Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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430Lung heat cough, damp-heat strangury pain, wind-damp lumbago,swollen welling abscess and malign sore, sprain from knocks and falls,bee sting, insect bites. Isolated compounds: 3924, 5216, 6440, 6442,6443, 7024, 8968, 17904, 17975, 17997, 20028, 23005.T2214 Diospyros angustifolia (Ebenaceae). Isolated compounds: 6461, 6462,6463.T2215 Diospyros cinnabarina (Ebenaceae); ZHU HONG SHI; CinnabarPersimmon*. Isolated compounds: 8095.T2216 Diospyros ebenum (Ebenaceae); WU MU XIE; Ceylon PersimmonSawdust. Used part: sawdust. TCM Effects: To resolve toxin. TCMIndications: Cholera with vomiting. Isolated compounds: 1111, 2169,2331, 15251.T2217 Diospyros kaki (Ebenaceae); SHI DI; Persimmon Persistent Calyx.Used part: calyx. TCM Effects: To downbear counterflow andprecipitate qi. TCM Indications: Hiccough. Isolated compounds: 1935,3208, 3210, 8095, 11642, 13212, 14790, 16050.T2218 Diospyros kaki (Ebenaceae); SHI GEN; Persimmon Root. Used part:root. TCM Effects: To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool blood andstanch bleeding. TCM Indications: Flooding, blood dysentery,hemorrhoids. Isolated compounds: 14026, 15392.T2219 Diospyros kaki (Ebenaceae); SHI QI; Immature Persimmon Fruit Juice.Used part: unripe fruit juice. TCM Effects: To calm liver. TCMIndications: Hypertension. Isolated compounds: 351.T2220 Diospyros kaki (Ebenaceae); SHI YE; Persimmon Leaf. Used part: leaf.TCM Effects: To relieve cough and settle asthma, engender liquid andallay thirst, quicken blood and stanch bleeding. TCM Indications:Cough and asthma, lung qi distention, internal bleeding. Isolatedcompounds: 8012, 15184, 16050, 22270.T2221 Diospyros kaki (Ebenaceae); SHI ZI; Persimmon. Used part: fruit.TCM Effects: To clear heat, engender liquid, moisten lung, resolvetoxin. TCM Indications: Cough, heat vexation and thirst, bloodejection, mouth sore, heat dysentery, hematochezia. Isolatedcompounds: 3774.T2222 Diospyros lotus (Ebenaceae); JUN QIAN ZI; Dateplum Persimmon.Used part: fruit. TCM Effects: To clear heat, allay thirst. TCMIndications: Heat vexation, diabetes mellitus. Isolated compounds:2331, 2478, 11379, 13098, 13463, 14541.T2223 Diospyros mafiensis (Ebenaceae); BA BU YA XIN JI NEI YA SHI;Papua-New-Guinea Persimmon*. Isolated compounds: 2447.T2224 Diospyros maritima (Ebenaceae); HAI SHI; Maritime Persimmon*.Isolated compounds: 2402, 2403, 3541, 6451, 7189, 7404, 7448, 7449,11790, 14348, 19542.T2225 Diospyros mollis (Ebenaceae); RUAN SHI; S<strong>of</strong>t Persimmon*. Isolatedcompounds: 6460.T2226 Diospyros rhombifolia (Ebenaceae); LAO YA SHI; DiamondleafPersimmon. Isolated compounds: 1935, 3846, 11642, 12065, 12071,12077, 12078, 12081, 13479, 15525, 18330, 18378, 18414, 19087.T2227 Diospyros sp. (Ebenaceae). Isolated compounds: 6459, 17568, 20711.T2228 Diospyros sylvatica (Ebenaceae). Isolated compounds: 6450, 14144,14844.T2229 Diospyros zombensis (Ebenaceae). Isolated compounds: 18229.Diphasiastrum alpinum = Lycopodium alpinumT2230 Diphylleia cymosa (Berberidaceae); SHAN XI WO ER QI; AmericanUmbrellaleaf. Isolated compounds: 17341.T2231 Diphylleia