Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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421T1960 Cynanchum stauntonii (Asclepiadaceae); LIU YE BAI QIAN;Willowleaf Swallowwort. Used part: root and rhizome. TCM Effects:To downbear qi, disperse phlegm, relieve cough. TCM Indications:Stasis <strong>of</strong> lung qi, cough with pr<strong>of</strong>use phlegm, fullness in chest andrapid asthma. Isolated compounds: 1271, 1272, 8507, 9213, 20275,20276, 20277.T1961 Cynanchum thesioides (Asclepiadaceae); DI SHAO GUA;Bastardtoadflaxlike Swallowwort. Used part: whole herb and fruit.TCM Effects: To clear vacuity fire, boost qi, engender liquid, promotelactation. TCM Indications: Upflaming vacuity fire, throat pain, qi andyin vacuity, fatigued spirit and amnesia, vacuity vexation and thirst,dizziness and insomnia, postpartum vacuity weakness, scant breastmilk. Isolated compounds: 1112, 7768, 7786, 8807, 19912.T1962 Cynanchum versicolor (Asclepiadaceae); WAN SHENG BAI WEI;Versicolorous Mosquitotrap. Used part: root. TCM Effects: SeeTylophora ovata. TCM Indications: See Tylophora ovata. Isolatedcompounds: 15387.Cynanchum vincetoxicum = Vincetoxicum <strong>of</strong>ficinaleT1963 Cynanchum wallichii (Asclepiadaceae); DUAN JIE SHEN; KunmingMosquitotrap. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To supplement kidneyand strengthen lumbus, strengthen sinews and bones, resolve toxin.TCM Indications: Kidney vacuity lumbago, inability <strong>of</strong> legs and knees,knocks and falls, fracture, rabid dog bite. Isolated compounds: 18291,18936.T1964 Cynanchum wilfordii [Syn. Cynoctonum wilfordii] (Asclepiadaceae);GE SHAN XIAO; Wilford Swallowwort. Used part: tuberoid. TCMEffects: To supplement liver and kidney, strengthen sinews and bones,fortify spleen and stomach, resolve toxin. TCM Indications: liverkidney vacuity, dizzy head and vision, sleepless and amnesia,premature graying in beard and hair, impotence, emission, limp achinglumbus and knees, spleen vacuity and functional weakness, distentionfullness in stomach duct, inappetence, diarrhea, postpartum scant milk,fish mouth sore toxin. Isolated compounds: 22691, 22692, 22693,22694.T1965 Cynara cardunculus (Asteraceae); CI CAI JI; Cardoon. Isolatedcompounds: 4564, 4565.T1966 Cynara scolymus (Asteraceae); CAI JI; Globe Artichoke. Used part:leaf. TCM Effects: To course liver and disinhibit gallbladder, cleardamp heat. TCM Indications: Jaundice, distending pain in chest andrib-side, damp-heat diarrhea dysentery. Isolated compounds: 4564,4565, 9015, 11327.T1967 Cynoglossum amabile (Boraginaceae); GOU SHI HUA; <strong>Chinese</strong>Forgetmenot. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To clear lung andtransform phlegm, stanch bleeding and dissipate stasis, clear heat anddisinhibit damp. TCM Indications: Cough, blood ejection, hepatitis,dysentery, odynuria, vaginal discharge, scr<strong>of</strong>ula, knife wound, fracture.Isolated compounds: 1011, 6686.T1968 Cynoglossum australe (Boraginaceae); NAN FANG LIU LI CAO;South Houndstongue*. Isolated compounds: 1011, 9316.T1969 Cynoglossum <strong>of</strong>ficinale (Boraginaceae); YAO YONG DAO TI HU;Common Houndstongue. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To clear heatand disinhibit damp, relieve cough, stanch bleeding. TCM Indications:Urinary tract infection, dysentery, vaginal discharge, yin vacuity cough,hemoptysis, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, bleedingdue to external injury. Isolated compounds: 917, 6686, 6687, 9316,9317, 9320, 12535, 17546, 22527.T1970 Cynoglossum pictum (Boraginaceae); ZHUO SE LIU LI CAO; PictureHoundstongue*. Isolated compounds: 9316.T1971 Cynoglossum zeylanicum [Syn. Anchusa zeylanica; Cynoglossumfurcatum; Cynoglossum formosanum] (Boraginaceae); LIU LI CAO;Ceylon Houndstongue. Used part: root and leaf. TCM Effects: To clearheat and resolve toxin, dissipate stasis and stanch bleeding. TCMIndications: Swelling welling abscess and sore and boil, flooding andspotting, coughing <strong>of</strong> blood, painful swelling from knocks and falls,bleeding due to external injury, poisonous snake bites. Isolatedcompounds: 11525.T1972 Cynomorium songaricum (Cynomoriaceae); SUO YANG; SongariaCynomorium. Used part: fleshy stem. TCM Effects: To supplementkidney and invigorate yang, boost essence and blood, moistenintestines and free stool. TCM Indications: Kidney vacuity impotence,emission and premature ejaculation, limp wilting <strong>of</strong> lower limb,vacuity constipation. Isolated compounds: 530, 4905, 11481, 22270.T1973 Cyperus alopecuroides (Cyperaceae); KAN MAI NIANG ZHUANGSHA CAO; Foxtail-like Galingale. Isolated compounds: 982, 3242,4573, 4587, 6548, 7064, 7492, 7498, 7499, 7500, 18941.T1974 Cyperus brevibracteatus (Cyperaceae); DUAN BAO YE SHA CAO;Shortbractleaf Galingale*. Isolated compounds: 2605.T1975 Cyperus haspan (Cyperaceae); QI PAN SHA CAO; AsidefieldGalingale. Isolated compounds: 4576.T1976 Cyperus iria (Cyperaceae); SUI MI SHA CAO; Rice Galingale. Usedpart: whole herb. TCM Effects: To dispel wind and eliminate damp,quicken blood and regulate menstruation. TCM Indications:Wind-damp pain in sinew and bone, paralysis, menstrual disorder,dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, knocks and falls. Isolated compounds:11988.T1977 Cyperus papyrus (Cyperaceae); ZHI SHA CAO; Paper Reed. Isolatedcompounds: 17375.T1978 Cyperus rotundus (Cyperaceae); XIANG FU; Nutgrass Galingale.Used part: rhizome. TCM Effects: To move qi and relieve depression,regulate menstruation and relieve pain. TCM Indications: women’sdiseases, menstrual disorder, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, liverdepression and qi pain, distending pain in chest and rib-side,distending pain in stomach duct, indigestion, glomus and oppression inchest and stomach duct, cold mounting with abdominal pain, painfulswollen breast. Isolated compounds: 4028, 4574, 4575, 4577, 4578,4579, 4580, 4581, 6413, 7102, 11364, 11472, 11686, 12242, 15790,16287, 16709, 16710, 16970, 18681, 18958, 18959, 18960, 20456.T1979 Cyperus sp. (Cyperaceae). Isolated compounds: 4576.T1980 Cyprinus carpio (Cyprinidae); LI YU; Carp. Used part: meat. TCMEffects: To fortify spleen and harmonize stomach, disinhibit water andprecipitate qi, free milk, quiet fetus. TCM Indications: Stomachache,diarrhea, water-damp fullness, inhibited urination, beriberi, jaundice,cough and qi counterflow, stirring fetus in pregnancy, edema inpregnancy, postpartum scant milk. Isolated compounds: 4221, 4222,9568, 15528, 19360.T1981 Cyprinus carpio (Cyprinidae); LI YU DAN; Carp Gall. Used part: gall.

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