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German Chamber of Commerce in ChinaNorth ChinaLandmark Tower 2 | Unit 08118 North Dongsanhuan Road ChaoyangDistrict | Beijing 100004+86-10-6539 66882 IAnnualgermanchamber@bj.china.ahk.deReport 2011German Chamber of Commerce in ChinaShanghai25/F | China Fortune Tower1568 Century AvenuePudong District | Shanghai 200122+86-21-5081 2266chamber@sh.china.ahk.deGerman Chamber of Commerce in ChinaSouth & Southwest ChinaRoom 2915 | Metro Plaza183 Tianhe North RoadTianhe District | Guangzhou 510620+86-20-8755 2353chamber@gz.china.ahk.de

457811121314141516181920223840424446525354ForewordGerman Chamber of Commerce in ChinaAbout UsInterviews with the ChairmenChamber BoardsChamber TeamsMembershipMembership CategoriesMember DistributionMembership DevelopmentMembership BenefitsFinancialsChamber ActivitiesChamber MeetingsBusiness EventsSocial Events11 th German Ball Beijing14 th German Ball ShanghaiOktoberfests in South & Southwest ChinaPress ReviewBusiness Surveys 2011Market DevelopmentsOutlook 2012Annual Report 2011 I3

FoRewoRdDear Members of the German Chamber of Commerce in China,In 2011 China has been the top destination for German companies in Asia and Germany China’s most important trading partner inEurope. The year was a landmark for the now four decade relationship. Ever-more German companies are entering the Chinese market andmost of those being already here plan to expand further. Investment, once a one-way-street, has begun to flow in both directions. Theyear culminated in Premier Wen Jiabao’s delegation to Berlin in July 2011, with deals signed worth several billion Euros. The high-levelgovernment consultations were the first of their kind and illustrated the value that both countries place on strengthening the relationship.No partnership remains static, however. With China’s rapid growth, immense changes are taking place. The government is seeking tomodernize the economy by shifting from low-cost production to higher-end goods. Wages have increased, with many firms looking tomove from first-tier cities into the less-developed Chinese interior. Economic growth has fuelled Chinese consumerism, but it has alsocreated serious environmental challenges. All of this was addressed in the 12 th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015), which was published in April2011. This policy - a guideline for the country’s development – serves as a blueprint of opportunities for German business. Technologicallysavvycompanies are sought to help China in moving up the value chain. German firms, famous for their technical expertise, are also globalleaders in environmental sustainability. This is a match that both partners benefit from as the Chamber’s 2011 Business Confidence Surveyillustrates.The findings of the survey reflect the dynamism of a Chinese economy that grew 9.2% last year. Over half of the German companies in Chinaincreased profit and turnover significantly; the majority rank China among their top three investment locations; one out of every two plansto expand to other Chinese cities by 2015. Once, low production costs were the primary driver for such developments; now it is the salespotential within the Chinese market. Indeed, the days of China simply serving as a cheap manufacturing base are gone. Production costshave risen significantly in recent years and the government raised the minimum wage of many provinces by 10 to 30%. Instead, Germancompanies are attracted by the vast potential of the Chinese market.But with these opportunities come new challenges.As the potential of the Chinese market grows, so does the competition. Local companies now pose one of the greatest challenges for Germanenterprises. The competition is not only for customers: finding and retaining competent staff is the most prominent obstacle facing Germanfirms in China. As the German Chamber we provide all necessary support for our members to overcome the challenges of the Chinese marketsuccessfully and to capitalize on its tremendous opportunities. Workshops led by industry experts provide insight into China’s most essentialbusiness trends, comprehensive services cover the entire business cycle and our networking platforms are unparalleled within the Germanbusiness community.2012 is the year of the dragon – an auspicious symbol in Chinese culture. It is already proving to be a special year: 2012 marks the 40 thanniversary of Sino-German diplomatic relations. We want to build on our foundation of success by working with you, our members, toattain your business goals in China. Together, we can embrace the year of the dragon and all of its opportunities.Yours truly,Alexandra Voss Jan Noether Oliver RegnerExcutive DirectorGCC • BeijingManaging DirectorGCC • ShanghaiExcutive DirectorGCC • South & Southwest China4 IAnnual Report 2011

German Chamber ofCommerce in ChinaThe German Chamber of Commerce in China has had a stimulatingand moving year of 2011. Again we were able to gain more membersand extended our strong position and brand throughout China.But while remembering 2011 we are already in the middle of amemorable year 2012.Annual Report 2011 I5

YOUR PARTNER IN GREATER CHINAThe German chambers abroad keep you well connected to the local business communities worldwideUnder the ‘DEinternational’ trademark, the network of German chambers abroad offers a wide rangeof services for your international business success.With offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, and Taipei, our Greater China team is atyour service with relevant information and tailor made support. We can help you access new marketsor extend your presence, as well as with general problem solving. Local know-how and networkcontacts are indispensible for success. Our experts, including more than 200 local and internationalstaff members, are at your disposal. Every day!PublicationsEvent ManagementDesign & Web ServicesSourcing SupportMedia ConsultingSales SupportCompany &Office FoundationLegal ServicesMarket EntrySuccessExhibition ServicesOffice in OfficeRecruitment ServicesGerman ChamberMembershipBuilding, Energy & Environmenteconet chinaTraining ServicesDelegationsMarket Research & Company PoolVocational Training ServicesGerman Industry & Commerce Greater ChinaDEinternational Taiwan Ltd.Tel Beijing + 86 10 6539 6633 | Shanghai + 86 21 6875 8536Guangzhou + 86 20 8755 2353 | Hong Kong + 852 2526 5481Taipei + 886 2 8758 58006 IAnnual Report 2011Please visit our web site: www.china.ahk.deDEinternational is the service unit of the German Chambers of Industry and Commerce abroad.

InTeRvIew1. 2012 marks 40 years of Sino-German diplomatic relations. How have you experienced theprogress of Sino-German relations in the past years?UW: To put it simply: Sino-German relations are excellent! On a political level we have see agreat deal of positive exchange, as evidenced by Chancellor Merkel’s fifth visit during her termof office to China this February. There’s also a growing interest in both Germany and China foreach other’s culture and traditions. On the commercial side, in 2010 China became the mostimportant destination for FDI from Germany. Currently, approximately 5,000 German companieswith around 220,000 employees are engaged in China, and this year German companiesare expected to sell more goods and services in China than in the US. Take for example theautomotive sector: over 10% of Daimler’s revenues already come from China.Mr. Ulrich WalkerGCC • Beijing2. The results of the Business Confidence Survey which the Chamber conducted with itsmembers last October showed that German companies are very optimistic in regards to theirbusiness with China and are even planning further investments. Given that, what do you expectin the future, especially on the development of German business in Northern China?UW: The optimism is certainly very appropriate. The government is targeting sustainable growthof 7.5% which although lower than recent years is still far above expectations for growth in theUS and Europe. In particular German companies can benefit from a rapidly growing, affluentmiddle class in China. German luxury brands have an excellent reputation and serve as statussymbols for our Chinese customers. At the same time those customers are very astute andappreciate the German quality that stands behind those brands. There’s also great potentialin industrial areas such as infrastructure projects, green technologies, and environmentalprotection, where German companies excel. My conclusion is simple: China is highly importantfor German business and we’ll continue to build on that in the future.3. How do you deploy your experience and knowledge into your role?UW: The business environment here has great potential but at the same time it is quite complex.As the CEO of a large multinational company with a very substantial presence – Daimlerand its joint ventures currently employ over 10,000 people in China – we occupy a very specialposition. Our experience in navigating through the business world in China can be leveraged toensure German companies starting out here head in the right direction in the marketplace andin accordance with all the Chinese rules and regulations.4. What will be your focus for the work of the Chamber this year? Where does the futureimportance of the Chamber lie?UW: As always our priority is the support of German companies, and with a 13% increase inNorth China membership in 2011, I’m pleased to say we’re delivering services to more and moremember companies. With our strong business and political contacts here in China our goal isto provide an effective hub for German companies to network with each other and with otherChinese companies. We also host inbound and outbound delegations. In China we serve as aspringboard for industry groups from Germany by providing introductions to China partners andopportunities. On the other hand, we organise Chinese delegations to Germany to facilitate FDIin Germany and collaboration with our domestic German companies. Another key benefit is theinformation we provide on industry and market hot topics. Our insights help German companiesstay at the forefront of developments and rapidly respond to opportunities here.5. China is fascinating to me because…UW: The market economy kicked-off here just 35 years ago. I am deeply fascinated by thedynamic progression of the whole society over the past three decades, a unique developmentthat can be found nowhere else on this scale. As a Westerner I am grateful that I have thechance to witness the current transition with my own eyes. I also feel privileged to work with acompany like Daimler that is making an active contribution to the economic growth here withour investment in infrastructure, manufacturing, and research and development, as well as ourCSR programs.8 IAnnual Report 2011

