Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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47113483.T3401 Illicium henryi (Illiciaceae); HONG HUI XIANG; Henry Anisetree.Used part: fruit. TCM Effects: To quicken blood and relieve pain,dispel wind and eliminate damp. TCM Indications: Knocks and falls,wind-cold-damp impediment, pain in lumbus and legs. Isolatedcompounds: 1283, 5204, 18018.T3402 Illicium jiadifengpi (Illiciaceae); JIA DI FENG PI; JiadifengpiAnisetree. Isolated compounds: 5, 4952, 4953, 6817, 6887, 7010, 9975,11868, 13409, 15432, 16308, 16309, 16395.T3403 Illicium majus (Illiciaceae); DA BA JIAO; Big Anisetree*. Used part:bark. TCM Effects: See Illicium difengpi. TCM Indications: SeeIllicium difengpi. Isolated compounds: 15432, 18051.T3404 Illicium merrillianum (Illiciaceae). Isolated compounds: 320, 1283,1285, 1286, 2809, 2812, 4523, 4811, 4896, 4917, 5193, 5203, 5474,5805, 9954, 9955, 9969, 9987, 9989, 10667, 13789, 16219, 16679,18051, 20716.T3405 Illicium minwanense (Illiciaceae); MIN WAN BA JIAO; MinwanAnisetree. Isolated compounds: 4, 5204, 7068, 9989, 9990, 9991,10668, 14704, 14875, 14876, 14877, 14877, 16413, 18018, 18051,19805.T3406 Illicium religiosum (Illiciaceae); DONG DU HUI; ReligiousAnisetree*. Isolated compounds: 19121, 19805.T3407 Illicium simonsii (Illiciaceae); YUN NAN BA JIAO; Yunnan Anisetree.Used part: ripe fruit or leaf. TCM Effects: To engender flesh and killworms. TCM Indications: Enduring sores, scab sore. Isolatedcompounds: 16311.T3408 Illicium tsangii (Illiciaceae); DU AI BA JIAO; Poisonous-shrub Anise*.Isolated compounds: 9733, 9734, 10242, 10243, 10689, 10690, 11304.T3409 Illicium verum (Illiciaceae); BA JIAO HUI XIANG; Star Anise. Usedpart: fruit. TCM Effects: To warm yang and dissipate cold, rectify qiand relieve pain. TCM Indications: Cold mounting with abdominalpain, kidney vacuity lumbago, vomiting with stomach cold, cold painin stomach duct and abdomen, septicemia. Isolated compounds: 1184,1185, 1186, 1282, 1284, 1289, 6310, 7385, 7853, 13883, 14062, 14063,14064, 14065, 14066, 14067, 18261, 18407, 22384, 22385.T3410 Impatiens balsamina (Balsaminaceae); FENG XIAN; Garden Balsam.Used part: stem. TCM Effects: To dispel wind-damp, quicken bloodand relieve pain, resolve toxin. TCM Indications: Wind-dampimpediment pain, pain from arthritis, painful swelling from knocksand falls, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, swollen welling abscess,erysipelas, goose-foot wind, snake or insect bites. Isolated compounds:1500, 11027, 21811.T3411 Impatiens balsamina (Balsaminaceae); FENG XIAN HUA; GardenBalsum Flower. Used part: flower. TCM Effects: To dispel wind andquicken blood, disperse swelling and relieve pain. TCM Indications:Rheumatism numbness, lumbar and rib-side pain, amenorrhea anddysmenorrhea, postpartum blood stasis, knocks and falls, wellingabscess and flat abscess, clove sore, goose-foot wind, ashen nail.Isolated compounds: 5011, 12580, 13456, 16777.T3412 Impatiens balsamina (Balsaminaceae); JI XING ZI; Garden BalsamSeed. Used part: ripe seed. TCM Effects: To break blood and s<strong>of</strong>tenhard, disperse accumulation. TCM Indications: Concretion andconglomeration, lump glomus, amenorrhea, dysphagia-occlusion.Isolated compounds: 1500, 5200, 9651, 12580, 16667, 20566.T3413 Impatiens nolitangere (Balsaminaceae); SHUI JIN FENG; LightyellowSnapweed. Used part: root or whole herb. TCM Effects: To quickenblood and regulate menstruation, dispel wind and eliminate damp.TCM Indications: Menstrual disorder [ = menoxenia], dysmenorrhea,menstrual block, knocks and falls, wind-damp impediment pain, leg qiswelling and pain, damp-swelling in scrotum, lichen sore, lai sore.Isolated compounds: 13127.T3414 Impatiens siculifer (Balsaminaceae); HUANG JIN FENG;Incurvedspur Snapweed. