Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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5932887, 3045, 7229, 7749, 8754, 9455, 10601, 10652, 10654, 10655,11754, 11755, 11762, 12604, 13283, 13590, 15222, 15223, 16884,17412, 17415, 18279, 20998, 22312, 22313, 22314, 22315, 22316,22317, 22318, 22319, 22320, 22321, 22323.T6680 Valeriana <strong>of</strong>ficinalis var. latifolia (Valerianaceae); KUO YE XIE CAO;Broadleaf Common Valeriana. Used part: root and rhizome. TCMEffects: See Valeriana <strong>of</strong>ficinalis. TCM Indications: See Valeriana<strong>of</strong>ficinalis. Isolated compounds: 2555, 3045, 4550, 6482, 12191,12192, 12193, 12194, 12843, 17376, 17377, 20995, 22312, 22313,22314.T6681 Valeriana sp. (Valerianaceae). Isolated compounds: 5482, 11754.T6682 Valeriana spp. (Valerianaceae). Isolated compounds: 3551, 22312.Valeriana wallichii = Valeriana jatamansiiT6683 Vallisneria spiralis (Hydrocharitaceae); KU CAO; Eelgrass. Used part:whole herb. TCM Effects: To dry damp and check discharge, move qiand quicken blood. TCM Indications: Vaginal discharge, postpartumpersistent flow <strong>of</strong> lochia. Isolated compounds: 6722, 20168.T6684 Vanilla planifolia (Orchidaceae); XIANG ZI LAN; Vanilla. Used part:whole herb. TCM Effects: To clear heat and resolve toxin. TCMIndications: Poisonous snake bites. Isolated compounds: 22336.T6685 Vanilla sp. (Orchidaceae). Isolated compounds: 1282, 17470, 22336.T6686 Vatica rassak (Dipterocarpaceae); QING MEI; Rassak Vatica*.Isolated compounds: 17283, 18643, 22354, 22355, 22356, 22357,22505.T6687 Venidium decurrens (Asteraceae); NI JIN ZHAN JU; Cape Dandelion.Isolated compounds: 9015.T6688 Ventilago calyculata (Rhamnaceae); MAO GUO YI HE GUO;Hairyfruit Ventilago. Isolated compounds: 6776.T6689 Ventilago leiocarpa (Rhamnaceae); YI HE GUO; SmoothfruitVentilago. Used part: rhizome. TCM Effects: To supplement qi andblood, strengthen sinews and bones, soothe channels and networkvessels. TCM Indications: Qi-blood depletion, menstrual disorder,anemia and amenorrhea, wind-damp pain, knocks and falls, taxationdamage in lumbar muscle. Isolated compounds: 1764, 3319, 3615,6776, 10068, 11191, 11192, 12606, 13098, 16665, 20010, 20369,20711, 21713, 22377, 22378, 22379.T6690 Vepris louisii LU YI CI JU; Louis Vepris*. Used part: stem cortex androot cortex. TCM Indications: Dermatitis [5509] . Isolated compounds:22380.T6691 Veratrilla baillonii (Gentianaceae); HUANG QIN JIAO; BaillonVeratrilla. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To clear heat and resolvetoxin, kill worms, quicken network vessels and relieve pain. TCMIndications: Lung heat cough, tonsillitis, gastritis, dysentery, chroniccholecystitis, nephritis, mastitis, ascariasis, burns, knocks and falls,swelling toxin <strong>of</strong> welling abscess and sore. Isolated compounds: 21191,22387, 22388.T6692 Veratrum album (Liliaceae); BAI LI LU; White Falsehellebore.Isolated compounds: 4522, 11866, 15395, 15452, 17995, 17996,18643, 22395, 23033.T6693 Veratrum album var. lobelianum [Syn. Veratrum lobelianum](Liliaceae); BAN BIAN LIAN ZHUANG LI LU; LobeliaFalsehellebore*. Used part: root and rhizome. TCM Effects: To relievepain, kill worms and ejection. TCM