Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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534T5116 Polygonum sp. (Polygonaceae). Isolated compounds: 19087.T5117 Polygonum spp. (Polygonaceae). Isolated compounds: 17399.T5118 Polygonum suffultum (Fabaceae); HONG SAN QI; OvateleafKnotweed. Used part: rhizome. TCM Effects: To stanch bleeding andrelieve pain, quicken blood and regulate menstruation, clear heat andeliminate damp. TCM Indications: Painful wound from knocks andfalls, bleeding due to external injury, blood ejection, hematochezia,flooding and spotting, red and white vaginal discharge, damp-heatdysentery, welling abscess. Isolated compounds: 19987.T5119 Polygonum thunbergii (Polygonaceae); SHUI MA TIAO; ThunbergKnotweed. Used part: herb. TCM Effects: To dispel wind and clearheat, quicken blood and relieve pain. TCM Indications: Headache dueto externally contracted wind-heat, cough, sand, dysentery, painfulwound from knocks and falls, tuberculosis and hemoptysis. Isolatedcompounds: 4446, 13240, 16990, 18411.T5120 Polygonum tinctorium (Polygonaceae); LIAO LAN GUO; IndigoplantFruit. Used part: fruit. TCM Effects: To clear heat, cool blood, resolvetoxin. TCM Indications: Warm disease ardent fever, blood ejection,spontaneous external bleeding, macular eruption, swelling pain inthroat, swollen boil, innominate toxin swelling, bee sting, insect bites.Isolated compounds: 18287, 22059.T5121 Polygonum tinctorium (Polygonaceae); LIAO LAN YE; IndigoplantLeaf. Used part: stem-leaf. TCM Effects: To clear heat and resolvetoxin, cool blood and disperse macula. TCM Indications: Warmdisease fever, macular eruption and papules, blood ejection,spontaneous external bleeding, throat impediment, heat dysentery,jaundice, erysipelas, epidemic parotitis, mouth sore, swollen wellingabscess. Isolated compounds: 11014, 11023, 11024, 18287, 21799.T5122 Polygonum viscosum (Polygonaceae); ZHAN MAO LIAO;Viscidhairy Knotweed. Used part: branch-leaf. TCM Effects: Torectify qi and remove damp, fortify stomach and disperse food. TCMIndications: Stomach qi pain, indigestion, child gan accumulation,wind-damp pain. Isolated compounds: 6147, 18353, 22535.T5123 Polypodium glycyrrhiza (Polypodiaceae); TIAN GEN DUO ZU JUE;Sweetroot Polypody*. Isolated compounds: 17663.T5124 Polypodium niponicum (Polypodiaceae); SHUI LONG GU; JapanesePolypody. Used part: rhizome. TCM Effects: To clear heat anddisinhibit damp, quicken blood and free network vessels. TCMIndications: Opacity <strong>of</strong> urine, diarrhea, strangury, wind-dampimpediment pain, knocks and falls. Isolated compounds: 3773, 4468,4503, 4885, 6678, 6679, 7758, 7978, 9638, 9639, 9641, 9642, 10066,14355, 14434, 15064, 15065, 15066, 15067, 15729, 15730, 15731,15732, 16029, 16030, 16037, 16038, 16251, 16426, 17584, 17585,17618, 19767, 20698, 20709.Polypodium punctatum = Hypolepis punctataT5125 Polypodium spp. (Polypodiaceae). Isolated compounds: 15064.T5126 Polypodium virginianum (Polypodiaceae); DONG BEI DUO ZU JUE;North-east Polypody*. Used part: rhizome. TCM Effects: SeePolypodium vulgare. TCM Indications: See Polypodium vulgare.Isolated compounds: 15729, 15730, 19767.T5127 Polypodium vulgare (Polypodiaceae); DUO ZU JUE; CommonPolypody. Equivalent