Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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46713228, 13229, 13230, 13231, 13232, 13233, 13234, 14493, 15407,16313, 16321, 16322, 16354, 16355, 16421, 19766, 19768, 19769,19770, 19771, 19772, 19773, 19774, 21424, 21425.T3296 Hura crepitans (Euphorbiaceae); SHA HE SHU; Sandbox-tree.Isolated compounds: 9691.T3297 Hyacinthus orientalis (Liliaceae); FENG XIN ZI; Common Hyacinth.Isolated compounds: 9696.T3298 Hyacinthus sp. (Liliaceae). Isolated compounds: 3693.T3299 Hydnellum caeruleum (Thelephoraceae); LAN SE YA CHI JUN;Inedible Mushroom. Isolated compounds: 21301, 21302, 21303,21304, 21305, 21306.T3300 Hydnocarpus anthelminticus (Flacourtiaceae); DA FENG ZI;Chaulmoogratree Seed. Used part: seed. TCM Effects: To dispel windand dry damp, attack toxin and kill worms. TCM Indications:Numbing wind, scab and lichen, red bayberry sore. Isolatedcompounds: 883, 884, 885, 3485, 8955, 9697.T3301 Hydnocarpus wightiana (Flacourtiaceae); WEI SHI DA FENG ZI;Wightiana Chaulmoogratree Seed*. Isolated compounds: 15409.Hydnum erinaceus = Hericium erinaceusT3302 Hydnum repandum (Hydnaceae); MEI WEI CHI JUN; Sweet Tooth.Isolated compounds: 19357, 19358.T3303 Hydrangea chinensis (Saxifragaceae); ZHONG GUO XIU QIU;<strong>Chinese</strong> Hydrangea. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To interruptmalaria, quicken blood and relieve pain, clear heat and disinhibit urine.TCM Indications: Knocks and falls, fracture, malaria, headache,measles papules, dribbling pain <strong>of</strong> urination. Isolated compounds:4648, 9452, 9698, 9700, 9701, 9815, 9944, 11234, 14254, 18420,19983, 19987, 20554, 22195.T3304 Hydrangea macrophylla (Saxifragaceae); BA XIAN HUA; LargeleafHydrangea. Used part: root, leaf and flower. TCM Effects: To interruptmalaria. TCM Indications: Malaria, fright palpitation due to heart heat,vexation and agitation. Isolated compounds: 4647, 4648, 9699, 9700,13084, 13085.T3305 Hydrangea macrophylla var. thunbergii (Saxifragaceae); SE BO GEXIU QIU; Thunberg Hydrangea*. Isolated compounds: 9700, 17225.T3306 Hydrangea paniculata (Saxifragaceae); FEN TUAN HUA; PaniculateHydrangea. Used part: flower. TCM Effects: To disperse damp, breakblood. TCM Indications: Scrotal wind. Isolated compounds: 8078,22195.T3307 Hydrangea sp. (Saxifragaceae). Isolated compounds: 12950.T3308 Hydrangea umbellata (Saxifragaceae); SAN XING XIU QIU;Umbellate Hydrangea. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To interruptmalaria, disperse food, clear heat and resolve toxin, dispel phlegm anddissipate binds. TCM Indications: Malaria, food accumulationabdominal distention, swelling pain in throat, skin lichen lai, swellingtoxin <strong>of</strong> sore and boil, goiter and tuberculosis. Isolated compounds:5435.T3309 Hydrastis canadensis (Ranunculaceae); BAI MAO GEN (4) ;Golden-seal. Isolated compounds: 2302, 2303, 3055, 3057, 3058, 6366,9702, 9703, 11348, 14567, 19985.T3310 Hydroclathrus tenuis (Scytosiphonaceae); BO YE WANG YI ZAO.Isolated compounds: 2436.T3311 Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides (Apiaceae); TIAN HU SUI; LawnPennywort. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To clear heat anddisinhibit damp, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. TCM Indications:Jaundice, dysentery, edema, strangury, eye screen, throat swelling,swelling toxin <strong>of</strong> welling abscess and sore, zoster, knocks and falls.Isolated compounds: 4140, 9710, 9711, 9712, 9713, 9714, 9715, 9716,18332, 22173.T3312 Hygrophorus latitabundus (Hygrophoraceae). Isolated compounds:433, 434, 435, 436, 5339, 5340, 5341, 10840.T3313 Hygrophorus olivaceoalbus (Hygrophoraceae); Slimysheathed WaxyCap 橄 榄 白 蜡 伞 . Isolated compounds: 430, 431, 5338, 10837, 10838,21536.T3314 Hygrophorus persoonii (Hygrophoraceae). Isolated compounds: 426,427, 428, 429, 5336, 5337, 5920, 10836, 10841, 10842, 21535.T3315 Hygrophorus pustulatus (Hygrophoraceae). Isolated compounds: 432,10839.T3316 Hylomecon japonica (Papaveraceae); HE QING HUA; JapaneseHylomecon. Used part: root and rhizome. TCM Effects: To dispelwind and free network vessels, dissipate stasis and disperse swelling.TCM Indications: Wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls.Isolated compounds: 930, 3498, 3502, 3507, 3508, 4290, 19284,20416.T3317 Hylomecon spp. (Papaveraceae). Isolated compounds: 3498.T3318 Hylotelephium mingjinianum (Crassulaceae); ZI HUA JING TIAN;Purpleflower Stonecrop. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: Toquicken blood and stanch bleeding, clear heat and resolve toxin. TCMIndications: Blood ejection, sprain, taxation damage in lumbar muscle,scalds, poisonous snake bite, zoster, indigestion. Isolated compounds:5763, 12083, 14872, 14873.Hymenocallis americana = Hymenocallis littoralisT3319 Hymenocallis arenicola (Amaryllidaceae); SHA SHENG SHUI GUIJIAO; Arenaceous Hymenocallis*. Isolated compounds: 3197.T3320 Hymenocallis littoralis [Syn. Hymenocallis americana; Pancratiumlittoralis] (Amaryllidaceae); SHUI GUI JIAO YE; Tropical AmericanHymenocallis Leaf. Used part: leaf. TCM Effects: To soothe sinewsand quicken blood, disperse swelling and relieve pain. TCMIndications: Painful swelling from knocks and falls, pain in joints dueto rheumatalgia, hemorrhoids. Isolated compounds: 13241, 19618,20891.T3321 Hymenocallis rotata (Amaryllidaceae); FU ZHUANG SHUI GUIJIAO; Rotate Hymenocallis*. Isolated compounds: 15750.T3322 Hymenoclea salsola (Asteraceae); MEI GUO HAI MO JU; Burro Bush.Isolated compounds: 1029, 4087, 10843.T3323 Hymenodictyon excelsum (Rubiaceae); TU LIAN QIAO; TallHymenodictyon. Used part: bark. TCM Effects: To clear heat andresolve toxin, suppress cough and interrupt malaria. TCM Indications:Malaria, malign malaria, common cold, ardent fever, cough withpr<strong>of</strong>use phlegm. Isolated compounds: 664, 1359, 2299, 4622, 13041,14124, 14974, 15734, 18998, 18999.T3324 Hymenophyllum barbatum (Hymenophyllaceae); MO JUE; BarbateFilmy Fern. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To stanch bleeding.TCM Indications: Bleeding due to external injury. Isolated compounds:8689, 10844, 10845, 10846, 10847, 10848, 10849, 10850, 10851,10852, 10853, 10854, 10855, 10856, 10857, 10858, 10859, 10860,

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