Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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574T6144 Sternbergia lutea (Liliaceae); HUANG SI TAN BAO; Winter Daffodil.Isolated compounds: 9547.T6145 Stichopus japonicus (Stichopodidae); HAI SHEN CHANG;Sea-cucunber Intestines. Used part: intestine. TCM Effects: To settlefright, harmonize stomach, resolve toxin and outthrust papules,engender flesh and stanch bleeding. TCM Indications: Gastric ulcer,duodenal ulcer, epilepsy, child indigestion, measles papules, sore andboil, bleeding due to external injury. Isolated compounds: 8753.T6146 Stillingia sylvatica [Syn. Sapium sylvatica] (Euphorbiaceae); CAOWU JIU; Sylvatic Sapium*. Isolated compounds: 15990, 17958.T6147 Stizolobium capitatum (Fabaceae); LI DOU; CapitateflowerVelvetbean. Used part: seed. TCM Effects: To warm center and boostqi. TCM Indications: Diabetes mellitus. Isolated compounds: 6558.T6148 Streptomyces griseus . Isolated compounds: 8308.T6149 Streptomyces hygroscopicus . Isolated compounds: 17609, 17610.T6150 Streptopelia orientalis (Columbidae); BAN JIU; Rufous Turtle Dove.Used part: meat. TCM Effects: To supplement kidney, boost qi,brighten eyes. TCM Indications: Enduring illness qi vacuity, fatiguehypodynamia, hiccough, dim vision. Isolated compounds: 2101.T6151 Streptothris chromogena . Isolated compounds: 18426.T6152 Strepyomyes niveus ; Ray-fungus 1. Isolated compounds: 15849.T6153 Strepyomyes spheroids ; Ray-fungus 2. Isolated compounds: 15849.T6154 Strobilanthes japonicus [Syn. Championella japonica] (Acanthaceae);HONG ZE LAN; Japanese Conehead. Used part: whole herb. TCMEffects: To quicken blood and free menstruation, transform stasis andmove water. TCM Indications: Menstrual disorder, dysmenorrhea,amenorrhea, postpartum abdominal pain, concretion andconglomeration, swollen welling abscess, knocks and falls. Isolatedcompounds: 20393.T6155 Strophanthus divaricatus (Apocynaceae); YANG JIAO AO ZI;Divaricate Strophanthus Seed. Used part: seed. TCM Effects: Toquicken blood and disperse swelling, strengthen heart, kill worms andrelieve itch. TCM Indications: Wind-damp, scab and lichen, knocksand falls, swelling <strong>of</strong> sores, cardiac failure, rheumatic arthritis.Isolated compounds: 3331, 3332, 4317, 4857, 6530, 6532, 12951,15123, 19372, 19374, 19380, 19381, 19958, 19959, 20403, 20405.T6156 Strophanthus gratus (Apocynaceae); XUAN HUA YANG JIAO AO;Spinyflower Strophanthus. Isolated compounds: 20403.T6157 Strophanthus kombe (Apocynaceae); KANG PI DU MAO XUANHUA; Kombe Strophanthus*. Isolated compounds: 4547, 4549, 7320,9335, 9336, 16943, 20397, 20405.T6158 Strophanthus preussii (Apocynaceae). Isolated compounds: 16959.T6159 Strophanthus sarmentosus var. senegambiae (Apocynaceae); XI FEIYANG JIAO AO; Senegalese Strophanthus*. Isolated compounds:2399, 19374.T6160 Strophanthus sp. (Apocynaceae). Isolated compounds: 12951, 21662.T6161 Strophanthus spp. (Apocynaceae). Isolated compounds: 16958.T6162 Strophanthus thollonii (Apocynaceae); SE LUN YANG JIAO AO;Thollon Strophanthus*. Isolated compounds: 2399.T6163 Strychnos aculeata (Loganiaceae); CI MA QIAN ZI; AculeatePoisonnut*. Isolated compounds: 2678.T6164 Strychnos afzelii (Loganiaceae); A FU ZE ER MA QIAN ZI; AfzelPoisonnut*. Isolated compounds: 