Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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583T6413 Thalictrum strictum (Ranunculaceae); BI ZHI TANG SONG CAO;Strict Meadowrue*. Isolated compounds: 21246.T6414 Thalictrum thunbergii (Ranunculaceae); YAN GUO CAO; East-AsiaLow Meadowrue. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To clear heat andresolve toxin, dry damp. TCM Indications: Pertussis, toothache,swelling toxin <strong>of</strong> welling abscess and sore, acute dermitis, eczema.Isolated compounds: 930, 1492, 1667, 2300, 2303, 4032, 4290, 9441,9597, 11736, 11851, 13374, 14756, 16439, 16555, 17983, 20649,21240, 21244, 21247, 21248, 21253.Thalictrum tripeltatum = Thalictrum ichangenseT6415 Thalictrum urbainii (Ranunculaceae); TAI WAN TANG SONG CAO;Taiwan Meadowrue. Isolated compounds: 11344.T6416 Thamnolia vermicularis (Thamnoliaceae); XUE CHA; VermiculateThamnolia Thallus. Used part: lichen body. TCM Effects: To clearheat and allay thirst, arouse spirit. TCM Indications: Summerheatstroke, vexation and thirst, lung heat cough, yin vacuity tidal fever,epilepsy, insomnia, eye diseases. Isolated compounds: 1596, 20238,21271, 21272, 22402.T6417 Thamnolia vermicularis var. subuliformis (Thamnoliaceae); Lichen.Isolated compounds: 2101.T6418 Thamnosma rhodesica (Rutaceae). Isolated compounds: 2833, 3856,8985, 10465, 11001, 11601, 13571, 18784, 19077.T6419 Thapsia garganica (Asteraceae); DU HU LUO BO; Deadly Carrot.Isolated compounds: 15811, 21279.T6420 Thelephora aurantiotincta (Thelephoraceae); JIN HUANG GE JUN;Goldenyellow Thelephore*. Isolated compounds: 2000, 8132, 8133,9818, 14150, 21293, 21294, 21295, 21296, 21297, 21298, 21299,21300, 21307.T6421 Thelephora terrestris (Thelephoraceae); LU SHENG GE JUN;Terrestrial Thelephore*. Isolated compounds: 20386, 21002, 21003,21006, 21007, 21008, 21009, 21010, 21011, 21012.T6422 Thelephora vialis (Thelephoraceae); LIAN ZUO GE JUN; VaseThelephore. Used part: sporocarp. TCM Effects: To dispel wind anddissipate cold, soothe sinews and quicken network vessels. TCMIndications: Wind-damp impediment pain, hypertonicity <strong>of</strong> sinews andvessels. Isolated compounds: 12598, 13790, 13791, 13792.T6423 Theobroma cacao (Sterculiaceae); KE KE; Cocoa. Used part: seed.TCM Effects: To warm yang, disinhibit urine, raise spirit. Isolatedcompounds: 1562, 1564, 3551, 6863, 8051, 17876, 17888, 19198,21310.T6424 Thermopsis alpina (Fabaceae); GAO SHAN HUANG HUA; AlplneThermopsis. Used part: flower and fruit. TCM Effects: To extinguishwind and settle fright. TCM Indications: Rabid dog bite. Isolatedcompounds: 4594, 21318.T6425 Thermopsis alternifolia (Fabaceae); HU SHENG YE YE JUE MING;Alternateleaf Thermopsis*. Isolated compounds: 4594.T6426 Thermopsis chinensis (Fabaceae); XIAO YE YE JUE MING; <strong>Chinese</strong>Thermopsis. Used part: root or seed. TCM Effects: To clear heat andbrighten eyes. TCM Indications: Red eyes with gall. Isolatedcompounds: 4594.T6427 Thermopsis cinerea (Fabaceae); HUI HUANG HUA; CinereousThermopsis*. Isolated compounds: 15972.T6428 Thermopsis lanceolata (Fabaceae); MU MA DOU; LanceleafThermopsis. