Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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564T5884 Senecio chrysanthemoides (Asteraceae); TU SAN QI;Chrusanthemum-like Groundsel. Used part: whole herb or root. TCMEffects: To clear heat and resolve toxin, dissipate stasis and disperseswelling. TCM Indications: Toxin swelling <strong>of</strong> sores, painful swellingfrom knocks and falls. Isolated compounds: 19712.T5885 Senecio cineraria (Asteraceae); YIN BAI QIAN LI GUANG; SilverRagwort. Isolated compounds: 11809.Senecio dictyoneurus = Ligularia dictyoneuraT5886 Senecio eremophilus (Asteraceae); SHA SHENG QIAN LI GUANG;Desertliving Groundsel*. Isolated compounds: 18842.T5887 Senecio faberi (Asteraceae); MI SAN QIAN LI GUANG; FaberGroundsel. Isolated compounds: 11091.T5888 Senecio flavus (Asteraceae); HUANG SE QIAN LI GUANG; YellowGroundsel*. Isolated compounds: 7164, 7656, 14197, 16324, 16378,19708.T5889 Senecio integerrimus (Asteraceae); QUAN YUAN QIAN LI GUANG;Entire Groundsel. Isolated compounds: 11091.Senecio integrifolius var. fauriei = Tephroseris kirilowiiT5890 Senecio jacobaea (Asteraceae); CAO DIAN QIAN LI GUANG;Ragwort. Isolated compounds: 11809, 19706, 19712, 19731.Senecio japonica = Ligularia japonicaT5891 Senecio longifolius (Asteraceae); CHANG YE QIAN LI GUANG;Longleaf Groundsel*. Isolated compounds: 11189, 17776.T5892 Senecio nemorensis (Asteraceae); HUANG WAN; Shady Groundsel.Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To clear heat and resolve toxin.TCM Indications: Dysentery, enteritis, hepatitis, conjunctivitis, otitismedia, welling abscess and boil, toxin <strong>of</strong> clove sore. Isolatedcompounds: 4547, 4564, 13320, 19388.T5893 Senecio nudicaulis (Asteraceae); ZI BEI TIAN KUI CAO;Nudicaulous Grounsel Herb. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: Toquicken blood and regulate menstruation. TCM Indications: Menstrualdisorder, postpartum abdominal pain, knocks and falls. Isolatedcompounds: 13457.T5894 Senecio oryzetorum (Asteraceae); DA BAI DING CAO; FieldGroundsel. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To clear heat andresolve toxin. TCM Indications: White mouth sore in children, clovesore. Isolated compounds: 7821, 12535, 17546, 18305, 18316, 18667,19388, 19706, 19712.T5895 Senecio paucicazyculatus (Asteraceae); SHAO FU E QIAN LIGUANG; Fewcalycle Groundsel*. Isolated compounds: 11189.T5896 Senecio phillipicus (Asteraceae); FEI LV BIN QIAN LI GUANG;Philippine Groundsel*. Isolated compounds: 18667, 19712.T5897 Senecio platyphyllus (Asteraceae); KUAN YE QIAN LI GUANG;Broadleaf Groundsel*. Isolated compounds: 17546, 19712.T5898 Senecio polyodon (Asteraceae); DUO CHI QIAN LI GUANG;Manytoothed Groundsel*. Isolated compounds: 11591.T5899 Senecio pseudoorientalis (Asteraceae); JIA DONG FANG QIAN LIGUANG; Pseud-oriental Groundsel*. Isolated compounds: 9318.T5900 Senecio pyramidatus (Asteraceae); JIN ZI TA XING QIAN LIGUANG; Pyramidal Groundsel*. Isolated compounds: 2119.T5901 Senecio renardii (Asteraceae); LEI SHI QIAN LI