Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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494compounds: 7513, 7514, 9631, 11519, 21074.T4035 Magnolia biondii [Syn. Magnolia fargesii] (Magnoliaceae); WANGCHUN YU LAN; Biond Magnolia. Used part: flower bud. TCMEffects: See Magnolia liliflora. TCM Indications: See Magnolialiliflora. Isolated compounds: 1843, 2303, 2387, 2388, 2389, 2390,2391, 2392, 2858, 5135, 7512, 7719, 7721, 11851, 12920, 13387,16555, 17414.T4036 Magnolia coco (Magnoliaceae); YE HE HUA; <strong>Chinese</strong> MagnoliaFlower. Used part: flower. TCM Effects: To move qi and dissipatestasis, relieve cough, check discharge. TCM Indications: Liverdepression and qi pain, knocks and falls, concretion andconglomeration, Vaginal discharge. Isolated compounds: 1344, 12917,13372, 19183, 20319.T4037 Magnolia compressa (Magnoliaceae); Magnolia compressa. Isolatedcompounds: 16439.T4038 Magnolia denudata [Syn. Magnolia heptapata] (Magnoliaceae); YULAN; Yulan Magnolia. Used part: flower bud. TCM Effects: SeeMagnolia liliflora. TCM Indications: See Magnolia liliflora. Isolatedcompounds: 591, 946, 2759, 7719, 7722, 8086, 8093, 9209, 12750,13374, 15426, 19183, 22383.Magnolia fargesii = Magnolia biondiiT4039 Magnolia grandiflora (Magnoliaceae); HE HUA YU LAN; SouthernMagnolia. Used part: flower and bark. TCM Effects: To dispel windand dissipate cold, move qi and relieve pain. TCM Indications:Externally contracted wind-cold, headache and nasal congestion,distending pain in stomach duct, vomiting and diarrhea, hypertension,tuberculosis. Isolated compounds: 12917, 13374, 13375, 13376, 13377,13388, 13654, 13655, 15781, 16977, 19183, 20569.Magnolia heptapata = Magnolia denudataT4040 Magnolia kobus (Magnoliaceae); RI BEN XIN YI; Kobus Magnolia.Isolated compounds: 7385, 19183.T4041 Magnolia liliflora (Magnoliaceae); XIN YI; Lily Magnolia Buds.Equivalent plant: Magnolia liliflora, Magnolia sprengeri, Magnoliabiondii, Magnolia denudata. Used part: flower bud. TCM Effects: Todissipate wind-cold, relieve stuffed nose. TCM Indications: Wind-coldcommon cold, headache, nasal congestion and runny nose, nasitis,nasosinusitis. Isolated compounds: 3760, 7521, 12497, 13387, 16900,22383.T4042 Magnolia liliflora (Magnoliaceae); ZI YU LAN PI; Lily MagnoliaBark. Used part: bark. TCM Effects: To rectify qi and eliminate damp,calm asthma. TCM Indications: Liquor jaundice, damp itchy ingenitals, lai, double tongue, welling abscess and flat abscess, edema.Isolated compounds: 19183.T4043 Magnolia mutabilis (Magnoliaceae); BIAN XING MU LAN; MutableMagnolia*. Isolated compounds: 19777.T4044 Magnolia obovata (Magnoliaceae); RI BEN HOU PO; WhiteleafJapanese Magnolia. Isolated compounds: 322, 532, 7517, 7894, 9631,12497, 12917, 12917, 13373, 13388.T4045 Magnolia <strong>of</strong>ficinalis (Magnoliaceae); HOU PO; Officinal Magnolia.Equivalent plant: Magnolia biloba. Used part: bark. TCM Effects: Todry damp and disperse phlegm, precipitate qi and eliminate fullness,lower blood pressure. TCM Indications: Amebic dysentery, vomitingand diarrhea, food accumulation and qi