Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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429postpartum abdominal pain, distending pain in stomach duct andabdomen, sand distention and abdominal pain, heat toxin blooddysentery, water diarrhea, pain in joints, painful swelling from knocksand falls, sore and boil, zoster, bleeding due to external injury. Isolatedcompounds: 17869, 17876, 17888, 17893.T2194 Dioscorea collettii (Dioscoreaceae); CHA RUI SHU YU; Collett Yam.Used part: rhizome. TCM Effects: To dispel wind and disinhibit damp,free network vessels and relieve pain, clear heat and resolve toxin.TCM Indications: Wind-damp impediment pain, hypertonicity andnumbness, qi stagnation stomachache, damp-heat jaundice, whiteturbidity, strangury with pain, leukorrhea, knocks and falls, damp sorewith swelling toxin, wind papules, eczema, poisonous snake bite.Isolated compounds: 3922, 3923, 3924, 3925, 5197, 5216, 6440, 6445,7013, 7024, 11554, 19392, 20028, 22878, 22881.T2195 Dioscorea deltoidea (Dioscoreaceae); SAN JIAO YE SHU YU;Deltoid Yam. Used part: rhizome. TCM Effects: To supplementstomach and spleen, boost lung and kidney. TCM Indications: Spleenvacuity diarrhea, lung vacuity enduring cough, kidney vacuity andemission, diabetes mellitus. Isolated compounds: 5040, 5041, 12488.T2196 Dioscorea dumetorum (Dioscoreaceae); JING JI SHU YU; ThornyYam*. Isolated compounds: 2163.T2197 Dioscorea futschauensis (Dioscoreaceae); FU ZHOU SHU YU;Foochow Yam. Equivalent plant: Dioscorea spongiosa. Used part:rhizome. TCM Effects: To dispel wind-damp, disinhibit damp andturbidity, disperse swelling toxin. TCM Indications: Wind-dampimpediment pain, strangury with pain, white turbidity, leukorrhea,damp sore. Isolated compounds: 5216, 6437, 6440, 6443, 7024, 8968,13990, 13991, 20028.T2198 Dioscorea gracillima (Dioscoreaceae); XIAN XI SHU YU; ThinnestYam. Used part: rhizome. TCM Effects: See Dioscorea hypoglauca.TCM Indications: See Dioscorea hypoglauca. Isolated compounds:5216, 6437, 6440, 8968, 17973, 17975, 22878.T2199 Dioscorea hirsuta (Dioscoreaceae); CU MAO SHU YU; Hirsute Yam*.Isolated compounds: 6439.T2200 Dioscorea hispida (Dioscoreaceae); BAI SHU LANG; Hispid Yam.Used part: tuber. TCM Effects: To clear heat and resolve toxin,disperse swelling. TCM Indications: Swelling toxin <strong>of</strong> welling abscessand flat abscess, syphilis, chancre, painful swelling from knocks andfalls. Isolated compounds: 6439, 6440.T2201 Dioscorea hypoglauca [Syn. Dioscorea collettii var. hypoglauca](Dioscoreaceae); BI XIE; Hypoglaucous Collett Yam. Equivalent plant:Dioscorea gracillima, Dioscorea tokoro. Used part: rhizome. TCMEffects: To disinhibit damp and turbidity, dispel wind-damp. TCMIndications: Unctuous strangury, white turbidity, vaginal discharge,sores, wind-damp impediment pain. Isolated compounds: 5197, 5216,6437, 6440, 6441, 6445, 7024, 17977, 17980, 22878, 22879, 22881.T2202 Dioscorea japonica (Dioscoreaceae); RI BEN SHU YU; Japanese Yam.Used part: rhizome. TCM Effects: See Dioscorea batatas. TCMIndications: See Dioscorea batatas. Isolated compounds: 6437.T2203 Dioscorea nipponica (Dioscoreaceae); CHUAN LONG SHU YU;Nippon Yam. Equivalent plant: Dioscorea nipponica ssp. rosthornii.Used part: rhizome. TCM Effects: To dispel