Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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492disinhibit urine, promote vomiting. TCM Indications: Swelling pain inthroat, swelling toxin <strong>of</strong> sore and welling abscess, scr<strong>of</strong>ula, cough <strong>of</strong>phlegm asthma, edema, inhibited urination, food poisoning. Isolatedcompounds: 8083, 17573.T3989 Lygodium flexuosum [Syn. Lygodium pinnatifidum; Ophioglossumflexuosum] (Lygodiaceae); QU ZHOU HAI JIN SHA; FlexuoseClimbing Fern. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To soothe sinewsand free network vessels, clear heat and disinhibit damp, stanchbleeding. TCM Indications: Wind-damp pain, numbness <strong>of</strong> limbs,knocks and falls, urinary tract infection, calculus <strong>of</strong> urinary system,edema, dysentery, swelling toxin <strong>of</strong> sore and welling abscess, infantmouth sore, fire eye, lichen, bleeding due to external injury. Isolatedcompounds: 13245, 14144, 19087.T3990 Lygodium japonicum (Lygodiaceae); HAI JIN SHA; JapaneseClimbing Fern. Used part: aerial parts. TCM Effects: To clear heat andresolve toxin, disinhibit water and free strangury, quicken blood andfree network vessels. TCM Indications: Heat strangury, stonestrangury, blood strangury, inhibited urination [=dysuria], edema,white turbidity, vaginal discharge, hepatitis, diarrhea, dysentery,common cold with fever, cough and asthma, swelling pain in throat,mouth sore, red eyes with gall, mumps, mammary welling abscess,erysipelas, zoster, burns and scalds, itchy skin, wound swelling fromknocks and falls, wind-damp impediment pain, bleeding due toexternal injury. Isolated compounds: 4135.Lygodium pinnatifidum = Lygodium flexuosumT3991 Lyonia ovalifolia (Ericaceae); LI MU; Tibet Lyonia. Used part:branchlet-leaf and fruit. TCM Effects: To quicken blood and relievepain, dispel wind and resolve toxin. TCM Indications: Knocks andfalls, fracture, lichen sore. Isolated compounds: 1928, 2332, 7278,9915, 11085, 13246, 13247, 13248, 19987.T3992 Lyonia ovalifolia var. elliptica (Ericaceae); XIAO GUO NAN ZHU;Littlefruit Lyonia. Used part: branch-leaf, root or fruit. TCM Effects:To supplement spleen and boost kidney, quicken blood and strengthensinews. TCM Indications: Spleen vacuity diarrhea, lassitude in lumbarand knees, knocks and falls. Isolated compounds: 13246, 13247,13248.T3993 Lyophyllum connatum (Tricholomataceae); Oshiroishimeji (inJapanese). Isolated compounds: 15943.T3994 Lysichitum americanum (Araceae); MEI ZHOU GUAN YIN LIAN;Skunk Cabbage. Isolated compounds: 10629, 13259.T3995 Lysidice rhodostegia (Fabaceae); YI HUA; Redbracted Lysidice. Usedpart: root. TCM Effects: To quicken blood and relieve pain, disperseswelling and stanch bleeding. TCM Indications: Knocks and falls,fracture, wind-damp impediment pain, bleeding due to external injury.Isolated compounds: 13260, 13261, 13262, 14949, 14950, 17283,18651.T3996 Lysimachia candida (Primulaceae); DAN TIAO CAO; WhitePearlweed. Used part: whole herb or root. TCM Effects: To clear heatand resolve toxin, quicken blood and relieve pain, disinhibit damp anddisperse swelling. TCM Indications: Swelling pain in throat, swellingtoxin <strong>of</strong> welling abscess and sore, mammary welling abscess,poisonous snake bites, fracture due to knocks and falls, wind-dampimpediment pain, beriberi with edema, paddy-field dermatitis. Isolatedcompounds: 3073.T3997 Lysimachia capillipes (Primulaceae); XI GENG XIANG CAO;Hairydtalk Loosestrife. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To dispelwind and eliminate damp, move qi and relieve pain, regulatemenstruation, resolve toxin. TCM Indications: Common cold withcough, wind-damp impediment pain, distending pain in stomach ductand abdomen, menstrual disorder, clove sore, snake bite. Isolatedcompounds: 3123, 3124, 3125, 3126, 3127, 3128, 3129, 12020.T3998 Lysimachia christinae (Primulaceae); DA JIN QIAN CAO; ChristinaLoosestrife. Used part: herb. TCM Effects: To disinhibit water and freestrangury, clear heat and resolve toxin, dissipate stasis and disperseswelling. TCM Indications: Gallstones, calculus <strong>of</strong> urinary system,heat strangury, nephritis with edema, damp-heat jaundice, swollenwelling abscess, sore and boil, poisonous snake bite, knocks and falls.Isolated compounds: 11642, 12018, 12020, 12066, 12067, 12089,12090, 18317, 21093, 21634.T3999 Lysimachia clethroides (Primulaceae); ZHEN ZHU CAI; ClethraLoosestrife. Used part: root or herb. TCM Effects: To quicken bloodand regulate menstruation, disinhibit water and disperse edema. TCMIndications: Menstrual disorder, vaginal discharge, child ganaccumulation, edema, dysentery, throat pain, mammary wellingabscess, knocks and falls. Isolated compounds: 3030, 3032, 3033,3034, 17858.T4000 Lysimachia congestiflora (Primulaceae); JU HUA GUO LU HUANG;Denseflower Loosestrife. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: Todispel wind and dissipate cold, relieve cough and transform phlegm,resolve toxin and disinhibit damp, disperse accumulation and expelstone. TCM Indications: Wind-cold common cold, cough with pr<strong>of</strong>usephlegm, swelling pain in throat, jaundice, gallstones, urethral stone,child gan accumulation, welling abscess and flat abscess with clovesore, poisonous snake bite. Isolated compounds: 13263.T4001 Lysimachia davurica (Primulaceae); HUANG LIAN HUA; DahurianLoosestrife. Used part: whole herb with root. TCM Effects: To calmand lower blood pressure. TCM Indications: Hypertension, headache,insomnia. Isolated compounds: 4699, 4700, 9484.T4002 Lysimachia foenum-graecum (Primulaceae); LING XIANG CAO;Strongfragrant Loosestrife. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: Toresolve exterior, relieve pain, move qi, expel roundworm. TCMIndications: Common cold with headache, swelling pain in throat,toothache, distention fullness in chest and abdomen, ascariasis.Isolated compounds: 9500.T4003 Lysimachia microcarpa (Primulaceae); XIAO GUO XIANG CAO;Smallfruit Loosestrife*. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: Todiffuse lung and resolve exterior, relieve cough and calm asthma.TCM Indications: Common cold, cough, asthma. Isolated compounds:9500.T4004 Lysimachia paridiformis (Primulaceae); CHONG LOU PAI CAO;Parisshape Loosestrife. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To dispelwind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and relieve pain, relievecough, resolve toxin. TCM Indications: Wind-damp pain, pain instomach duct and abdomen, cough, knocks and falls, clove sore andswollen boil, poisonous snake bite. Isolated compounds: 16664.T4005 Lysionotus pauciflorus (Gesneriaceae); SHI DIAO LAN; Fewflower

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