1. 2012 marks 40 years of Sino-German diplomatic relations. How have you experienced theprogress of Sino-German relations in the past years?HS: In the past, I felt that the Pearl River Delta did not receive the high recognition and politicalattention from Germany that it deserved as one of the top three business hubs in China anda model region for the industrial upgrade spurred by the Chinese government. As economicties prospered, political interest followed suit: We saw many high-ranking German delegationsvisit the region and also successfully initiated the political and economic exchange for Chinesedelegations to Germany. The excellent relations were highlighted by the joint visit of ChancellorMerkel and Premier Wen to Guangzhou in early February 2012.Mr. Holger SindemannGCC • South & Southwest China2. The results of our Business Confidence Survey (BCS) showed that German companies are veryoptimistic in regards to their business with China and are planning further investments. Giventhat, what do you expect in the future, especially on the development of German business inSouth & Southwest China?HS: Our region with the Pearl River Delta at its heart and the economic cluster of Chengdu-Chongqing in Southwest China is one of the most dynamic and exciting business locations inChina. According to our BCS, 50% of the German companies in China are planning to expandby 2015 with Guangzhou and Chengdu being identified as the top two locations for investment.Correspondingly, we expect GCC membership to grow further – after increasing more than 35%in the past two years. We have also observed the trend towards high-tech production and R&Dactivities in the Pearl River Delta, with Shenzhen leading the field. The German automotiveindustry will make a big leap forward in the next couple of years. One example is the BYD-Daimler R&D cooperation on electric car engines set up last year; furthermore, Volkswagen andAudi will both open factories in Foshan in 2013.3. How do you deploy your experience and knowledge into your role?HS: As a speaker at the Greater China Day 2010 I got a closer look at the work of the Chamberand was highly inspired by the exchange of experiences with German entrepreneurs interestedin investing in China. Together with the Chamber I have been actively promoting South andSouthwest China as an investment location since then, especially in terms of support for thedevelopment of the high-tech industry.4. What will be your focus for the work of the Chamber next year? Where does the futureimportance of the Chamber lie?HS: After expanding our strong foothold in Guangzhou and Shenzhen in 2011, we are going tointensify our efforts in supporting German companies in the emerging regions with a strongfocus on Chengdu and Chongqing in Southwest China as well as the Western Pearl River Delta.Apart from our regional development, we also look into further expanding our businessinformation and intelligence to offer our members key information for optimizing their businessin China. As an example, for the first time in 2011, we conducted the Annual Salary Surveythat originated in South and Southwest China together with our colleagues in Beijing. Thiscooperation was highly appreciated by our members and we hope to further expand this keysurvey in the coming year.5. China is fascinating me because…HS: I truly enjoy being at the pulse of globalization, which I believe is driven by China. Acceptingand handling sudden plan changes is sometimes not easy for the rather bureaucratic Germannational. In China, the high degree of flexibility is fascinating. Everything usually comes inplace – even if at last minute. We experienced this in the organisation of the German-ChineseEconomic Forum in conjunction with the German Federal Chancellor visit in February 2012. Theforum turned out to be one of the most successful and bright event highlights for our Chamberpartly due to the flexibility of our cooperation partners.10 IAnnual Report 2011

GCC BoardBeijingGCC BoardShanghaiCHAMBeR BoARdSGCC BoardSouth & Southwest ChinaGCC BoardTianjinMr. Ulrich Walker*ChairmanDaimler AGExecutive Vice PresidentDaimler Northeast Asia Ltd.Chairman & CEOMr. Titus Freiherr von demBongart*ChairmanErnst & Young (China) Advisory Ltd.Partner and Head of GBC ChinaMr. Holger Sindemann*ChairmanMTU Maintenance Zhuhai Co. Ltd.President & CEOMr. Uwe BirnbaumChairman of the BoardJean M 眉 ller ElectricalSystems (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.General ManagerMr. Andreas FeegeTreasurerKPMG Huazhen Certified PublicAccountantsPartner AuditDr. Guenter HermannVice ChairmanSGL Carbon Far East Ltd.Managing DirectorMr. Stefan RosenbohmTreasurerGiesecke & Devrient CurrencyAutomation Systems Co., Ltd.Technical DirectorMs. Alexandra Voss*German Chamber BeijingExecutive DirectorDelegation of German Industry &Commerce BeijingDelegate & Chief RepresentativeMs. Alexandra Voss*German Chamber BeijingExecutive DirectorDelegation of German Industry &Commerce BeijingDelegate & Chief RepresentativeMr. Andreas OdrianTreasurerDeutsche Bank (China) Co., Ltd.Director – Head of Corporate Bankingand Coverage, MNCMr. Oliver Regner*GCC • South & Southwest ChinaExecutive DirectorDelegation of German Industry &Commerce GuangzhouDelegate and Chief RepresentativeMr. Martin MillerTreasurerCommerzbank AG TianjinBranchGeneral ManagerMs. Martina GrönegresLufthansa German AirlinesGeneral Manager Beijing,Chief RepresentativeMr. Jan Noether*German Chamber ShanghaiManaging DirectorDelegation of German Industry &Commerce ShanghaiChief RepresentativeMr. Frank JägerThe Cable Assembler Ltd.President & CEO(from December 2011)Mr. Christoph KaiserTurck (Tianjin) TechnologyCo., Ltd.Managing DirectorMr. Eddy HenningDeutsche Bank (China) Co. Ltd.Director, Head of Corporate BankingCoverage, ChinaMr. Thomas DornProConTra Ltd.Chairman & Managing DirectorMr. Rüdiger W. KümmerleEWIKON Hotrunner Systems (Shenzhen)Co. Ltd.Managing DirectorMr. Wanli ZhongWuerth (Tianjin) InternationalTrading Co., Ltd.Managing DirectorDr. Jörg MullVolkswagen (China)Investment Co. Ltd.Executive Vice President,Finance DepartmentDr. Zhijian FanNokia Siemens Networks(Shanghai) Ltd.President & CEOMr. Nong KeqiangSiemens Ltd. ChinaSenior Vice President &General Manager Region South ChinaDr. Roland SavoyGiesecke & Devrient (China)Information Technologies Co. Ltd.Managing DirectorMr. Rolf H. KöhlerFreudenberg Management (Shanghai)Co. Ltd.General ManagerMr. Bai KunHonorary Board MemberSouthwest ChinaHerrenknecht (Chengdu) TunnellingEquipment Co. Ltd.General ManagerMr. Marcel SchneiderTUI China Travel Co. Ltd.CEOMr. Ulrich MäderPOLYMAX (Shanghai)Trading Co. Ltd.Chairman of the BoardMs. Renate TietjenC. Melchers GmbH & Co. KGGuangzhou Representative OfficeManaging Director(until November 2011)Ms. Katrin BraunMachwürth Team International MTIManaging Director(from November 2011)Ms. Brigitte WolffManagement Engineers China Ltd.Managing DirectorMr. Joran F. TreppschuhGMH - Holding ChinaChief Representative(until November 2011)* GCC All-China Board MemberAnnual Report 2011 I11

