Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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484T3778 Leucaena glauca [Syn. Leucaena leucocephala] (Fabaceae); YIN HEHUAN; Hedge Acacia. Used part: root cortex. TCM Effects: Toresolve depression and quiet heart, resolve toxin and disperse swelling.TCM Indications: Insomnia and vexation, palpitation and fearfulthrobbing, knocks and falls, fracture, pulmonary welling abscess,swollen welling abscess, scab sore. Isolated compounds: 14868,14869.Leucaena leucocephala = Leucaena glaucaT3779 Leucas aspera (Lamiaceae); FENG CHAO CAO; Rough Leucas. Usedpart: whole herb. TCM Effects: To resolve exterior, relieve cough,brighten eyes, free menstruation. TCM Indications: Common cold,headache, asthma, pertussis, swelling pain in throat, toothache,indigestion, menstrual disorder [=menoxenia], menstrual block, nightblindness, phlegmon. Isolated compounds: 1466, 3517, 10434, 13291,15202.T3780 Leucocarpus perfoliatus. Isolated compounds: 17513.T3781 Leucojum aestivum (Amaryllidaceae); XIA XUE PIAN LIAN;Summer Snowflake. Isolated compounds: 8083, 13237.T3782 Leucojum vernum (Amaryllidaceae); XUE PIAN LIAN; SpringSnowflake. Isolated compounds: 461, 8083, 9186, 9612, 13241.T3783 Leucopaxillus tricolor (Tricholomataceae); SAN SE BAI ZHUANGGU; Tricolor Leucopaxillus*. Isolated compounds: 21591, 21592.T3784 Leucothoe grayana (Ericaceae); MU LI LU; One Sided RacemesLeucothoe. Isolated compounds: 8993, 8994, 8995.T3785 Levisticum <strong>of</strong>ficinale (Apiaceae); OU DANG GUI; Garden Lovage.Used part: root. TCM Effects: To quicken blood and regulatemenstruation, disinhibit urine. TCM Indications: Amenorrhea,dysmenorrhea, dizziness, headache, numbness in limbs, edema.Isolated compounds: 2791, 7768, 11642, 12825, 12826.T3786 Levisticum sp. (Apiaceae). Isolated compounds: 12420.T3787 Liatris champmanii (Asteraceae); CHA SHI SHE BIAN JU;Champman Gay-feather*. Isolated compounds: 12746.T3788 Liatris elegans (Asteraceae); HUA LI SHE BIAN JU; PinkscaleGay-feather. Isolated compounds: 6737.T3789 Liatris provincialis (Asteraceae); TU ER FENG; ProvincialisGayfeather*. Isolated compounds: 17998.T3790 Liatris pycnostachya (Asteraceae); MI SUI HUA SHE BIAN JU;Kansas Gay-feather. Isolated compounds: 20160.T3791 Liatris scabra (Asteraceae); CU CAO SHE BIAN JU; ScabrousGay-feather*. Isolated compounds: 6737.T3792 Liatris sp. (Asteraceae). Isolated compounds: 21507.T3793 Liatris spicata (Asteraceae); SHE BIAN JU; Gay-feather. Isolatedcompounds: 20160.T3794 Liatris squarrosa (Asteraceae); CU SHE BIAN JU; Scaly Blazing Star.Isolated compounds: 20160.T3795 Liatris tenuifolia (Asteraceae); XI YE SHE BIAN JU; Fine-leavedGay-feather*. Isolated compounds: 20160.T3796 Libanotis buchtormensis (Apiaceae); YAN FENG; Buchtorm Libanotis.Used part: root. TCM Effects: To effuse exterior and dissipate cold,dispel wind and eliminate damp, disperse swelling and relieve pain.TCM Indications: Wind-cold common cold, headache, toothache,wind-damp impediment pain, sinew and bone numbness, woundswelling from knocks and falls. Isolated compounds: 11834, 11835.T3797 Libanotis condensata (Apiaceae); MI HUA YAN FENG; DenseflowerLibanotis. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To dispel wind and freenetwork vessels, relieve pain. TCM Indications: Pain in joints due torheumatalgia, chest pain. Isolated compounds: 18165.T3798 Libanotis pyrenaicum (Apiaceae). Isolated compounds: 17036.T3799 Libocedrus sp. (Cupressaceae). Isolated compounds: 1372.T3800 Ligularia calthaefolia (Asteraceae); LV TI CAO YE TUO WU;Marshmarigold-like Goldenray*. Isolated compounds: 2119.T3801 Ligularia clivorum (Asteraceae); SHAN GANG TUO WU; LeopardPlant. Isolated compounds: 3847.T3802 Ligularia dentata (Asteraceae); CHI YE TUO WU; ToothleafGoldenray. Used part: root and rhizome. TCM Effects: See Ligulariafischeri. TCM Indications: See Ligularia fischeri. Isolated compounds:3847, 12812.T3803 Ligularia dictyoneura [Syn. Senecio dictyoneurus] (Asteraceae);WANG MAI TOU WU; Netvein Goldenray. Used part: root. TCMEffects: To diffuse lung and rectify qi, eliminate phlegm and suppresscough. TCM Indications: Common cold, cough. Isolated compounds:12803, 12804, 12805.T3804 Ligularia elegans (Asteraceae); YA ZHI TUO WU; ElegantGoldenray*. Isolated compounds: 3847, 12812.T3805 Ligularia fischeri (Asteraceae); HU LU QI; Kidneyleaf Goldenray.Equivalent plant: Ligularia dentata, Ligularia intermedia, Ligulariasibirica. Used part: root and rhizome. TCM Effects: To dispel phlegm,relieve cough, rectify qi and quicken blood, relieve pain. TCMIndications: Cough, abundant phlegm and asthma, pertussis, pain inlumbus and legs, taxation damage, knocks and falls. Isolatedcompounds: 3847, 8020, 10094, 12812, 12813, 12814, 12815, 12816.T3806 Ligularia fischeri var. spiciformis (Asteraceae); HU LU QI BIANZHONG; Kidneyleaf Goldenray Variety*. Isolated compounds: 8020.T3807 Ligularia intermedia (Asteraceae); XIA BAO TUO WU; NarrowbractGoldenray. Used part: root and rhizome. TCM Effects: See Ligulariafischeri. TCM Indications: See Ligularia fischeri. Isolated compounds:10775.T3808 Ligularia japonica [Syn. Arnica japonica; Senecio japonica](Asteraceae); DA TOU TUO WU; Japanese Goldenray. Used part: rootand whole herb. TCM Effects: To soothe sinews and quicken blood,resolve toxin and disperse swelling. TCM Indications: Knocks andfalls, innominate toxin swelling, poisonous snake bite, welling abscessand boil, eczema. Isolated compounds: 17546, 19706.T3809 Ligularia lapathifolia (Asteraceae); NIU BANG YE DU WU;Dockleaf Goldenray. Used part: root, leaf. TCM Effects: To dissipatestasis and quicken blood, relieve pain. TCM Indications: Knocks andfalls, stasis swelling pain, wind-damp impediment pain. Isolatedcompounds: 1219, 1220, 1221, 1223, 1224, 1226, 1230.T3810 Ligularia nelumbifolia (Asteraceae); LIAN YE TUO WU;Waterlilyleaf Goldenray. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To relievecough and transform phlegm, dispel wind. TCM Indications:Wind-cold cough, phthisis. Isolated compounds: 6381, 8327, 8328,15326, 15327, 15328, 15329.T3811 Ligularia platyglossa (Asteraceae); KUAN SHE TUO WU;Broad-tongue Goldenray*. Isolated compounds: 16330.T3812 Ligularia sagitta (Asteraceae); JIAN YE TOU WU GEN; Arrowleaf

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