wind and eliminate damp,quicken blood and relieve pain, relieve cough and dispel phlegm.TCM Indications: Pain in joints, rheumatic endocarditis, sciatica,chronic bronchitis, chronic trachitis, wind-cold-damp impediment,indigestion, taxation detriment and sprain, malaria, swollen wellingabscess. Isolated compounds: 1889, 5216, 6437, 6440, 6443, 6448,7024, 17479, 20028, 20207.T2204 Dioscorea nipponica ssp. rosthornii (Dioscoreaceae); CHAI HUANGJIANG; Rosthorn Yam. Used part: rhizome. TCM Effects: SeeDioscorea nipponica. TCM Indications: See Dioscorea nipponica.Isolated compounds: 5216, 6440.T2205 Dioscorea panthaica (Dioscoreaceae); HUANG SHAN YAO; YellowYam. Used part: rhizome. TCM Effects: To rectify qi and relieve pain,resolve toxin and disperse swelling. TCM Indications: Qi stagnationstomachache, vomiting diarrhea with abdominal pain, taxationdetriment due to knocks and falls, toxin swelling <strong>of</strong> sores, poisonoussnake bite. Isolated compounds: 2492, 2493, 5216, 6437, 6438, 6440,17654, 18056.T2206 Dioscorea parviflora (Dioscoreaceae); XIAO HUA DUN YE SHU YU;Smallflower Yam. Used part: rhizome. TCM Effects: To clear heat andresolve toxin, quicken blood and disperse swelling. TCM Indications:Swelling toxin <strong>of</strong> welling abscess and boil, s<strong>of</strong>t tissue sprain, bee sting,insect bites. Isolated compounds: 4794, 5040, 5041, 5216, 6440, 8968,14287, 14653, 16682, 17975, 22878.T2207 Dioscorea rotundata [Syn. Dioscorea cayenensis] (Dioscoreaceae);YUAN SHU YU; Guinea Yam. Isolated compounds: 2166, 8623, 9549,11246, 14698.T2208 Dioscorea septemloba (Dioscoreaceae); MIAN BI XIE; SevenlobedYam. Used part: rhizome. TCM Effects: To disinhibit damp andeliminate turbidity, dispel wind and free impediment. TCM Indications:Strangury with white turbidity, excessive leukorrhea, damp-heat soretoxin, impediment pain in lumbus and knees. Isolated compounds:5216, 6440.T2209 Dioscorea sp. (Dioscoreaceae). Isolated compounds: 3209.T2210 Dioscorea spongiosa (Dioscoreaceae); HAI JIN BI XIE. Used part:rhizome. TCM Effects: See Dioscorea futschauensis. TCM Indications:See Dioscorea futschauensis. Isolated compounds: 4680, 6437, 6456,6457, 6458, 6636, 8968, 10896, 11556, 14698, 15985, 17781, 17782,17975, 19778, 20228, 20229, 20230, 20231, 20232, 20233, 20556,23019.T2211 Dioscorea tenuipes (Dioscoreaceae); XI BING SHU YU; ThinstipedYam. Used part: rhizome. TCM Effects: To dispel wind-damp, soothesinews and quicken network vessels. TCM Indications: Wind-dampimpediment pain, hypertonicity <strong>of</strong> sinews and vessels, numbness inlimbs, knocks and falls, taxation damage hypodynamia. Isolatedcompounds: 21426.T2212 Dioscorea tokoro (Dioscoreaceae); SHAN BI XIE; Mountain Yam.Used part: rhizome. TCM Effects: See Dioscorea hypoglauca. TCMIndications: See Dioscorea hypoglauca. Isolated compounds: 6437,10961, 12251, 17973, 17975, 20207, 21426, 21427, 21428, 22878,22924, 22925.T2213 Dioscorea zingiberensis (Dioscoreaceae); DUN YE SHU YU; PeltateYam. Used part: rhizome. TCM Effects: To clear lung and relievecough, disinhibit damp and free strangury, free network vessels andrelieve pain, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. TCM Indications:

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