Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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416tonsillitis, parotitis, swelling toxin <strong>of</strong> clove sore. Isolated compounds:15018, 15596, 22277.T1820 Crotalaria fulva (Fabaceae); AN HUANG ZHU SHI DOU; FlavescentCrotalaria*. Isolated compounds: 7994.T1821 Crotalaria incana (Fabaceae); GUANG YE ZHU SHI DOU;Shackshack Crotalaria. Isolated compounds: 4266, 11091, 22277.T1822 Crotalaria intermedia (Fabaceae); XI YE ZHU SHI DOU; Slender-leafCrotalaria. Isolated compounds: 22277.T1823 Crotalaria juncea (Fabaceae); SHU MA; Sunn Crotalaria. Used part:root. TCM Effects: To disinhibit urine and resolve toxin. TCMIndications: Opacity <strong>of</strong> urine, dribbling pain <strong>of</strong> urination, urethralstone, scab and lichen, knocks and falls. Isolated compounds: 18842,19712, 21560.T1824 Crotalaria laburnifolia (Fabaceae); JIN LIAN HUA ZHU SHI DOU;Laburnum Crotalaria*. Isolated compounds: 4266, 19731.T1825 Crotalaria madurensis (Fabaceae); MA DU LA ZHU SHI DOU;Madura Crotalaria*. Isolated compounds: 7994.T1826 Crotalaria mucronata (Fabaceae); ZHU SHI DOU; Striped Crotalaria.Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To clear heat and disinhibit damp,resolve toxin and dissipate binds. TCM Indications: Chronic diarrhea,damp-heat diarrhea, dysentery, edema, pelvic inflammation, frequenturination in children, dribbling urination, child gan accumulation,mastitis, neurasthenia, insomnia. Isolated compounds: 15018, 22277.T1827 Crotalaria nana (Fabaceae); XIAO ZHU SHI DOU; Small Rattle-box.Isolated compounds: 14923.T1828 Crotalaria paniculata (Fabaceae); YUAN ZHUI ZHU SHI DOU;Paniculate Crotalaria*. Isolated compounds: 7994.T1829 Crotalaria quinquefolia (Fabaceae); WU YE ZHU SHI DOU; FiveleafCrotalaria*. Isolated compounds: 14923.T1830 Crotalaria retusa (Fabaceae); AO ZHU SHI DOU; Yellow-floweringPea. Isolated compounds: 14923, 20140.T1831 Crotalaria sessiliflora (Fabaceae); YE BAI HE; PurpleflowerCrotalaria. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To clear heat, resolvetoxin, disinhibit damp, disperse accumulation. TCM Indications:Dysentery, heat strangury, cough and asthma, wind-damp impedimentpain, clove sore and swollen boil, poisonous snake bite, child ganaccumulation, carcinoma <strong>of</strong> uterine cervix, carcinoma <strong>of</strong> esophagus,carcinoma <strong>of</strong> lung, carcinoma <strong>of</strong> liver, carcinoma <strong>of</strong> stomach,squamous carcinoma <strong>of</strong> skin. Isolated compounds: 14923, 21560.T1832 Crotalaria sp. (Fabaceae). Isolated compounds: 9318.T1833 Crotalaria spartioides (Fabaceae); YING ZHAO DOU ZHU SHI DOU;Sparteine Crotalaria*. Isolated compounds: 18667.T1834 Crotalaria spectabilis (Fabaceae); MEI LI ZHU SHI DOU; BeautifulCrotalaria. Isolated compounds: 14923, 20140.T1835 Crotalaria stipularia (Fabaceae); TUO YE ZHU SHI DOU; StipularCrotalaria*. Isolated compounds: 14923.T1836 Crotalaria tetragona (Fabaceae); HUA JIN DAN; TetragonalCrotalaria. Used part: whole herb or root. TCM Effects: To transformstagnation and relieve pain. TCM Indications: