Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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482T3729 Lavandula sp. (Lamiaceae). Isolated compounds: 3693.T3730 Lavandula spp. (Lamiaceae). Isolated compounds: 17054.T3731 Lawsonia alba (Lythraceae); BAI SAN MO HUA; White Henna*.Isolated compounds: 12580, 12581, 12582.T3732 Lawsonia inermis (Lythraceae); ZHI JIA HUA YE; Henna Leaf. Usedpart: leaf. TCM Effects: To clear heat and promote contraction. TCMIndications: Bleeding due to external injury. Isolated compounds:12580, 15255, 21391.T3733 Leandra chaetodon (Melastomataceae). Isolated compounds: 1736,5773.T3734 Ledebouria graminifolia (Hyacinthaceae); HE CAO YE JIA BEIFANG FENG. Isolated compounds: 5838, 5992, 10030, 10409, 10676,21767, 21809, 21917.Ledebouriella seseloides = Saposhnikovia divaricataT3735 Ledum palustre (Ericaceae); LA BA CHA; Crystal Tea. Isolatedcompounds: 16577.Leibnitzia anandria = Gerbera anandriaT3736 Lemmaphyllum microphyllum (Polypodiaceae); LUO YAN CAO;Littleleaf Lemmaphyyllum Herb. Used part: whole herb with root.TCM Effects: To clear lung and relieve cough, cool blood and stanchbleeding, clear heat and resolve toxin. TCM Indications: Lung heatcough, pulmonary welling abscess, hemoptysis, blood ejection,spontaneous external bleeding, hematuria, hematochezia, flooding andspotting, swelling pain in throat, parotitis, dysentery, scr<strong>of</strong>ula, swellingtoxin <strong>of</strong> welling abscess and sore, damp itchy skin, wind-firetoothache, wind-damp bone pain. Isolated compounds: 6678, 6679,12620, 16110, 16111, 16112, 16113, 16114, 16115, 17660, 18162.T3737 Lemmaphyllum microphyllum var. obovatum (Polypodiaceae); DAOLUAN YE FU SHI JUE; Obovateleaf Lemmaphyllum*. Used part:whole herb. TCM Effects: To clear lung and relieve cough, cool bloodand stanch bleeding, free network vessels and relieve pain, clear heatand resolve toxin. TCM Indications: Pulmonary welling abscess,coughing <strong>of</strong> blood, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding,hematuria, blood strangury, wind-damp pain, toothache, dysentery,wind papules, damp itchy skin, swollen boil and malign sore, syphilis.Isolated compounds: 2079, 12618, 13413, 13414, 16110, 16116,19829, 20709, 21174, 21404, 21405.T3738 Lemna minor (Lemnaceae); FU PING; Common Duckwood. Used part:whole herb. TCM Effects: To effuse sweat and resolve exterior,outthrust papules and relieve itch, disinhibit water and disperse edema,clear heat and resolve toxin. TCM Indications: Wind-heat exteriorsyndrome, non-eruption <strong>of</strong> measles, dormant papules with pruritus,edema, dribbling urinary block, sore and lichen, erysipelas, scalds.Isolated compounds: 1521, 9492, 9494, 10161, 10253, 10354, 11699,17262.T3739 Lemna perpusilla (Lemnaceae); XI MAI FU PING; Minute Duckweed.Isolated compounds: 931.T3740 Lemnalia bournei BO LUN LIN HUA RUAN SHAN HU; S<strong>of</strong>tcoralLemnalia bournei. Isolated compounds: 12622.T3741 Lens culinaris (Fabaceae); BING DOU; Common Lentil. Isolatedcompounds: 9798, 10165, 20127, 22741.Lens phaseoloides = Entada phaseoloidesT3742 Lentinus edodes (Tricholomataceae); XIANG XUN; Champignon.Used part: sporocarp. TCM Effects: To fortify spleen and promotedigestion, dispel wind and