Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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458T3027 Gnaphalium gaudichaudianum (Asteraceae); A GEN TING SHU QUCAO; Argentine Cudweed*. Isolated compounds: 17373.Gnaphalium multiceps = Gnaphalium affineT3028 Gnetum gnemon (Gnetaceae); XIAN ZHOU MAI MA TENG; SpinachJointfir. Isolated compounds: 8866, 8867, 8868, 8869, 8870, 8871,8872, 8873, 8874, 8876, 8880, 9779, 20505.T3029 Gnetum gnemonoides (Gnetaceae); MA LAI XI YA MAI MA TENG;Spinach-like Jointfir. Isolated compounds: 8875, 8877, 8880, 9779.T3030 Gnetum hainanense (Gnetaceae); HAI NAN MAI MA TENG; HainanJointfir. Isolated compounds: 8882, 8883, 8884, 8885, 8886, 8887,8888, 8889, 8890, 8891.Gnetum indicum = Gnetum parvifoliumT3031 Gnetum latifolium (Gnetaceae); KUAN YE MAI MA TENG;Broadleaf Jointfir. Isolated compounds: 12546.T3032 Gnetum montanum f. megalocarpum (Gnetaceae); DA ZI MAI MATENG; Bigseed Jointfir. Isolated compounds: 8893, 8894, 8895, 8896.T3033 Gnetum parvifolium [Syn. Gnetum indicum] (Gnetaceae); XIAO YEMAI MA TENG; Smallleaf Jointfir. Used part: stem, leaf or root.TCM Effects: To dispel wind and eliminate damp, stanch bleeding anddissipate stasis, relieve cough and transform phlegm. TCM Indications:Wind-damp impediment pain, lumbago, crane’s knee wind, knocksand falls, ulcerative bleeding, chronic trachitis. Isolated compounds:5067, 5997, 8892, 9779, 11672, 16688, 16689, 16690, 16691, 18643.T3034 Gnetum pendulum (Gnetaceae); CHUI ZI MAI MA TENG;Pendentseed Jointfir. Isolated compounds: 8897, 8898.T3035 Gnetum ula (Gnetaceae); YIN DU MAI MA TENG; India Jointfir.Isolated compounds: 8878, 8892.T3036 Gnidia involucrata (Thymelaeaceae); ZONG BAO GE NI DI MU.Isolated compounds: 16839, 21766, 22935.T3037 Gnidia lamprantha (Thymelaeaceae); LIANG HUA GE NI DI MU.Isolated compounds: 15999.T3038 Gnidia latifolia (Thymelaeaceae); KUAN YE GE NI DI MU. Isolatedcompounds: 15990.T3039 Gnidia polycephala (Thymelaeaceae); DUO TOU GE NI DI MU.Isolated compounds: 8757, 14470.T3040 Gomphrena globosa (Amaranthaceae); QIAN RI HONG;Globeamaranth. Used part: inflorescence or herb. TCM Effects: Tosuppress cough and calm asthma, clear liver and brighten eyes, resolvetoxin. TCM Indications: Cough, asthma, pertussis, infant night crying,red eyes with gall, liver heat and dizziness, headache, dysentery, soreand boil. Isolated compounds: 1013, 8927, 8928, 8929, 8930, 8931,11207, 20434.T3041 Goniothalamus amuyon (Annonaceae); TAI WAN GE NA XIANG;Taiwan Goniothalamus. Isolated compounds: 1696, 3555, 3695, 5179,5179, 5180, 5532, 6201, 8932, 8933, 8934, 8935, 8936, 8938, 8947,8947, 8948, 8949, 8950, 12917, 13258, 13943, 17409, 19983, 20369.T3042 Goniothalamus arvensis (Annonaceae); TIAN YE GE NA XIANG;Field Goniothalamus*. Isolated compounds: 241, 311, 1008.T3043 Goniothalamus cardiopetalus (Annonaceae); XIN XING BAN GE NAXIANG; Cardia-petal Goniothalamus*. Isolated compounds: 3189.T3044 Goniothalamus cheliensis (Annonaceae); GE NA XIANG; CheliensisGoniothalamus. Isolated compounds: 3504, 3505, 