Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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584(Cupressaceae); CE BAI ZHI JIE; <strong>Chinese</strong> Arborvitae Branch. Usedpart: branchlet. TCM Effects: To dispel wind and eliminate damp,resolve toxin and cure sores. TCM Indications: Wind impediment,joint running wind, cholera cramp, gum swelling and pain. Isolatedcompounds: 2396, 2397, 3466, 4368, 4369, 4370, 4371, 4372, 4374,4375, 4392, 4894, 5924, 11255, 11256, 11357, 13625, 21351, 22656,22659, 22660, 22661.T6440 Thuja orientalis [Syn. Platycladus orientalis; Biota orientalis](Cupressaceae); CE BAI YE; <strong>Chinese</strong> Arborvitae Leaf. Used part: leaf.TCM Effects: To cool blood and stanch bleeding, relieve cough anddispel phlegm, dispel wind-damp, dissipate toxin swelling. TCMIndications: Hemoptysis, duodenal bleeding, chronic bronchitis,tuberculosis, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematuria,hematochezia, blood dysentery, incessant flooding and spotting, coughwith pr<strong>of</strong>use phlegm, wind-damp impediment pain, erysipelas,epidemic parotitis, scalds, burns. Isolated compounds: 1030, 1764,3241, 3242, 4376, 6333, 7751, 9543, 10656, 11358, 11594, 11596,11598, 11600, 12062, 12455, 15170, 15184, 15664, 16366, 17422,17423, 18317, 18411, 21350, 22492.T6441 Thuja plicata (Cupressaceae); BEI MEI XIANG BAI; WesternArborvitae. Isolated compounds: 17561, 21347, 21348.T6442 Thuja standishii (Cupressaceae); RI BEN XIANG BAI JING PI;Japanese Arborviate Stem-bark. Isolated compounds: 7764, 11358,16367, 16368, 19236, 20465.T6443 Thujopsis dolobrata (Cupressaceae); LUO HAN BAI; BroadleafArborvitae Hiba. Isolated compounds: 1372, 17876.T6444 Thunbergia grandiflora (Acanthaceae); DA HUA SHAN QIAN NIU;Bengal Clockvine. Used part: stem-leaf. TCM Effects: To resolvetoxin and disperse swelling, quicken blood and relieve pain. TCMIndications: Knocks and falls, fracture, sore and boil, snake bite.Isolated compounds: 1493.T6445 Thunbergia laurifolia (Acanthaceae); TAI GUO SHAN QIAN NIU;Thailand Clockvine (Raang-Chuet). Isolated compounds: 6927, 8733.T6446 Thymbra spp. (Lamiaceae). Isolated compounds: 6162, 21709.T6447 Thymus longiflorus (Lamiaceae). Isolated compounds: 15440.T6448 Thymus magnus (Lamiaceae); CHAO XIAN DA BAI LI XIANG;Korean Big Thyme*. Isolated compounds: 3048, 3231, 4550, 20990,21360.T6449 Thymus piperella (Lamiaceae). Isolated compounds: 6162.T6450 Thymus quinquecostatus (Lamiaceae); WU MAI BAI LI XIANG;Fiveribbed Thyme. Isolated compounds: 3048, 3231, 4550, 20990,21360.T6451 Thymus satureioide (Lamiaceae); TA HUA BAI LI XIANG. Isolatedcompounds: 21709.T6452 Thymus serpyllum (Lamiaceae); BAI LI XIANG; Breckland Thyme.Isolated compounds: 1476, 20995, 21360.T6453 Thymus spp. (Lamiaceae). Isolated compounds: 22768.T6454 Thymus vulgaris (Lamiaceae); SHE XIANG CAO; Thyme. Used part:herb. TCM Effects: To suppress cough and dispel wind. TCMIndications: Pertussis, acute bronchitis, pharyngolaryngitis. Isolatedcompounds: 2550, 2555, 2887, 3231, 3241, 3242, 3683, 3741, 7522,9528, 