Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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443blood stasis, intractable impediment, wart. Isolated compounds: 663,664, 2331, 4645, 7615, 7617, 9489, 11059, 11060, 11422, 12543,12544, 12545.T2598 Euphorbia lathyris (Euphorbiaceae); XU SUI ZI JING ZHONG BAIZHI; Caper Euphorbia Latex. Used part: white juice in stem. TCMEffects: To eliminate macula and resolve toxin, close sores. TCMIndications: White patch wind, snake bite. Isolated compounds: 6558.T2599 Euphorbia lunulata (Euphorbiaceae); MAO YAN CAO;Crescent-shaped Euphorbia. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: Tosuppress cough and dispel phlegm, dissipate binds, expel water, drawout toxin, kill worms. TCM Indications: Phlegm-rheum cough asthma,edema, scr<strong>of</strong>ula, scab and lichen, innominate toxin swelling. Isolatedcompounds: 663, 8095, 10887, 10888, 12020, 12082, 18317, 18339,18411.T2600 Euphorbia maculata (Euphorbiaceae); BAN DI JIN; AmericanEuphorbia. Isolated compounds: 18360.T2623 Euphorbia makinoi (Euphorbiaceae); HONG RU CAO; Red-milkGrass*. Isolated compounds: 17754.T2601 Euphorbia milii (Euphorbiaceae); TIE HAI TANG; Crown<strong>of</strong>hornsEuphorbia. Used part: Stem-leaf and root. TCM Effects: To expel pus,resolve toxin, expel water, quicken blood. TCM Indications: Swellingtoxin <strong>of</strong> welling abscess and sore, burns and scalds, knocks and falls,bubo, hepatitis, ascites ulcer. Isolated compounds: 14859, 14860,14861.T2602 Euphorbia nematocypha (Euphorbiaceae); DA LANG DU; LargeEuphorbia Root. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To transform stasis andstanch bleeding, kill worms and relieve itch. TCM Indications:Bleeding due to external injury, painful swelling from knocks and falls,scr<strong>of</strong>ula, scab and lichen. Isolated compounds: 11893, 15330.T2603 Euphorbia nivulia (Euphorbiaceae); YIN DU DUO ZHI DA JI; IndianJuicy Euphorbia*. Isolated compounds: 5325, 5326.T2604 Euphorbia obtusifoli (Euphorbiaceae); DUN YE DA JI XIANGJIANG; Obtuseleaf Euphorbia Latex*. Isolated compounds: 9396.T2605 Euphorbia obtusifolia var. obtusifolia (Euphorbiaceae); DUN YE DAJI; Obtuseleaf Euphorbia*. Isolated compounds: 154, 5202, 5476,6892, 9395, 9396, 9397, 9398, 9399, 9400, 9401.T2606 Euphorbia palustris (Euphorbiaceae); ZHAO SHENG DA JI; MarshyEuphorbia*. Isolated compounds: 15170.T2607 Euphorbia paralias (Euphorbiaceae); HAI YANG DA JI; SeaEuphorbia*. Isolated compounds: 11843, 11844, 11845, 11846, 11847,16652, 16653, 19652, 19653, 19654, 19655, 19656, 19657.T2608 Euphorbia pekinensis (Euphorbiaceae); DA JI (3) ; Peking Euphorbia.Used part: tuberoid. TCM Effects: To drain water and expel rheum,dissipate binds and disperse swelling. TCM Indications: Edema,seeper in chest and abdomen, phlegm-rheum, inhibited urine and stool,swollen welling abscess, scr<strong>of</strong>ula. Isolated compounds: 6220, 11428,15954.T2609 Euphorbia peplus (Euphorbiaceae); BO AI DA JI; Petty Euphorbia .Isolated compounds: 21032.T2610 Euphorbia poisonii (Euphorbiaceae); PO SEN DA JI; PoisonEuphorbia*. Isolated compounds: 3074, 18639, 21402.T2611 Euphorbia portlandica (Euphorbiaceae); BO TE LAN DA JI; PortlanEuphorbia*. Isolated compounds: 4694, 6604, 7883, 13098, 15482,17731, 17732, 21026, 22734.T2612 Euphorbia prolifera (Euphorbiaceae); TU GUA LANG DU;Proliferous Euphorbia*. