Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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568T6002 Solanum juzepczukii (Solanaceae); JU SHI QIE; JuzepczukNightshade*. Isolated compounds: 5104.T6003 Solanum khasianum (Solanaceae); CI TIAN QIE; Khasi NightshadeFruit. Used part: fruit. TCM Effects: To expel wind and relieve pain,clear heat and resolve toxin. TCM Indications: Wind-damp pain,bleeding due to external injury, nervous headache, stomachache,toothache, mastitis, epidemic parotitis. Isolated compounds: 7788,20044, 20066, 20069.Solanum laciniatum = Solanum aviculareT6004 Solanum laxum (Solanaceae); XI SHU QIE; Lax Nightshade*. Isolatedcompounds: 13022.T6005 Solanum lyratum (Solanaceae); BAI MAO TENG; Bittersweet. Usedpart: whole herb. TCM Effects: To clear heat and disinhibit damp,dispel wind and resolve toxin. TCM Indications: Malaria, jaundice,edema, strangury, pain in joints due to rheumatalgia, erysipelas, clovesore. Isolated compounds: 1898, 3939, 15464, 18724, 18725, 20042,20044, 20052, 20053, 20054, 20055, 20069, 21384.T6006 Solanum melongena (Solanaceae); QIE YE; Garden Eggplant Leaf.Used part: leaf. TCM Effects: To dissipate blood and disperse swelling.TCM Indications: Blood strangury, blood dysentery, intestinal windbleeding, swollen welling abscess, frostbite. Isolated compounds: 9568,20066, 21662.T6007 Solanum melongena (Solanaceae); QIE ZI; Garden Eggplant. Usedpart: fruit. TCM Effects: To clear heat and quicken blood, disperseswelling and relieve pain. TCM Indications: Intestinal wind bleeding,heat toxin swollen welling abscess. Isolated compounds: 617, 5010,5027, 12488, 13016, 15289, 17973, 19838, 20069, 21383, 21662.T6008 Solanum nigrum (Solanaceae); LONG KUI; Black Nightshade. Usedpart: aerial parts. TCM Effects: To clear heat and resolve toxin,quicken blood and disperse swelling. TCM Indications: Clove sore,swollen welling abscess, erysipelas, sprain from knocks and falls,mastitis, cervicitis, chronic bronchitis, chronic trachitis, acute nephritis,dysentery, infection <strong>of</strong> skin, leukorrhea, scant urine in children.Isolated compounds: 8817, 20044, 20056, 20060, 20066, 20069,21383.T6009 Solanum pseudo-capsicum (Solanaceae); YU SHAN HU GEN;Jerusalemcherry Root. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To relieve pain.TCM Indications: Taxation damage and lumbago. Isolated compounds:20061.T6010 Solanum pubescens (Solanaceae); ROU MAO QIE; PubescentNightshade. Isolated compounds: 16498.T6011 Solanum sarrachoides (Solanaceae); YE GUO QIE; Leafy-fruitedNightshade. Isolated compounds: 12070.Solanum sodomaeum = Solanum sodomeumT6012 Solanum sodomeum [Syn. Solanum sodomaeum] (Solanaceae); SUODUO MI QIE; Sodome Nightshade*. Isolated compounds: 20068,20069.T6013 Solanum sp. (Solanaceae). Isolated compounds: 20069.T6014 Solanum surattense‡ (Solanaceae); YE DIAN QIE; Soda-appleNightshade. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To suppress coughand calm asthma, dissipate stasis and relieve pain. TCM Indications:Asthma, chronic bronchitis, stomachache, wind-damp pain, scr<strong>of</strong>ula,cold suppurative sore, knocks and falls. Isolated compounds: 20045,20069. ‡Note: same plant as T5989.T6015 Solanum torvum (Solanaceae); SHUI QIE; Water Nightshade. Usedpart: root. TCM Effects: To quicken blood, dissipate stasis and relievepain. TCM Indications: painful wound from knocks and falls, taxationdamage in lumbar muscle, sand, stomachache, clove sore, swollenwelling abscess. Isolated compounds: 11971, 16616, 19978, 19987,20069, 21468, 21469, 21470, 21471, 21472, 21473, 22700, 22704.T6016 Solanum tripartitum (Solanaceae); SAN LIE QIE; TripartiteNightshade*. Isolated compounds: 20062, 20063.T6017 Solanum tuberosum (Solanaceae); MA LING SHU; Potato. Used part:tuber. TCM Effects: To harmonize stomach and fortify center, resolvetoxin and disperse swelling. TCM Indications: Stomachache, epidemicparotitis, swollen welling abscess, eczema, scalds. Isolated compounds:4135, 7781, 7782, 7788, 7789, 13016, 14235, 17913, 17914, 18849,19982, 20056, 20060, 20070, 22058, 22080.T6018 Solanum verbascifolium (Solanaceae); YE YAN YE; MulleinNightbrier Leaf. Used part: leaf. TCM Effects: To move qi-blood,disperse swelling toxin, relieve pain. TCM Indications: Yellowswelling, pain wind, flooding, painful swelling from knocks and falls,toothache, scr<strong>of</strong>ula, welling abscess, eczema, dermatitis. Isolatedcompounds: 20069.T6019 Solanum viarum (Solanaceae); XIAO LU QIE; Viatic Nightshade*.Isolated compounds: 20069.T6020 Solanum xanthocarpum (Solanaceae); HUANG GUO QIE; YellowfruitNightshade. Used part: root, fruit and seed. TCM Effects: To clear heatand disinhibit damp, disperse stasis and relieve pain. TCM Indications:Wind-damp impediment pain, toothache, painful swollen testes,welling abscess and boil. Isolated compounds: 663, 3221, 3241, 3242,20069.T6021 Solenanthus circinatus (Boraginaceae); CHANG RUI LIU LI CAO;Circinate Solenanthus. Isolated compounds: 18847.T6022 Solidago altissima (Asteraceae); GAO YI ZHI HUANG HUA;Canadian Goldenrod. Isolated compounds: 232, 268, 269, 3835, 5792,9751, 9752, 9753, 9920, 9921, 20071, 20169.Solidago chinensis = Wedelia chinensisSolidago decurrens = Solidago virgaurea var. leiocarpaT6023 Solidago virgaurea (Asteraceae); MAO GUO YI ZHI HUANG HUA;European Goldenrod. Used part: whole herb or root. TCM Effects: Tocourse wind and clear heat, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. TCMIndications: Wind-heat common cold, swelling pain in throat, nephritis,cystitis, swollen welling abscess and toxin <strong>of</strong> clove, knocks and falls.Isolated compounds: 12608, 19087, 22526.T6024 Solidago virgaurea var. leiocarpa [Syn. Solidago decurrens](Asteraceae); YI ZHI HUANG HUA; Common Goldenrod. Used part:whole herb. TCM Effects: To soothe wind and drain heat, resolvetoxin and disperse swelling. TCM Indications: Wind-heat commoncold, headache, swelling pain in throat, lung heat cough, jaundice,diarrhea, heat strangury, swollen welling abscess, sore and boil,poisonous snake bite. Isolated compounds: 2283, 2292, 2887, 4441,13603, 13828, 13853, 13857, 14283, 18411.T6025 Sonchus arvensis (Asteraceae); NIU SHE TOU; Field Sowthistle. Usedpart: herb. TCM Effects: To clear heat and resolve toxin. TCMIndications: Dysentery, appendicitis, mastitis, white turbidity,

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