grayi (Berberidaceae); SHAN HE YE; JapaneseUmbrellaleaf. Used part: rhizome. TCM Effects: See Diphylleiasinensis. TCM Indications: See Diphylleia sinensis. Isolatedcompounds: 4962, 6490, 12020, 17337, 17338, 17347, 17592.T2232 Diphylleia sinensis (Berberidaceae); WO ER QI; <strong>Chinese</strong> Umbrellaleaf.Equivalent plant: Diphylleia grayi. Used part: rhizome. TCM Effects:To dispel wind-damp, clear heat and cool blood, quicken blood andrelieve pain, drain precipitation. TCM Indications: Rheumatic arthritis,pain in lumbus and legs, steaming bone taxation fever, knocks andfalls, menstrual disorder, painful bind in lesser-abdomen, swollenwelling abscess. Isolated compounds: 1533, 4962, 5074, 5093, 6490,11592, 12020, 17337, 17341, 17592, 17594.T2233 Diploclisia glaucescens (Menispermaceae); CANG BAI CHENGGOU FENG; Glaucesent Diploclisia. Used part: lianoid stem. TCMEffects: To dispel wind and eliminate damp, clear heat and resolvetoxin. TCM Indications: Wind-damp bone pain, swelling pain in throat,cholecystitis, dysentery, urinary tract infection, poisonous snake bite.Isolated compounds: 6016, 6679, 7788, 8652, 13411, 16672, 18162,18713.T2234 Dipsacus asperoides (Dipsacaceae); CHUAN XU DUAN; HimalayanTeasel. Equivalent plant: Dipsacus japonicus. Used part: root. TCMEffects: To supplement liver and kidney, strengthen sinews and bones,joint bones, check flooding and spotting. TCM Indications: Limpaching lumbus and knees, wind-damp impediment pain, flooding andspotting, pr<strong>of</strong>use menstruation, fetal bleeding, knocks and falls.Isolated compounds: 323, 818, 1577, 1890, 1891, 4232, 4234, 4680,5380, 7475, 8642, 8643, 8723, 9260, 9264, 12950, 13298, 14180,14600, 17089, 18717, 19983, 20446, 20503, 21550, 21951, 22831,22832, 22833, 22834.T2235 Dipsacus japonicus (Dipsacaceae); XU DUAN; Japanese Teasel. Usedpart: root. TCM Effects: See Dipsacus asperoides. TCM Indications:See Dipsacus asperoides. Isolated compounds: 11817.T2236 Dipterus hispidus . Isolated compounds: 15931.T2237 Dipteryx odorata (Fabaceae); XIANG DOU. Isolated compounds:1388, 1415, 3602, 5835.T2238 Discaria americana (Rhamnaceae). Isolated compounds: 6505, 6506.T2239 Distemonanthus benthamianus (Fabaceae); NI RI LI YA LIANG RUISU MU; Nigerian Satinwood. Isolated compounds: 3611, 16440.T2240 Diuranthera inarticulata (Liliaceae); NAN CHUAN LU SI CAO; S.Sichuan Egretgrass. Isolated compounds: 6526, 6527.T2241 Dizygotheca kerchoveana . Isolated compounds: 4161, 4162, 8638,8639.T2242 Dodonaea spp. (Sapindaceae). Isolated compounds: 19312.T2243 Dodonaea viscosa (Sapindaceae); CHE SANG ZI YE; ClammyHopseedbush Leaf. Used part: leaf. TCM Effects: To clear heat andpercolate damp, disperse swelling and resolve toxin. TCM Indications:Dribbling urination, dribbling urinary block, shoulder swelling, cloveboil, swelling pain in perineum, burns and scalds. Isolated compounds:2887, 3551, 3829, 3831, 9249, 11648, 20369.T2244 Doellingeria scaber [Syn. Aster scaber] (Asteraceae); DONG FENGCAI; Scabrous Doellingeria. Used part: rhizome and whole herb. TCMEffects: To clear heat and resolve toxin, brighten eyes, disinhibit throat.

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