CHAMBeR TeAMSChamber TeamNorth ChinaMs. Dr. Juliane BielinskiExecutive Chamber ManagerBeijing+86-10-6539-6660bielinski.juliane@bj.china.ahk.deChamber TeamShanghaiMr. Sebastian ZettelmeierExecutive Chamber Manager+86-21-5081-2266 Ext. 1605zettelmeier.sebastian@sh.china.ahk.deChamber TeamSouth & Southwest ChinaMs. Heidrun BussExecutive Chamber Manager+86-20-8755-2353 Ext. 203buss.heidrun@gz.china.ahk.deMr. Sebastian SuciuRegional ManagerBeijingMembership Management+86-10-6539-6661suciu.sebastian@bj.china.ahk.deMr. Joachim DreyerRegional Manager Jiangsu &Zhejiang+86-21-5081-2266 Ext. 1830dreyer.joachim@sh.china.ahk.deMs. Lulu ZouAssistant Manager+86-20-8755-2353 Ext. 217zou.lulu@gz.china.ahk.deMs. Sarah ChenEvent ManagerBeijing+86-10-6539-6663chen.sarah@bj.china.ahk.deMs. Selma KoehnCommunications Manager & ChiefEditor German Chamber Ticker+86-21-5081-2266 Ext. 1637koehn.selma@sh.china.ahk.deMr. Max J. ZengleinRegional Manager and EconomicAnalyst, Shenzhen+86-755-8635-0487zenglein.max@gz.china.ahk.deMs. QI CuiyunAssistant Office AdministrationBeijing+86-10-6539-6612qi.cuiyun@bj.china.ahk.deMs. Yandi LiSenior Project Manager+86-21-5081-2266 Ext. 1609li.yandi@sh.china.ahk.deMs. Astrid SchröterLiaison Manager Sichuan-Chongqing+86-28-8533-6840southwestchina@gz.china.ahk.deMr. Christoph FazakasExecutive Chamber ManagerTianjinRegional Manager North China+86-22-8787-9249fazakas.christoph@bj.china.ahk.deMs. Carolin MarkusProject Manager Shanghai+86-21-5081-2266 Ext. 1871markus.carolin@sh.china.ahk.deMs. Zhang YameiProject ManagerTianjin+86-22-8787-9249zhang.yamei@bj.china.ahk.deMr. Kyle SmithJunior Editor German Chamber Ticker+86-21-5081-2266 Ext. 1675smith.kyle@sh.china.ahk.deMs. Rebecka SteudlerProject Manager+86-21-5081-2266 Ext. 1630steudler.rebecka@sh.china.ahk.deno photoMs. Liewen XiaoChamber Team Assistant+86-21-5081-2266 Ext. 1850xiao.liewen@sh.china.ahk.de12 IAnnual Report 2011

MembershipThe German Chamber of Commerce was again able to extend itsmembership base in China in 2011. The total number of membersrose by 10% in the last year. Therefore the German Chamber ofCommerce now has over 2,000 members in China.Annual Report 2011 I13

MeMBeRSHIP 2011• Membership CategoriesCorporate MembershipType Benefit No. of Employees PriceWholly Principal Developed in order to grant a larger group of people access to the amenities of a membership > 500 RMB 9,000Membership* All employees can benefit from member rates and discounts < 500 RMB 6,000Designated employees may also receive a membership cardThe main representative will be listed in the Membership Directory and has the right to voteSingle Principal Refers to a company with one representative member 1 representative RMB 4,000MembershipOther employees are only members if Additional Memberships are purchasedThe representative is listed in the Membership Directory and has the right to voteAdditional Refers to employees of Principal Members who also want to benefit from the Chamber's services and activities 1 per membership RMB 1,500MembershipAdditional Members are listed in the Membership Directory and have the right to votePrivate MembershipType Benefit No. of Employees PriceAssociate/ Designed for individuals who are not part of an institution that qualifies for Principal 1 per membership RMB 1,500Private Membership but who want to benefit from the Chamber's services and activitiesMembershipPrivate/Associate Members are listed in the Membership Directory and have the right to voteYoung Young professionals below the age of 30 without any company affiliation 1 per membership RMB 1,200Professionals Young professionals are listed in the Membership Directory and have the right to vote.Membership**only in North China and ShanghaiMore details on all membership categories can be found on our homepage: www.china.ahk.de/?id=38420Please note:• Only foreign invested companies may join our Chamber due to Chinese legal restrictions.• Membership is effective upon receipt of payment.• The yearly membership begins on 1 st January and terminates at the end of the calendar year. Companies joining our chamber from1 st July will not be included into the yearly publication of the Membership Directory, but the membership fee is only half price.• Geographical distributionNorth China Shanghai South and Southwest China4610 193572339944511464651387Total: 432 Total: 1356 Total: 259Guangzhou RegionShenzhen RegionSouthwest ChinaOthers14 IAnnual Report 2011

MeMBeRSHIP develoPMenT• Membership development north China 2008 - 2011500400432405392 395Number of Members30020010005 4 3 2WhollyPrincipal 900065 62 66 82 269 289257 268WhollyPrincipal 6000SinglePrincipal24 31 32 29 38 3522 26AdditionalMemberPrivateMember34 4 4SpecialMemberTotalMembership Categories• Membership development Shanghai 2008 - 2011Number of Members15001200900600300017 26 29 29 63 73 72 65 73 64 51 4910 25 28 28 0 0 1 7WhollyPrincipal 9000400349308295WhollyPrincipal 6000778645 709641SinglePrincipalAdditionalMemberPrivateMemberMembership CategoriesSpecialMemberYoungProfessionals1356123911371103Total• Membership development South and Southwest China 2008 - 2011Number of Members300250200150100225222161155259246191180500SinglePrincipal10 10 9 11 13 16 10 132 4 5 10AdditionalMemberPrivateMemberSpecialMemberTotalMembership CategoriesAnnual Report 2011 I15

BeneFITSbeComInG a member• Free profile entry in our Membership Directory, an annually published listing of all members in China• Free delivery of the Membership Directory• Free profile entry in the German Company Directory, the online index of German companies in China(only corporate members) and free access to the Directory (for corporate and associate members)• Free delivery of the member magazine 'German Chamber Ticker'• The possibility to publish 'member news' in the 'German Chamber Ticker'• Free posting of your picture and company details under the 'New Members Ticker' section of our websitefor two months and free listing as a new member• Reduced member rates for our events• Reduced member rates for training courses offered by our training department• Up to 15% discount on advertisement in the ‘German Chamber Ticker’ magazine and Membership Directory• Up to 50% discount on advertisement on our homepage and on online job market postings• Access to our ‘Benefit Program’ that grants discounted rates when you show your membership cardin partner hotels, restaurants, hospitals etc.• Advantages for the German Business Visa applications of Chinese employeesServICeS for memberMembership CardGerman Chamber members benefit from various discounts they can receive at various Chamber events. Moreover, theGerman Chamber’s Benefit Program provides membership card holders preferential treatment in many bars, hotels,restaurants, business and retail outlets, and relaxation or medical services China-wide with discounts of up to 40%.newsletter & MailingsThe regular newsletter of the German Chamber of Commerce provides its members with the latest news about the Chamber,its partners and the market. Moreover, regular mailings update the recipients with an event guide for their region.visa BenefitsChamber members enjoy advantages in regards to the German business visa application for Chinese employees. Theycan submit visa application documents at the GIC Visa Department without making an appointment in advance (notapplicable in all locations and subject to modifications).HomepageCounting more than 5mn hits and 75,000 users every month, www.china.ahk.de is the most popular businessplatform for Germans in China. The website of the German Chamber of Commerce is an information portal with anewsletter, insightful information about the German Chambers and the GIC in China, a popular online job market,news about past or upcoming events and much more. Chamber members have access to the exclusive members-onlysection of our homepage, where they can download presentations of past events, register themselves for workshops,search in the extensive database and so forth.Job MarketOur online job market is integrated on our website and supports hundreds of European companies all over China tofind qualified employees. It is not only the most frequented site of our entire website but also one of the biggest jobmarkets for Chinese and foreigners looking for employment with European companies in China. German Chambermembers enjoy a 50% discount on placing their job offers.16 IAnnual Report 2011

