Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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558Indications: Fracture. Isolated compounds: 16501, 19362, 19363,19364, 19365.Sarcococca wallichii = Sarcococca coriaceaT5734 Sarcodon aspratus (Thelephoraceae); Kotake (in Japanese). Isolatedcompounds: 10592.T5735 Sarcodon glaucopus (Thelephoraceae); CANG BAI BING ROU CHIJUN. Isolated compounds: 8521, 8522.T5736 Sarcomelicope glauca . Isolated compounds: 7830, 9226, 12254,20002.T5737 Sarcomelicope megistophylla . Isolated compounds: 569, 776, 8027,8028, 13651, 13652, 19359, 19618.T5738 Sargassum micracanthum (Sargassaceae); Brown alga; GulfweedSargassum micracanthum. Isolated compounds: 17516, 17517, 17518,17519, 17520.T5739 Sargassum parvivesiculosum (Sargassaceae); XI NANG MA WEIZAO; Parvivesiculose Gulfweed*. Isolated compounds: 5481, 6480,6481, 9411, 14931.T5740 Sargassum vachellianum (Sargassaceae); WA SHI MA WEI ZAO;Vachelli Gulfweed*. Used part: frond. TCM Effects: To dispersephlegm, s<strong>of</strong>ten hardness, disinhibit water, abate swelling. TCMIndications: Goiter and carcinomas <strong>of</strong> neck, scr<strong>of</strong>ula, bulgingmounting, leg qi puffy swelling. Isolated compounds: 22307.T5741 Sargentodoxa cuneata (Sargentodoxaceae); DA XUE TENG;Sargentgloryvine. Used part: stem. TCM Effects: To clear heat andresolve toxin, quicken blood, dispel wind. TCM Indications: Intestinalwelling abscess and abdominal pain, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea,wind-damp impediment pain, painful swelling from knocks and falls.Isolated compounds: 3551, 4362, 4363, 4364, 4365, 4366, 13834,16254, 19366, 22333.T5742 Sarracenia flava (Sarraceniaceae); HUANG PING ZI CAO; YellowPitcherplant. Isolated compounds: 3988, 19387.T5743 Sarracenia sp. (Sarraceniaceae). Isolated compounds: 9568.T5744 Sassafras albidum (Lauraceae); MEI ZHOU CHA MU; Sassafras.Isolated compounds: 2538, 19121.T5745 Sassafras randainense (Lauraceae); TAI WAN CHA MU; TaiwanSassafras. Isolated compounds: 7521, 13388, 18533.T5746 Sassafras tzumu (Lauraceae); CHA SHU; Common Sassafras. Usedpart: root, stem-leaf. TCM Effects: To dispel wind and eliminate damp,quicken blood and dissipate stasis, stanch bleeding. TCM Indications:Wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, taxation damage inlumbar muscle, hemiplegia, bleeding due to external injury. Isolatedcompounds: 7521.T5747 Sauromatum guttatum (Araceae); KU BAO; Monarch-<strong>of</strong>-the-East.Isolated compounds: 11025, 19187.T5748 Sauropus androgynus (Euphorbiaceae); TONG XU SHOU GONG MU;Geckowood. Isolated compounds: 11478, 19418.T5749 Saururus cernuus (Saururaceae); MEI ZHOU SAN BAI CAO;Lizard’s-tail. Isolated compounds: 4920, 5624, 19404, 19415, 19416,19417, 22383.T5750 Saururus chinensis (Saururaceae); SAN BAI CAO; <strong>Chinese</strong> Lizardtail.Used part: rhizome or whole plant. TCM Effects: To clear heat anddisinhibit urine, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. TCM Indications:Edema, beriberi, jaundice, strangury-turbidity, vaginal discharge,swollen welling abscess, clove sore. Isolated compounds: 1692, 1695,2039, 6410, 10887, 11642, 13292, 13474, 13475, 13992, 18411, 19398,19399, 19400, 19401, 19402, 19403, 19404, 19405, 19406, 19407,19417, 19419.T5751 Saururus sp. (Saururaceae). Isolated compounds: 13474, 13475, 19397,19405, 19406.T5752 Saussurea amarafisch (Asteraceae). Isolated compounds: 19087,20569.Saussurea carthamoides = Hemistepta lyrataT5753 Saussurea gnaphaloides (Asteraceae); SHU QU FENG MAO JU;Cudweed-like Saussurea. Used part: whole herb with root. TCMEffects: See Saussurea laniceps. TCM Indications: See Saussurealaniceps. Isolated compounds: 19087, 20569.T5754 Saussurea graminea (Asteraceae); HE YE FENG MAO JU; GrassleafSaussurea. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To clear heat anddisinhibit damp, cool blood and stanch bleeding. TCM Indications:Common cold with fever, damp-heat jaundice, vomiting, diarrhea,blood ejection, bloody stool. Isolated compounds: 19087, 20569.Saussurea hieracioides = Saussurea superbaT5755 Saussurea involucrata (Asteraceae); XUE LIAN; Snow Lotus. Usedpart: whole herb with flower. TCM Effects: To warm kidney andinvigorate yang, dispel wind and overcome damp, quicken blood andfree menstruation. TCM Indications: Impotence, weakness in lumbusand knees, wind-damp impediment pain, menstrual disorder,amenorrhea, uterus cold and abdominal pain, cold rheum cough.Isolated compounds: 1621, 9385, 9500, 19087, 20569, 22809.T5756 Saussurea japonica (Asteraceae); FENG MAO JU; Wildhairdaisy.Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To dispel wind and eliminatedamp, dissipate stasis and relieve pain. TCM Indications: Wind-dampimpediment pain, knocks and falls. Isolated compounds: 12522,12523.T5757 Saussurea laniceps (Asteraceae); MIAN TOU XUE LIAN; LanatcheadSaussurea. Equivalent plant: Saussurea medusa, Saussureagnaphaloides. Used part: whole herb with root. TCM Effects: Towarm kidney and invigorate yang, regulate menstruation and stanchbleeding. TCM Indications: Impotence, limp aching lumbus and knees,vaginal discharge, menstrual disorder, wind-damp impediment,bleeding due to external injury. Isolated compounds: no.T5758 Saussurea lappa [Syn. Aucklandia lappa] (Asteraceae); MU XIANG;Common Aucklandia (Costustoot). Used part: root. TCM Effects: Tomove qi and relieve pain, fortify spleen and disperse food. TCMIndications: Distending pain in chest and stomach duct, diarrhea andtenesmus, non-digestion <strong>of</strong> food accumulation, no thought <strong>of</strong> food anddrink. Isolated compounds: 834, 1048, 1122, 1123, 1525, 1617, 1795,2331, 3045, 3354, 3774, 3908, 4126, 4127, 4128, 4485, 4486, 4550,4565, 4891, 5570, 5607, 5701, 5795, 6741, 6746, 7044, 8338, 8339,8341, 8342, 8817, 9486, 9669, 10483, 11122, 11123, 11203, 11371,11627, 12511, 12512, 12849, 12873, 12891, 13899, 15146, 17055,18673, 19308, 19420, 19421, 19422, 19423, 19424, 19427, 19687,19983, 20369, 20469, 20470, 20569, 20704, 22962.T5759 Saussurea medusa (Asteraceae); SHUI MU XUE LIAN; MedusaSaussurea. Used part: whole herb with root. TCM Effects: SeeSaussurea laniceps. TCM Indications: See Saussurea laniceps.

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