10268, 10269, 10270, 12420, 12850, 13745, 13746, 13749,13755, 14509, 14510, 14597, 14598, 20992, 20995, 21344, 21360,21362, 21365, 21366, 22467.T6455 Tibouchina semidecandra (Melastomataceae); Glory Bush. Isolatedcompounds: 15641, 15642, 17754.T6456 Tilia alburnum (Tiliaceae); BAI DUAN; White Linden*. Isolatedcompounds: 12018.T6457 Tilia japonica (Tiliaceae); HUA DONG DUAN; Japanese Linden.Used part: flower. TCM Effects: See Tilia miqueliana. TCMIndications: See Tilia miqueliana. Isolated compounds: 21391.T6458 Tilia miqueliana (Tiliaceae); PU TI SHU HUA; Miquel Linden.Equivalent plant: Tilia japonica. Used part: flower. TCM Effects: Tosettle tetany, calm, effuse sweat and abate fever. TCM Indications:Wind-cold common cold, headache and generalized pain, frightepilepsy. Isolated compounds: 7734.T6459 Tilia sp. (Tiliaceae). Isolated compounds: 5613.T6460 Tilia spp. (Tiliaceae). Isolated compounds: 17399, 21392.T6461 Tilia vulgaris (Tiliaceae); DUAN SHU; Common Lime. Isolatedcompounds: 20237.T6462 Tinospora baenzigeri (Menispermaceae). Isolated compounds: 2098,2099, 2100.T6463 Tinospora capillipes (Menispermaceae); JIN GUO LAN; HairystalkTinospora. Used part: root. TCM Effects: See Tinospora sagittata.TCM Indications: See Tinospora sagittata. Isolated compounds: 3934,3939, 16555.T6464 Tinospora cordifolia (Menispermaceae); XIN XING YE QING NIUDAN; Cardialeaf Tinospora*. Isolated compounds: 1084, 1085, 1086,1087.T6465 Tinospora craveniana (Menispermaceae); JIANG XI QING NIU DAN;Jiangxi Tinospora*. Isolated compounds: 6680.T6466 Tinospora hainanensis (Menispermaceae); HAI NAN QING NIUDAN; Hainan Tinospora. Isolated compounds: 3747, 6219, 11851,14748.T6467 Tinospora sagittata (Menispermaceae); QING NIU DAN;Arrowshaped Tinospora. Equivalent plant: Tinospora capillipes. Usedpart: root. TCM Effects: To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibitthroat, relieve pain. TCM Indications: Swelling pain in throat, wellingabscess and flat abscess with clove sore, diarrhea, dysentery, heat painin stomach duct and abdomen. Isolated compounds: 3939, 11338,20321, 21398.T6468 Tinospora sinensis (Menispermaceae); ZHONG HUA QING NIUDAN; <strong>Chinese</strong> Tinospora*. Used part: stem. TCM Effects: To dispelwind and relieve pain, soothe sinews and quicken network vessels.TCM Indications: Wind-damp impediment pain, taxation damage inlumbar muscle, knocks and falls. Isolated compounds: 10949, 11480,17419, 17922, 20669, 21399, 21400, 21401.T6469 Tithonia diversifolia (Asteraceae); ZHONG BIN JU; Yucatan Tithonia.Used part: leaf. TCM Effects: To clear heat and resolve toxin. TCMIndications: Acute gastroenteritis, toxin swelling <strong>of</strong> sores Isolatedcompounds: 175, 216, 240, 1438, 1439, 1440, 5898, 6064, 7204,10769, 15926, 20609, 20610, 20611, 21410.T6470 Tithonia tagiliflora (Asteraceae); MO XI GE XIANG RI KUI;Mexican Sunflower. Isolated compounds: 16205, 20612.Toddalia aculeata = Toddalia asiaticaT6471 Toddalia asiatica [Syn. Toddalia aculeata; Paullinia asiatica]

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