PublICatIonSGerman Chamber TickerThe German Chamber Ticker is the business journal of the German Chamber of Commerce in MainlandChina. The free english magazine is published bi-monthly and features cover stories on current topics,news of the German Chamber, interviews with key business people as well as articles on social issues,environment, finance or other relevant topics. Every issue has a circulation of 10,000 copies China-wideand is directly mailed to registered Chamber members, many of whom are influential business leadersand decision makers. The publication is also distributed at Chamber events and in strategic locations.Membership directoryThe Membership Directory is a great resource for anybody interested in Sino-German business relations.It includes the detailed profiles of all members of the German Chamber of Commerce in China, informsabout Chamber activities and contains many useful contacts such as those of Embassies and Consulates,various institutions or important Chinese websites. The regular price of the Membership Directory fornon-members is RMB 800.German Company directoryChamber members enjoy year-round free access to the official database of German companies in China.Visitors can search for German companies in China within a pool of over 5,000 entries classified inseveral categories, such as city or industry. This extensive resource is well organised and easy to use. Theregular price for the database access is RMB 2,200 per year.Global ServICeSMore Benefits of Being a German Chamber MemberMembers of the German Chamber of Commerce benefit from our close link with the German Industryand Commerce (GIC) in Greater China, a member of the German Chamber Network. German Chambermembers receive free basic consultancy and a discount on certain GIC services. Companies in theChinese market are given the opportunity to make use of the individual support of the GIC withpreferential conditions.Among others, the GIC offers the following services:• Legal Information• Market Entry Support• Marketing Services• Market Information• Trade Fairs• Translation Services• Event Management• HR Training• VAT-Refund• Sourcing & Sales Support• Visa ServicesAnnual Report 2011 I17

FInAnCIAlS• Allocation of expenses*2,592,6688,270,5233,314,7701,242,541• Revenue distribution*ss* All values rounded18 IAnnual Report 2011

Chamber ActivitiesThe German Chamber of Commerce in China hosts a huge varietyof events: From breakfast seminars to chamber meetings, fromworkshops and seminars to entertaining social evenings. Wealways try to meet the specific needs of the participants, enrich thecommunity and be a valued partner for our members and friends -and therefore ensure a maximum longterm benefit for all of us andespecially for our active members.Annual Report 2011 I19

CHAMBeRLocation Event Date Event Title SpeakerShanghai 27.01.2011Shenzhen 15.02.2011Shanghai 24.02.2011Shenzhen 08.03.2011Chamber Meeting: Consul General Makes Forecasts for RabbitYearGeneral Manager Roundtable: Usage of Chinese ERP Softwareand Prosecution of Copyright InfringementChamber Meeting: Your Most Dangerous Competitors -CounterfeitersGeneral Manager Roundtable: Automation and Dealing withRising Labour CostsShanghai 31.03.2011 Chamber Meeting: The 12 th Five-Year PlanShenzhen 12.04.2011Beijing 14.04.2011Guangzhou 26.04.2011Shanghai 28.04.2011Shenzhen 10.05.2011General Manager Roundtable: Difficulties in HR (loyalty,contracts, overtime)German Chamber Dinner: An Overview of the 12 th Five YearPlan and It's Implication for Foreign Business in ChinaGeneral Manager Roundtable: Overview of Key BusinessChallenges in 2011Chamber Meeting: Electricity Development in China - Demandand SolutionGeneral Manager Roundtable (continued): Difficulties in HR(loyalty, contracts, overtime)Dr. Wolfgang Röhr, Consul General, GermanConsulate General in ShanghaiRoundtable DiscussionMr. Jack Chang, Senior IP Counsel, Asia GE (China)Co. Ltd.Roundtable DiscussionDr. Jonathan Wötzel, Director, McKinsey &CompanyRoundtable DiscussionDr. Jonathan Wötzel, Director, McKinsey inShanghaiRoundtable DiscussionMr. Ye Shaojun, AREVA Representative inShanghaiRoundtable DiscussionShanghai 26.05.2011 Chamber Meeting: Corporate Culture and Other HR Aspects Dr. Christoph Stark, President & CEO, BMW ChinaGuangzhou 31.05.2011General Manager Roundtable: Overtime Management andProblems & Solutions in Dealing with CustomsRoundtable DiscussionShenzhen 14.06.2011General Manager Roundtable: How to Deal with the ShenzhenRoundtable DiscussionUniversiade Shortage and with Power ShortagesBeijing 16.06.2011Dr. Jun Ma, Chief Economist Greater China,German Chamber Dinner: Economic Update: China Goes GreenDeutsche BankGuangzhou 28.06.2011 General Manager Roundtable: Modifying Employee Handbooks Roundtable DiscussionShanghai 30.06.2011Shanghai 25.08.2011Guangzhou 30.08.2011Beijing 30.08.2011Chamber Meeting: Panel Discussion: German SMEs - TheCurrent SituationChamber Meeting: The Current Development of Trade Fairs inChina and Their OutlookGeneral Manager Roundtable: IT Management and DataSecurityGerman Chamber Dinner: China 2011-2015: Society andPolitics Ahead of a Reorientation?Mr. Anton Usov, GM, Shanghai Kostal-Huagang Automotive Electric Co. Ltd.Dr. Peter Schaumann, Executive Director,Marquandt Switches (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.Mr. Peter Legner, CEO, Shanghai Machinery Corp.Mr. Helmut W. Schneider, CEO, Messer Griesheim(China) Investment Co. Ltd.Dr. Hans-Jörg Geduhn, CEO, Shanghai NewInternational Expo Centre Co. Ltd.Roundtable DiscussionDr. Peter Hefele, Director, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in ShanghaiShenzhen 13.09.2011 General Manager Roundtable: Wage Developments Roundtable DiscussionBeijing 20.09.2011 Chamber Dinner: China's Aviation IndustryMr. Peter Tiarks, Head of Customer Services,Airbus China LimitedMs. Martina Groenegres, Chief Representative,GM Beijing, Lufthansa German AirlinesShanghai 22.09.2011Chamber Meeting: Panel Dicussion: The Water Sector in China- Opportunities for the German IndustryMr. Dieter Ulrich, Environmental & SolidsProcessing, Bayer Technology Services GmbHProf. Martin Wagner, TU Darmstadt IWARProf. Dai Xiaohu, Tongji UniversityProf. Werner Arts, LAR Process AnalysersMr. Daniel Tweer, Business DevelopmentManager, Remondis20 IAnnual Report 2011

