Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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459T3063 Grevillea robusta (Proteaceae); YIN HUA; Robust Silk Oak. Used part:leaf and flower. TCM Effects: To clear heat and disinhibit qi, quickenblood and relieve pain. TCM Indications: Knocks and falls. Isolatedcompounds: 8997, 8998, 8999, 9000, 18877, 18877, 18878, 18879,18880.T3064 Grevillea spp. (Proteaceae). Isolated compounds: 8997.Grewia microcos = Microcos paniculataT3065 Grindelia sp. (Asteraceae). Isolated compounds: 21507.T3066 Gryllulus chinensis (Gryllidae); XI SHUAI; <strong>Chinese</strong> Cricket. Usedpart: dried body. TCM Effects: To disinhibit urine. TCM Indications:Urinary stoppage, edema, ascites. Isolated compounds: 12200.T3067 Guajacum <strong>of</strong>ficinale (Zygophyllaceae); YU CHUANG MU;Lignum-vitae. Isolated compounds: 9038, 15741.T3068 Guarea rhopalocarpa (Meliaceae). Isolated compounds: 10310, 12487,19234, 19235, 19542, 20369.T3069 Guatteria amplifolia (Annonaceae); DA YE GUA TAI MU. Isolatedcompounds: 15780, 22818.T3070 Guatteria boliviana (Annonaceae). Isolated compounds: 1460, 8004,9072, 12497, 16604, 17146, 18187, 18188, 19753, 21390.T3071 Guatteria dumetorum (Annonaceae); JING JI GUA TAI MU. Isolatedcompounds: 4279, 15779.T3072 Guioa crenulata (Sapindaceae); New Caledonian Guioa*. Isolatedcompounds: 4228, 4229, 4230, 4231.T3073 Gunnera perpensa (Haloragaceae); XUAN CHUI GEN NAI LA CAO.Isolated compounds: 10484, 10508, 14592.T3074 Gutierrezia microcephala (Asteraceae). Isolated compounds: 21711.T3075 Gutierrezia spp. (Asteraceae). Isolated compounds: 21857.T3076 Gymnadenia albida (Orchidaceae); BAI SHOU SHEN; EuropeanGymnadenia. Isolated compounds: 16168.T3077 Gymnadenia conopsea (Orchidaceae); SHOU ZHANG SHEN; ConicGymnadenia. Equivalent plant: Coeloglossum viride. Used part: tuber.TCM Effects: To relieve cough and calm asthma, fortify spleen andboost kidney, rectify qi and harmonize blood, relieve pain. TCMIndications: Cough and asthma due to lung vacuity, vacuity taxationwith emaciation, neurasthenia, kidney vacuity, limp aching lumbus andknees, impotence, seminal efflux, frequent urination, chronic hepatitis,chronic diarrhea, blood loss, vaginal discharge, scant breast milk,knocks and falls. Isolated compounds: 2165, 2456, 2508, 5905, 9099,9100, 9101, 9102, 9111, 9112, 9113, 9846, 9848, 13909, 13910, 14154,14805, 17470.T3078 Gymnadenia sp. (Orchidaceae). Isolated compounds: 22336.T3079 Gymnaster koraiensis (Asteraceae); CHAO XIAN LUO WAN.Isolated compounds: 6918, 7951, 9104, 9105, 9106, 9107, 9108, 9109,9382, 20237.T3080 Gymnema sylvestre (Asclepiadaceae); CHI GENG TENG; AustralianCowplant. Used part: root or twig. TCM Effects: To dispel wind andrelieve pain, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. TCM Indications:Wind-damp impediment pain, swelling pain in throat, scr<strong>of</strong>ula,mammary welling abscess, sore and boil, eczema, innominate toxinswelling, poisonous snake bite. Isolated compounds: 2271, 2272, 8647,8648, 9110, 12981, 16062, 17748, 17749, 20037, 22827.T3081 Gymnopetalum integrifolium (Cucurbitaceae); FENG GUA; EntireleafGymnopetalum. Isolated compounds: 339, 2686, 5386, 12214.T3082 Gynocardia odorata (Flacourtiaceae); MA DAN GUO; FragrantGynocardia. Used part: seed. TCM Effects: To dispel wind, eliminatedamp, resolve toxin. TCM Indications: Leprosy, elephantiasis, skindiseases. Isolated compounds: 1465, 9114.T3083 Gynostemma compressum (Cucurbitaceae); BIAN GUO JIAO GULAN; Flatfruit Gynostemma. Isolated compounds: 9094, 9095, 9096,9097.T3084 Gynostemma longipes (Cucurbitaceae); CHANG GENG JIAO GULAN; longstalk Gynostemma. Isolated compounds: 9098.T3085 Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Cucurbitaceae); JIAO GU LAN; FiveleafGynostemma. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To clear heat,supplement vacuity, resolve toxin, lower blood sugar levels, protecthepatic function. TCM Indications: Vacuity and hypodynamia,septicemia, hyperlipemia, viral hepatitis, chronic gastroenteritis,chronic trachitis. Isolated compounds: 520, 521, 522, 4487, 6331,7427, 8423, 8425, 8427, 9115, 9116, 9117, 9118, 9119, 9120, 9124,9125, 9126, 9127, 9128, 9129, 9130, 9131, 9132, 9133, 9134, 9135,9136, 9137, 9138, 9139, 9140, 9141, 9142, 9143, 9144, 9145, 9146,9147, 9148, 9149, 9150, 9151, 9152, 9153, 9154, 9155, 9156, 9157,9158, 9159, 9160, 9161, 9162, 9163, 9164, 9165, 9166, 9167, 9168,9169, 9170, 9171, 9172, 9173, 9174, 9175, 9176, 9177, 9178, 9179,9180, 9181, 9182, 9958, 13439, 13443, 13444, 13444, 13446, 14415,14416, 16092, 16093, 16428, 16433, 16594, 19087, 21091, 21092,21101, 21102, 21103, 21104, 21700, 21701, 21702, 21743.T3086 Gynostemma yixingense (Cucurbitaceae); HUI GUO JIAO GU LAN;Rostratefruit Gynostemma. Isolated compounds: 8423, 9151, 9153,11648, 22913, 22914.T3087 Gynura elliptica (Asteraceae); TUO YUAN SAN QI CAO; EllipticGynura*. Isolated compounds: 9121, 9122.Gynura japonica = Gynura segetumT3088 Gynura segetum [Syn. Gynura japonica] (Asteraceae); SAN QI CAO;Gynura. Used part: leaf or whole herb. TCM Effects: To stanchbleeding, dissipate stasis, disperse swelling and relieve pain. TCMIndications: Blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding,hemoptysis, hematochezia, flooding and spotting, bleeding due toexternal injury, dysmenorrhea, postpartum stasis stagnation abdominalpain, knocks and falls, wind-damp pain, welling abscess and flatabscess with clove sore, snake or insect bites. Isolated compounds:383, 424, 2224, 3434, 6204, 9123, 9486, 9735, 9736, 19713, 19983,19993, 20348, 20361, 20369, 21416, 22336.T3089 Gypsophila acutifolia (Caryophyllaceae); HUANG JIE GU DAN;Gypsophila. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To dissipate stasis anddisperse swelling, engender flesh and relieve pain. TCM Indications:Knocks and falls, fracture, bleeding due to external injury. Isolatedcompounds: 599.T3090 Gypsophila oldhamiana (Caryophyllaceae); XIA CAO; OldhamGypsophila. Used part: root. TCM Effects: See Gypsophila pacifica.TCM Indications: See Gypsophila pacifica. Isolated compounds: 3927,16026, 21039.T3091 Gypsophila pacifica (Caryophyllaceae); SHAN YIN CHAI HU;Pacific Gypsophila. Equivalent plant: Silene jenisseensis, Arenariajuncea. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To clear vacuity heat, coolblood. TCM Indications: Yin vacuity tuberculosis, steaming bone tidal

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