Indications: Wind-dampimpediment pain, knocks and falls, scab and lichen, malign sore,mania and withdrawal with congesting phlegm. Isolated compounds:783, 22395.T6694 Veratrum californicum (Liliaceae); JIA ZHOU LI LU; CalifornianFalsehellebore*. Isolated compounds: 4522.T6695 Veratrum eschscholtzii (Liliaceae); AI XI SHOU SHI LI LU;Eschscholtz Falsehellebore*. Isolated compounds: 15396.T6696 Veratrum fimbriatum (Liliaceae); LIU SU LI LU; FimbriateFalsehellebore*. Isolated compounds: 15396.T6697 Veratrum grandiflorum (Liliaceae); MAO YE LI LU; LargeflowerFalsehellebore. Used part: root and rhizome. TCM Effects: SeeVeratrum nigrum. TCM Indications: See Veratrum nigrum. Isolatedcompounds: 4337, 11866, 18643, 20056, 22386.Veratrum lobelianum = Veratrum album var. lobelianumT6698 Veratrum nigrum (Liliaceae); LI LU; Black Falsehellebore. Equivalentplant: Veratrum grandiflorum. Used part: root and rhizome. TCMEffects: To promote vomiting, dispel wind and transform phlegm,lower blood pressure, kill worms. TCM Indications: Wind stroke withcongesting phlegm, epilepsy, malaria, scab and lichen, malign sore.Isolated compounds: 3911, 4522, 8352, 11866, 18030, 19030, 20056,22395, 23031, 23032.T6699 Veratrum nigrum var. ussuriense (Liliaceae); WU SU LI LI LU; UssuriFalsehellebore. Isolated compounds: 18643, 22434.T6700 Veratrum viride (Liliaceae); LV LI LU; Green Falsehellebore. Isolatedcompounds: 8353, 11866, 15395, 15396, 15452, 22386.T6701 Verbascum lychnites (Scrophulariaceae); JIAN QIU LUO MAO RUIHUA; White Mullein. Isolated compounds: 56, 3306, 3307.T6702 Verbascum phlomoides (Scrophulariaceae); JU SE MAO RUI HUA;Orange Mullein. Isolated compounds: 4249.T6703 Verbascum saccatum (Scrophulariaceae); NANG ZHUANG MAORUI HUA; Saccate Mullein*. Isolated compounds: 19104.T6704 Verbascum sinuatum (Scrophulariaceae); DI ZHONG HAI MAO RUIHUA; Mediterranean Mullein. Isolated compounds: 580.T6705 Verbascum thapsus (Scrophulariaceae); MAO RUI HUA; FlannelMullein. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To clear heat andresolve toxin, stanch bleeding and dissipate stasis. TCM Indications:Pneumonia, chronic appendicitis, sore toxin, sprain from knocks andfalls, bleeding due to external injury. Isolated compounds: 2004, 3306,4140, 18939.T6706 Verbascum wiedemannianum (Scrophulariaceae); ZI HUA GUANMAO RUI HUA; Purplered-corolla Mullein*. Isolated compounds:580, 7925, 12726, 13580, 22662, 22663, 22664, 22665, 22666.T6707 Verbena hastata (Verbenaceae); JI YE MA BIAN CAO; HastateVerbena. Isolated compounds: 9244, 22397.T6708 Verbena littoralis (Verbenaceae); HAI BIAN MA BIAN CAO; LittoralVerbena*. Isolated compounds: 8259, 12934.T6709 Verbena <strong>of</strong>ficinalis (Verbenaceae); MA BIAN CAO; European Verbena.Used part: aerial parts. TCM Effects: To quicken blood and dissipatestasis, interrupt malaria, resolve toxin, disinhibit water and disperseedema. TCM Indications: Malaria, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea,throat impediment, edema, heat strangury, diphtheria, bilharziosis,dysentery, concretion conglomeration accumulation and gathering.Isolated compounds: 618, 1792, 4060, 5735, 6123, 9244, 10698,

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