Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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436resolve toxin, disinhibit damp and check diarrhea, disperse food andrectify qi, quicken blood and joint bones. TCM Indications:Damp-heat dysentery, food accumulation, distending pain in stomachduct, toothache, menstrual disorder, amenorrhea, vaginal discharge,fracture due to knocks and falls, swelling <strong>of</strong> sores, scalds, scab sore.Isolated compounds: 8095, 13937.T2388 Epilobium sp. (Onagraceae). Isolated compounds: 16836.T2389 Epimedium acuminatum (Berberidaceae); CU MAO YIN YANG HUO;Acuminatum Epimedium. Used part: aerial parts. TCM Effects: SeeEpimedium brevicornum. TCM Indications: See Epimediumbrevicornum. Isolated compounds: 593, 1273, 1275, 2139, 5257, 6492,6493, 6961, 10963, 21589.T2390 Epimedium brevicornum (Berberidaceae); YIN YANG HUO;Shorthorned Epimedium. Equivalent plant: Epimedium sagittatum,Epimedium wushanense, Epimedium koreanum, Epimedium pubescens,Epimedium acuminatum, Epimedium davidii, Epimediumsutchuenense. Used part: aerial parts. TCM Effects: To supplementkidney and invigorate yang, strengthen sinews and bones, dispelwind-damp. TCM Indications: Angina pectoris, chronic bronchitis,neurasthenia, climacteric hypertension, poliomyelitis, impotence andemission, limp wilting sinew and bone, wind-damp impediment pain,hypertonicity and numbness. Isolated compounds: 1275, 2138, 2139,2377, 2601, 5257, 6492, 6959, 6960, 6961, 6962, 6963, 6964, 9363,9486, 10887, 10964, 12018, 12893, 13374, 15410, 20280, 22740,22908, 22909, 22910, 22911, 22912.T2391 Epimedium brevicornum (Berberidaceae); YIN YANG HUO GEN;Shorthorned Epimedium Root. Used part: root. TCM Effects: Tosupplement kidney and invigorate yang, dispel wind and eliminatedamp. TCM Indications: Vacuity strangury, white turbidity, dizziness(for men), vaginal discharge, menstrual disorder, asthma (for women).Isolated compounds: 5257.T2392 Epimedium davidii (Berberidaceae); CHUAN DIAN YIN YANG HUO;David Epimedium. Used part: aerial parts. TCM Effects: SeeEpimedium brevicornum. TCM Indications: See Epimediumbrevicornum. Isolated compounds: 1273, 1275, 2138, 2139, 2140,2140, 2141, 2141, 2142, 2143, 2144, 6961.T2393 Epimedium ecalcaratum (Berberidaceae); WU JU YIN YANG HUO;Spurless Barrenwort*. Isolated compounds: 1275.T2394 Epimedium elongatum (Berberidaceae); CHUAN XI YIN YANG HUO;Elongate Barrenwort. Used part: aerial parts. TCM Effects: SeeEpimedium brevicornum. TCM Indications: See Epimediumbrevicornum. Isolated compounds: 1275.T2395 Epimedium fargesii (Berberidaceae); CHUAN E YIN YANG HUO;Farges Epimedium. Isolated compounds: 1275, 5257, 6492, 6960,6961.T2396 Epimedium grandiflorum (Berberidaceae); DA HUA YIN YANG HUO;Large-flowered Epimedium. Isolated compounds: 1275, 10944, 10955.T2397 Epimedium grandiflorum var. thumbergianum (Berberidaceae); DAHUA YIN YANG HUO BIAN ZHONG; Large-flowered EpimediumVariety. Isolated compounds: 2276.T2398 Epimedium koreanum (Berberidaceae); CHAO XIAN YIN YANGHUO; Korean Epimedium. Used part: aerial parts. TCM Effects: SeeEpimedium brevicornum. TCM Indications: See