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To relieve coughand dispel phlegm, moisten intestines and free stool. TCM Indications:Cough <strong>of</strong> phlegm asthma, dry stool. Isolated compounds: 329, 1134,1672, 4594, 7900, 13089, 18819, 20133, 21317, 21318.T6429 Thermopsis lupinoides (Fabaceae); YE JUE MING; Wild Thermopsis.Used part: whole herb and seed. TCM Effects: To resolve toxin anddisperse swelling, dispel phlegm and promote vomiting. TCMIndications: Malign sore, scab and lichen. Isolated compounds: 4594,16494, 21318.T6430 Thermopsis spp. (Fabaceae). Isolated compounds: 3004, 16209.T6431 Thesium chinense (Santalaceae); BAI RUI CAO; <strong>Chinese</strong>Bastardtoadflax. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To clear heat,disinhibit damp, resolve toxin. TCM Indications: Wind-heat commoncold, summerheat stroke, pulmonary welling abscess, nipple moth,scr<strong>of</strong>ula, mammary welling abscess, swollen boil, strangury syndrome,jaundice, lumbago, emission. Isolated compounds: 12020, 20444.T6432 Thespesia populnea [Syn. Hibiscus populneus] (Malvaceae); YANGYE XIAO JIN; Portiatree. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: Toclear heat and resolve toxin, disperse swelling and relieve pain,eliminate inflammation and disperse swelling (leaf), enrich andsupplement (root). TCM Indications: Meningitis, dysentery,hemorrhoids, painful swollen testes, scab and lichen; bark: dysentery,hemorrhoids, skin diseases. Isolated compounds: 13513, 13514, 13515,13516, 21320, 21321.T6433 Thevetia neriifolia [Syn. Thevetia peruviana] (Apocynaceae); HUANGHUA JIA ZHU TAO; Yellow Oleander. Used part: seed. TCM Effects:To strengthen heart, disinhibit urine and disperse edema. TCMIndications: Cardiac failure, paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia,paroxysmal fibrillation. Isolated compounds: 2556, 3416, 3417, 12019,12046, 12093, 13100, 13418, 15494, 16587, 16996, 16999, 17000,17001, 17002, 17003, 18354, 18362, 18363, 18395, 19090, 20088,20148, 21322, 21323, 21324, 21325, 21326, 21327, 22426.Thevetia peruviana = Thevetia neriifoliaT6434 Thichothecium roseum . Isolated compounds: 21577.T6435 Thladiantha cordifolia (Cucurbitaceae); XIN YE CHI BO; HeartleafTubergourd. Used part: root and fruit. TCM Effects: To clear heat andresolve toxin, fortify stomach and relieve pain (root), disperse swelling(fruit). Isolated compounds: 5649, 21335, 22842.T6436 Thlaspi arvense (Brassicaceae); XI MING; Boor’s Mustard. Used part:whole herb. TCM Effects: To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibitwater and disperse edema. TCM Indications: Red eyes with gall,pulmonary welling abscess, diarrhea, dysentery, leukorrhea,postpartum blood stasis abdominal pain, indigestion, nephritis withedema, cirrhosis with ascites, swelling toxin <strong>of</strong> welling abscess andsore. Isolated compounds: 19935.T6437 Thlaspi arvense (Brassicaceae); XI MING ZI; Boor’s Mustard Seed.Used part: seed. TCM Effects: To brighten eyes, dispel wind-damp.TCM Indications: Sore red swollen eyes and tearing, wind-dampimpediment pain. Isolated compounds: 14336, 19935.T6438 Thuja occidentalis (Cupressaceae); BEI MEI YA BAI; EasternArborvitae. Isolated compounds: 1372, 1373, 1394, 1395, 5543, 7751,15412, 21350.T6439 Thuja orientalis [Syn. Platycladus orientalis; Biota orientalis]

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