Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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48312649, 12650, 12651, 12652, 12653, 12654, 12655, 12656, 12657,12658, 12659, 12660, 12661, 12662, 12664, 12725, 17779.T3754 Leonurus sibiricus (Lamiaceae); XI YE YI MU CAO; SiberianMotherwort. Used part: aerial parts. TCM Effects: See Leonurusheterophyllus. TCM Indications: See Leonurus heterophyllus. Isolatedcompounds: 6617, 7020, 7021, 8289, 11488, 12639, 12640, 12645,12646, 12663, 12665, 12666, 13014, 13015, 15483, 19858, 19859,19860, 19861, 19862, 20254.T3755 Lepidium apetalum [Syn. Lepidium micranthum] (Brassicaceae); TINGLI ZI; Pepperweed Seed. Equivalent plant: Descurainia sophia,Lepidium virginicum. Used part: seed. TCM Effects: To drain lung andcalm asthma, move water and disperse swelling. TCM Indications:Phlegm-drool and congesting lung, cough and asthma with abundantphlegm, distention fullness in chest and rib-side, edema in chest andabdomen, inhibited urination. Isolated compounds: 2294, 19909.T3756 Lepidium campestre (Brassicaceae); HUANG YE DU XING CAI;Field Pepperwort. Isolated compounds: 1599.T3757 Lepidium draba (Brassicaceae); MAO DU XING CAI; HoaryPepperwort. Isolated compounds: 7323, 14728, 20478.Lepidium micranthum = Lepidium apetalumT3758 Lepidium sativum (Brassicaceae); JIA DU XING CAI; Garden Cress.Used part: whole herb and seed. TCM Effects: To relieve cough anddispel phlegm, warm center, disinhibit urine, hasten delivery. TCMIndications: Cough, asthma, abundant phlegm, hiccough, diarrhea,dysentery, abdominal distention, edema, inhibited urination, scab andlichen. Isolated compounds: 3911, 8599, 19912.T3759 Lepidium virginicum (Brassicaceae); BEI MEI TING LI ZI; VirginiaPepperweed Seed. Used part: seed. TCM Effects: See Lepidiumapetalum. TCM Indications: See Lepidium apetalum. Isolatedcompounds: 1599.T3760 Lepidolaena taylorii (Lepidolaenaceae); New Zealand liverwort.Isolated compounds: 19603, 19604, 19611, 19617.T3761 Lepidozia fauriana (Lepidoziaceae); DONG YA ZHI YE TAI. Isolatedcompounds: 1072, 1073, 1260, 1266, 5559, 5560, 7510.T3762 Lepidozia incurvata (Lepidoziaceae); WAN QU ZHI YE TAI. Isolatedcompounds: 2180, 2181, 2182, 2183, 2184, 2185, 2186, 3167, 3168,3177, 11604.T3763 Lepidozia vitrea (Lepidoziaceae); YING ZHI YE TAI. Isolatedcompounds: 177, 6739, 7509, 7510, 7511, 11254, 22439.T3764 Lepisorus thunbergianus (Polypodiaceae); WA WEI; Thunberg’sLepisorus. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To clear heat andresolve toxin, disinhibit urine and free strangury, stanch bleeding.TCM Indications: Infant ardent fever, fright wind, swelling pain inthroat, swollen welling abscess and sores, poisonous snake bite,dribbling and inhibited voidings <strong>of</strong> urination, hematuria, cough andhemoptysis. Isolated compounds: 6679.T3765 Lepisorus ussuriensis (Polypodiaceae); WU SU LI WA WEI; UssuriLepisorus . Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To clear heat andresolve toxin, disinhibit urine, relieve cough, stanch bleeding. TCMIndications: Inhibited urination, dribbling pain <strong>of</strong> urination, edema,bloody urine, damp-heat dysentery, asthma, sore swollen throat, toxinswelling <strong>of</strong> sores, wind-damp pain, menstrual disorder, knocks andfalls, bleeding knife wound. Isolated compounds: 21695.T3766 Lepista nuda (Tricholomataceae); ZI DING XIANG MO;Murasakishimeji (in Japanese). Used part: sporocarp. TCM Effects: Todispel damp and fortify spleen. TCM Indications: Leg qi. Isolatedcompounds: 6900, 7251.T3767 Leptospermum polygalifolium ssp. polygalifolium (Myrtaceae); YUANZHI YE AO ZHOU CHA; Australian Tea-tree. Isolated compounds:6036, 6037, 10424, 10425, 21198, 21199, 21200.T3768 Leptosphaeria maculans BAN DIAN XIAO QIU QIANG JUN.Isolated compounds: 17177, 17178, 17179, 17180, 17604, 17605,17606, 17607, 17608.T3769 Lespedeza bicolor (Fabaceae); HU ZHI ZI; Shrub Lespedeza. Usedpart: stem-leaf. TCM Effects: To clear heat and moisten lung,disinhibit urine and free strangury, stanch bleeding. TCM Indications:Lung heat cough, common cold with fever, pertussis, strangurysyndrome, spontaneous external bleeding, blood ejection, hematuria,hematochezia. Isolated compounds: 9616, 10096, 11642, 16196,21634.T3770 Lespedeza cuneata (Fabaceae); YE GUAN MEN; Cuneate Lespedeza.Used part: herb with root. TCM Effects: To supplement kidney andrough essence, fortify spleen and disinhibit damp, relieve cough anddispel phlegm, clear heat and resolve toxin. TCM Indications: Kidneyvacuity, emission, enuresis, frequent urination, white turbidity, vaginaldischarge, diarrhea, dysentery, edema, child gan accumulation, coughand asthma, knocks and falls, red eyes with gall, swelling toxin <strong>of</strong>welling abscess and sore, poisonous insect stings. Isolated compounds:17391, 20385, 20444, 22581.T3771 Lespedeza cyrtobotrya (Fabaceae); DUAN GENG HU ZHI ZI;Shortstalk Bushclover. Isolated compounds: 12018.T3772 Lespedeza homoloba (Fabaceae); TONG XING LIE PIAN HU ZHI ZI;Homoloba Lespedeza*. Isolated compounds: 6086, 6105, 9189, 9190,12682, 12683, 12684, 12685, 12686, 12687, 12688, 12689, 12690,12691, 12692, 12693, 12694, 12695, 12696, 12697, 12698, 12699,12700, 12701, 12702, 12703, 12704, 12705, 12706.T3773 Lespedeza spp. (Fabaceae). Isolated compounds: 22581.T3774 Lespedeza tomentosa (Fabaceae); XIAO XUE REN SHEN; WoollyLespedeza. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To fortify spleen andsupplement vacuity, clear heat and disinhibit damp, quicken blood andregulate menstruation. TCM Indications: Vacuity taxation, dizzinessdue to anemia, edema, ascites, dysentery, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea.Isolated compounds: 21634.T3775 Lethariella cladonioides (Parmeliaceae); JIN SI SHUA; Gold-wireBrush*. Used part: lichen. TCM Effects: To quiet spirit, calm liver,quicken blood, close sores. TCM Indications: Insomnia, epilepsy,dizziness, knocks and falls, burns and scalds. Isolated compounds: 873,9188, 14297, 14637, 15798.T3776 Lethariella zahlbruckneri (Parmeliaceae); JIN YAO DAI;Goldon-belt*. Used part: lichen. TCM Effects: To dispel wind andeliminate damp, quicken blood and regulate menstruation, stanchbleeding and settle pain. TCM Indications: Taxation damage pain inlumbus and legs, menstrual disorder, leukorrhea, incised wound andbleeding, dizziness. Isolated compounds: 14637.T3777 Lettowianthus stellatus (Annonaceae). Isolated compounds: 10154,11988, 12707, 12917, 13988, 14318, 15958.

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