Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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427pharyngolaryngitis, mammary welling abscess, knocks and falls,poisonous snake bite. Isolated compounds: 12018.T2134 Desmodium styracifolium (Fabaceae); GUANG JIN QIAN CAO;Snowbellleaf Tickclover. Used part: aerial parts. TCM Effects: Toclear heat and eliminate damp, disinhibit urine and free strangury.TCM Indications: Heat strangury, sand strangury, stone strangury, pain<strong>of</strong> hot urine, scant urine with edema, jaundice with reddish urine,urethral stone. Isolated compounds: 1598, 5266, 5267, 5698, 18706,20280, 22042.T2135 Desmodium tiliaefolium (Fabaceae); DUAN YE SHAN MA HUANG;Lindenleaf Tickclover*. Isolated compounds: 9646.T2136 Desmos cochinchinensis [Syn. Desmos chinensis] (Annonaceae); JIAYING ZHAO; <strong>Chinese</strong> Desmos. Used part: leaf. TCM Effects: Todispel wind and disinhibit damp, transform stasis and relieve pain,fortify spleen and harmonize stomach, interrupt malaria and killworms. TCM Indications: Wind-damp impediment pain, edema,diarrhea, indigestion, distending pain in stomach duct, malaria, windpapules, knocks and falls, scab and lichen, foot rot. Isolatedcompounds: 5270, 5985.T2137 Desmos dumosus (Annonaceae); MAO YE JIA YING ZHAO GEN;Piloseleaf Desmos Root. Isolated compounds: 5268, 5269.T2138 Dialium guineense (Anacardiaceae); Velvet Tamarind. Isolatedcompounds: 22839.T2139 Dianella ensifolia (Liliaceae); SHAN MAO ER; Swordleaf Dianella.Used part: rhizome or whole herb. TCM Effects: To draw out toxinand disperse swelling, dissipate stasis and relieve pain. TCMIndications: Scr<strong>of</strong>ula, sore and lichen, welling abscess and flat abscess,knocks and falls. Isolated compounds: 14639.T2140 Dianella nigra (Liliaceae); HEI JIE GENG LAN; Black Dianella*.Isolated compounds: 382, 5019, 5026, 5031.T2141 Dianella tasmanica (Liliaceae); TA SI MA NI YA JIE GENG LAN;Flax Lily. Isolated compounds: 382, 5019, 5026, 5031.T2142 Dianthus caryophyllus (Caryophyllaceae); SHE XIANG SHI ZHU;Carnation. Isolated compounds: 5366, 5372, 5529, 5530.T2143 Dianthus chinensis (Caryophyllaceae); SHI ZHU; <strong>Chinese</strong> Pink. Usedpart: aerial parts. TCM Effects: See Dianthus superbus. TCMIndications: See Dianthus superbus. Isolated compounds: 2068, 2297,5371, 7521.T2144 Dianthus sp. (Caryophyllaceae). Isolated compounds: 3454.T2145 Dianthus superbus (Caryophyllaceae); QU MAI; Lilac Pink.Equivalent plant: Dianthus chinensis, Dianthus versicolor. Used part:aerial parts. TCM Effects: To disinhibit urine and free strangury, breakblood and free menstruation, anticancer. TCM Indications: Strangury,heat strangury, blood strangury, stone strangury, urinary tract infection,urinary stoppage, dripping with inhibited pain, amenorrhea, carcinoma<strong>of</strong> esophagus, carcinoma <strong>of</strong> rectum. Isolated compounds: 2280, 2297,5358, 5359, 5367, 5368, 5369, 5370, 13903, 14718.T2146 Dianthus superbus var. longicalycinus (Caryophyllaceae); CHANG EQU MAI; Longcalyx Pink*. Isolated compounds: 5358, 5364, 12954.T2147 Dianthus versicolor (Caryophyllaceae); BIAN SE SHI ZHU;Versicolorous Pink. Used part: aerial parts. TCM Effects: SeeDianthus superbus. TCM Indications: See Dianthus