit. Used part:seed. TCM Effects: See Vitex trifolia. TCM Indications: See Vitextrifolia. Isolated compounds: 159, 1792, 3045, 3300, 6160, 11208,17376, 17377, 18656, 22571, 22575, 22576, 22577, 22578, 22580.T6792 Vitex trifolia (Verbenaceae); MAN JING YE; Threeleaf ChastetreeLeaf. Equivalent plant: DAN YE MAN JING YE. Used part: leaf.TCM Effects: To disperse swelling and relieve pain. TCM Indications:Head wind, knocks and falls. Isolated compounds: 20999.T6793 Vitex trifolia (Verbenaceae); MAN JING ZI; Threeleaf Chastetree Fruit.Equivalent plant: Vitex rotundifolia. Used part: seed. TCM Effects: Todispel wind-heat, clear head and eyes. TCM Indications: Externallycontracted wind-heat, dizziness and headache, migraine, gum swellingand pain, red eyes with gall, delacrimation, wind-damp impedimentpain, hypertonicity <strong>of</strong> limbs. Isolated compounds: 6, 227, 3300, 3624,3689, 4204, 4205, 5718, 9818, 12891, 15203, 16066, 16561, 17089,17851, 18955, 19983, 19987, 20280, 20995, 21414, 22336, 22568,22569, 22570, 22571, 22572, 22573, 22574, 22579, 22580, 22581.Vitex trifollia var. simplicifolia = Vitex rotundifolia

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