MeeTInGSLocation Event Date Event Title SpeakerGuangzhou 27.09.2011General Manager Roundtable: Risk Management and How toFind Potential Suppliers and CustomersRoundtable DiscussionBeijing 13.10.2011 German Chamber Meeting with Volkswagen Group ChinaMs. Alexandra Voss, Delegate and ChiefRepresentative, Delegation of German Industryand Commerce BeijingDr. Karl-Thomas Neumann, President & CEO,Volkswagen Group ChinaMs. Elke Lücke, Head of Global Assignments,Volkswagen AGMr. Klaus Dierkes, Executive Vice PresidentHuman Resources, Organization and ITP,Volkswagen Group ChinaDr. Florian Kessler, General Manager, GermanIndustry & Commerce Greater China, BeijingShenzhen 18.10.2011General Manager Roundtable: Discussion of GCC SalarySurvey ResultsRoundtable DiscussionGuangzhou 25.10.2011General Manager Roundtable: How to Find High QualifiedEmployees at Adequate SalariesRoundtable DiscussionShanghai 27.10.2011 Chamber Meeting: New Social Insurance Law UpdateDr. Eva Drewes, Attorney, Luther AttorneysShanghaiShenzhen 08.11.2011General Manager Roundtable: How to Deal with the RMBExchange Rate Risk?Roundtable DiscussionGuangzhou 29.11.2011 General Manager Roundtable: Overtime Payment Roundtable DiscussionBeijing 30.11.2011Shenzhen 06.12.2011Chamber Dinner - End-Of-Year Review with the GermanAmbassador to ChinaGeneral Manager Roundtable: Strategies to MinimizeEmployee Turnover after Chinese New YearShanghai 08.12.2011 Christmas Chamber DinnerDr. Michael Schäfer, German Ambassador in P.R.ChinaMr. Stefan Gallon, Consul General of the FederalRepublic of Germany in GuangzhouMr. Oliver Regner, Delegate and ChiefRepresentative of <strong>AHK</strong> GuangzhouMr. Michael Bauer, Catholic Priest,Deutschsprachige Christliche Gemeinde ShanghaiFather Peter Kruse, Evangelist Pastor,Deutschsprachige Christliche Gemeinde ShanghaiAnnual Report 2011 I21

BUSIneSSLocation Event Date Event TitleShanghai 12.01.2011 Workshop HR: China-Specific Insights into CoachingChengdu 14.01.2011 Meet the Government: Welcome 2011 Event/DinnerShanghai 18.01.2011 Workshop Marketing & Sales: "Leveraging Personality: The Secret Weapon to More Sales Effectiveness"Guangzhou 18.01.2011 HR Roundtable: Employee Relationship - Cross-Cultural CommunicationShenzhen 19.01.2011 HR Roundtable: Employee Relationship - Cross-Cultural CommunicationChongqing 19.01.2011 Meet the Government: Welcome 2011 Event/DinnerShanghai 20.01.2011 GC Roundtable: Is China Going to Change the Automotive World in the Future?Guangzhou 15.02.2011 Updates on Representative Office RegulationsHong Kong 17.02.2011 New International Financial System and Asia's RoleShanghai 21.02.2011 GC Roundtable: Business Developments and Trends in China - An Evening of Wakeup CallsSuzhou 21.02.2011 Suzhou Workshop Legal & Tax: 2011 Custom Challenges and OpportunitiesShanghai 22.02.2011 Workshop Controlling & Finance: Manager Liability in China - What Are the Tricks and Traps? How Can You Control Risks?Taicang 22.02.2011 Taicang Workshop Legal & Tax: Custom Challenges and OpportunitiesGuangzhou 23.02.2011 Legal Roundtable: New Social Insurance LawShenzhen 23.02.2011 Compliance Seminar: The Risks of Operating in China and How to Deal with ThemChengdu 24.02.2011 GCC · South & Southwest China Office OpeningShanghai 24.02.2011 Workshop Environmental Protection: Clauces for the German Industry on the Chinese Solar PV MarketGuangzhou 25.02.2011 Trainer of the Month: Conflict Management SkillsShenzhen 25.02.2011 Member for Member Seminar: Professional Trial of a Plastic Injection MouldShenzhen 28.02.2011 Legal Roundtable: New Social Insurance LawShanghai 02.03.2011 Chamber Breakfast with Former Federal Minister Michael GlosShanghai 02.03.2011 Chamber Evening with the Goethe-Institut: China in the Sights of Journalists and Authors 2011Guangzhou &Shenzhen02.-03.03.2011Finance Seminar: Transfer PricingShanghai 03.03.2011 Workshop Automotive: Automotive Landscape 2025 - Opportunities and Challenges AheadShenzhen 09.03.2011 International Compliance Management SeminarShanghai 10.03.2011 Workshop Controlling & Finance: Leasing in China22 IAnnual Report 2011

eventsSpeakerMr. Rainer B. Schmitz, Executive Coach and Leadership Consultant, Chan HR ConsultingMr. Kun Bai, GM, Herrenknecht (Chengdu) Tunneling Equipment Co., Honorary GCC Board MemberMs. Katrin Braun, Managing Director, MTI Management Consulting (Beijing) Co. Ltd.Mr. Tubbs Liang, HR & Admin Manager, Sirona Dental Systems Foshan Co. Ltd.Mr. Joerg Pluskwik, Vice General Manager, Sirona Dental Systems Foshan Co. Ltd.Mr. Jeff Gui, HR Recruitment Manager, Jade Cargo International Co. Ltd.Mr. Laurent Jossa, Director Sales Operations Center, Jade Cargo International Co. Ltd.Mr. Jens Hildebrandt, GM, GIC Greater China in GuangzhouMr. Bernhard Schaaf, Commercial Correspondent, Germany Trade & InvestMr. Zach Wortham, Senior Manager, Wang Jing & Co., Law FirmDr. Josef Ackermann, Chairman of the Management Board and the Group Executive Committee ofDeutsche Bank AGDr. Bernd-Uwe Stucken, Managing Partner Greater China, Salons LLPMr. Damon Paling, Partner, Worldtrade Management Services, PricewaterhouseCoopers (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.Mr. Philipp Senff, Attorney, SJ Berwin LLP ShanghaiMr. Damon Paling, Partner, Worldtrade Management Services, PricewaterhouseCoopers (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.Ms. Rachel Chen & Mr. Bing Han, Lawyer and Manager, Guangdong Kai Tong Law FirmMr. Jürgen Kracht, Managing Director, FiducaMs. Julia Kahlenberg, Compliance Officer, OSRAMMr. Holger Sindemann, Chairman GCC • South & Southwest ChinaMr. Hand Mondorf, German Consul General in ChengduMr. Luo Jian, Director of Commercial Section, Foreign Investment Bureau of Sichuan ProviceMr. Franz Haugwitz, Head, Intersolar Conference DevelopmentMr. Alan Lee, Senior Consultant, HMI Consulting Ltd.Mr. Gabor Balogh, IPTA Internal Company TrainerMr. Jonathan Isaacs, Senior Associate and Lawyer, Baker & McKenzieMr. Michael Glos, Former Federal Minister/Member of ParliamentProf. Hellmut Schütte, Professor of Management, China Europe International Business School ShanghaiMr. Ekkehard Rathgeber, Owner, Jilin Investment GroupMr. Alexander Özbahadir, Sales & Marketing Director, Jungheinrich Lift Truck Shanghai Co. Ltd.Prof. Dr. Wulf Noll, Lecturer, University of NingboMr. Marcus Hernig, Freelance WriterDr. Ansgar Gerstner, WriterMr. Johnny Erling, Correspondent, World and StandardMr. Sebastien Gonnet, Expert in Transfer Pricing and Intellectual Property, NERA Economic ConsultingMr. Alexander Voegele, Transfer Pricing Expert, Special Consultant, NERA Economic ConsultingDr. Wolfgang Bernhart, Automotive Partner, Roland Berger Strategy ConsultantsDr. Wolfgang Kreingberg, Senior Consultant Intl Affairs, Former CTO of TÜV Süd Product Service GroupMr. Friedrich Jüngling, Board Member, Deutsche Leasing AGDr. Karsten M. Ley, Tax Accountant and General Manager, Deloitte AP ICEAnnual Report 2011 I23

