Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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465Hibiscus. Used part: root and stem. TCM Effects: To clear lung andrelieve cough, cool blood and resolve toxin. TCM Indications: Lungheat cough, toxin swelling <strong>of</strong> sores. Isolated compounds: 2224, 2527,2887, 3829, 3831, 4135, 7768, 7788, 7789, 7895, 8863, 9481, 9535,9536, 9537, 9538, 9539, 9818, 12801, 13515, 13518, 14205, 14254,14442, 14443, 14447, 14804, 15169, 16402, 19540, 19542, 19910,19983, 19987, 20369, 20554, 20556, 20566, 22208, 22332, 22336.T3248 Hibiscus tiliaceus (Malvaceae); HUANG JIN; Linden Hibiscus. Usedpart: leaf, bark or flower. TCM Effects: To clear lung and relievecough, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. TCM Indications: Lungheat cough, swelling pain <strong>of</strong> sore and boil, cassava poisoning. Isolatedcompounds: 12501.T3249 Hibiscus vitifolius (Malvaceae); PU TAO YE MU JIN; GrapeleafHibiscus*. Isolated compounds: 8965.T3250 Hierochloe odorata (Poaceae); MAO XIANG HUA; Vanillagrass.Used part: inflorescence. TCM Effects: To warm stomach, checkvomiting. TCM Indications: Cold pain in heart and abdomen. Isolatedcompounds: 4142.T3251 Himatanthus sucuuba (Apocynaceae); SU KU BA DOU HUA;Bellaco-Caspi. Isolated compounds: 1114, 13100, 13101, 13102,20202.T3252 Hippomane mancinella (Euphorbiaceae); MA FENG MU; Manchineel.Isolated compounds: 13476, 22778.T3253 Hippophae neurocarpa (Elaeagnaceae); LEI GUO SHA JI; VeinfruitSeabuckthorn. Isolated compounds: 19087.T3254 Hippophae rhamnoides (Elaeagnaceae); CU LIU GUO; SeabuckthornFruit. Equivalent plant: Hippophae rhamnoides subsp. sinensis,Hippophae rhamnoides subsp. yunnanensis. Used part: fruit. TCMEffects: To relieve cough and transform phlegm, fortify stomach anddisperse food, quicken blood and dissipate stasis. TCM Indications:Cough with pr<strong>of</strong>use phlegm, pulmonary welling abscess, indigestion,food accumulation abdominal pain, stomachache, enteritis,amenorrhea, stasis swelling from knocks and falls. Isolatedcompounds: 1113, 1598, 1845, 1935, 3040, 3138, 3139, 3140, 3211,3296, 3308, 3551, 3766, 5499, 5500, 6047, 7852, 7853, 8095, 9234,9236, 9345, 9486, 10160, 10591, 10784, 11648, 12020, 12569, 12891,12893, 13419, 15170, 15203, 16285, 16561, 18317, 18656, 19087,19983, 20280, 20369, 20444, 20715, 21415, 22554, 22556, 22559,22560, 22561, 22562, 22563, 22976.T3255 Hippophae rhamnoides subsp. gyantsensis (Elaeagnaceae); JIANG ZISHA JI; Jiangzi Seabuckthorn*. Isolated compounds: 19087.T3256 Hippophae rhamnoides subsp. sinensis (Elaeagnaceae); ZHONG GUOSHA JI; <strong>Chinese</strong> Seabuckthorn*. Used part: fruit. TCM Effects: SeeHippophae rhamnoides. TCM Indications: See Hippophae rhamnoides.Isolated compounds: 11648, 18317, 19087.T3257 Hippophae rhamnoides subsp. turkestanica (Elaeagnaceae); ZHONGYA SHA JI; Central Asia Seabuckthorn*. Isolated compounds: 18317,19087.T3258 Hippophae rhamnoides subsp. yunnanensis (Elaeagnaceae); YUNNAN SHA JI; Yunnan Seabuckthorn*. Used part: fruit. TCM Effects:See Hippophae rhamnoides. TCM Indications: See Hippophaerhamnoides. Isolated compounds: 19087.T3259 Hippophae thibetana (Elaeagnaceae); XI ZANG SHA JI; TibetSeabuckthorn. Isolated compounds: 19087.T3260 Histiopteris incisa (Dennstaedtiaceae); LI JUE; Incised Histiopteris.Isolated compounds: 18125, 18152.T3261 Hodgkinsonia frutescens (Cucurbitaceae). Isolated compounds: 18295,18296.T3262 Holarrhena africana (Apocynaceae); FEI ZHOU ZHI XIE MU;African Holarrhena*. Isolated compounds: 3968, 9578, 9585.T3263 Holarrhena antidysenterica (Apocynaceae); ZHI XIE MU PI;Droughtdysentery Holarrhena Bark. Used part: bark. TCM Effects: Tomove qi and check diarrhea, kill worms. TCM Indications: Dysentery,gastrointestinal flatulence. Isolated compounds: 3959, 3961, 3966,3967, 3968, 3989, 3991, 5562, 5563, 6873, 6931, 9576, 9577, 9578,9579, 9580, 9581, 9582, 9583, 9584, 9585, 9586, 9587, 9591, 9932,9937, 10547, 11340, 12345, 12346, 12347, 12348, 12349, 12350,14350, 16659, 18585, 18586, 18587, 21196.T3264 Holarrhena congolensis (Apocynaceae); GANG GUO HE ZHI XIEMU; Congo Holarrhena*. Isolated compounds: 3968, 8010, 9584.T3265 Holarrhena febrifuga (Apocynaceae); TUI RE ZHI XIE MU;Febrifuge Holarrhena*. Isolated compounds: 3968, 8010, 9587, 11340.T3266 Holarrhena floribunda (Apocynaceae); FAN HUA ZHI XIE MU;Purplequeen Holarrhena*. Isolated compounds: 3968.T3267 Holarrhena mitis (Apocynaceae); WEN ROU ZHI XIE MU; SuaveHolarrhena*. Isolated compounds: 3968, 9584, 9587, 21511.T3268 Holarrhena pubescens (Apocynaceae); DUAN ROU MAO ZHI XIEMU; Shortfluff Holarrhena*. Isolated compounds: 273, 3968, 6469,10557, 12347.T3269 Holarrhena waltsbergii (Apocynaceae); WO SHI ZHI XIE MU;Waltsberg Holarrhena*. Isolated compounds: 3968.T3270 Holboellia fargesii (Lardizabalaceae); WU YE GUA TENG; FargesHolboellia. Used part: fruit. TCM Effects: To clear heat and disinhibitdamp, quicken blood and free vessels, move qi and relieve pain. TCMIndications: short voidings <strong>of</strong> reddish urine, strangury-turbidity, edema,wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, breast milk stoppage,mounting qi (hernia), prolapse <strong>of</strong> uterus, testitis. Isolated compounds:7723, 7724, 7725, 7726, 7727.T3271 Holoptelea integrifolia (Ulmaceae); YIN MIAN YU; Vellayim.Isolated compounds: 12569.T3272 Holostylis reniformis (Aristolochiaceae). Isolated compounds: 1709,1730, 6830, 6831, 6932, 6933, 9592, 14393, 19615, 19616.T3273 Homalanthus acuminatus (Euphorbiaceae); JIAN JIAN AO YANG;Acuminate Aussiepoplar*. Isolated compounds: 17958.T3274 Homalanthus nutans (Euphorbiaceae); XIA CHUI AO YANG; NutantAussiepoplar*. Isolated compounds: 17958.T3275 Homalium cochinchinensis (Samydaceae); TIAN LIAO MU;Cochinchina Homalium. Isolated compounds: 2224, 3874, 3875, 3876,3877, 21508, 21509, 21510.T3276 Homo sapiens (Hominidae); REN NIAO; Human Urine. Used part:human urine. TCM Effects: To enrich yin and downbear fire, stanchbleeding and disperse stasis. TCM Indications: Yin vacuity fever,taxation damage hemoptysis, blood ejection, spontaneous externalbleeding, postpartum blood stasis, blood dizziness, knocks and falls,pain <strong>of</strong> blood stasis. Isolated compounds: 1160, 4223, 5153, 5164,9548, 9937, 11220, 22246, 22251, 22259.

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