Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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59422270, 22271, 22397.T6710 Verbena stricta (Verbenaceae); JIAN TING MA BIAN CAO; StrictVerbena*. Isolated compounds: 22397.T6711 Verbena triphylla [Syn. Lippia citriodora] (Verbenaceae); SAN YEMA BIAN CAO; Trifoliolate Verbena*. Isolated compounds: 3760,22399.T6712 Vernonia amygdalina (Asteraceae); BIAN TAO ZHUANG BAN JIUJU; Bitterleaf. Isolated compounds: 22405, 22412, 22414.T6713 Vernonia anthelmintica (Asteraceae); QU CHONG BAN JIU JU;Worm-killed Bitterleaf. Used part: fruit or whole herb. TCM Effects:To dispel wind and quicken blood, kill worms and relieve itch, resolvetoxin. TCM Indications: White patch wind, skin diseases, oxyuriadisease, ascariasis. Isolated compounds: 2559, 22406.T6714 Vernonia chinense (Asteraceae); ZHONG GUO BAN JIU JU; <strong>Chinese</strong>Bitterleaf*. Isolated compounds: 22407.T6715 Vernonia colorata (Asteraceae); YOU SE BAN JIU JU; ColorfulBitterleaf. Isolated compounds: 22412.T6716 Vernonia esculenta (Asteraceae); BAN JIU JU; Edible Bitterleaf. Usedpart: root or leaf. TCM Effects: To clear heat and resolve toxin,engender flesh and close sores. TCM Indications: Appendicitis, soreand boil, burns and scalds. Isolated compounds: 22405, 22411, 22413,22414.T6717 Vernonia flexuosa (Asteraceae); WAN YAN BAN JIU JU; FlexuousBitterleaf*. Isolated compounds: 22407, 22408.T6718 Vernonia guineensis (Asteraceae); JI NEI YA BAN JIU JU; GuineaBitterleaf*. Isolated compounds: 5490, 5493, 16861, 22409, 22410.T6719 Vernonia lasiopus (Asteraceae). Isolated compounds: 7032, 12541,22406.T6720 Vernonia pogosperma (Asteraceae); BO GE BAN JIU JU;Manysperma Bitterleaf*. Isolated compounds: 17600.T6721 Vernonia sp. (Asteraceae). Isolated compounds: 7226.T6722 Veronica anagallis-aquatica (Scrophulariaceae); BEI SHUI KU MAI;Watery Speedwell. Used part: whole herb with insect gall fruit. TCMEffects: To clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood and stanchbleeding. TCM Indications: Common cold, sore pharynx, taxationdamage hemoptysis, dysentery, blood strangury, menstrual disorder[=menoxenia], swelling <strong>of</strong> sores, knocks and falls. Isolated compounds:1538, 1539, 1540, 10353, 10355.T6723 Veronica arvensis (Scrophulariaceae); ZHI LI PO PO NA; CommonSpeedwell. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To clear heat,interrupt malaria. TCM Indications: Malaria. Isolated compounds:2004.T6724 Veronica liwanensis (Scrophulariaceae). Isolated compounds: 10352,10356.T6725 Veronica longifolia (Scrophulariaceae); CHANG WEI PO PO NA;Longleaf Speedwell. Isolated compounds: 10352, 10356.T6726 Veronica pectinata var. glandulosa (Scrophulariaceae); SHU CHI POPO NA; Pectinate Speedwell*. Isolated compounds: 6718, 22416,22417, 22418.T6727 Veronica persica (Scrophulariaceae); A LA BO PO PO NA; IranSpeedwell. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To dispel wind andeliminate damp, strengthen lumbus, interrupt malaria. TCMIndications: Wind-damp impediment pain, kidney vacuity lumbago,enduring malaria. Isolated compounds: 580, 1082, 2004, 3307, 6632,10353, 11195, 12577, 16994, 22392, 22403, 22415, 22419.T6728 Veronica serpyllifolia (Scrophulariaceae); XIAO PO PO NA;Thymeleaf Speedwell. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: Toquicken blood and dissipate stasis, stanch bleeding, resolve toxin.TCM Indications: Knocks and falls, menstrual disorder, bleeding dueto external injury, mouth sore, burns and scalds. Isolated compounds:2004.T6729 Veronica spuria (Scrophulariaceae); YI ZHI XIANG; BastardSpeedwell. Used part: herb. TCM Effects: To suppress cough,transform phlegm, calm asthma. TCM Indications: Chronic trachitis.Isolated compounds: 10351, 13504.T6730 Veronica thymoides ssp. pseudocinerea (Scrophulariaceae); JIA HUISE JIU LI XIANG PO PO NA; Thyme Speedwell*. Isolatedcompounds: 85, 2279, 3674, 6074, 6081, 7557, 10694, 10695, 11704.T6731 Veronicastrum sibiricum (Scrophulariaceae); ZHAN LONG JIAN;Siberian Veronicastrum. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To clearheat and resolve toxin, dispel wind and eliminate damp, relieve pain.TCM Indications: Wind-damp pain in lumbus and legs, courbature,common cold, cystitis, tuberculosis, bleeding due to external injury,poisonous snake bite, poisonous insect stings. Isolated compounds:3674, 4292, 5721, 12987, 13504, 14871, 19867, 19868, 19869, 19870,20685, 20686.T6732 Vespertilio superans (Vespertilionidae); YE MING SHA; Bat Dung.Used part: dried feces. TCM Effects: To clear heat and brighten eyes,dissipate blood and eliminate accumulation. TCM Indications:Clear-eye blindness, night blindness, internal or external obstructionand screen, scr<strong>of</strong>ula, gan accumulation, malaria. Isolated compounds:3585, 22246, 22251.T6733 Vetiveria zizanioides (Poaceae); YAN LAN CAO; Vetiver. Isolatedcompounds: 22440, 22441.T6734 Viburnum awabuki (Caprifoliaceae); RI BEN JIA MI; JapaneseViburnum. Isolated compounds: 7033, 7034, 7036, 7037, 14399,14404, 14615, 14616, 14617, 14648, 14808, 15472, 15473, 15474,15475, 22443, 22444, 22446, 22448, 22451, 22452, 22453, 22454,22455, 22456, 22457, 22458.T6735 Viburnum dilatatum (Caprifoliaceae); JIA MI; Linden Viburnum. Usedpart: stem-leaf. TCM Effects: To course wind and resolve exterior,clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood. TCM Indications:Wind-heat common cold, clove sore with fever, postpartum windtetany, fracture due to knocks and falls. Isolated compounds: 15864.T6736 Viburnum erubescens (Caprifoliaceae); HONG JIA MI; RedViburnum*. Isolated compounds: 9259.T6737 Viburnum luzonicum (Caprifoliaceae); LV SONG JIA MI; LuzonViburnum*. Used part: stem-leaf. TCM Effects: To dispel wind andeliminate damp, quicken blood. TCM Indications: Wind-dampimpediment pain, knocks and falls. Isolated compounds: 13153, 13154,13155, 13156, 13157, 13158, 13159, 13160, 13161, 13162, 13163,13164, 13165, 13166, 13167.T6738 Viburnum odoratissimum (Caprifoliaceae); XIANG QI JIA MI; SweetViburnum*. Used part: Leaf, bark, root. TCM Effects: To dispel windand eliminate damp, free channels and quicken network vessels. TCMIndications: Common cold, wind-damp impediment pain, painful

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