GUANG; RenardGroundsel*. Isolated compounds: 19731.T5902 Senecio retrorsus (Asteraceae); WAN QU QIAN LI GUANG; RetrorseGroundsel*. Isolated compounds: 18667.T5903 Senecio riddellii (Asteraceae); RUI DE QIAN LI GUANG; RiddellGroundsel. Isolated compounds: 18842.T5904 Senecio rivularis (Asteraceae); XI QIAN LI GUANG; RivuletGroundsel*. Isolated compounds: 18854.T5905 Senecio rosmarinifolius (Asteraceae); MI DIE XIANG YE QIAN LIGUANG; Rosmarin-leaf Groundsel*. Isolated compounds: 18926.T5906 Senecio sarracenicus (Asteraceae); PING QIAN LI GUANG; BottleGroundsel*. Isolated compounds: 19388.T5907 Senecio scandens [Syn. Senecio chinensis] (Asteraceae); QIAN LIGUANG; Climbing Groundsel. Used part: aerial parts. TCM Effects:To clear heat and resolve toxin, eliminate screen and brighten eyes, killworms and relieve itch. TCM Indications: Wind-fire eye,conjunctivitis, eye screen, typhoid fever, acute bacillary dysentery,pneumonia, lobar pneumonia, tonsillitis, appendicitis, bronchitis,enteritis, jaundice, influenza, toxemia, hematosepsis, swelling toxin <strong>of</strong>welling abscess and boil, dry lichen, damp lichen, erysipelas, eczema,scalds, trichomoniasis. Isolated compounds: 3592, 7821, 8012, 9740,10608.T5908 Senecio sceleratus (Asteraceae); LA QIAN LI GUANG; SmirchGroundsel*. Isolated compounds: 19461.T5909 Senecio selloi (Asteraceae). Isolated compounds: 7087, 7088.T5910 Senecio sp. (Asteraceae). Isolated compounds: 10775.T5911 Senecio spp. (Asteraceae). Isolated compounds: 3551, 17546.T5912 Senecio squalidus (Asteraceae); NIU JIN QIAN LI GUANG; OxfordRagwort. Isolated compounds: 11091.T5913 Senecio sylvaticus (Asteraceae); YE SHENG QIAN LI GUANG;Heath Groundsel. Isolated compounds: 19388.T5914 Senecio vernalis (Asteraceae); CHUN QIAN LI GUANG; EasternGroundsel. Isolated compounds: 19714, 19731.T5915 Senecio vulgaris (Asteraceae); OU ZHOU QIAN LI GUANG;Common Groundsel. Isolated compounds: 7821, 18667, 18842, 19706,19712.T5916 Senna spectabilis (Fabaceae); ZHUANG GUAN FAN XIE;Spectacular Senna*. Isolated compounds: 2260, 3292, 5327, 10510,10511.T5917 Sequoia gigantea (Taxodiaceae); JU SHAN; Giant Sequoia. Isolatedcompounds: 17181.T5918 Sequoia sempervirens (Taxodiaceae); BEI MEI HONG SHAN;Redwood. Isolated compounds: 17181.T5919 Sequoia sp. (Taxodiaceae). Isolated compounds: 3983.T5920 Seriphidium cinum [Syn. Artemisia cina] (Asteraceae); HUI HAO;<strong>Chinese</strong> Seriphidium. Used part: inflorescence and leaf. TCM Effects:To kill worms. TCM Indications: Ascariasis, oxyuria disease. Isolatedcompounds: 1798, 3760, 19313.T5921 Seriphidium finitum [Syn. Artemisia finita] (Asteraceae); DONG BEIHUI HAO; Northeast Seriphidium. Used part: flower. TCM Effects:To expel worms. TCM Indications: Ascariasis, oxyuria disease.Isolated compounds: 7801, 19314.T5922 Serratula strangulata (Asteraceae); YI BAO MA HUA TOU;Contracted Sawwort. Isolated compounds: 3390, 6427, 6429, 6430,10065.T5923 Sesamum indicum (Pedaliaceae); HU MA GEN; Oriental Sesame Root.

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