3506, 8939, 8940,8941, 8942, 8943, 8944.T3045 Goniothalamus gardneri (Annonaceae); CHANG YE GE NA XIANG;Longleaf Goniothalamus. Isolated compounds: 5479, 5821, 5824,7818, 8232, 8233, 10787, 15285, 21770, 22067.T3046 Goniothalamus giganteus (Annonaceae); DA GE NA XIANG; BigGoniothalamus*. Isolated compounds: 1008, 8381, 18240, 18249.T3047 Goniothalamus griffithii (Annonaceae); DA HUA GE NA XIANG;Bigflower Goniothalamus. Isolated compounds: 404, 405, 1049, 6183,8937, 8947, 9001, 9002, 9004, 9005, 9006, 17403.T3048 Goniothalamus howii (Annonaceae); HAI NAN GE NA XIANG;Hainan Goniothalamus. Isolated compounds: 9654, 9655.T3049 Goniothalamus leiocarpus (Annonaceae); JIN PING GE NA XIANG;Leiocarpus Goniothalamus. Isolated compounds: 1313, 4089, 8381,8947, 15099.T3050 Goniothalamus sp. (Annonaceae). Isolated compounds: 3503, 8945,9778, 13547, 13548, 13549.T3051 Goniothalamus thwaitesii (Annonaceae). Isolated compounds: 1339,13628.T3052 Gonystylus keithii (Thymelaeaceae); KAI TE LENG ZHU MU; KaithRamin*. Isolated compounds: 16408, 16409.T3053 Gorgoniae suberogorgia (Gorgonidae); LIU SHAN HU; GorgonianGorgoniae suberogorgia. Isolated compounds: 20440.T3054 Gossypium barbadense] (Malvaceae); HAI DAO MIAN; BarbadosCotton. Used part: tomentum <strong>of</strong> seed. TCM Effects: See Gossypiumherbaceum. TCM Indications: See Gossypium herbaceum. Isolatedcompounds: 8967.T3055 Gossypium herbaceum (Malvaceae); MIAN HUA; Levant Cotton.Equivalent plant: Gossypium hirsutum, Gossypium barbadense. Usedpart: tomentum <strong>of</strong> seed. TCM Effects: To stanch bleeding. TCMIndications: Blood ejection, hematochezia, flooding, bleeding due toexternal injury. Isolated compounds: 2318, 8967, 9568, 11238, 11642,12027, 19187.T3056 Gossypium herbaceum (Malvaceae); MIAN HUA GEN; Levant CottonRoot. Used part: root cortex. TCM Effects: To relieve cough and calmasthma, free menstruation and relieve pain. TCM Indications: Cough,asthma, bronchitis, menstrual disorder, flooding and spotting. Isolatedcompounds: 117, 6232, 8967, 9344, 13944, 13946.T3057 Gossypium herbaceum (Malvaceae); MIAN ZI YOU; Levant CottonOil. Used part: seed oil. TCM Effects: To resolve toxin and kill worms.TCM Indications: Malign sore, scab and lichen. Isolated compounds:8967, 13944.T3058 Gossypium hirsutum [Syn. Gossypium mexicanum] (Malvaceae); LUDI MIAN; Upland Cotton. Used part: tomentum <strong>of</strong> seed. TCM Effects:See Gossypium herbaceum. TCM Indications: See Gossypiumherbaceum. Isolated compounds: 36, 1866, 8967, 9344, 12432, 17089,18409, 20392.T3059 Gossypium indicum (Malvaceae); YIN DU MIAN; Bluntleaf Cotton.Isolated compounds: 8965, 11238.Gossypium mexicanum = Gossypium hirsutumT3060 Gossypium sturtianum var. nandewarence (Malvaceae); NAN DE WAMIAN; Nandewa Cotton*. Isolated compounds: 17056.T3061 Gratiola <strong>of</strong>ficinalis (Scrophulariaceae); YAO SHUI BA JIAO; Gratiole.Isolated compounds: 4320, 4323.T3062 Gratiola sp. (Scrophulariaceae). Isolated compounds: 4319.

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