Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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545Ramalina*. Isolated compounds: 16571.T5406 Rana limnocharis (Ranidae); XIA MA DAN; Rice Frog Gall. Usedpart: gall juice. TCM Effects: To disinhibit throat and restore voice.TCM Indications: Child aphonia. Isolated compounds: 2720.T5407 Rana nigromaculata; Rana plancyi (Ranidae); QING WA; Pond Frog.Used part: body. TCM Effects: To disinhibit water and disperse edema,clear heat and resolve toxin, supplement vacuity. TCM Indications:Edema, ascites, jaundice, toad head scourge, child heat sore, dysentery,gan disease, taxation fever, postpartum vacuity weakness. Isolatedcompounds: 626, 2393, 3205, 4221, 4222, 7814, 9853, 11784, 18529,18530.T5408 Rana nigromaculata; Rana plancyi (Ranidae); QING WA DAN; PondFrog Gall. Used part: gall. TCM Effects: To clear heat and resolvetoxin. TCM Indications: Measles papules with complicated pneumonia,throat erosion. Isolated compounds: 4031, 4583.T5409 Rana temporaria chensinensis; Rana amurensis (Ranidae); HA SHIMA; Dried <strong>Chinese</strong> Woodfrog. Used part: dried body. TCM Effects:To supplement lung and boost kidney, disinhibit water and disperseedema. TCM Indications: Vacuity taxation cough, child ganaccumulation, abdominal distention with edema, swelling toxin <strong>of</strong> soreand welling abscess. Isolated compounds: 626, 18544.T5410 Randia formosa (Rubiaceae); BA NA MA SHAN SHI LIU; TaiwanMalabar Randia. Isolated compounds: 10983, 10984, 18535, 18536,18537, 18538, 18539, 18540, 18541.T5411 Randia spinosa (Rubiaceae); SHAN SHI LIU; Malabar Randia; SpingRandia. Used part: fruit and root, leaf. TCM Effects: To dispel stasisand disperse swelling, resolve toxin, stanch bleeding. TCM Indications:Stasis swelling from knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury,skin scabies, toxin swelling. Isolated compounds: 18542.T5412 Ranunculus acris (Ranunculaceae); CAO DI MAO GEN; MeadowButtercup. Isolated compounds: 7821.T5413 Ranunculus cantoniensis (Ranunculaceae); ZI KOU CAO; CantonButtercup. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To clear liver andbrighten eyes, resolve toxin and eliminate damp, interrupt malaria.TCM Indications: Eye screen, red eyes, jaundice, swollen wellingabscess, rheumatic arthritis, malaria. Isolated compounds: 1179.T5414 Ranunculus japonicus (Ranunculaceae); MAO GEN; JapaneseButtercup. Used part: whole herb and root. TCM Effects: To abatejaundice, settle asthma, interrupt malaria, settle pain, eliminate screen.TCM Indications: Malaria, jaundice, migraine, stomachache, pain injoints due to rheumatalgia, crane’s knee wind, swollen welling abscess,malign sore, scab and lichen, toothache, fire eye. Isolated compounds:1178, 1179.T5415 Ranunculus sceleratus (Ranunculaceae); SHI LONG RUI; PoisonousButtercup. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To clear heat andresolve toxin, dissipate binds and disperse swelling, relieve pain,interrupt malaria. TCM Indications: Swelling toxin <strong>of</strong> welling abscessand boil, scr<strong>of</strong>ula, malaria, ulcerating sore <strong>of</strong> leg. Isolated compounds:1178, 1179, 18545.T5416 Rapanea neurophylla (Myrsinaceae); CU YE MAI MI HUA SHU;Rough-veined Rapanea*. Isolated compounds: 6767.T5417 Rapanea sp. (Myrsinaceae). Isolated compounds: 6767.T5418 Rapanea umbellata (Myrsinaceae); SAN