Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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50815518, 15519.T4423 Nicandra physaloides (Solanaceae); JIA SUAN JIANG; Apple <strong>of</strong> Peru.Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To clear heat and resolve toxin,dispel phlegm, calm. TCM Indications: Rabid dog bite, mental disease,epilepsy, wind-damp pain, sore and boil, common cold. Isolatedcompounds: 10835, 15521, 15522, 20369, 22051, 22701.T4424 Nicotiana acuminata (Solanaceae); JIAN XING YAN CAO;Acuminate Tobacco*. Isolated compounds: 1124.T4425 Nicotiana glutinosa (Solanaceae); JIAO YAN CAO; Slimy Tobacco*.Isolated compounds: 8794.T4426 Nicotiana plumbaginifolia (Solanaceae); HUI YE YAN CAO;Leadwordleaf Tobacco. Isolated compounds: 20064, 20065.T4427 Nicotiana rustica (Solanaceae); HUANG HUA YAN CAO; AztecTobacco. Isolated compounds: 15527.T4428 Nicotiana tabacum (Solanaceae); YAN CAO; Common Tobacco. Usedpart: leaf. TCM Effects: To move qi and relieve pain, resolve toxin andkill worms. TCM Indications: Food stagnation, qi bind pain, wellingabscess and flat abscess, clove sore, scab and lichen, snake bite, dogbite. Isolated compounds: 116, 1124, 1125, 1140, 3145, 4473, 4816,4963, 6643, 6644, 11754, 15527, 16884, 18849, 19105, 19545, 20070,20146, 21612, 22058.T4429 Nierembergia hippomanica (Solanaceae); MA ZHUANG SAI YA MA;Hippomane Cupflower*. Isolated compounds: 16122.T4430 Nigella arvensis (Ranunculaceae); YE HEI ZHONG CAO;Devil-in-a-bush. Isolated compounds: 4614.T4431 Nigella damascena (Ranunculaceae); HEI ZHONG CAO; Jackinprison.Isolated compounds: 4614.T4432 Nigella glandulifera (Ranunculaceae); XIAN MAO HEI ZHONGCAO; Glandular Fennelflower. Used part: seed. TCM Effects: Toquicken blood and free menstruation, disinhibit urine and removestone, supplement kidney and fortify brain. TCM Indications:Menstrual disorder , menstrual block, scant breast milk, edema,urethral stone, dizziness and tinnitus, premature graying in beard andhair, cough and asthma, scab sore, white patch wind. Isolatedcompounds: 8043, 15562, 15567.T4433 Nigella sativa (Ranunculaceae); ZAI PEI HEI ZHONG CAO;Cultivated Fennelflower*. Isolated compounds: 15563, 15564, 15565,15566, 15568, 15569.T4434 Niphogeton ternata (Apiaceae). Isolated compounds: 196, 3556, 3560,3561, 3856, 5658, 7707, 7709, 11001, 11462, 11578, 11601, 11834,16458, 16488, 16597, 19430, 22774.T4435 Nitraria schoberi (Zygophyllaceae); DONG QIANG; Whitethorn*.Isolated compounds: 15317.T4436 Nitraria tangutorum (Zygophyllaceae); BAI CI; Nitraria*. Used part:fruit. TCM Effects: To fortify spleen and assisting movement, promotelactation, quiet spirit. TCM Indications: Reduced food intake due tospleen vacuity, indigestion, scant breast milk, neurasthenia. Isolatedcompounds: 22492.T4437 Nolina recurvata (Agavaceae); XIA WAN NUO LIN; RecurvateNolina*. Isolated compounds: 15455, 15456.T4438 Nostoc flagelliforme (Nostocaceae); FA CAI; Hair Vegetable*. Usedpart: frond. TCM Effects: To supplement blood, disinhibit urine, lowerblood pressure, relieve cough and transform phlegm. TCM Indications:Blood vacuity <strong>of</strong> women, hypertension, cough with pr<strong>of</strong>use phlegm.Isolated compounds: 15227.T4439 Nothapodytes pittosporoides MA BI MU; PittosporumlikeNothapodytes. Used part: root cortex. TCM Effects: To dispel windand disinhibit damp, rectify qi and dissipate cold. TCM Indications:Wind-cold-damp impediment, edema, mounting qi (hernia). Isolatedcompounds: 3053.T4440 Noth<strong>of</strong>agus sp. (Fagaceae). Isolated compounds: 17420.T4441 Notholaena sp. (Sinopteridaceae). Isolated compounds: 5969.T4442 Notholaena spp. (Sinopteridaceae). Isolated compounds: 17617.Notholirion bulbuliferum = Notholirion hyacinthinumT4443 Notholirion hyacinthinum [Syn. Notholirion bulbuliferum] (Liliaceae);JIA BAI HE; Hyacinth Falselily. Used part: small bulb. TCM Effects:To rectify qi and harmonize stomach, dispel wind and relieve cough.TCM Indications: Distending pain in stomach duct and abdomen,vomiting, wind-cold cough. Isolated compounds: 2907, 4135, 7424,7768, 14254, 14499, 20059.T4444 Nothopanax davidii (Araliaceae); YI YE LIANG WANG CHA; DavidFalsepanax. Used part: bark. TCM Effects: To dispel wind anddissipate stasis, quicken blood and relieve pain. TCM Indications:Wind-damp impediment pain, taxation damage and lumbago, knocksand falls, fracture, menstrual disorder. Isolated compounds: 533,22915, 22916, 22917, 22918, 22919.T4445 Notopterygium forbesii [Syn. Notopterygium franchetii] (Apiaceae);KUAN YE QIANG HUO; Forbes Notopterygium. Used part: rhizomeor root. TCM Effects: See Notopterygium incisum. TCM Indications:See Notopterygium incisum. Isolated compounds: 2308, 3045, 3195,3237, 3936, 4550, 5080, 9407, 9512, 11462, 12843, 15146, 15645,15647, 15843, 15973, 17055, 17376, 17377, 19099, 19687, 20990,20992, 20995.Notopterygium franchetii = Notopterygium forbesiiT4446 Notopterygium incisum (Apiaceae); QIANG HUO; IncisedNotopterygium. Equivalent plant: Notopterygium forbesii. Used part:rhizome or root. TCM Effects: To dissipate cold and resolve exterior,dispel wind and eliminate damp, disinhibit joints, relieve pain. TCMIndications: Externally contracted wind-cold, headache withoutsweating, wind-cold-damp impediment, edema, toxin swelling <strong>of</strong> sores.Isolated compounds: 336, 934, 1048, 1278, 1279, 1520, 1598, 2310,2545, 3936, 5080, 6537, 6725, 7466, 7708, 7768, 9044, 9486, 11462,12800, 12843, 12891, 13571, 14335, 14336, 14485, 14486, 14610,14629, 14742, 14744, 15203, 15645, 15647, 15843, 15844, 15845,15926, 15927, 16066, 16257, 16823, 17077, 17376, 17377, 18739,19983, 20280, 20446, 20990, 20992, 20998, 21349, 21595, 21976,22332, 22775.T4447 Notoseris rhombiformis (Asteraceae); LING YE ZI JU; RhombicleafPurpledaisy. Isolated compounds: 15846.T4448 Nuphar japonicum (Nymphaeaceae); RI BEN PING PENG CAO;Japanese Cowlily*. Isolated compounds: 5199, 15868, 15869, 15870,16836.T4449 Nuphar luteum (Nymphaeaceae); OU ZHOU PING PENG CAO;European Cowlily. Isolated compounds: 5199, 21333.T4450 Nuphar pumilum (Nymphaeaceae); PING PENG CAO; Cowlily. Usedpart: rhizome. TCM Effects: To fortify spleen and boost lung, quicken

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