Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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526compounds: 11249, 17375.T4900 Pimpinella saxifraga (Apiaceae); HU ER CAO YE HUI QIN;Burnet-saxifrage. Isolated compounds: 11249, 17375.T4901 Pimpinella sp. (Apiaceae). Isolated compounds: 22195.T4902 Pimpinella thelungiana (Apiaceae); YANG HONG SHAN; ThellungPimpinella. Used part: root or whole herb. TCM Effects: To boost qiand fortify spleen, nourish heart and quiet spirit, relieve cough anddispel phlegm. TCM Indications: Kersan disease, palpitation andshortness <strong>of</strong> breath, cough. Isolated compounds: 7406, 7407, 14003,16895, 16896, 21308, 21309.T4903 Pinellia pedatisecta (Araceae); ZHANG YE BAN XIA; PedatePinellia. Used part: tuber. TCM Effects: See Arisaema consanguineum.TCM Indications: See Arisaema consanguineum. Isolated compounds:618, 4463, 4464, 4510, 4526, 7334, 10520, 10913, 11631, 14752,14780, 14802, 16759, 16760, 17095, 17906, 17907, 19983, 22237,22329.T4904 Pinellia ternata (Araceae); BAN XIA; Ternate Pinellia. Used part:tuber. TCM Effects: To eliminate damp and resolve cold phlegm,downbear counterflow and check vomiting, disperse glomus anddissipate binds. TCM Indications: Cough and asthma with abundantphlegm, vomiting nausea, glomus in chest, dizziness, headache,vexation and agitation in night, goiters with phlegm node, swellingtoxin <strong>of</strong> welling abscess and flat abscess. Isolated compounds: 832,1047, 1673, 1886, 2458, 3589, 3988, 4680, 5763, 6815, 8672, 8817,9071, 9380, 9569, 9608, 13823, 14225, 14334, 15981, 16835, 16862,17093, 17905, 17968, 19759, 19983, 19987, 21342, 21662, 22169,22324.T4905 Pinus aristata (Pinaceae); CI GUO SONG; Bristlecone Pine. Isolatedcompounds: 3600.T4906 Pinus armandii (Pinaceae); HUA SHAN SONG; Armand Pine. Usedpart: leaf. TCM Effects: See Pinus massoniana. TCM Indications: SeePinus massoniana. Isolated compounds: 16316.T4907 Pinus armandii var. mastersiana (Pinaceae); TAI WAN GUO SONG;Masters Pine. Isolated compounds: 17422.T4908 Pinus bungeana (Pinaceae); BAI PI SONG; Lacebark Pine. Used part:cone. TCM Effects: To dispel phlegm, relieve cough, calm asthma.TCM Indications: Chronic trachitis, asthma, cough and shortness <strong>of</strong>breath, abundant phlegm. Isolated compounds: 12843.T4909 Pinus cembra (Pinaceae); RUI SHI SHI SONG; Arolla Pine. Isolatedcompounds: 17403.T4910 Pinus excelsa (Pinaceae); QIAO GUI; Bhutan Pine. Isolatedcompounds: 3600.T4911 Pinus kesiya (Pinaceae); KA XI YA SONG; Khasya Pine. Isolatedcompounds: 17056.T4912 Pinus koraiensis (Pinaceae); HAI SONG ZI; Korean Pine Seed. Usedpart: seed. TCM Effects: To moisten dryness, nourish blood, dispelwind. TCM Indications: Dry cough due to lung dryness, vacuityconstipation, joints wind, wind impediment. Isolated compounds: 711,3194, 3385, 6293, 6482, 6937, 11314, 12455, 12843, 14285, 14548,15332, 15735, 15736, 16555, 17390, 17426.T4913 Pinus koraiensis (Pinaceae); HONG SONG; Korean Pine. Isolatedcompounds: 17422.T4914 Pinus laricio (Pinaceae); KE XI JIA SONG; Corsican