Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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414T1763 Cotylelobium lanceolatum (Dipterocarpaceae). Isolated compounds:4130, 4131, 4132.T1764 Couepia ulei . Isolated compounds: 1384, 7670.T1765 Coussarea brevicaulis . Isolated compounds: 2149, 4194, 7023, 19586.T1766 Cowania mexicana (Rosaceae); XUAN YA MEI GUI; Cliffrose.Isolated compounds: 16304, 16314.T1767 Craibiodendron yunnanese (Ericaceae); JIN YE ZI; YunnanCraibiodendron. Used part: leaf. TCM Effects: To dispel wind andquicken blood, free network vessels and relieve pain. TCM Indications:Impediment pain, hemiplegia, knocks and falls. Isolated compounds:1850, 8996, 12727.T1768 Crassostrea gigas (Ostreidae); MU LI; Oyster. Isolated compounds:5874, 7217, 21085.T1769 Crataegus cuneata (Rosaceae); YE SHAN ZHA; Nippon Hawthorn.Equivalent plant: Crataegus sanguinea, Crataegus kansuensis,Crataegus maximowiczii, Crataegus scabrifolia . Used part: fruit.TCM Effects: To fortify spleen and disperse food, quicken blood andtransform stasis. TCM Indications: Food stagnation, meat-type foodaccumulation, distending pain in stomach duct, postpartum bloodstasis abdominal pain, lacquer sore, frostbite. Isolated compounds:3551, 3766, 6854, 10887, 13419, 19087, 22270.T1770 Crataegus hupehensis HU BEI SHAN ZHA; Hupeh Hawthorn.Isolated compounds: 10887, 19087, 22270, 22581.T1771 Crataegus kansuensis GAN SU SHAN ZHA; Kansu Hawthorn. Usedpart: fruit. TCM Effects: See Crataegus cuneata. TCM Indications:See Crataegus cuneata. Isolated compounds: 10887, 19087, 22581.T1772 Crataegus maximowiczii MAO SHAN ZHA; Maximowicz Hawthorn.Used part: fruit. TCM Effects: See Crataegus cuneata. TCMIndications: See Crataegus cuneata. Isolated compounds: 10887,19087, 22581.T1773 Crataegus monogyna (Rosaceae); DAN ZI SHAN ZHA; CommonHawthorn. Isolated compounds: 6853, 17876.T1774 Crataegus oxyacantha (Rosaceae); YING GUO SHAN ZHA;Hawthorn. Isolated compounds: 664, 1102, 3551, 22581.T1775 Crataegus pinnatifida (Rosaceae); SHAN ZHA; <strong>Chinese</strong> Hawthorn.Equivalent plant: Crataegus pinnatifida var. major. Used part: fruit.TCM Effects: To fortify stomach and disperse food, move qi anddissipate stasis, lower cholesterol. TCM Indications: Hyperlipemia,myocardiac ischemia, angina pectoris, meat-type food accumulation,distention fullness in stomach duct, abdominal pain and diarrhea,amenorrhea due to blood stasis, postpartum stasis stagnationabdominal pain, stabbing pain in heart and abdomen, mounting qi.Isolated compounds: 351, 1102, 1845, 2790, 2887, 3551, 3766, 4217,4218, 4219, 4834, 6318, 6329, 6334, 6335, 6356, 6421, 6854, 7281,7431, 7434, 7462, 7464, 9408, 9486, 10887, 12891, 12893, 14155,14270, 14274, 14482, 14488, 14622, 14631, 16285, 17920, 17936,19087, 20280, 20444, 21942, 21947, 21948, 21952, 21963, 21965,22270, 22581.T1776 Crataegus pinnatifida (Rosaceae); SHAN ZHA HUA; <strong>Chinese</strong>Hawthorn Flower. Used part: flower. TCM Effects: To lower bloodpressure. TCM Indications: Hypertension. Isolated compounds: 2394.T1777 Crataegus pinnatifida (Rosaceae); SHAN ZHA YE; <strong>Chinese</strong> HawthornLeaf. Used part: leaf. TCM