Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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479Knema. Used part: leaf. TCM Effects: To kill worms, treat lichen, drydamp and resolve itch. TCM Indications: Scab sore, lichen, erythraitch-pain, head louse. Isolated compounds: 15525, 19087.T3631 Knema globularia (Myristicaceae); XIAO YE HONG GUANG SHU;Small-leaf Knema. Isolated compounds: 5699, 13648, 20481.T3632 Knoxia valerianoides (Rubiaceae); HONG YA DA JI; Red Knoxia.Used part: root. TCM Effects: To drain water and expel rheum, resolvetoxin and dissipate binds. TCM Indications: Edema distention fullness,phlegm-rheum rapid asthma, swelling toxin <strong>of</strong> welling abscess andsore. Isolated compounds: 10530, 12237, 18329, 21730.T3633 Kobresia nepalensis (Cyperaceae ); NI BO ER SONG CAO; NepalKobresia*. Isolated compounds: 15478, 15479, 15480, 15481.T3634 Koelpinia linearis (Asteraceae); XIE WEI JU; Linear Koelpinia.Isolated compounds: 663, 8351, 12243, 12244, 12245, 15774, 20713.T3635 Koelreuteria paniculata (Sapindaceae); LUAN HUA; PaniculateGoldraintree Flower. Used part: flower. TCM Effects: To clear liverand brighten eyes. TCM Indications: Eye pain, eye swelling, red eyesand tearing. Isolated compounds: 3340, 12246, 14454.T3636 Koelreuteria paniculata (Sapindaceae); LUAN SHU; PaniculateGoldraintree Root-bark. Used part: root cortex. TCM Effects: To clearliver and brighten eyes. TCM Indications: Eye pain and tearing, redeyes with gall. Isolated compounds: 5511, 5512, 6727, 6728, 7458,7470, 16607, 16608, 18412, 21042.T3637 Koelreuteria spp. (Sapindaceae). Isolated compounds: 12642.T3638 Kokoona ochracea ZHE HUANG KAO GU NA; Brown-yellowKokoona*. Isolated compounds: 15919, 15920, 15921, 15922, 15923.T3639 Kopsia flavida (Apocynaceae); HUANG HONG SE RUI MU;Yellow-red Kopsia*. Isolated compounds: 14319, 14584, 14585,14596.T3640 Kopsia fruticosa (Apocynaceae); HONG HUA RUI MU; RedflowerKopsia. Isolated compounds: 6473, 6878, 6941, 10293, 10517, 12261,12262, 12263, 12264, 12265, 12266, 12267, 12268, 12269, 12988,17555, 22372, 22373, 22374.T3641 Kopsia griffithii (Apocynaceae); MA LAI XI YA RUI MU; MalaysiaKopsia*. Isolated compounds: 827, 6879, 14373.T3642 Kopsia longiflora (Apocynaceae); CHANG HUA RUI MU;Longflower Kopsia*. Isolated compounds: 12268.T3643 Kopsia <strong>of</strong>ficinalis (Apocynaceae); YUN NAN RUI MU; MedicinalKopsia. Used part: fruit and leaf. TCM Effects: To dispel wind andquicken network vessels, eliminate inflammation and relieve pain.TCM Indications: Swelling pain in throat, wind-damp impedimentpain, numbness in limbs. Isolated compounds: 17556.T3644 Kopsia pauciflora (Apocynaceae); SHAO HUA RUI MU; FewflowerKopsia*. Isolated compounds: 16731, 16732.T3645 Kummerowia striata (Fabaceae); JI YAN CAO; Striate Kummerowia.Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To clear heat and resolve toxin,fortify spleen and disinhibit damp, quicken blood and stanch bleeding.TCM Indications: Common cold with fever, summerheat-dampvomiting and diarrhea, jaundice, welling abscess boil and clove sores,dysentery, gan disease, blood strangury, coughing <strong>of</strong> blood,spontaneous external bleeding, knocks and falls, red and white vaginaldischarge. Isolated compounds: 1476, 1492, 12020, 13137, 13145,18409.T3646 Kyllinga brevifolia (Cyperaceae); SHUI WU GONG; ShortleafKyllinga. Used part: whole herb with rhizome. TCM Effects: Tocourse wind and resolve exterior, clear heat and disinhibit damp,quicken blood and resolve toxin. TCM Indications: Common cold withheadache and fever, acute bronchitis, pertussis, malaria, jaundice,dysentery, chyluria, toxin swelling <strong>of</strong> sores, itchy skin, poisonoussnake bite, knocks and falls, rheumatic arthritis. Isolated compounds:22581.LT3647 Lablab niger (Fabaceae); BIAN DOU; Niger Bean*. Isolatedcompounds: 17047.T3648 Laburnum anagyroides (Fabaceae); DU DOU; Goldenchain Laburnum.Isolated compounds: 1134, 4594, 15555.T3649 Laccifer lacca (Lacciferidae); ZI CAO RONG; Lac. Used part: gum <strong>of</strong>lac insect. TCM Effects: To clear heat, cool blood, resolve toxin. TCMIndications: Measles papules, non-eruption <strong>of</strong> measles, postpartumblood dizziness, vaginal discharge, swelling toxin <strong>of</strong> sore and scab.Isolated compounds: 887.T3650 Lactarius helvus (Russulaceae). Isolated compounds: 18273.T3651 Lactarius necator (Russulaceae). Isolated compounds: 17433, 17446.T3652 Lactarius pergamenus (Russulaceae); SI YANG PI ZHI RU GU;Parchment-like Milky*. Isolated compounds: 18273.T3653 Lactarius piperatus [Syn. Agaricus piperatus] (Russulaceae); LA RUGU; Peppery Milky. Used part: sporocarp. TCM Effects: To dispelwind and dissipate cold, soothe sinews and quicken network vessels.TCM Indications: Pain in lumbus and legs, numbness in limbs,hypertonicity <strong>of</strong> sinews and bones, convulsion <strong>of</strong> limbs. Isolatedcompounds: 17433, 17446, 22364.T3654 Lactarius rolemus (Russulaceae); DUO ZHI RU GU; Juicy Milky*.Isolated compounds: 7245.T3655 Lactarius subvellereus (Russulaceae); YA RONG GAI RU GU;Subtomentose Milky*. Isolated compounds: 3422.T3656 Lactarius torminosus (Russulaceae); MAO TOU RU GU; Pink-fringedMilky. Isolated compounds: 17433, 17446.T3657 Lactarius vellereus (Russulaceae); RONG BAI RU GU; FleecyMilk-cap. Used part: sporocarp. TCM Effects: To track wind anddissipate cold, soothe sinews and quicken network vessels. TCMIndications: Numbness in limbs, hemiplegia. Isolated compounds:10308, 10309, 10822, 11475, 11768, 12433, 12435, 18273, 22364,22365, 22366, 22367.T3658 Lactuca canadensis (Asteraceae); JIA NA DA WO JU; Canada Lettuce.Isolated compounds: 12447.T3659 Lactuca indica (Asteraceae); SHAN WO JU; Indian Lettuce. Used part:whole herb or root. TCM Effects: To clear heat and resolve toxin,quicken blood and stanch bleeding. TCM Indications: Swelling pain inthroat, intestinal welling abscess, swelling pain <strong>of</strong> sore and boil,postpartum blood stasis abdominal pain, wart, flooding and spotting,bleeding from hemorrhoids. Isolated compounds: 1113, 1476, 3551,8351, 11642, 12441, 12442, 12443, 12444, 13137, 13147, 18317,19087, 20369.T3660 Lactuca laciniata (Asteraceae); SUI BIAN WO JU; Laciniate Lettuce*.Isolated compounds: 12446.

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