outthrust papules, rectify qi and transformphlegm, resolve toxin, anticancer. TCM Indications: Weakness <strong>of</strong> rigthqi, fatigued spirit and hypodynamia, torpid intake, indigestion, bloodvacuity, rickets, hypertension, hyperlipemia, chronic hepatitis, nightsweating, urinary incontinence, edema, non-eruption <strong>of</strong> measles,urticaria, carcinoma. Isolated compounds: 109, 617, 624, 7250, 8003,9766, 11532, 12624, 13608, 15979, 19105, 21504, 21505, 21506.T3743 Lentinus lepideus (Tricholomataceae); BAO PI GU; Pardleather-likeMushroom. Used part: sporocarp. TCM Effects: To supplement qi andblood, boost heart and liver. TCM Indications: Qi-blood depletion,heart-spleen vacuity, fatigue hypodynamia, palpitation and insomnia.Isolated compounds: 10318, 11487, 12623, 14333, 14766.T3744 Leonotis nepetaefolia (Lamiaceae); JING JIE YE SHI ER CAO;Nepetaleaf Leontis. Isolated compounds: 15483.T3745 Leontice leontopetalum (Berberidaceae); HUA BAN SHI ZU CAO;Leontice*. Isolated compounds: 12641, 17007.T3746 Leontice robustum (Berberidaceae); HONG MAO QI; Robust Leontice.Used part: root and rhizome. TCM Effects: To quicken blood anddissipate stasis, dispel wind and eliminate damp, move qi and relievepain. TCM Indications: Menstrual disorder, dysmenorrhea, postpartumblood stasis abdominal pain, cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen,knocks and falls, wind-damp impediment pain. Isolated compounds:3340, 3341, 3342, 3343, 13089, 20717.T3747 Leontice smirnowii (Berberidaceae); SI MI SHI MU DAN CAO;Smirnow Leontice*. Isolated compounds: 20717.T3748 Leontice spp. (Berberidaceae). Isolated compounds: 12642.T3749 Leontopodium alpinum (Asteraceae); GAO SHAN HUO RONGCAO; Alpine Edelweiss. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: Tocourse wind and clear heat, relieve cough and transform phlegm. TCMIndications: Fever due to external contraction, lung heat cough,bronchitis. Isolated compounds: 118, 119, 230, 2856, 6211, 6212,10526, 11339, 12178, 14394, 14767, 14893, 15886, 19894, 21898,21971.Leonurus artemisia = Leonurus heterophyllusT3750 Leonurus cardiaca (Lamiaceae); WEI YI MU CAO; StomachMotherwort. Isolated compounds: 816, 10135, 12625.T3751 Leonurus glaucescens (Lamiaceae); HUI BAI YI MU CAO;Glaucescent Motherwort. Isolated compounds: 12579, 12637, 12638.T3752 Leonurus heterophyllus [Syn. Leonurus artemisia] (Lamiaceae); YIMU CAO; Wormwood-like Motherwort. Equivalent plant: Leonurussibiricus. Used part: aerial parts. TCM Effects: To quicken blood andregulate menstruation, disinhibit urine and disperse edema. TCMIndications: Menstrual disorder, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea,postpartum bleeding, persistent flow <strong>of</strong> lochia, edema, scant urine withedema, acute nephritis with edema. Isolated compounds: 6943, 6944,6945, 6946, 6947, 8092, 8289, 9068, 9069, 9468, 9559, 9560, 12626,12627, 12628, 12629, 12630, 12631, 12632, 12633, 12634, 12635,12636, 12646, 12648, 12649, 13647, 17807, 17810, 19087, 20254,21392.T3753 Leonurus persicus (Lamiaceae); BO SI YI MU CAO; PersiaMotherwort*. Isolated compounds: 308, 409, 2133, 4747, 5176, 5189,6946, 6947, 6948, 6949, 6950, 7090, 7526, 8094, 9814, 12647, 12648,

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