Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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531T5055 Podocarpus spicatus (Podocarpaceae); SUI HUA LUO HAN SONG;Matai. Isolated compounds: 13594.T5056 Podolepis longipedata . Isolated compounds: 16409.T5057 Podophyllum emodii [Syn. Podophyllum emodii var. chinense;Podophyllum sikkimenosis; Sinopodophyllum emodii] (Berberidaceae);TAO ER QI; Common Sinopodophyllm. Used part: root and rhizome.TCM Effects: To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood andrelieve pain, relieve cough and dispel phlegm. TCM Indications:Wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, menstrual disorder,dysmenorrhea, pain in stomach duct and abdomen, cough. Isolatedcompounds: 1372, 4962, 5011, 5074, 5078, 5091, 5092, 5093, 5094,11608, 14400, 17110, 17337, 17339, 17340, 17341, 17592, 17593,17594, 17595, 19889.Podophyllum emodii var. chinense = Podophyllum emodiiT5058 Podophyllum peltatum (Berberidaceae); DUN YE GUI JIU; CommonMayapple. Isolated compounds: 16793, 16794, 16795, 16796, 16797,17337, 17347, 17592, 17593, 17594, 17595.Podophyllum sikkimenosis = Podophyllum emodiiT5059 Pogostemon cablin [Syn. Mentha cablin] (Lamiaceae); GUANG HUOXIANG; Cablin Potchouli. Used part: aerial parts. TCM Effects: Totransform damp aromaticly, increase appetite and check vomiting,effuse exterior and resolve summerheat. TCM Indications:Summerheat-damp lassitude, oppression in chest, vomiting diarrheawith abdominal pain, deep-source nasal congestion and headache.Isolated compounds: 928, 1476, 1485, 1492, 2222, 2943, 3241, 3242,3693, 4875, 6741, 6928, 7521, 7730, 9031, 9032, 9033, 9041, 9042,9088, 9727, 9728, 9729, 14111, 14177, 16092, 16498, 16704, 16706,16707, 16711, 16712, 16929, 17601, 17602, 18679, 19793, 22311.T5060 Polanisia dodecandra (Capparidaceae); SHI ER RUI CHOU SHI CAI;Dodecapistil Spiderflower*. Isolated compounds: 17603.T5061 Polianthes tuberosa (Amaryllidaceae); WAN XIANG YU; Tuberose.Used part: root. TCM Effects: To clear heat and resolve toxin. TCMIndications: Swelling toxin <strong>of</strong> welling abscess and sore. Isolatedcompounds: 696, 1570, 1571, 3553, 3584, 8661, 9254, 9255, 9256,17611, 17612, 17613, 17614, 17615, 17616, 21383, 21385, 21387,22286, 22826.T5062 Pollia endiviifolia (Commelinaceae). Isolated compounds: 16984.T5063 Polyalthia acuminata (Annonaceae). Isolated compounds: 15711.T5064 Polyalthia cheliensis (Annonaceae); JING HONG AN LUO; JinghongGreenstar. Isolated compounds: 246.T5065 Polyalthia longifolia (Annonaceae); CHANG YE AN LUO; IndiaGreenstar. Isolated compounds: 12714, 17619.T5066 Polyalthia longifolia var. pendula (Annonaceae); BIAN ZHONGCHANG YE AN LUO; Indian Greenstar Variety*. Isolated compounds:917, 11750, 12257, 16799, 16800, 16802, 20372.T5067 Polyalthia nemoralis (Annonaceae); LING SHUI AN LUO;Nemoricolous Greenstar*. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To fortifyspleen and boost stomach, supplement kidney and secure essence.TCM Indications: Center vacuity with stomachache, inappetence,kidney vacuity and emission. Isolated compounds: 23002.T5068 Polyalthia suberosa (Annonaceae); AN LUO; Suberous Greenstar.Isolated compounds: 12116.T5069 Polycarpon prostratum (Caryophyllaceae); DUO JIA CAO; Manyseed.Isolated compounds: 17959, 17960, 17961, 17962.T5070 Polygala amarella (Polygalaceae); KU WEI YUAN ZHI; BitterMilkwort*. Isolated compounds: 20940, 20941, 20942, 20943, 20944,20946, 20947, 20948, 20949, 20950, 20951, 20952, 20953, 20954,20957, 20958.T5071 Polygala arillata (Polygalaceae); HUANG HUA YUAN ZHI;Yellowflower Milkwort. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To dispelphlegm and eliminate damp, fortify spleen and supplement vacuity,quiet heart and quicken blood. TCM Indications: Cough with pr<strong>of</strong>usephlegm, wind-damp impediment pain, dribbling pain <strong>of</strong> urination,edema, beriberi, hepatitis, tuberculosis, postpartum vacuity weakness,inappetence, child gan accumulation, insomnia and frequent dreaming,menstrual disorder, knocks and falls. Isolated compounds: 1681, 1682,1683, 1684, 1685, 1686, 1687, 1688, 1689, 6009, 6031, 10423, 17636,18606, 20369, 20372.Polygala aureocauda = Polygala fallaxT5072 Polygala caudata (Polygalaceae); SHUI HUANG YANG MU;Caudate Milkwort. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To clear heat anddisinhibit damp, relieve cough and transform phlegm. TCMIndications: Swelling pain in throat, damp-heat jaundice, bronchitis.Isolated compounds: 4143, 17621.T5073 Polygala chinensis [Syn. Polygala glomerata] (Polygalaceae); DA JINNIU CAO; <strong>Chinese</strong> Milkwort. Used part: whole herb with root. TCMEffects: To dispel phlegm, disperse accumulation, dissipate stasis,resolve toxin. TCM Indications: Cough and sore pharynx, child ganaccumulation, knocks and falls, scr<strong>of</strong>ula, swollen welling abscess,poisonous snake bite. Isolated compounds: 1622, 1623, 3530, 3531,3532, 3540, 8582, 8583, 8584, 8585, 8586, 8587, 9323, 12082, 15184,20445.T5074 Polygala emodi (Polygalaceae); XI MA LA YA YUAN ZHI;Himalayan Milkwort*. Isolated compounds: 5074.T5075 Polygala fallax [Syn. Polygala aureocauda] (Polygalaceae); JIAHUANG HUA YUAN ZHI; Fasle Yellowflower Milkwort*. Used part:root or stem-leaf. TCM Effects: To supplement vacuity and fortifyspleen, free network vessels and dissipate stasis. TCM Indications:Taxation fatigue and hypodynamia, prolapse <strong>of</strong> uterus, child ganaccumulation, spleen vacuity edema, sparse vaginal discharge,wind-damp impediment pain, lumbago, menstrual disorder ,dysmenorrhea, knocks and falls. Isolated compounds: 6009, 6031,7711, 7712, 7713, 10044, 10422, 16109, 17637, 17638.T5076 Polygala fruticosa (Polygalaceae); GUAN MU YUAN ZHI; ShrubbyMilkwort*. Isolated compounds: 7973.Polygala glomerata = Polygala chinensisT5077 Polygala macradenia (Polygalaceae); DA XIAN YUAN ZHI;Macradenous Milkwort*. Isolated compounds: 5074.T5078 Polygala nitida (Polygalaceae); GUANG LIANG YUAN ZHI; ShiningMilkwort*. Isolated compounds: 18609, 18610.T5079 Polygala paenea (Polygalaceae); PEI NI YUAN ZHI; PaeneMilkwort*. Isolated compounds: 5074.T5080 Polygala peltatum (Polygalaceae); ZU YE CAO; Peltate Milkwort*.Isolated compounds: 5074.T5081 Polygala polygama (Polygalaceae); KU YUAN ZHI; RacemedMilkwort. Isolated compounds: 5093.

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