3148, 5682.T6165 Strychnos amazonica (Loganiaceae); YA MA XUN MA QIAN ZI;Amazonian Poisonnut*. Isolated compounds: 5682, 13615.T6166 Strychnos angustiflora (Loganiaceae); NIU YAN MA QIAN;Narrowflower Poisonnut. Used part: seed. TCM Effects: To freechannels and quicken network vessels, disperse swelling and relievepain. TCM Indications: Wind-damp impediment pain, deadlimb,hemiplegia, swelling toxin <strong>of</strong> welling abscess and flat abscess, knocksand falls. Isolated compounds: 1250.T6167 Strychnos camptoneura (Loganiaceae). Isolated compounds: 817.T6168 Strychnos dale (Loganiaceae). Isolated compounds: 14123.T6169 Strychnos decussata (Loganiaceae); DUI SHENG MA QIAN;Opposite Poisonnut*. Isolated compounds: 817, 4864.T6170 Strychnos divaricans (Loganiaceae); FEN CHA MA QIAN ZI;Divaricate Poisonnut*. Isolated compounds: 2959, 4377, 13615.T6171 Strychnos dolichothyrsa (Loganiaceae); CHANG HUA XU MA QIANZI; Longthyrsus Poisonnut*. Isolated compounds: 3148, 5682.T6172 Strychnos elaeocarpa (Loganiaceae). Isolated compounds: 14123.T6173 Strychnos froesii (Loganiaceae); FU SHI MA QIAN ZI; FroesPoisonnut*. Isolated compounds: 4377, 21485.T6174 Strychnos gardneri (Loganiaceae). Isolated compounds: 817.T6175 Strychnos guianensis (Loganiaceae). Isolated compounds: 905, 4209,4926, 4927, 7841, 9077, 9078, 13335, 13615, 14024.T6176 Strychnos icaja (Loganiaceae); ZHONG FEI MA QIAN;Central-African Poisonnut*. Isolated compounds: 10734, 10939,20414.T6177 Strychnos ignatii (Loganiaceae); LV SONG GUO; Ignat PoisonnutSeed. Used part: ripe seed. TCM Effects: To resolve toxin, disperseswelling, kill worms, relieve pain. TCM Indications: Stomachache,diarrhea, dysentery, malaria, worm accumulation, bleeding due toexternal injury, centipede bite. Isolated compounds: 2678, 7417, 12950,14095, 17934, 20410.T6178 Strychnos jobertiana (Loganiaceae). Isolated compounds: 817.T6179 Strychnos mellodora (Loganiaceae). Isolated compounds: 16541,21049, 21050.T6180 Strychnos mittschelichii (Loganiaceae); MI SHI MA QIAN ZI;Mittschelich Poisonnut*. Isolated compounds: 2959, 4377, 13615.T6181 Strychnos myrtoides (Loganiaceae). Isolated compounds: 5050, 10079,13417, 15226.T6182 Strychnos nigritana (Loganiaceae). Isolated compounds: 817.T6183 Strychnos nitida (Loganiaceae); MAO ZHU MA QIAN; HairstylePoisonnut. Used part: fruit and seed. TCM Effects: To dispel wind andquicken network vessels, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. TCMIndications: Wind stroke, numbness in limbs, hypertonicity, paralysis,swelling toxin <strong>of</strong> welling abscess and sore, swelling pain in throat.Isolated compounds: 3103, 12800, 20410.T6184 Strychnos nux-vomica (Loganiaceae); MA QIAN ZI; Nut-vomitivePoisonnut. Equivalent plant: Strychnos wallichiana. Used part: seed.TCM Effects: To free network vessels and relieve pain, dissipate bindsand disperse swelling. TCM Indications: Hemiplegia, numbness andparalysis, muscle weakness, impotence, hypertrophic spinitis, chronicanemia, wind-damp intractable impediment, sequel <strong>of</strong> poliomyelitis,rheumatoid arthritis, knocks and falls, swelling pain <strong>of</strong> welling abscessand flat abscess. Isolated compounds: 454, 455, 456, 457, 1110, 2678,

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