Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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555intestinal dry and constipation. Isolated compounds: 7777, 19195,19196, 19197.T5658 Salsola micranthera (Chenopodiaceae). Isolated compounds: 20529.T5659 Salvia aegyptiaca (Lamiaceae); AI JI SHU WEI CAO; Egyptian Sage*.Isolated compounds: 6968, 14262, 14263.T5660 Salvia blepharophylla (Lamiaceae); JIE MAO YE SHU WEI CAO;Eyelid-leaf Sage*. Isolated compounds: 2501, 2502.T5661 Salvia bowleyana (Lamiaceae); NAN DAN SHEN; Bowley Sage. Usedpart: root. TCM Effects: To quicken blood and transform stasis,regulate menstruation and relieve pain. TCM Indications: Chestimpediment and angina, vexation, heart palpitation, pain in stomachduct and abdomen, menstrual disorder [=menoxenia], menstrual pain,menstrual block, postpartum stasis stagnation abdominal pain,flooding and spotting, liver spleen enlargement, arthralgia, mountingqi (hernia), swelling <strong>of</strong> sores. Isolated compounds: 4292, 5722, 5763,14391, 14736, 17968, 18012, 20685, 20686, 20687.T5662 Salvia bracteata (Lamiaceae); BAO PIAN SHU WEI CAO. Isolatedcompounds: 2584, 19208.T5663 Salvia bucharica (Lamiaceae). Isolated compounds: 2695, 2696.T5664 Salvia bulleyana (Lamiaceae); JI YE SHU WEI CAO; HastateleafSage. Isolated compounds: 4292, 5722, 5763, 14391, 14736, 17968,18012, 20685, 20686, 20687.T5665 Salvia canariensis (Lamiaceae); JIA NA LI SHU WEI CAO; CanariSage*. Isolated compounds: 19209.T5666 Salvia candelabrum (Lamiaceae); ZHU TAI SHU WEI CAO. Isolatedcompounds: 3064, 3065, 3066, 3067, 3068, 3069, 14210, 20465.T5667 Salvia castanea (Lamiaceae); LI SE SHU WEI CAO; Chestnut Sage.Isolated compounds: 4292, 5722, 5763, 14391, 14736, 17968, 18012,20685, 20686, 20687.T5668 Salvia cilicica (Lamiaceae); TU ER QI SHU WEI CAO; TurkishSage*. Isolated compounds: 3, 10429.T5669 Salvia cinnabarina (Lamiaceae); ZHU HONG SHU WEI CAO.Isolated compounds: 19620.T5670 Salvia dichroantha (Lamiaceae); ER SE HUA SHU WEI CAO;Twocolor-flower Sage*. Isolated compounds: 5432, 5433, 5434.T5671 Salvia digitaloides (Lamiaceae); MAO DI HUANG SHU WEI CAO;Foxglove-like Sage. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To quicken bloodand dispel stasis, disinhibit damp and resolve toxin. TCM Indications:Chest impediment and angina, menstrual disorder, menstrual pain,vaginal protrusion (prolapse <strong>of</strong> uterus), flooding and spotting, red andwhite vaginal discharge, malign sore and swelling toxin. Isolatedcompounds: 4292, 5722, 5763, 14391, 14736, 17968, 18012, 20685,20686, 20687.T5672 Salvia flava (Lamiaceae); HUANG HUA SHU WEI CAO;Yellowflower Sage. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To quicken bloodand regulate menstruation, transform stasis and relieve pain. TCMIndications: Menstrual disorder, menstrual pain, menstrual block,flooding and spotting, blood ejection, wind-damp bone pain,mammary welling abscess, swelling <strong>of</strong> sores. Isolated compounds:4292, 5722, 5763, 14391, 14736, 17968, 18012, 20685, 20686, 20687.T5673 Salvia glutinosa (Lamiaceae); JIAO ZHI SHU WEI CAO; Sticky Clary.Used part: root. TCM Effects: To promote contraction and stanchbleeding. TCM Indications: Blood ejection, hemoptysis, hematochezia.Isolated