Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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572dissipate stasis, relieve pain, disinhibit urine and disperse edema. TCMIndications: Wind-damp impediment pain, painful wound from knocksand falls, neuralgia, inhibited urination, edema. Isolated compounds:13799, 18419.T6101 Stauntonia hexaphylla (Lardizabalaceae); NA TENG GUO; JapaneseStauntonvine Fruit. Used part: fruit. TCM Effects: To resolve toxinand disperse swelling, kill worms and relieve pain. TCM Indications:Sore and welling abscess, mounting qi, ascariasis, trichuriasis. Isolatedcompounds: 6755, 15004, 15005, 15006.T6102 Stauranthus perforatus (Rutaceae); Tankasché (in Mexico). Isolatedcompounds: 1067, 1833, 3457, 6312, 7061, 7719, 9304, 11269, 11630,22781.T6103 Steganotaenia araliacea (Apiaceae); WU JIA QIAN HU. Isolatedcompounds: 15417, 20284, 20285, 22173.T6104 Stellaria dichotoma var. lanceolata (Caryophyllaceae); YIN CHAI HU;Lanceolate Starwort. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To clear vacuityheat, eliminate gan fever. TCM Indications: Yin vacuity fever,steaming bone taxation fever, child gan fever. Isolated compounds:5420, 5421, 5422, 5423, 5424, 5425, 5427, 5428, 5429, 5430, 5431,8594, 9183, 20169, 20286, 22718.T6105 Stellera chamaejasme (Thymelaeaceae); LANG DU; <strong>Chinese</strong> Stellera.Used part: root. TCM Effects: To expel water and dispel phlegm,break accumulation and kill worms. TCM Indications: Edemadistention fullness, accumulation from phlegm, food accumulation,worm accumulation, pain in heart and abdomen, chronic trachitis,cough, asthma, scab and lichen, hemorrhoids and fistulas, scr<strong>of</strong>ula,bone tuberculosis, epididymis tubercle. Isolated compounds: 3458,3459, 3460, 3461, 3462, 3696, 4645, 4658, 6541, 11249, 11319, 11320,11558, 11601, 13989, 14895, 15361, 16828, 17375, 19063, 19064,19890, 19902, 20156, 20556, 21610, 22195, 22829.T6106 Stelmatocrypton khasianum (Asclepiadaceae); SHENG TENG;Common Stelmatocrypton. Used part: lianoid stem or whole herb.TCM Effects: To dispel wind and dissipate cold, move qi and freenetwork vessels. TCM Indications: Common cold, cough, distendingpain in stomach duct, wind-cold-damp impediment. Isolatedcompounds: 14088, 19988, 20287, 20288, 20289, 20290.T6107 Stemona cf. pierrei (Stemonaceae); c. Isolated compounds: 5694,14677, 17420, 17992, 20291, 20292, 20293, 20294, 20307, 20379,20380, 20381, 20382.T6108 Stemona cochinchinensis (Stemonaceae); YIN DU ZHI NA BAI BU;Indochina Stemona*. Isolated compounds: 10731, 17992, 20296,20304.T6109 Stemona collinsae (Stemonaceae); XIAO QIU BAI BU; Hill Stemona*.Used part: root. TCM Effects: Anticarcinoma. Isolated compounds:5470.T6110 Stemona curtisii (Stemonaceae). Isolated compounds: 4964, 10731,16470, 16475, 16476, 17992, 20296, 20304.T6111 Stemona japonica (Stemonaceae); WAN SHENG BAI BU; JapaneseStemona. Used part: root. TCM Effects: See Stemona tuberosa. TCMIndications: See Stemona tuberosa. Isolated compounds: 17992, 20304,20306, 20307.T6112 Stemona kerrii (Stemonaceae); DI TANG BAI BU; Kerri Stemona*.Isolated compounds: 4964, 14094, 16470, 16475, 16476, 17992,20296, 20305.T6113 Stemona sessilifolia (Stemonaceae); ZHI LI BAI BU; Sessile Stemona.Used part: