Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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441blood stasis, dysmenorrhea. Isolated compounds: 9568.T2542 Euonymus japonicus (Celastraceae); TIAO JING CAO; EvergreenEuonymus. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To quicken blood andregulate menstruation, dispel wind-damp. TCM Indications: Menstrualdisorder, dysmenorrhea, wind-damp impediment pain. Isolatedcompounds: 6918, 7950, 11754, 12061, 18367.T2543 Euonymus mupinensis (Celastraceae); BAO XING WEI MAO;Paohsing Euonymus. Isolated compounds: 30, 15078, 20355, 22683.T2544 Euonymus nanoides (Celastraceae). Isolated compounds: 2254, 5344,6327, 6328, 14164, 14168, 21031, 21640.T2545 Euonymus phellomana (Celastraceae); SHUAN CHI WEI MAO;Corkywing Euonymus. Used part: bark <strong>of</strong> branch. TCM Effects: Toquicken blood and regulate menstruation, dissipate stasis and relievepain. TCM Indications: Menstrual disorder , postpartum abdominalpain due to stasis obstruction, knocks and falls, wind-dampimpediment pain. Isolated compounds: 7536, 7537, 7538.T2546 Euonymus sacrosancta (Asteraceae); MAO YE WEI MAO; SacredSpindle-tree. Used part: branch with wing or root. TCM Effects: T<strong>of</strong>ree menstruation, disperse swelling, relieve pain, kill worms. TCMIndications: Concretion and conglomeration, chest impediment,amenorrhea, menstrual disorder, postpartum stasis stagnationabdominal pain, knocks and falls, swelling pain in joints, abdominalpain due to worm accumulation. Isolated compounds: 10887.T2547 Euonymus sieboldianus (Celastraceae); XI BO SHI WEI MAO; SeiboEuonymus*. Isolated compounds: 7535.T2548 Euonymus verrucosides (Celastraceae); YOU DIAN WEI MAO;Verrucatespot Euonymus. Isolated compounds: 7536, 7537, 7538.T2549 Eupatorium adenophorum (Asteraceae); ZI JING ZE LAN HUA;Purplestem Eupatorium Flower. Isolated compounds: 7589.T2550 Eupatorium altissimum (Asteraceae); GAO ZE LAN; Tall Eupatorium.Isolated compounds: 7591, 18847.T2551 Eupatorium aschenbornianum (Asteraceae). Isolated compounds: 318,319, 6797, 7382.T2552 Eupatorium ayapana (Asteraceae); A YA PAN ZE LAN; AyapanaEupatorium*. Isolated compounds: 2048, 9452.T2553 Eupatorium azureum (Asteraceae); TIAN LAN ZE LAN; AzureEupatorium*. Isolated compounds: 7950.T2554 Eupatorium cannabinum (Asteraceae); DA MA YE ZE LAN;Hemp-agrimony. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To clearsummerheat, repel foulness, transform damp. TCM Indications:Summerheat damage, fever and headache, damp evil brew,inappetence due to glomus in stomach duct, bitter taste and slimytongue fur. Isolated compounds: 7557, 7593, 9570, 15515, 15681,18847, 20488.T2555 Eupatorium chinense (Asteraceae); HUA ZE LAN; <strong>Chinese</strong>Eupatorium. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To clear heat andresolve toxin, course liver and quicken blood. TCM Indications:Wind-heat common cold, chest and rib-side pain, stomach duct painand abdominal distention, knocks and falls, swollen welling abscessand sore toxin, snake bite. Isolated compounds: 2559, 2699, 7539,7540, 7541, 7542, 7543, 7544, 7545, 7546, 7547, 7548, 7549, 7581,9707, 10114, 10767, 14900, 15681, 16971, 16972.T2556 Eupatorium compositifolium (Asteraceae); FU YE ZE LAN;Compositeleaf Eupatorium*. Isolated compounds: 13235.T2557 Eupatorium cuneifolium (Asteraceae); XIE YE ZE LAN; CuneateleafEupatorium*. Isolated compounds: 7553, 7554, 7555, 7556, 7584,7585.T2558 Eupatorium formosanum (Asteraceae); TAI WAN ZE LAN; TaiwanAgrimony. Used part: aerial parts. TCM Effects: See Eupatoriumfortunei. TCM Indications: See Eupatorium fortunei. Isolatedcompounds: 7558, 7559, 7586.T2559 Eupatorium fortunei (Asteraceae); PEI LAN; Fortune Eupatorium.Equivalent plant: Eupatorium formosanum. Used part: aerial parts.TCM Effects: To resolve summerheat and transform damp, repelfoulness and harmonize center. TCM Indications: Nausea andvomiting, bad breath, drooling, distended head and oppression in chest,sweet-greasy in mouth, summerheat-damp exterior syndrome. Isolatedcompounds: 149, 153, 186, 219, 289, 4134, 4550, 4975, 5751, 7146,7578, 7587, 7593, 9761, 10581, 11296, 11626, 13803, 13839, 13969,13970, 13973, 14005, 14179, 15512, 15935, 20708, 21361, 21838.T2560 Eupatorium glandulosum (Asteraceae); XIAN ZE LAN; GlandulousEupatorium*. Isolated compounds: 6796.Eupatorium glehni = Eupatorium sachalinenseT2561 Eupatorium gracile (Asteraceae); XI ZE LAN; Gracile Eupatorium*.Isolated compounds: 19791.T2562 Eupatorium hyssopifolium (Asteraceae); SHEN XIANG CAO YE ZELAN; Hyssop-leaved Boneset. Isolated compounds: 7566.T2563 Eupatorium japonicum (Asteraceae); CHENG GAN CAO; JapaneseEupatorium. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To dispelsummerheat and effuse exterior, transform damp and harmonize center,rectify qi and quicken blood, resolve toxin. TCM Indications: Feverand headache, oppression in chest and abdomen distention, indigestion,gastroenteritis, common cold, cough, pharyngolaryngitis, tonsillitis,menstrual disorder, knocks and falls, swollen welling abscess, snakebite. Isolated compounds: 2559, 7621, 15681, 20707, 20708.T2564 Eupatorium lancifolium (Asteraceae); ZHEN YE ZE LAN; LanceleafEupatorium*. Isolated compounds: 7553.T2565 Eupatorium lindleyanum (Asteraceae); CHENG GAN SHENG MA;Lindley Eupatorium. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To clearlung and relieve cough, transform phlegm and calm asthma, lowerblood pressure. TCM Indications: Bronchitis, cough and asthma withabundant phlegm, hypertension. Isolated compounds: 4738, 7539,7542, 7544, 7567, 7568, 7569, 7570, 7571, 7572, 7573, 7574, 7575,7576, 7578, 9291, 10114, 10766, 10887, 18317, 21367, 21380.T2566 Eupatorium mikanioides (Asteraceae); WEI GAN JU ZE LAN;Mikanioid Eupatorium*. Isolated compounds: 4739.T2567 Eupatorium odoratum (Asteraceae); FEI JI CAO; Fragrant Eupatorium.Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To stanch bleeding, kill worms.TCM Indications: Terrene leech bite. Isolated compounds: 1284, 4140,11691, 15993.T2568 Eupatorium quadrangularae (Asteraceae); SI LENG ZE LAN;Four-arris Eupatorium*. Isolated compounds: 18293.T2569 Eupatorium rebaudianum (Asteraceae); TIAN YE JU; RebaudEupatorium*. Used part: leaf. TCM Effects: To engender liquid andallay thirst, lower blood pressure. TCM Indications: Diabetes mellitus,hypertension. Isolated compounds: 18561, 20341.

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