plant: Polypodium virginianum. Used part:rhizome. TCM Effects: To clear heat, resolve toxin and disinhibitdamp. TCM Indications: Damp-heat strangury pain, wind-damp-heatimpediment, swollen welling abscess, sore and boil, wind papuleitching, knocks and falls. Isolated compounds: 3551, 6678, 9638, 9642,10062, 12999, 13419, 14235, 15729, 15730, 16116, 17660, 17662,17663.Polyporus cinnabarinus = Trametes cinnabarinaT5128 Polyporus ellisii (Polyporaceae); AI LI SI DUO KONG JUN; EllisiPorous Agaric*. Isolated compounds: 3421, 6904, 20154.Polyporus fomentarius = Fomes fomentariusPolyporus pinicola = Fomitopsis pinicolaT5129 Polyporus umbellatus (Polyporaceae); ZHU LING; Popyporus Agaric.Used part: sclerotium. TCM Effects: To disinhibit water and percolatedamp, anticancer. TCM Indications: Inhibited urination, edema,ascites, carcinoma <strong>of</strong> lung, carcinoma <strong>of</strong> esophagus, diarrhea,strangury-turbidity, vaginal discharge. Isolated compounds: 7247,7250, 17665, 17666, 17667, 17668, 17669, 17670, 17671.T5130 Polyscias amplifolia (Araliaceae); DA YE NAN YANG SHEN;Bigleaf Polyscias*. Isolated compounds: 8054, 8065, 17622, 17623.T5131 Polyscias murrayi (Araliaceae); MO LEI NAN YANG SHEN; MurriPolyscias*. Isolated compounds: 6091, 10638, 17169.T5132 Polystichum fauriei (Aspidiaceae); FU RUI ER JUE; Faurie ShieldFern*. Isolated compounds: 17660.T5133 Polytrichum commune (Polytrichaceae); JIN FA XIAN; CommonGold-hair Moss*. Used part: frond. TCM Effects: To enrich yin andclear heat, cool blood and stanch bleeding. TCM Indications: Steamingbone tidal fever due to yin vacuity, night sweating, tuberculosis withcough, blood ejection due to blood heat, spontaneous external bleeding,hemoptysis, hematochezia, flooding and spotting. Isolated compounds:14806.T5134 Polytrichum ohioense (Polytrichaceae); DUO XING JIN FA XIAN;Polymorphism Gold-hair Moss*. Isolated compounds: 16019, 16020,16021, 16022, 16023.T5135 Polytrichum pollidisetum (Polytrichaceae); CANG MAO JIN FAXUAN; Dark-hair Gold-hair Moss*. Isolated compounds: 16548,16549.T5136 Pometia ridleyi (Sapindaceae); LI DE LI FAN LONG YAN; RidleyPometia*. Isolated compounds: 17689, 17690, 17691, 17692, 17693,17694.T5137 Poncirus trifoliata (Rutaceae); GOU JU; Trifoliate-orange. Used part:unripe fruit. TCM Effects: To break qi and dissipate binds, course liverand resolve depression. TCM Indications: Binding depression <strong>of</strong> liverqi, mammary consumption, mounting qi, qi stagnation, distentionfullness in stomach duct and abdomen, pain in stomach duct,constipation, prolapse <strong>of</strong> uterus, prolapse <strong>of</strong> rectum. Isolatedcompounds: 933, 1497, 3241, 3242, 9458, 11611, 15286, 15882,17705, 19784, 20002, 22775.T5138 Poncirus trifoliata (Rutaceae); GOU JU HE; Trifoliate-orange Seed.Used part: seed. TCM Effects: To stanch bleeding. TCM Indications:Incessant intestinal wind bleeding. Isolated compounds: 2010, 9419,13846.T5139 Poncirus trifoliata (Rutaceae); GOU JU YE; Trifoliate-orange Leaf.Used part: leaf. TCM Effects: To rectify qi and dispel wind, dissipatebinds and disperse swelling. TCM Indications: Dysphagia-occlusion,

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