Effects: To relieve itch, close sores, lowerblood pressure. TCM Indications: Hypertension, lacquer sore,enduring sores. Isolated compounds: 351, 4219, 12714.T1778 Crataegus pinnatifida var. major (Rosaceae); SHAN LI HONG; RedFruit. Used part: fruit. TCM Effects: See Crataegus pinnatifida. TCMIndications: See Crataegus pinnatifida. Isolated compounds: 1110,3551, 3766, 6854, 10887, 17393, 17394, 17395, 17396, 17397, 19087,22270, 22581.T1779 Crataegus pinnatifida var. psilosa WU MAO SHAN ZHA; Hairless<strong>Chinese</strong> Hawthorn. Isolated compounds: 10887, 19087, 22581.T1780 Crataegus sanguinea LIAO NING SHAN ZHA; Redhaw Hawthorn.Used part: fruit. TCM Effects: See Crataegus cuneata. TCMIndications: See Crataegus cuneata. Isolated compounds: 10887,19087, 22581.T1781 Crataegus scabrifolia YUN NAN SHAN ZHA; Yunnan Hawthorn.Used part: fruit. TCM Effects: See Crataegus cuneata. TCMIndications: See Crataegus cuneata. Isolated compounds: 1845, 3766,10887, 19087, 20444, 22581.T1782 Crataegus spp. (Rosaceae). Isolated compounds: 17083, 17869.T1783 Cratoxylum arborescens (Clusiaceae); QIAO MU ZHUANG HUANGNIU MU; Genonggang. Isolated compounds: 5827, 6183, 8032, 8315,8325.T1784 Cratoxylum cochinchinense (Clusiaceae); HUANG NIU MU;Common Oxwood. Used part: root, bark or stem-leaf. TCM Effects:To clear heat and resolve toxin, transform damp and dispersestagnation, dispel stasis and disperse swelling. TCM Indications:Common cold, summerheat stroke with fever, diarrhea, jaundice,knocks and falls, swelling welling abscess and sore and boil. Isolatedcompounds: 3370, 3870, 3871, 3872, 3873, 5044, 8219, 8221, 8323,9857, 13492, 13493, 17661, 21691.T1785 Cratoxylum prunifolium (Clusiaceae); KU DING CHA; PlumleafCratoxylum. Used part: tender leaf. TCM Effects: To clear heat andresolve summerheat, transform damp and disperse stagnation. TCMIndications: Common cold, summerheat stroke with fever, jaundice,acute gastroenteritis, bacillary dysentery, sore and boil. Isolatedcompounds: 15715.T1786 Cremanthodium ellisii (Asteraceae); KUAI GEN CHUI TOU JU;Root-tuber Cremanthodium. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: Torelieve cough and dispel phlegm, loosen chest and disinhibit qi. TCMIndications: Cough <strong>of</strong> phlegm asthma, taxation damage, senile vacuityweakness headache. Isolated compounds: 14627.T1787 Cremastra appendiculata (Orchidaceae); DU JUAN LAN;Appendiculate Cremastra. Used part: pseudobulb. TCM Effects: Toclear heat and resolve toxin, disperse swelling and dissipate binds.TCM Indications: Malign sores with welling abscess and flat abscess,scr<strong>of</strong>ula, throat pain and throat impediment, snake or insect bites.Isolated compounds: 5910.T1788 Crepis mollis (Asteraceae); ROU SE HUAN YANG SHEN; S<strong>of</strong>tHawksbeard. Isolated compounds: 10745.T1789 Crepis napifera (Asteraceae); YUAN JING HUAN YANG SHEN;Turnip-shaped Hawksbeard. Used part: root or whole herb. TCMEffects: To clear lung and relieve cough, nourish liver and brighteneyes. TCM Indications: Lung heat cough, pertussis, night blindness.Isolated compounds: 5724, 15262, 20714.

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