Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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493Lysionotus. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To dispel wind andeliminate damp, relieve cough and transform phlegm, dispel stasis andregulate menstruation. TCM Indications: Tuberculosis, bonetuberculosis, scr<strong>of</strong>ula, chronic bronchitis, wind-damp impediment pain,cough and asthma with abundant phlegm, menstrual disorder,dysmenorrhea, knocks and falls, boil. Isolated compounds: 13264.T4006 Lythrum anceps (Lythraceae); RI BEN QIAN QU CAI; TwoedgedLoosestrife. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: See Lythrumsalicaria. TCM Indications: See Lythrum salicaria. Isolatedcompounds: 13267.T4007 Lythrum salicaria (Lythraceae); QIAN QU CAI; Spiked Loosestrife.Equivalent plant: Lythrum anceps. Used part: whole herb. TCMEffects: To clear heat and resolve toxin, promote contraction andstanch bleeding. TCM Indications: Dysentery, diarrhea, hematochezia,flooding, ulcerating sores, blood ejection, spontaneous externalbleeding, bleeding due to external injury. Isolated compounds: 3551,4439, 6757, 8095, 12952, 13268, 13269, 13270, 13271, 13272, 13273,13274, 13275, 13276, 13277, 13278, 13279, 13280, 13460, 16196.T4008 Lytta caraganae (Meloidae); QING NIANG ZI; Mung Bean BlisterBeetle. Used part: dried body. TCM Effects: To attack toxin and expelstasis. TCM Indications: Scr<strong>of</strong>ula, rabid dog bite. Isolated compounds:3094.MT4009 Maackia amurensis (Fabaceae); CHAO XIAN HUAI; Amur Maackia.Used part: flower. TCM Effects: To cool blood and stanch bleeding,clear heat and resolve toxin. TCM Indications: Bleeding, sore toxin <strong>of</strong>welling abscess and flat abscess. Isolated compounds: 6290, 12258,13281, 13901.T4010 Maackia sp. (Fabaceae). Isolated compounds: 18020.T4011 Macadamia ternifolia (Proteaceae); AO ZHOU JIAN GUO;Queensland Nut. Isolated compounds: 5283, 16561, 17963.T4012 Macaranga conifera (Euphorbiaceae); ZHEN YE XUE TONG;Conifer Macaranga. Isolated compounds: 1405, 5919, 6497, 10400,11248, 11490, 21440.T4013 Macaranga tanarius (Euphorbiaceae); XUE TONG; CommonMacaranga. Isolated compounds: 7617, 7950, 15876, 20667, 20668.T4014 Macaranga triloba (Euphorbiaceae); SAN LIE XUE TONG; TrilobateMacaranga*. Isolated compounds: 1411, 1416, 1437, 5638, 16498.T4015 Machaerium spp. Isolated compounds: 3004.T4016 Machilus japonica (Lauraceae); RI BEN NAN; Japanese Machilus*.Isolated compounds: 8085, 13295.T4017 Machilus odoratissima (Lauraceae); JI XIANG RUN NAN;Extreme-fragrant Machilus*. Isolated compounds: 15994, 15995,15996, 15997.T4018 Machilus thunbergii (Lauraceae); HONG NAN PI; Red Nanmu Bark.Used part: bark. TCM Effects: To warm center and normalize qi,soothe channels and quicken blood, disperse swelling and relieve pain.TCM Indications: Sprain and contusion, incessant vomiting anddiarrhea, cramp and swelling <strong>of</strong> feet. Isolated compounds: 3308, 8089,9020, 11447, 12749, 13290, 13293, 15713, 15864, 15926, 18655,19542, 19777.T4019 Machilus zuihoensis (Lauraceae); TAI WAN RUI FANG RUN NAN;Zuiho Machilus. Isolated compounds: 13294, 14047, 19628, 23029.T4020 Macleaya