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To disinhibiturine, free stool, move qi, dissipate stasis, kill worms, resolve toxin.TCM Indications: Edema, constipation, food accumulation,stomachache, knocks and falls, fracture, scab and lichen, sore toxin.Isolated compounds: 373.T2613 Euphorbia pubescens (Euphorbiaceae); DUAN ROU MAO DA JI;Shortfluff Euphorbia*. Isolated compounds: 874, 7613, 7614, 11890,11891, 18170, 18171, 18172, 18173, 19542.T2614 Euphorbia pulcherrima (Euphorbiaceae); YI PIN HONG; CommonPoinsettia. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To regulatemenstruation and stanch bleeding, quicken blood and settle pain. TCMIndications: Pr<strong>of</strong>use menstruation, painful swelling from knocks andfalls, fracture, bleeding due to external injury. Isolated compounds:12488.T2615 Euphorbia quinquecostata (Euphorbiaceae); WU ZHU MAI DA JI.Isolated compounds: 1385.T2616 Euphorbia resinifera (Euphorbiaceae); SHU ZHI DA JI; ResinoidEuphorbia*. Isolated compounds: 18639, 18640.T2617 Euphorbia royleana (Euphorbiaceae); BA WANG BIAN; RoyleEuphorbia Latex. Used part: stem-leaf or white juice in stem. TCMEffects: To dispel wind and resolve toxin, kill worms and relieve itch.TCM Indications: Sore toxin, skin lichen, edema. Isolated compounds:4491, 6224, 7611, 7618, 8786, 8788.T2618 Euphorbia sp. (Euphorbiaceae). Isolated compounds: 8311.T2619 Euphorbia spp. (Euphorbiaceae). Isolated compounds: 13438, 17181.T2620 Euphorbia stepposa (Euphorbiaceae); CAO YUAN DA JI; GrasslandEuphorbia*. Isolated compounds: 15170.T2621 Euphorbia stygiana (Euphorbiaceae); YOU AN DI JIN; StygianEuphorbia*. Isolated compounds: 7954, 7955.T2622 Euphorbia supina (Euphorbiaceae); BAN YE DI JIN; SpottedleafEuphorbia. Isolated compounds: 16362.T2624 Euphorbia tirucalli (Euphorbiaceae); LU YU SHU; MalabartreeEuphorbia. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To promote lactation,kill worms, resolve toxin. TCM Indications: Postpartum scant milk,lichen sore, swelling pain in joints. Isolated compounds: 7616, 15964.T2625 Euphorbia turczaninowii (Euphorbiaceae). Isolated compounds: 9474,9475, 16818, 16819, 16820, 21027.T2626 Euphorbia wallichii (Euphorbiaceae); DA GUO DA JI; LargefruitEuphorbia*. Isolated compounds: 1962, 3330, 5759, 5760, 9311, 9313,9314, 9805, 11061, 11062, 11892.T2627 Euphoria longan [Syn. Dimocarpus longan] (Sapindaceae); LONGYAN YE; Longan Leaf. Used part: leaf. TCM Effects: To effuseexterior and clear heat, resolve toxin, dry damp. TCM Indications:Common cold, malaria, swelling <strong>of</strong> clove, hemorrhoids, eczema.Isolated compounds: 6918, 17220, 17869, 18411, 18624, 20369,21540.T2628 Euphrasia <strong>of</strong>ficinalis (Euphorbiaceae); XIAO MI CAO; MeadowEyebright. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To clear heat andresolve toxin, disinhibit urine. TCM Indications: Febrile diseases thirst,headache, lung heat cough, swelling pain in throat, heat strangury,inhibited urination, mouth sore, swollen welling abscess. Isolated

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