BUSIneSSLocation Event Date Event TitleBeijing 15.03.2011 Global Leadership Conference: Local Talents for Your Global Success – Best Practice in Developing World Class Leaders in ChinaBeijing 15.03.2011Global Leadership Conference: Local Talents for Your Global Success –Best Practice in Developing World Class Leaders in ChinaSuzhou 16.03.2011 Suzhou Workshop: Water TreatmentShenzhen 22.03.2011 Updates on Representative Office RegulationsGuangzhou 23.03.2011 Seminar on Brand ManagementBeijing 24.03.2011 China Real Estate Market Insights and Legal Update: How to Cope With the Bubble on the Horizon?Shanghai 24.03.2011 Wirtschaftsjunioren Shanghai: Starting and Running a Successful Business as a Foreign Entrepreneur in ChinaTianjin 24.03.2011 Customs SeminarShanghai 24.03.2011 GC Roundtable: "High Speed" on Rail and RoadShenzhen 25.03.2011 Member for Member Seminar: Quality Assurance - Supplier ManagementShanghai 28.03.2011 Joint Chamber Event: The World Economy and Applying European Economic Models to ChinaShenzhen 30.03.2011 Visa Updates on Regulations and ProceduresTianjin 31.03.2011 Young Professionals LuncheonCologne,GermanyShenzhen &Guangzhou07.04.2011 Ningbo Week - Europe 201107.-08.04.2011How to Manage Social Risks in China?Beijing 08.04.2011 Interchamber Breakfast Seminar: Payment RisksDüsseldorf,Germany11.-13.04.2011Changzhou City PresentationShanghai 13.04.2011 Workshop Controlling & Finance: Payment Risks of the Fast-Growing DragonBeijing 14.04.2011 Day of Logistics 2011Guangzhou 15.04.2011 Trainer of the Month: Introduction to Corporate CultureShanghai 18.04.2011 Workshop Automotive: AUTO Shanghai 2011 - Challenges for the Automotive Industry in China24 IAnnual Report 2011

eventsSpeakerDr. Florian Kessler, General Manager, German Industry & Commerce Greater China, BeijingPierre Steffen, Senior Vice President, Airbus ChinaMatthias Zeuch, Vice President of Human Resources, Sales & Financial Services Africa Asia Pacific Region,Daimler Northeast AsiaDr. Frank Gallo, Chief Leadership Consultant, Aon HewittMr. Eddy Henning, Director, Head of Corporate Banking Coverage China, Deutsche BankMr. Michael Zhang, Manager Director, Schueco ChinaMr. Thomas Schmitz, Managing Director, GEA Westfalia SeperatorProf. Patrick Chovanec, Associate professor at Tsinghua University’s School of Economics & ManagementMr. Andrej Schindhelm, MD, LMI DeutschlandMs. Katrin Braun, MD, MTI Management Consulting (Beijing) Co., Ltd.Mr. Ian Burke, Managing Director, Kurion Technologies Ltd.Mr. Uwe Hanschke, Managing Director, Kurion Deutschland Ltd.Mr. Matthias Fickenscher, Managing Partner, H2) GmbH Process Water EngineeringMr. Zach Wortham, Senior Manager, Wang Jing & Co., Law FirmMr. Bob Youill, Risk Expert, Managing Director Shanghai, FTI ConsultingDr. Florian Hackelberg, Senior Manager, PwCMr. Philipp Senff, Lawyer, SJ BerwinMr. Peter Hill, CPRW, CERW, Principal Consultant, P.H.I. ConsultingMr. Alessandro Duina, Partner, The LJL GroupMr. Michael Chen, Associate Director & Mr. Jinmei Dong, Indirect Tax Manager, Deloitte Touche TohmatsuCPA Ltd. Beijing BranchMr. Thomas Dorn, Chairman & Managing Director, ProConTra Trading Ltd.Ms. Hongying Zhu, General Manager, Rolling Stock, Siemens Ltd.Mr. David Schulte, Getzner WerkstoffeMr. Jimmy Yeung, QA Manager, Testo Instruments (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.Prof. Dr. h.c. Roland Berger, Founder and Honorary Chairman, Roland Berger Strategy ConsultantsMs. Anja Schmidt, Vice Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany in GuangzhouMr. He Xin, Deputy Head of Department Law & Business, Delegation of German Industry & Commerce BeijingMr. Guido Greber, Founder and Managing Director of Guido Greber Management LTD and Delegate of theBoard of Directors, SwissCham Beijing in TianjinMr. Wu Hemin, Deputy Director, Municipal People's Congress of Ningbo CityMr. Michael Josipovik, Representative, Cologne Municipal GovernmentMs. Meng Mei, HR Consultant and Executive Coach, WellTerreMr. Eric Tarchoune, Managing Director, Dragonfly GroupMr. Benjamin Gan, Deputy Regional Manager Risk, Greater China, CofaceMr. Jan Nöther, Chief Representative, Delegation of German Industry & Commerce ShanghaiMr. Benjamin Gan, Deputy Regional Manager Risk, Greater China, CofaceProf. Jiang Xu, Beijing Wuzi UniversityProf. Deke Zhou, Tsinghua UniversityMr. Yu Tian, TUVMr. John Dorris, NLP Practitioner, Leadership Development Framework Assessor & CoachMr. Klaus Bräunig, CEO, DA (Association of the German Automotive Industry)Mr. Stefan Möbs, Deputy Consul, German General Consulate ShanghaiDr.-Ing. Ingo Ramesohl, General Manager Electric Vehicle & Hybrid Technology, UAESMs. Sonja Kurono, Managing Director, China Strategy PartnersDr. Gerhard Nowak, Managing Director, Management Engineers ChinaAnnual Report 2011 I25

BUSIneSSLocation Event Date Event TitleBeijing 26.05.2011 SME Forum: Six Things You Should Know About HR in ChinaShanghai 30.05.2011 GC Roundtable: Stay or Go? The Future of China in Sourcing and ManufacturingBeijing,Tianjin01. &07.06.2011Special Seminar: Insurance Coverage for Expats in ChinaBeijing 09.06.2011 Legal Roundtable: Legal Aspects in ChinaTianjin 10.06.2011 "German Corner" Special with Goethe SLZ: Company Visit to TURCK Tianjin Technology Co. Ltd.Beijing 13.06.2011 Roundtable Communication: Burst Creativity for Your Successful CommunicationShanghai 14.06.2011 Workshop Environmental Protection: China's Emergence as a Global Greentech LeaderBeijing 15.06.2011 Roundtable HR: China's High Potentials and Talent ManagementShanghai 15.06.2011 Workshop Controlling & Finance: The Current Status of the Renminbi FlexibilityShanghai 21.06.2011 GC Roundtable: To Cut or Be Cut? Avoiding the Impending Power Cost by Identifying Energy Savings in Your Production CycleBeijing 27.06.2011 Info for our SME Members: Meet the EU SME CentreShanghai 27.06.2011 Workshop Automotive: The Evolution of New Energy Vehicles in China From a Local PerspectiveShanghai 28.06.2011 Mixed Chamber Breakfast: New Trend in the Chinese Nuclear MarketChangchun,Shenyang &Dalian28.-30.06.2011Major HR Update 2011Shanghai 05.07.2011 Wirtschaftsjunioren Shanghai Business Breakfast: Financial Tools to Reduce Exporters Risk Exposure in International TradingBeijing 06.07.2011 Engineering & Manufacturing CommitteeShanghai 07.07.2011Special Event: The Compulsory Social Insurance for Foreigners in China - The PRCs New National Insurance Act and ItsConsequencesGuangzhou 13.07.2011 HR Roundtable: Social Insurance and Its Impact on Human Resources ManagementShanghai 20.07.2011 Workshop Energy Saving: The Provinces' Energy HungerBeijing 21.07.2011 SME Forum: IT SecurityBeijing 26.07.2011 Breakfast Seminar: Tax UpdateSuzhou 26.07.2011Suzhou Workshop: Tax, Finance & Law - The Compulsory Social Insurance for Foreigners in China - The PRCs New NationalInsurance Act and Its Consequences28 IAnnual Report 2011