stagnation, abdominaldistention and constipation, phlegm-rheum cough asthma. Isolatedcompounds: 85, 336, 928, 1348, 1763, 1857, 2412, 2561, 2795, 3194,3242, 3688, 4029, 4550, 6746, 7513, 7514, 9044, 9631, 9669, 10449,11519, 12843, 12849, 12850, 13364, 13365, 13366, 13367, 13373,13374, 13378, 13379, 13380, 13381, 13382, 13383, 13384, 13385,13386, 13388, 13393, 13395, 13396, 14491, 14827, 15888, 17376,17458, 17459, 18532, 19183, 19306, 19910, 20556, 20992, 20995,21074.T4046 Magnolia praecocissima (Magnoliaceae); ZHOU YE MU LAN;Wrinkleleaf Magnolia*. Isolated compounds: 394, 7077, 7512, 7720,12241, 13394, 16154, 16675, 19777, 23006.T4047 Magnolia pyramidata (Magnoliaceae); JIN ZI TA MU LAN;Pyramidal Magnolia*. Isolated compounds: 18241, 18242, 18243,18244, 18245, 18246, 18247, 18248.T4048 Magnolia rostrata (Magnoliaceae); DA YE HOU PO; BigleafMagnolia. Used part: bark. TCM Effects: To warm center andtransform damp, move qi and disperse accumulation. TCM Indications:Distention fullness and sudden pain in chest and abdomen, foodaccumulation and qi stagnation, vomiting, diarrhea, cough withpr<strong>of</strong>use phlegm. Isolated compounds: 5379, 13373, 13388, 13389.T4049 Magnolia salicifolia (Magnoliaceae); LIU YE MU LAN; WillowleafMagnolia*. Isolated compounds: 1186, 1282, 7751, 13390, 13392,19121.T4050 Magnolia sieboldii (Magnoliaceae); TIAN NV MU LAN; OyamaMagnolia. Used part: bud. TCM Effects: To disinhibit urine anddisperse edema, moisten lung and relieve cough. TCM Indications:Lung vacuity cough, phlegm containing blood, liquor jaundiceaccumulation, double tongue, swollen welling abscess. Isolatedcompounds: 19922, 20569.T4051 Magnolia spp. (Magnoliaceae). Isolated compounds: 15751.T4052 Magnolia sprengeri (Magnoliaceae); WU DANG MU LAN; SprengerMagnolia. Used part: flower bud. TCM Effects: See Magnolia liliflora.TCM Indications: See Magnolia liliflora. Isolated compounds: 2858,13373, 13393.T4053 Mahonia acanthifolia (Berberidaceae); CI YE SHI DA GONG LAO;Acanthus-leaved Mahonia. Isolated compounds: 16439.T4054 Mahonia aquifolium (Berberidaceae); JIAN YE SHI DA GONG LAO;Oregon-grape. Isolated compounds: 11344, 16439.T4055 Mahonia bealei (Berberidaceae); SHI DA GONG LAO MU;Leatherleaf Mahonia. Equivalent plant: Mahonia fortunei, Mahoniajaponica. Used part: stem. TCM Effects: To clear heat, dry damp,resolve toxin. TCM Indications: Lung heat cough, jaundice, diarrhea,dysentery, red eyes with gall, sores, eczema, scalds. Isolatedcompounds: 2303, 11851, 16555.T4056 Mahonia bealei (Berberidaceae); SHI DA GONG LAO YE;Leatherleaf Mahonia Leaf. Equivalent plant: Mahonia fortunei,Mahonia japonica. Used part: leaf. TCM Effects: To clear vacuity heat,dry damp, resolve toxin. TCM Indications: Tuberculosis andhemoptysis, steaming bone tidal fever, dizziness and tinnitus, limpaching lumbus and knees, damp-heat jaundice, vaginal discharge,dysentery, wind-heat common cold, red eyes with gall, swollenwelling abscess and sores. Isolated compounds: no.T4057 Mahonia bealei (Berberidaceae); SHI DA GONG LAO ZI; Leatherleaf

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