HUA MI HUA SHU;Umbellate Rapanea*. Isolated compounds: 6767.T5419 Raphanus sativus (Brassicaceae); LAI FU; Garden Radish. Used part:fresh root. TCM Effects: To disperse food, precipitate qi, transformphlegm, stanch bleeding, allay thirst, disinhibit urine. TCM Indications:Indigestion, food accumulation distention and fullness,hyperchlorhydria, vomiting, diarrhea, dysentery, constipation,phlegm-heat cough, hemoptysis, blood ejection, spontaneous externalbleeding, hematochezia, diabetes mellitus, strangury-turbidity, sores,stasis swelling due to injury, scalds, frostbite. Isolated compounds:7768, 8307, 14581, 16778, 16779, 16780, 16782, 16783, 16784,17134, 18278, 18548.T5420 Raphanus sativus (Brassicaceae); LAI FU ZI; Garden Radish Seed.Used part: seed. TCM Effects: To disperse food distention, downbearqi and transform phlegm. TCM Indications: Food stagnation,distending pain in stomach duct, constipation, accumulation anddiarrhea, phlegm congestion cough asthma. Isolated compounds: 7291,7768, 8589, 8752, 8811, 14581, 18547, 19909, 19917, 19918.T5421 Raucheria spp. Isolated compounds: 13098.T5422 Rauvolfia bahiensis (Apocynaceae); BA XI LUO FU MU; BrazilianDevilpepper*. Isolated compounds: 5054, 13838, 14039, 14102.T5423 Rauvolfia verticillata (Apocynaceae); LUO FU MU; CommonDevilpepper. Equivalent plant: Rauvolfia verticillata var. hainanensis,Rauwolfia latifrons, Rauwolfia perakensis, Rauvolfia vomitoria,Rauvolfia verticillata f. rubrocarpa. Used part: root. TCM Effects: Toclear heat, lower blood pressure, quiet spirit. TCM Indications:Common cold with fever, headache and generalized pain, swellingpain in throat, hypertension, dizziness, insomnia, gan accumulation.Isolated compounds: 783, 784, 18552, 18633, 18634, 18859, 22368.T5424 Rauvolfia verticillata (Apocynaceae); LUO FU MU JING YE;Common Devilpepper Stem and Leaf. Used part: stem-leaf. TCMEffects: To clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood and disperseswelling, lower blood pressure. TCM Indications: Swelling pain inthroat, stasis swelling from knocks and falls, poisonous snake bite,hypertension. Isolated compounds: 1680, 18859.T5425 Rauvolfia verticillata f. rubrocarpa (Apocynaceae); HONG GUOLUO FU MU; Redfruit Devilpepper. Used part: root. TCM Effects:See Rauvolfia verticillata. TCM Indications: See Rauvolfia verticillata.Isolated compounds: 22427.T5426 Rauvolfia verticillata var. hainanensis (Apocynaceae); HAI NANLUO FU MU; Hainan Devilpepper. Used part: root. TCM Effects: SeeRauvolfia verticillata. TCM Indications: See Rauvolfia verticillata.Isolated compounds: 784, 6517, 13325, 22368, 22427.T5427 Rauvolfia vomitoria (Apocynaceae); CUI TU LUO FU MU; EmiticDevilpepper. Used part: root. TCM Effects: See Rauvolfia verticillata.TCM Indications: See Rauvolfia verticillata. Isolated compounds: 784,1002, 1680, 5248, 6204, 16909, 18210, 18303, 18551, 18556, 18557,18558, 18623, 18630, 18633, 18635, 19386, 19763, 21055, 22921.T5428 Rauvolfia yunnanensis (Apocynaceae); YUN NAN LUO FU MU;Yunnan Devilpepper. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To clear heat andcalm liver, resolve toxin and kill worms. TCM Indications:Hypertension due to ascendant liver yang, headache, dizziness,vexation and agitation with insomnia, scab and lichen, snake bite.Isolated compounds: 783, 18059, 18633, 19763, 22921.

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