eventsSpeakerMr. Chun Jie, Senior China HR Executive, The JLJ GroupMr. Kurt Fasser, General Manager, ConMotoMr. Werner John, Dipl. Kfm., General Manager, E.I.C. Expatriates Insurance Consulting GmbHMr. Richard Hoffmann, Manager, Dezan Shira & Associates, BeijingMr. Axel Kaspereit, General Manager, Link Orthopaedics (China)Mr. Michael Tschöpel, Senior Manager LOGISTICS, Turck (Tianjin) Technology Co., Ltd.Mr. Thomas Vogel, Associate Professor and Director of the Master Program Global MarketingCommunication & Advertising of the Department of Marketing Communication, Emerson College inBostonMr. Alan S. Beebe, Managing Director, China Greentech InitiativeDr. Konstantin Schamber, Managing Director, Center for Strategic Intercultural CommunicationMs. Ana Ramos, Managing Director and the Industrial & Engineering Practice Leader, AIMS International’sOfficeMr. Marcus Wassmuth, Director, Representative Office Landesbank Baden-Wuertemberg in ShanghaiMr. Andreas Odrian, Director Corporate Banking, Deutsche Bank, ShanghaiMr. Peter Corne, Chair of the Energy Working Group, EUCCC; Managing Partner, Dorsey & Whitney LLpDr. Martin Wilderer, Vice-Chair of the Energy Working Group, EUCCC; Managing Director, MAN Diesel &Turbo China ProductionMr. Jean-Pierre Archangeli, Director for Water/Wastewater Management, Suez Environment Water;General Manager, SCIP-SinofrenchMr. Udo von Klot-Heydenfeldt, Chief Representative, ViessmanMr. David Lavorel, Director, SME CentreDr. Zhenxing Fu, Director Powertrain Systems, SAIC MotorsMr. Arnaud Lefevre-Baril, CEO, Dynabond Powertech Service Co. Ltd.Mr. Michael Maeder, Practice Leader Automotive & Industrial, DirectHRMr. Adam Livermore, Regional Manager for Northeast China, Dezan Shira & AssociatesMs. Helen Kong, Senior Associate, Dezan Shira & AssociatesMr. James Niu, Director, Octet ChinaMr. Du Bin, Executive President, Leica Geosystems, Greater China RegionMr. Nils Seibert, Legal Counsel, Boss & Young Attorneys-at-LawMr. Huang Jiayun, Govenor of Labor Relations and Arbitrations, Deputy Office Director of Labor DisputeArbitration Commission of GuangzhouMr. Cao Wei Xing, Vice Governor, Jiangsu Provincial GovernmentMr. Bei Xian Sheng, Deputy Director, State Grid CooperationMs. Magali Menant, Head of Department, econet chinaMs. Viola Luo, Representative, SiemensMr. Hans Christian Holen, General Manager, BecoTekMr. Franz Lang, General Manager, VE EngineersMr. Mark Rushton, Business Manager for the Information Security China Desk, EUCCCMs. Tracy Zhang, Leader of the Financial Service Tax Team, KPMG BeijingMs. Susanne Rademacher, Partner and Chief Representative, BEITEN BURKHARDT BeijingMr. Nils Siebert, Legal Counsel, Boss & Young Attorneys-at-LawAnnual Report 2011 I29

BUSIneSSLocation Event Date Event TitleBeijing 27.07.2011 Workshop: Update for Foreigners Concerning the New National Insurance ActBeijing 28.07.2011 8 th Sino-German Communication Forum: Websites in China and Germany: What Makes Users Stay?Tianjin 29.07.2011 Customs Workshop: Case Sharing: Challenge and Resolution of Customs & Trade IssuesChengdu 03.08.2011 General Manager Roundtable: Customs ClearanceBeijing 09.08.2011 Breakfast Seminar: Public Procurement in ChinaShenzhen 10.08.2011 Member for Member Seminar: Alternating Temperature ControlTianjin 12.08.2011 "German Corner" Special with Goethe SLZ: Company Visit to Würth (Tianjin) International Trade Co., Ltd.Shanghai 18.08.2011 Special Seminar: Insurance Coverage for Expats in ChinaShanghai 22.08.2011 Workshop Controlling & Finance: Controlling "Sweet and Sour" – If and How German Style Controlling Can Work in ChinaShanghai 25.08.2011 German Chamber Exhibition FairTaicang 30.08.2011Taicang Workshop: Tax, Finance & Law: The Compulsory Social Insurance for Foreigners in China - The PRCs New NationalInsurance Act and Its ConsequencesShanghai 31.08.2011 Megacities Conference: Urban Strategies Against Climate change: Eco-City, Low Carbon City or Green City?Shanghai 01.09.2011 Workshop Automotive: The Impact of Powertrain Electrification on the Automotive IndustrySuzhou 06.09.2011 Suzhou Chamber Meeting: The Internationalisation of the RenminbiShenyang 07.09.2011 Major HR Update in Shenyang: Managing Human Resources in Times of Rapid GrowthBeijing 07.09.2011 German Chamber Breakfast: Will Germany Continue to Outperform the Global Economy?Shanghai 08.09.2011 Breakfast Seminar Controlling & Finance: Will Germany Continue to Outperform the Global Economy?Hong Kong 09.09.2011 Joint Chamber Luncheon and Panel Discussion: Will Germany Continue to Out-Perform the Global EconomyChangchun 09.09.2011 Major HR Update in Changchun: Managing Human Resources in Times of Rapid GrowthTianjin 09.09.2011 "German Corner" Special with Goethe SLZ: Company Visit to Commerzbank AG Tianjin BranchGuangzhou,Shenzhen &Zhuhai13.-15.09.2011European Business in China Position Paper LaunchBeijing 15.09.2011 SME Forum: China Taxes for ForeignersShanghai 15.09.2011 Workshop Controlling & Finance: Foreign Currency Cash PoolShenzhen 20.09.2011 Tighter EU Restrictions of the Use of Hazardous Substances and ChemicalsShanghai 21.09.2011 Workshop HR: The New Social Insurance Law in China: Update30 IAnnual Report 2011

eventsSpeakerMs. Susanne Rademacher, Partner and Chief Representative, BEITEN BURKHARDT BeijingMs. Rupali Steinmeyer, Managing Director, MetaDesign China Ltd.Ms. Liu Hui, Vice President Marketing and Solution Section, Beijing Topsec Network Security Technology Co. Ltd.Mr. Marc Finsterlin, Managing Director, Aquarius Asia LimitedModerator: Mr Udo HoffmannMr. Peter Zhang, Senior Manager, Worldtrade Management Services PwCMr. Zhan Fang, Director of Chengdu Customs District of PRCMr. Steve Yu, Partner, CMSMr. Gilbert Van Kerckhove, Chairman, Beijing Global Strategy Consulting Co., Ltd.Mr. Peter Simon, Process Engineer, TOOLAXMr. Christoph Ladurner, Vice President Würth China, Würth (China) Holding Co., Ltd.Mr. Wanli Zhong, Managing Director, Würth (Tianjin) International Trading Co., Ltd.Mr. Norman Dentel, Key Account Manager/InternationalAccounts China, Würth (Tianjin) International Trade Co., Ltd.Mr. Sven Janssen, Insurance Broker, Hofman Versicherungsvermitlung GmbHDr. Zhen Huang, Management Consultant and Trainer, Dr. Zhen Huang Corporate Performance AssociatesMr. Nils Seibert, Legal Counsel, Boss & Young Attorneys-at-LawMr. Han Aixing, Deputy Director General, Department of Building Energy Efficiency and Technology,Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the PRCMr. Xie Pengfei, Senior Researcher, Chinese Society of Urban StudiesMr. Zhu Dajian, Director, Institute of Governance for Sustainable Development, Tongji UniversityDr. Bernd Bohr, Member Board of Management, Robert Bosch GmbHMr. Andreas Odrian, Director, Deutsche BankMr. Michael Maeder, Practice Leader Automotive & Industrial, DirectHRMr. Adam Livermore, Regional Manager for Northeast China, Dezan Shira & AssociatesDr. Jörg Krämer, Chief Economist and Divisional Board Member for Research, Commerzbank AGDr. Jörg Krämer, Chief Economist and Divisional Board Member for Research, Commerzbank AGDr. Jörg Krämer, Chief Economist and Divisional Board Member for Research, Commerzbank AGMr. Michael Maeder, Practice Leader Automotive & Industrial, DirectHRMr. Adam Livermore, Regional Manager for Northeast China, Dezan Shira & AssociatesMr. Martin Miller, General Manager, Commerzbank AG Filiale TianjinMr. David Cucino, President of the EUCCC in ChinaMr. Timothy Lamb, Director, JLJ GroupMr. Michael Wu, Deutsche Bank, Head of Trade Finance and Cash Management Central and ChinaMr. Lewis Sun, HSBCHead of Sales, Global Payments & Cash ManagementMs. Carol Cai, Project Manager, TÜV Rheinland Group (Greater China)Dr. Iris Duchetsmann, Attorney-at-Law (Germany) & Head of Labour Law Practice China, Salans LLPShanghai Representative OfficeMr. Ralph Koppitz, Partner, Taylor Wessing Shanghai Representative OfficeAnnual Report 2011 I31

