Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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488Gromwell. Equivalent plant: Arnebia guttata, Arnebia euchroma. Usedpart: root. TCM Effects: To cool blood and quicken blood, resolvetoxin and outthrust papules. TCM Indications: Macula, measlespapules, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematuria,purpura, jaundice, welling abscess and flat abscess, scalds. Isolatedcompounds: 244, 309, 514, 908, 910, 1233, 1234, 1259, 1744, 2887,5214, 5258, 6302, 6303, 6539, 6722, 6726, 10266, 10535, 11107,11300, 11765, 12927, 12928, 14120, 14202, 15145, 15850, 15851,15852, 15853, 15854, 15953, 17933, 18780, 19819, 19820, 19821,19822, 19823, 19824, 19825, 20968, 21039.T3882 Lithospermum <strong>of</strong>ficinale (Boraginaceae); BAI GUO ZI CAO;Common Gromwell. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To resolvetoxin and disperse swelling. TCM Indications: Arthritis. Isolatedcompounds: 1745, 12925, 19819.T3883 Lithospermum ruderale (Boraginaceae); LU BIAN ZI CAO; WildGromwell*. Isolated compounds: 12925.T3884 Lithraea caustica SHENG MU. Isolated compounds: 16622.T3885 Litsea cubeba (Lauraceae); CHENG QIE ZI; Mountain Spicy Tree.Used part: fruit. TCM Effects: To warm center and relieve pain, moveqi and quicken blood, calm asthma, disinhibit urine. TCM Indications:Chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, asthma, cold pain in stomachduct and abdomen, food accumulation and qi distention, stomachreflux vomiting, summerheat stroke with vomiting and diarrhea,diarrhea, cold mounting with abdominal pain, cold-damp water drumdistention, inhibited urination, opacity <strong>of</strong> urine, toxin swelling <strong>of</strong> sores,toothache, cold-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls. Isolatedcompounds: 3767, 4843, 11344, 12573, 13373.T3886 Litsea euosma (Lauraceae); QING XIANG MU JIANG ZI; FourflowerLitse. Used part: leaf. TCM Effects: To dispel wind and move qi,fortify spleen and disinhibit damp, resolve toxin. TCM Indications:Abdominal distention and pain, summerheat-damp vomiting anddiarrhea, pain in joints, edema, innominate toxin swelling. Isolatedcompounds: 10525.T3887 Litsea glutinosa (Lauraceae); CHAN GAO MU JIANG ZI; GlueyLitse. Used part: bark and leaf. TCM Effects: To draw out toxin andengender flesh, stanch bleeding, disperse swelling and relieve pain.TCM Indications: Swollen welling abscess, sore and boil, knocks andfalls, bleeding due to external injury. Isolated compounds: 2538.T3888 Litsea glutinosa var. glabrara (Lauraceae); WU MAO CHAN GAOSHU; Glabrous Litse*. Isolated compounds: 11256.T3889 Litsea gracilipes (Lauraceae); XI BING MU JIANG ZI; SlenderstalkLitse*. Isolated compounds: 7512.T3890 Litsea grandis (Lauraceae); DA MU JIANG ZI; Grand Litse*. Isolatedcompounds: 8979.T3891 Litsea laurifolia (Lauraceae); YUE GUI SHU YE MU JIANG ZI;Laurelleaf Litse*. Isolated compounds: 2538.T3892 Litsea leefeana (Lauraceae); LI FEI MU JIANG ZI; Leefe Litse*.Isolated compounds: 2538.T3893 Litsea pungens (Lauraceae); ZHEN CAI; Pungent Litse. Used part:wood. TCM Indications: Cough <strong>of</strong> phlegm-rheum,accumulation-gathering and distention-fullness, beriberi, sore and scabin children. Isolated compounds: 4843, 5968, 6543, 12564, 12574,16562, 21044.T3894 Litsea salicifolia (Lauraceae). Isolated compounds: 15738.T3895 Litsea sebifera (Lauraceae); LA ZHI MU JIANG ZI; Waxy Litse*.Isolated compounds: 585.T3896 Litsea turfosa (Lauraceae); NI ZHAO MU JIANG ZI; Sloughy Litse*.Isolated compounds: 2538, 4906.T3897 Litsea verticillata (Lauraceae); DIE DA LAO; Whorlleaf Litse. Usedpart: stem-leaf or root. TCM Effects: To dispel wind and free networkvessels, dissipate stasis and relieve pain. TCM Indications:Wind-damp impediment pain, numbness in limbs, stomachache,dysmenorrhea, painful swelling from knocks and falls. Isolatedcompounds: 1473, 5046, 6909, 6910, 6911, 7504, 11784, 12929,12930, 12931, 12932, 12933, 15966, 22428.T3898 Lobelia chinensis [Syn. Lobelia radicans] (Campanulaceae); BANBIAN LIAN; <strong>Chinese</strong> Lobelia. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects:To disinhibit urine and disperse edema, clear heat and resolve toxin,lower blood pressure. TCM Indications: Edema, edema and enlargedabdomen, edema in face and foot, swollen welling abscess and clovesores, snake or insect bites. Isolated compounds: 9818, 11506, 12937,12938, 12939, 12940, 18524, 18525, 20444.T3899 Lobelia hassleri (Campanulaceae); HA SHI SHAN GENG CAI;Hassler Lobelia*. Isolated compounds: 12937, 12939.T3900 Lobelia inflata (Campanulaceae); BEI MEI ZHOU SHAN GENG CAI;Indian Tobacco. Isolated compounds: 11507, 12937, 12939.T3901 Lobelia nicotianaefolia (Campanulaceae); YAN CAO HUA SHANGENG CAI; Nicotianflower Lobelia*. Isolated compounds: 12939.Lobelia radicans = Lobelia chinensisT3902 Lobophytum sp. Isolated compounds: 888, 890, 1759, 1760, 1761,7248, 8674, 9488, 10158, 15673.T3903 Lolium multiflorum (Poaceae); DUO HUA HEI MAI CAO; ItalianRyegrass. Isolated compounds: 1342, 22158.T3904 Lonchocarpus atropurpureus (Fabaceae); Lancepod. Isolatedcompounds: 5972, 21719.T3905 Lonchocarpus latifolius (Fabaceae). Isolated compounds: 6222, 6229,6309, 13933, 14368.T3906 Lonchocarpus sp. (Fabaceae). Isolated compounds: 4872.T3907 Lonchocarpus xuul (Fabaceae). Isolated compounds: 5103, 14105,20170, 22810.T3908 Lonicera bournei (Caprifoliaceae); XI NAN REN DONG;South-western Honeysuckle. Used part: flower bud. TCM Effects: SeeLonicera japonica. TCM Indications: See Lonicera japonica. Isolatedcompounds: 2572, 2573, 7425.T3909 Lonicera confusa (Caprifoliaceae); HUA NAN REN DONG; WildHoneysuckle. Used part: flower bud. TCM Effects: See Lonicerajaponica. TCM Indications: See Lonicera japonica. Isolatedcompounds: 3551.T3910 Lonicera fulvotomentosa (Caprifoliaceae); HUANG HE MAO RENDONG; Yellowhair Honeysuckle. Used part: flower bud. TCM Effects:See Lonicera japonica. TCM Indications: See Lonicera japonica.Isolated compounds: 2887, 3551, 7995, 9276, 13137, 19317.T3911 Lonicera hypoglauca (Caprifoliaceae); XIAN YE REN DONG;Glaucousback Honeysuckle. Used part: flower bud. TCM Effects: SeeLonicera japonica. TCM Indications: See Lonicera japonica. Isolatedcompounds: 3551.

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