Pine. Isolatedcompounds: 7768.T4915 Pinus maritime (Pinaceae). Isolated compounds: 5699.T4916 Pinus massoniana (Pinaceae); MA WEI SONG YE; Masson Pine Leaf.Equivalent plant: Pinus armandii. Used part: leaf. TCM Effects: Todispel wind and dry damp, kill worms and relieve itch, quicken bloodand quiet spirit. TCM Indications: Wind-damp impediment pain,beriberi, damp sore, lichen, wind papule itching, knocks and falls,neurasthenia, chronic nephritis, hypertension, prevention <strong>of</strong> influenzaand encephalitis B. Isolated compounds: 10996, 13582, 13583, 13584,13585, 13586, 13587, 13588, 17376.T4917 Pinus massoniana (Pinaceae); SONG XIANG; Colophony. Used part:residue left after distillation <strong>of</strong> turpentine oil from crude oleo-resin <strong>of</strong>various spp. <strong>of</strong> Pinus. TCM Effects: To dispel wind and dry damp,expel pus and draw out toxin, engender flesh and relieve pain. TCMIndications: Malign sores with welling abscess and flat abscess,scr<strong>of</strong>ula, fistula, scab and lichen, bald white scalp sore, leprosy,impediment, incised wound, sprain, leukorrhea, thromboangiitisobliterans (Buerger’s disease), clove sore, hemorrhoids, itchy skin.Isolated compounds: 10, 15333, 16572.T4918 Pinus monticola (Pinaceae); JIA ZHOU SHAN SONG; CalifornianMountain Pine. Isolated compounds: 3600.T4919 Pinus palustris (Pinaceae); CHANG YE SONG; Long-leaved Pine.Isolated compounds: 11600, 12955, 15805, 15806.T4920 Pinus radiata (Pinaceae); FU SHE SONG; Montery Pine. Isolatedcompounds: 3767, 7751, 15663, 17055, 17888.T4921 Pinus resinosa (Pinaceae); DUO ZHI SONG; Red Pine. Isolatedcompounds: 9740.T4922 Pinus rigida (Pinaceae); GANG SONG; Northern Pitch Pine. Isolatedcompounds: 18641.T4923 Pinus sibirica (Pinaceae); XI BO LI YA HONG SONG; Siberian StonePine. Isolated compounds: 11314, 17422, 18643, 18650.T4924 Pinus sp. (Pinaceae). Isolated compounds: 1074, 1282, 5694, 12955,15555, 17409, 17420, 17421, 18003.T4925 Pinus spp. (Pinaceae). Isolated compounds: 17399.T4926 Pinus sylvestris (Pinaceae); OU ZHOU CHI SONG; Scotch Pine.Isolated compounds: 1169, 7385, 21022.T4927 Pinus taeda (Pinaceae); TAI DA SONG; Loblolly Pine, Old Field Pine.Isolated compounds: 1655, 17888, 17890.T4928 Piper aduncum (Piperaceae); GOU ZHUANG HU JIAO; HookedPepper*. Isolated compounds: 1343, 6193, 6383, 17430, 17431,17432.T4929 Piper aequale (Piperaceae); TE LI NI DA HU JIAO; Trinidad Pepper*.Isolated compounds: 5644, 6423, 14380.T4930 Piper aff. pedicellatum (Piperaceae). Isolated compounds: 2563.T4931 Piper angustifolium (Piperaceae); XIA YE HU JIAO; Matico Pepper.Isolated compounds: 1520, 1835.T4932 Piper arboreum (Piperaceae); QIAO MU HU JIAO; ArboreousPepper*. Isolated compounds: 1612, 16388.T4933 Piper attenuatum (Piperaceae); LUAN YE HU JIAO; Ovateleaf Pepper.Isolated compounds: 17463, 17466.T4934 Piper aurantiacum (Piperaceae). Isolated compounds: 17449.T4935 Piper banksii (Piperaceae); BAN KE HU JIAO; Bank Pepper*.Isolated compounds: 6745.

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