Epimediumbrevicornum. Isolated compounds: 1273, 1275, 2138, 2139, 3480,3551, 6776, 6959, 6960, 6961, 8401, 10602, 10887, 10942, 10964,11439, 12272, 12273, 12274, 12908, 18741, 18742, 21589, 22239.T2399 Epimedium leptorrhizum (Berberidaceae); QIAN LING YIN YANGHUO; Thin-rhizome Epimedium. Isolated compounds: 6961.T2400 Epimedium myrianthum (Berberidaceae); TIAN PING SHAN YINYANG HUO; Tianpingshan Epimedium*. Isolated compounds: 6961.T2401 Epimedium pubescens (Berberidaceae); ROU MAO YIN YANG HUO;Pubescence Epimedium. Used part: aerial parts. TCM Effects: SeeEpimedium brevicornum. TCM Indications: See Epimediumbrevicornum. Isolated compounds: 1275, 2138, 2139, 2141, 6960,6961, 10964, 18961.T2402 Epimedium sagittatum (Berberidaceae); JIAN YE YIN YANG HUO;Sagittate Epimedium. Used part: aerial parts. TCM Effects: SeeEpimedium brevicornum. TCM Indications: See Epimediumbrevicornum. Isolated compounds: 1275, 2138, 2139, 3435, 6960,6961, 10940, 10941, 10945, 10946, 10947, 10950, 10951, 10952,10954, 10955, 10956, 10964, 12891, 16088, 17085, 18317, 19125,19126, 19127.T2403 Epimedium spp. (Berberidaceae). Isolated compounds: 6960.T2404 Epimedium sutchuenense (Berberidaceae); SI CHUAN YIN YANGHUO; Szechuan Epimedium. Used part: aerial parts. TCM Effects: SeeEpimedium brevicornum. TCM Indications: See Epimediumbrevicornum. Isolated compounds: 1275.T2405 Epimedium wanshanense (Berberidaceae); WAN SHAN YIN YANGHUO; Wanshan Epimedium. Isolated compounds: 1273, 1274, 6492,6493, 10963.T2406 Epimedium wushanense (Berberidaceae); WU SHAN YIN YANGHUO; Wushan Epimedium. Used part: aerial parts. TCM Effects: SeeEpimedium brevicornum. TCM Indications: See Epimediumbrevicornum. Isolated compounds: 1273, 1275, 2138, 6960, 6961,10964, 17835, 18961, 22740.Epimeredi indica = Anisomeles indicaT2407 Equisetum arvense (Equisetaceae); WEN JING; Bottle-brush. Usedpart: aerial parts. TCM Effects: To stanch bleeding, disinhibit urine,brighten eyes. TCM Indications: Spontaneous external bleeding, bloodejection, hemoptysis, hematochezia, flooding and spotting, bleedingdue to external injury, red eyes and eye screen. Isolated compounds:7222, 8120, 8966, 11238, 11642, 12043, 14081, 15527, 15933, 16098,17974, 21538, 21539.T2408 Equisetum hiemale (Equisetaceae); MU ZEI; Common Scouring Rush.Used part: aerial parts. TCM Effects: To dissipate wind-heat, eliminatescreen. TCM Indications: Wind-heat red eye, tearing in wind, eyescreen. Isolated compounds: 2316, 2887, 6408, 7768, 8962, 8966,9422, 9815, 9817, 9818, 11238, 11642, 12020, 12042, 12043, 12087,13884, 13885, 14471, 14802, 16574, 18317, 20444, 22336.T2409 Equisetum palustre (Equisetaceae); GU JIE CAO; Marsh Horsetail.Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To soothe wind and brighteneyes, quicken blood and relieve pain. TCM Indications: Red eyes andeye screen, tearing in wind, wind-damp pain, knocks and falls. Isolatedcompounds: 552, 553, 12043, 12083, 15527, 16573, 18391.T2410 Equisetum pratense (Equisetaceae); CAO WEN JING; MeadawHorsetail. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To quicken blood,

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