superbus. Isolatedcompounds: 5358, 5359, 5360, 5361, 5362, 5363, 5364, 5365.T2148 Dicentra cucullaria (Papaveraceae); DOU ZHUANG HE BAO MUDAN; Dutchman’s Breeches. Isolated compounds: 642, 4351, 4353,15918.T2149 Dicentra eximia (Papaveraceae); SUI MAO HE BAO MU DAN; WildBleedingheart. Isolated compounds: 4352, 4353, 8513.T2150 Dicentra formosa (Papaveraceae); MEI LI HE BAO MU DAN;Bleedingheart. Isolated compounds: 4353.T2151 Dicentra oregana (Papaveraceae); E LE GANG HE BAO MU DAN;Oregon Bleedingheart. Isolated compounds: 4353.T2152 Dicentra peregrina (Papaveraceae); YI YANG HE BAO MU DAN;Peregrin Bleedingheart*. Isolated compounds: 12603, 19284.T2153 Dicentra pusilla (Papaveraceae); XI XIAO HE BAO MU DAN; LittleBleedingheart*. Isolated compounds: 5417.T2154 Dicentra spectabilis (Papaveraceae); HE BAO MU DAN GEN; ShowyBleedingheart Root. Used part: rhizome. TCM Effects: To dispel wind,quicken blood, settle pain. TCM Indications: Incised wound, soretoxin, stomachache. Isolated compounds: 3494, 3498, 3507, 3508,4032, 4290, 18655, 19284, 19566.T2155 Dicentra spp. (Papaveraceae). Isolated compounds: 3498.T2156 Dichelostemma multiflorum . Isolated compounds: 2613, 2614, 20214.T2157 Dichotomanthes tristaniaecarpa (Rosaceae); NIU JIN TIAO; CommonOxmuscle. Used part: root cortex. TCM Effects: To clear heat andresolve toxin, suppress cough, stanch bleeding. TCM Indications:Common cold with cough, swelling pain in throat,nosebleed(epistaxis). Isolated compounds: 7276, 7277.T2158 Dichroa febrifuga (Saxifragaceae); CHANG SHAN; AntifebrileDichroa. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To dispel phlegm and interruptmalaria. TCM Indications: Malaria, scr<strong>of</strong>ula. Isolated compounds:5435, 5436, 7747, 10171, 18420.T2159 Dicksonia gigantean (Dicksoniaceae). Isolated compounds: 16098.T2160 Dicliptera riparia (Acanthaceae); HE AN GOU GAN CAI; RiparianDicliptera*. Isolated compounds: 5437, 5438, 5439.T2161 Dicranopteris pedata [Syn. Polypodium pedatum; Dicranopterisdichotoma] (Gleicheniaceae); MANG QI GU; Dichotoma Forked Fern.Used part: yang leaf with petiole. TCM Effects: To transform stasisand stanch bleeding, clear heat and disinhibit urine, resolve toxin anddisperse swelling. TCM Indications: Flooding, wound swelling fromknocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury, damp-heat strangurypain, leukorrhea, infant diarrhea, hemorrhoids and fistulas, red eyeswith gall, burns and scalds, poisonous insect stings. Isolatedcompounds: 5763, 10106, 12082, 18411, 19088, 19805, 19983, 19987,20369, 20372.T2162 Dicranostigma franchetianum [Syn. Dicranostigma leptopodum](Papaveraceae); TU CHUANG HUA; Slenderstalk Dicranostigma.Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To clear heat and resolve toxin,disperse swelling and relieve pain, kill worms. TCM Indications: Painin throat, toothache, scr<strong>of</strong>ula, bald sores, scab and lichen, wellingabscess and boil, common wart. Isolated compounds: 3502, 13716,15664.T2163 Dicranostigma spp. (Papaveraceae). Isolated compounds: 3498.T2164 Dictamnus albus (Rutaceae); BAI SE BAI XIAN; Burning Bush.Isolated compounds: 11376, 15882, 17849, 20002.T2165 Dictamnus angustifolius (Rutaceae); XIA YE BAI XIAN; Narrowleaf

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