root. TCM Effects: See Stemona tuberosa. TCM Indications:See Stemona tuberosa. Isolated compounds: 11719, 16437, 17992,20307, 22085.T6114 Stemona sp. (Stemonaceae). Isolated compounds: 16475, 16476, 16692,18260.T6115 Stemona tuberosa (Stemonaceae); BAI BU; Tuber Stemona. Equivalentplant: Stemona japonica, Stemona sessilifolia. Used part: root. TCMEffects: To moisten lung, relieve cough and kill worms. TCMIndications: Wind-cold cough, pertussis, tuberculosis, senile cough andasthma, ascariasis, oxyuria disease, scab and lichen, eczema, cootie.Isolated compounds: 3766, 5471, 6839, 7882, 11720, 11749, 13419,15460, 15469, 16285, 16437, 16438, 20307, 20308, 20309, 20444,22084, 22085, 22086, 22087, 22088, 22089, 22090.T6116 Stenoloma chusanum (Lindsaeaceae); DA YE JIN HUA CAO;Common Wedgelet Fern. Used part: whole herb or rhizome. TCMEffects: To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit damp, stanchbleeding. TCM Indications: Common cold with fever, cough, swellingpain in throat, enteritis, dysentery, hepatitis, damp-heat vaginaldischarge, swelling toxin <strong>of</strong> welling abscess and sore, epidemicparotitis, mouth sore, burns and scalds, poisonous snake and rabid dogbite, eczema <strong>of</strong> skin, blood ejection, hematuria, hematochezia,bleeding due to external injury. Isolated compounds: 20566.T6117 Stephania abyssinica (Menispermaceae). Isolated compounds: 17956.T6118 Stephania brachyandra (Menispermaceae); BAI XIAN SHU;Shortstamen Stephania*. Used part: tuberoid. TCM Effects: To moveqi and quicken blood, dispel wind and relieve pain, clear heat andresolve toxin. TCM Indications: Stomachache, wind-dampimpediment pain, knocks and falls, dysmenorrhea, swelling toxin <strong>of</strong>welling abscess and boil, eczema. Isolated compounds: 11344.T6119 Stephania cepharantha (Menispermaceae); BAI YAO ZI; OrientalStephania. Used part: tuberoid. TCM Effects: To clear heat and resolvetoxin, dispel wind and relieve pain, cool blood and stanch bleeding.TCM Indications: Septicemia, acute hepatitis, bacillary dysentery,parotitis, neurodermatitis, swelling pain in throat, heat toxin swollenwelling abscess, wind-damp impediment pain, abdominal pain anddiarrhea, blood ejection, bleeding, spontaneous external bleeding,bleeding due to external injury. Isolated compounds: 2300, 2303, 3410,3411, 3412, 3885, 4461, 6437, 8808, 9597, 11736, 14981, 15725,16623, 21206, 21887.T6120 Stephania delavayi [Syn. Stephania epigaea] (Menispermaceae); DIBU RONG; Delavay Stephania. Used part: tuber. TCM Effects: Torectify qi and relieve pain, dispel wind-damp, disperse swelling toxin.TCM Indications: Qi stagnation and food accumulation, pain instomach duct and abdomen, wind-damp impediment pain, swellingtoxin <strong>of</strong> welling abscess and sore, poisonous snake bite. Isolatedcompounds: 3412, 4461, 4994, 16310, 20319.T6121 Stephania dicentrinifera (Menispermaceae); HE BAO DI BU RONG;Dicentrine Stephania*. Equivalent plant: Stephania viridiflavens. Usedpart: tuberoid. TCM Effects: To dissipate stasis and relieve pain, clearheat and resolve toxin. TCM Indications: Stomachache, dysentery,sore pharynx, knocks and falls, swollen welling abscess, sore and boil,

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