cordata (Papaveraceae); BO LUO HUI; Pink Plumepoppy.Used part: whole herb with root. TCM Effects: To dispel wind,dissipate stasis, resolve toxin, relieve pain, kill worms. TCMIndications: Ulcer <strong>of</strong> uterine cervix, carcinoma <strong>of</strong> uterine cervix,carcinoma <strong>of</strong> thyroid, swollen welling abscess and clove sores, ulcer<strong>of</strong> lower limb, hemorrhoids, eczema, snake or insect bites, painfulswelling from knocks and falls, pain in joints due to rheumatalgia,decayed toothache, intractable lichen, trichomoniasis, brandy nose.Isolated compounds: 930, 2523, 3498, 7399, 7416, 16473, 19284.T4021 Macleaya spp. (Papaveraceae). Isolated compounds: 3498.T4022 Maclura pomifera (Moraceae); SANG CHENG; Osage Orange.Isolated compounds: 4337, 9857, 15715, 16249, 17695.T4023 Maclura tinctoria (Moraceae); ZHUO SE SANG CHENG; TinctorialOsage Orange*. Isolated compounds: 16210, 20327.T4024 Macrococculus pomiferus (Menispermaceae). Isolated compounds:5082, 5085, 14106.T4025 Macropiper excelsum (Piperaceae); GAO DA HU JIAO; Pepper-tree.Isolated compounds: 6745.T4026 Macrothelypteris oligophlebia (Thelypteridaceae); JIN JI WEI BACAO GEN; Needle-hear Fern*. Used part: rhizome. TCM Effects: Todisinhibit water and disperse edema, clear heat and resolve toxin,stanch bleeding and kill worms. TCM Indications: Edema, sore andboil, burns and scalds, bleeding due to external injury, ascariasis.Isolated compounds: 5371, 10263, 13452.T4027 Maesa chisia (Myrsinaceae); HUI YE DU JING SHAN; GreyleafMaesa. Isolated compounds: 20169.T4028 Maesa indica (Myrsinaceae); LIANG MIAN QING; Indian Maesa.Used part: whole herb or leaf. TCM Effects: To clear heat anddisinhibit damp, lower blood pressure. TCM Indications: Hepatitis,diarrhea, measles papules, hypertension. Isolated compounds: 13350.T4029 Maesa japonica (Myrsinaceae); DU JING SHAN; Japanese Maesa.Used part: root and leaf. TCM Effects: To dispel wind, resolveepidemic toxin, disperse swelling. TCM Indications: Febrile infectiousdiseases, generalized pain, vexation and agitation, thirst, edema,painful swelling from knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury.Isolated compounds: 13350.T4030 Maesa lanceolata (Myrsinaceae); PI ZHEN DU JING SHAN;Lanceolate Maesa*. Isolated compounds: 253, 255, 6048, 6269, 12472,13351, 13352, 13353, 13354, 13355, 13356, 13357, 13358, 13359,13360, 13829, 13830.T4031 Maesa perlarius (Myrsinaceae); JI YU DAN; Treasure Maesa. Usedpart: whole herb. TCM Effects: To joint bones and disperse swelling,eliminate putridity and engender flesh. TCM Indications: Fracture dueto knocks and falls, knife wound, swelling <strong>of</strong> clove. Isolatedcompounds: 13349, 13358.T4032 Maesa tenera (Myrsinaceae); RUAN RUO DU JING SHAN; SlenderMaesa. Isolated compounds: 13362, 13363.T4033 Magnolia acuminata (Magnoliaceae); JIAN JIAN MU LAN;Cucumber-tree. Isolated compounds: 592, 16830, 22383.T4034 Magnolia biloba (Magnoliaceae); AO YE HOU PO; TwolobedOfficinal Mangolia. Used part: bark. TCM Effects: See Magnolia<strong>of</strong>ficinalis. TCM Indications: See Magnolia <strong>of</strong>ficinalis. Isolated

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