Abdominal pain, iron orwood intake . Isolated compounds: 21560, 21601.T1837 Crotalaria usaramoensis (Fabaceae); GUANG E ZHU SHI DOU;Glabroussepal Crotalaria. Isolated compounds: 18667, 22277.T1838 Croton balsamifera (Euphorbiaceae); XIANG BA DOU; BalsamCroton*. Isolated compounds: 7837.T1839 Croton cajucara (Euphorbiaceae); KA ZHU BA DOU. Isolatedcompounds: 2932, 4893.T1840 Croton campestris (Euphorbiaceae); PING YUAN BA DOU. Isolatedcompounds: 22361, 22362, 22363.T1841 Croton caudatus var. tomentosus (Euphorbiaceae); MAO YE BA DOU;Tomentose Caudate Croton. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: Tointerrupt malaria and settle pain, soothe sinews and quicken blood.TCM Indications: Malaria with ardent fever, fright epilepsy,convulsion, wind-damp impediment pain, fracture, knocks and falls.Isolated compounds: 1113.T1842 Croton cumingii (Euphorbiaceae); KA MING BA DOU; CumingCroton*. Isolated compounds: 13374.T1843 Croton draconoide (Euphorbiaceae); DE LA KE BA DOU; DracCroton*. Isolated compounds: 20717.T1844 Croton eluteria (Euphorbiaceae); KU XIANG SHU; Cascarilla.Isolated compounds: 3248, 3249, 3250, 3251, 3252, 3253.T1845 Croton flavens (Euphorbiaceae); DAN HUANG BA DOU; FlavescentCroton*. Isolated compounds: 22658.T1846 Croton hovarum (Euphorbiaceae). Isolated compounds: 3538, 5877,5878, 6467.T1847 Croton hutchinsonianus (Euphorbiaceae). Isolated compounds: 10041,10639.T1848 Croton joufra (Euphorbiaceae). Isolated compounds: 9971.T1849 Croton lechleri (Euphorbiaceae); LAI KE BA DOU; Lechler Croton*.Isolated compounds: 12270, 12271, 20717.T1850 Croton linearis (Euphorbiaceae); XIAN YE BA DOU; Linear Croton*.Isolated compounds: 11087, 17909.T1851 Croton macrostachys (Euphorbiaceae); CHANG SUI BA DOU;LongspikeCroton*. Isolated compounds: 6156, 15367, 21495, 21496,21851.T1852 Croton nepetaefolius (Euphorbiaceae); SI JING JIE BA DOU;Nepeta-like Croton*. Isolated compounds: 6745, 7523.T1853 Croton oblongifolius [Syn. Croton laevigatus] (Euphorbiaceae);GUANG YE BA DOU; Nitidleaf Croton. Used part: leaf, root. TCMEffects: To free channels and quicken blood, interrupt malaria. TCMIndications: Swelling pain due to external injury, fracture, malaria.Isolated compounds: 225, 226, 248, 2251, 2618, 4268, 4269, 5942,5944, 5945, 7122, 7156, 10285, 10306, 10307, 12178, 12180, 12413,12414, 12415, 12416, 12417, 12423, 14543, 17118.T1854 Croton salutaris (Euphorbiaceae); YI KANG BA DOU; SalutaryCroton*. Isolated compounds: 7837.T1855 Croton schiedeanus (Euphorbiaceae); GE LUN BI YA BA DOU;Colombia Croton*, Almizclillo. Isolated compounds: 4892, 5793,7835, 9222, 9897, 9919, 9972, 11896, 13929, 14517.T1856 Croton sparsiflorus (Euphorbiaceae); SAN HUA BA DOU;Sparseflower Croton*. Isolated compounds: 8524.T1857 Croton sublyratus (Euphorbiaceae); JIN QIN ZHUANG BA DOU;Lyrate-like Croton*. Isolated compounds: 10523, 17549, 17550,17551, 17552.T1858 Croton tiglium (Euphorbiaceae); BA DOU; Purging Croton. Used part:dried seed. TCM Effects: To drain precipitation and cold accumulation,expel water and disperse swelling, dispel phlegm and disinhibit throat,

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