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: Todispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and disperse swelling,clear heat and resolve toxin. TCM Indications: Wind-damp bone pain,rheumatism numbness, knocks and falls, burns and scalds. Isolatedcompounds: 4140, 20168.T3415 Imperata cylindrica (Poaceae); YIN DU BAI MAO; Cogon Satintail.Isolated compounds: 11234.T3416 Imperata cylindrica var. major (Poaceae); BAI MAO GEN (1) ; LalangGrass Rhizome. Used part: rhizome. TCM Effects: To cool blood andstanch bleeding, clear heat and engender liquid, disinhibit urine andfree strangury. TCM Indications: Acute nephritis with edema, acuteglomerulonephritis, chronic glomerulonephritis, acute hepatitis, bloodejection due to blood heat, spontaneous external bleeding, hematuria,febrile diseases with vexation and thirst, jaundice, edema, heatstrangury with inhibited pain, measles papules. Isolated compounds:1178, 1823, 3907, 4545, 4546, 11000, 19901.T3417 Imperata cylindrica var. major (Poaceae); MAO CAO YE; LalangGrass Leaf. Used part: leaf. TCM Effects: To dispel wind andeliminate damp. TCM Indications: Wind-damp impediment pain, windpapules. Isolated compounds: 1615, 1616, 4546, 7759, 16294.T3418 Incarvillea arguta (Bignoniaceae); MA TONG HUA; SharptoothIncarvillea. Used part: whole herb with rhizome. TCM Effects: T<strong>of</strong>ortify spleen and disinhibit damp, move qi and quicken blood. TCMIndications: Diarrhea, dysentery, stomachache, pain in rib-side,wind-damp pain, menstrual disorder, swollen welling abscess, fracture.Isolated compounds: 1676, 1677, 1678, 4995, 5189.T3419 Incarvillea dissectifoliola (Bignoniaceae); SHEN LIE YE JIAO HAO;Deep-lobed-leaf Incarvillea*. Isolated compounds: 6518.T3420 Incarvillea sinensis (Bignoniaceae); JIAO HAO; <strong>Chinese</strong> Incarvillea.Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To dispel wind-damp, resolvetoxin, kill worms. TCM Indications: Wind-damp impediment pain,knocks and falls, mouth sore, gingiva ulcerating, ear sore, eczema,scab and lichen, trichomonas vaginalis. Isolated compounds: 11006,11007, 11008, 11009, 11010, 11011.T3421 Indig<strong>of</strong>era arrecta (Fabaceae); ZHI LI DIAN LAN. Isolatedcompounds: 12018.T3422 Indig<strong>of</strong>era heteranthazha (Fabaceae); YI HUA MU LAN;Different-flowered Indigo. Isolated compounds: 13252, 13261, 16886.T3423 Indig<strong>of</strong>era tinctoria (Fabaceae); MU LAN (2) ; True Indigo. Used part:stem-leaf. TCM Effects: To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool bloodand stanch bleeding. TCM Indications: Encephalitis B, parotitis, acutepharyngolaryngitis, red eyes, lymphrnoditis, mouth sore, swollenwelling abscess, sore and boil, erysipelas, scab and lichen, snake orinsect bites, blood ejection. Isolated compounds: 4872, 4898, 11014,

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