compounds: 5165, 5654, 8289, 11730, 16356.T5674 Salvia greggii (Lamiaceae); GE SHI SHU WEI CAO; Gregg Sage*.Isolated compounds: 19212, 19213, 19214, 19215, 19216.T5675 Salvia hydrangea (Lamiaceae); XIU QIU SHU WEI CAO. Isolatedcompounds: 277, 4965, 5603, 6374, 16050.T5676 Salvia karabachensis (Lamiaceae); KA LA BA DAN SHEN; KarabaSage*. Isolated compounds: 20685.T5677 Salvia lineata (Lamiaceae); TIAO WEN SHU WEI CAO. Isolatedcompounds: 12879.T5678 Salvia mellifera (Lamiaceae); JU MI SHU WEI CAO; MelliferousSage*. Isolated compounds: 17486.T5679 Salvia microstegia (Lamiaceae); XIAO GAI SHU WEI CAO;Microcap Sage*. Isolated compounds: 17486.T5680 Salvia miltiorrhiza (Lamiaceae); DAN SHEN; Danshen. Equivalentplant: Salvia przewalskii, Salvia miltiorrhiza f. alba. Used part: root.TCM Effects: To quicken blood and dispel stasis, regulatemenstruation and relieve pain, nourish blood and quiet spirit, coolblood and disperse welling abscess. TCM Indications: Angina pectoris,cerebral atherosclerosis, diffusive intravascular clotting,thrombophlebitis, hepatitis, acute surgical infection, mastitis,erysipelas, otitis media, tonsillitis, bone marrow infection, menstrualdisorder, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, postpartum stasis stagnationabdominal pain, pain in heart and abdomen, concretionconglomeration accumulation and gathering, heat impedimentswelling and pain, knocks and falls, heat entering construction-blood,vexation and agitation, insomnia and vexation, swelling toxin <strong>of</strong>welling abscess and sore, zoster, neurodermatitis, psoriasis. Isolatedcompounds: 2106, 2887, 4292, 4627, 4628, 4629, 4630, 4631, 4632,4633, 4634, 4635, 4680, 4950, 4974, 5653, 5722, 5723, 5763, 6877,7764, 9455, 10492, 10736, 10737, 11354, 11629, 11729, 11731, 12204,12420, 12924, 12926, 13370, 14391, 14736, 14862, 14863, 14864,14865, 14927, 15374, 15375, 15801, 16072, 16073, 17968, 18012,18925, 19201, 19202, 19203, 19204, 19205, 19207, 19217, 19218,19219, 19983, 20679, 20680, 20681, 20682, 20683, 20684, 20685,20686, 20687, 20688, 21383, 22270.T5681 Salvia miltiorrhiza f. alba (Lamiaceae); BAI HUA DAN SHEN;Whiteflower Danshen. Used part: root. TCM Effects: See Salviamiltiorrhiza. TCM Indications: See Salvia miltiorrhiza. Isolatedcompounds: 20678, 21080.T5682 Salvia <strong>of</strong>ficinalis (Lamiaceae); YAO YONG DAN SHEN; MedicinalSage. Isolated compounds: 3743, 12420, 13709, 14580, 19123.T5683 Salvia <strong>of</strong>ficinalis (Lamiaceae); YAO YONG DAN SHEN YE;Medicinal Sage Leaf. Isolated compounds: 1476, 3745, 8090, 9564,9793, 9794, 9795, 14085, 21202.T5684 Salvia pisidica (Lamiaceae); DU YU SHU WEI CAO; Salvia pisidica.Isolated compounds: 17486.T5685 Salvia plebeia (Lamiaceae); LI ZHI CAO; Common Sage. Used part:aerial parts. TCM Effects: To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool bloodand dissipate stasis, disinhibit water and disperse edema. TCMIndications: Common cold with fever, swelling pain in throat, lungheat cough, hemoptysis, blood ejection, hematuria, flooding andspotting, bleeding from hemorrhoids, nephritis with edema, whiteturbidity, dysentery, swelling toxin <strong>of</strong> welling abscess and sore,

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