Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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540frequent urination, enuresis, kidney qi insecurity, vacuity asthma,spleen-kidney vacuity, chronic diarrhea, white patch wind, alopeciaareata, psoriasis. Isolated compounds: 1191, 2081, 2123, 2171, 2172,2173, 2174, 2175, 2176, 2177, 4107, 4108, 4109, 4110, 4680, 6537,11248, 11345, 11557, 11632, 15203, 15341, 15342, 18086, 18087,18088, 18089, 20081, 20280, 20369, 21537, 22774.T5271 Psoralea drupacea (Fabaceae); HE GUO ZHUANG BU GU ZHI;Drupaceous Scurfpea*. Isolated compounds: 2081.T5272 Psorospermum febrifugum (Clusiaceae); PU SUO MU. TCM Effects:To resolve heat, resolve toxin, free stool [5509] . TCM Indications:Constipation, numbing wind (leprosy) [5509] . Isolated compounds:18091, 22551.T5273 Psorothamnus junceus (Fabaceae); DENG XIN DAI ER DOU.Isolated compounds: 18092.T5274 Psychotria beccaroides (Rubiaceae); BI CHUAN JIU JIE MU. Isolatedcompounds: 18094.T5275 Psychotria forsteriana (Rubiaceae); FU SI TE JIU JIE; ForsterNinenode*. Isolated compounds: 18295, 18296.T5276 Psychotria leiocarpa (Rubiaceae); PING HUA GUO JIU JE; Leio-fruitNinenode*. Isolated compounds: 8746.T5277 Psychotria oleoides (Rubiaceae); YOU GAN LAN JIU JIE; OliveNinenode*. Isolated compounds: 18093.T5278 Psychotria rostrata (Rubiaceae); HUI ZHUANG JIU JIE; RostralNinenode*. Isolated compounds: 18296.T5279 Psychotria serpens (Rubiaceae); MAN JIU JIE; Creeping Ninenode.Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To dispel wind and eliminatedamp, soothe sinews and quicken network vessels, disperse swellingand relieve pain. TCM Indications: Pain in joints due to rheumatalgia,deadlimb, taxation damage in lumbar muscle, sciatica, multipleswollen welling abscess, bone tuberculosis, knocks and falls, fracture,poisonous snake bite. Isolated compounds: 14144, 20369.T5280 Ptaeroxylon obliquum (Ptaeroxylaceae). Isolated compounds: 14125,18097.T5281 Ptelea sp. (Rutaceae). Isolated compounds: 15645.T5282 Ptelea trifoliata (Rutaceae); YU JU; Common Hoptree. Isolatedcompounds: 13904, 14446, 14705, 15348, 18102.T5283 Pteridium aquilinum (Pteridaceae); OU ZHOU JUE; Bracken. Isolatedcompounds: 6678, 18000, 18099, 18100, 18101, 18124, 18150, 18151.T5284 Pteridium aquilinum var. latiusculum (Pteridaceae); JUE; EasternBracken Fern. Used part: tender leaf. TCM Effects: To clear heat anddisinhibit damp, downbear qi and transform phlegm, stanch bleeding.TCM Indications: Common cold with fever, jaundice, dysentery,vaginal discharge, dysphagia-occlusion, tuberculosis and hemoptysis,intestinal wind bleeding, wind-damp impediment pain. Isolatedcompounds: 490, 2267, 11013, 11351, 16565, 16566, 16567, 17700,17703, 18098, 18112, 18116, 18117, 18118, 18119, 18120, 18121,18122, 18131, 18132, 18133, 18134, 18135, 18136, 18137, 18138,18145, 18146, 18147, 18149, 18161, 18162.T5285 Pteridophyllum spp. Isolated compounds: 3498.T5286 Pteris bella (Pteridaceae); CHANG BING FENG WEI JUE; PrettyBrake. Isolated compounds: 18155.T5287 Pteris cretica (Pteridaceae); DA YE JING KOU BIAN CAO; CretanBrake. Isolated compounds: 18154.T5288 Pteris cretica var. nervosa [Syn. Pteris nervosa] (Pteridaceae); FENGWEI JUE; Nervous Brake. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: Toclear heat and disinhibit damp, stanch bleeding and engender flesh,resolve toxin and disperse swelling. TCM Indications: Diarrhea,dysentery, jaundice, strangury syndrome, edema, coughing <strong>of</strong> blood,hematuria, hematochezia, bleeding knife wound, painful swelling fromknocks and falls, sore and welling abscess, burns and scalds. Isolatedcompounds: 18098, 18154.T5289 Pteris dactylina (Pteridaceae); JIN JI WEI; Figuerleaved Brake. Usedpart: whole herb or rhizome. TCM Effects: To clear heat and resolvetoxin, disinhibit water and transform damp, settle fright. TCMIndications: Dysentery, diarrhea, mumps, lymphnoditis, leukorrhea,edema, infant fright wind, rabid dog bite. Isolated compounds: 18150,18152.T5290 Pteris fauriei [Syn. Pteris fauriei var. minor] (Pteridaceae); JIN CHAIFENG WEI JUE; Faurie’s Brake. Used part: leaf. TCM Effects: Toclear heat and disinhibit damp, dispel wind and settle fright, closesores and stanch bleeding. TCM Indications: Dysentery, diarrhea,jaundice, infant fright wind, bleeding due to external injury, burns andscalds. Isolated compounds: 18126, 18127, 18128, 18129, 18130,18158, 18159.Pteris fauriei var. minor = Pteris faurieiT5291 Pteris inaequalis (Pteridaceae); BIAN YI FENG WEI JUE; UnequalBrake. Isolated compounds: 18126, 18127.T5292 Pteris kiuschiuensis (Pteridaceae); PING YU FENG WEI JUE; KiushuBrake. Isolated compounds: 18155, 18156.T5293 Pteris linearis (Pteridaceae); XIAN YU FENG WEI JUE; LinearBrake. Isolated compounds: 18155.T5294 Pteris livida (Pteridaceae). Isolated compounds: 18154.T5295 Pteris multifida (Pteridaceae); FENG WEI CAO; <strong>Chinese</strong> Brake. Usedpart: whole herb or rhizome. TCM Effects: To clear heat and disinhibitdamp, resolve toxin and disperse swelling, cool blood and stanchbleeding. TCM Indications: Dysentery, diarrhea, strangury-turbidity,vaginal discharge, jaundice, swelling toxin <strong>of</strong> clove sore, throatimpediment with nipple moth, scr<strong>of</strong>ula, parotitis, mastitis, ardent feverand convulsion, snake or insect bites, blood ejection, spontaneousexternal bleeding, hematuria, hematochezia, bleeding due to externalinjury. Isolated compounds: 18139, 18150, 18154, 18289, 18290.Pteris nervosa = Pteris cretica var. nervosaT5296 Pteris oshimensis (Pteridaceae); XIE YU FENG WEI JUE; ObliquePinna Brake. Isolated compounds: 18125, 18152.T5297 Pteris plumbea (Pteridaceae); LI BING FENG WEI JUE;Lead-coloured Brake. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To clearheat and disinhibit damp, quicken blood and stanch bleeding. TCMIndications: Dysentery, knocks and falls, bleeding knife wound.Isolated compounds: 16849, 18107, 18108, 18109, 18110, 18111.T5298 Pteris vittata (Pteridaceae); WU GONG CAO; <strong>Chinese</strong> Brake. Usedpart: whole herb or rhizome. TCM Effects: To dispel wind andeliminate damp, soothe sinews and quicken network vessels, resolvetoxin and kill worms. TCM Indications: Wind-damp pain in sinew andbone, lumbago, numbness in limbs, hemiplegia, knocks and falls,common cold, dysentery, mammary welling abscess, sore toxin, scabsore, ascariasis, snake or insect bites. Isolated compounds: 12525.

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