BUSIneSSLocation Event Date Event TitleSuzhou 21.09.2011 Suzhou Tax, Finance & Law Workshop: Controlling "Sweet and Sour" – If and How German Style Controlling Can Work in ChinaGuangzhou 22.09.2011 Tighter EU Restrictions of the Use of Hazardous Substances and ChemicalsShenzhen 26.09.2011 Foreign Manufacturer's Assocaiation: Analyzing the Costs in Your Business and Doing Something about ThemShenzhen,Guangzhou &Zhuhai27.-28.09.2011HR Roundtable: Presentation of the GCC 4 th Annual Salary and HR Survey ResultsBeijing 28.09.2011 Seminar: Major HR Update: Managing Human Resources in Times of Rapid GrowthBeijing 11.10.2011 Legal Roundtable with the Committee on Legal Affairs of the German BundestagBeijing 12.10.2011 HR Roundtable: Presentation of the GCC 4 th Annual Salary and HR Survey ResultsTianjin 13.10.2011 Workshop Legal & Tax: The New Social Insurance Law in China - UPDATEBeijing 18.10.2011 Special Seminar: Insurance Coverage for Expats in ChinaShanghai 18.10.2011 Informative Event: How to Apply For Business Visas?Chengdu18.-20.10.20112 nd Sino-German Machinery ConferenceShanghai 18.10.2011 GC Roundtable: Trends and Challenges in the Industry and Academy: Cooperation Potential for the CDHK PlatformBeijing 19.10.2011 German Chamber Breakfast Talk: The Economic Trends of the FutureShenyan &Dalian19.-20.10.2011Legal and Tax Update in Shenyang: Including an Update on the New Social Insurance LawShenzhen 20.10.2011 Employing Expatriates in China: Recent Changes and New ChallengesTianjin 20.10.2011 After Work Seminar: Useful and Correct Insurance in ChinaShanghai 24.10.2011 Wirtschaftsjunior Shanghai: Leadership Development - Managerial Effectiveness in ChinaBeijing 25.10.2011 Special Seminar: Versicherungsschutz für Expats in ChinaChongqing 26.10.2011 Finance Seminar: Shifts in Loan Policies for Enterprises in ChinaGuangzhou 27.10.2011 Lessons from the Hidden Champions of the 21 st CenturyShanghai 31.10.2011 Workshop Marketing & Sales: Key Account ManagementTianjin 02.11.2011 Company Visit to TEDA: Tour of the Instant Noodle Impression Museum32 IAnnual Report 2011

eventsSpeakerDr. Zhen Huang, Management Consultant and Trainer, Dr. Zhen Huang Corporate Performance AssociatesMs. Carol Cai, Project Manager, TÜV Rheinland Group (Greater China)Mr. Donald Gadsden, Advisory Director, PwC Hong KongMr. Malcolm Staff, Managing Director, Halifax Fan Group Ltd.Mr. Christian Gassner, Managing Director, Limoss ShenzhenMr. Max Zenglein, Regional Manager & Economic Analyst, GCC • South and Southwest ChinaMr. Michael Maeder, Practice Leader Automotive & Industrial, DirectHRMr. Adam Livermore, Regional Manager for Northeast China, Dezan Shira & AssociatesMr. Donald Koblitz, General Counsel, Volkswagen (China) Investment Company Ltd.Dr. Frank Grußendorf, Head of Legal CommitteeMr. Max Zenglein, Regional Manager & Economic Analyst, GCC • South and Southwest ChinaDr. Iris Duchetsmann, Attorney-at-Law, Salans LLP Shanghai Representative OfficeMr. Ralph Koppitz, Partner, Taylor Wessing Shanghai Representative OfficeMr. Moritz Heidbüchel, Lawyer, BEITEN BURKHARDT, BeijingMr. Werner John, Dipl. Kfm., General Manager, E.I.C. Expatriates Insurance Consulting GmbHMr. Sven Janssen, General Manager, Hofmann Versicherungsvermittlungs GmbHMs. Birgit Densch, Head of Legal and Consular Section, Consulate General in ShanghaiMs. Britta Höfer, Head of Visa Section, Consulate General in ShanghaiMr. Sven Drögemüller, Visa Officer, Consulate General in ShanghaiMr. Christian Kirst, Visa Office, Consulate General in ShanghaiMr. Liu Jie, Vice Governor of Sichuan Provincial GovernmentMr. Cai Jin, Vice Secretary-General of Sichuan Provincial GovernmentDr. Hans-Joachim Esch, Chief Representative Research & Technology, Kolbenschmidt Pierburg AGDr. Zhang Yilin, Automotive President, Schaeffler Group Greater ChinaMr. Kurt Fasser, Senior Advisor, <strong>AHK</strong>; General Manager, ConMotoProf. Dr. Lin Song, Chair for Development and Reliability, Heielberger Druckmaschinen AGProf. Yu Zhuoping, Daimler-Chair of Driving Dynamics and Diagnostics, Tongji UniversityProf. Dr. Zhang Weimin, Char of Production SystemsProf. Hermann Simon, Chairman of Simon-Kucher & PartnersMs. Susanne Rademacher, Partner and Chief Representative, BEITEN BURKHARDT BeijingMs. Lea Gebhardt, Tax Manager, European Tax Desk, PwC China and Vice-Chairman, Finance & TaxationWorking Group, EUCCC, BeijingMr. Benoit Stos, Managing Partner, MazarsMr. Vivian Desmonts, Attorney at law, DS AvocatsMr. Moritz Heidbüchel, Lawyer, BEITEN BURKHARDT, BeijingMr. Werner John, Dipl. Kfm., General Manager, E.I.C. Expatriates Insurance Consulting GmbHDr. Simon Sagweister, Maek ManagementMr. Moritz Heidbüchel, Lawyer, BEITEN BURKHARDT, BeijingMr. Werner John, Dipl. Kfm., General Manager, E.I.C. Expatriates Insurance Consulting GmbHMr. Sven Janssen, General Manager, Hofmann Versicherungsvermittlungs GmbHMr. Jason Gao, General Manager of Deutsche Bank (China) Co. Ltd. Chongqing BranchProf. Hermann Simon, Founder and Chairman, Simon-Kucher & PartnersMr. Guy Fraser, MDS Associate Director, Miller HeimanMr. Tao Wang, Deputy Managing Director, Tianjin TEDA Veolia Water Co., Ltd.Annual Report 2011 I33

BUSIneSSLocation Event Date Event TitleShanghai 04.11.2011 Wirtschaftsjunioren Shanghai: Leadership Development - How Successful People Become Even More SuccessfulShanghai 08.11.2011 Special Breakfast: European Business in China - Position Paper 2011-2012Beijing 08.11.2011 Young Professional Roundtable - Cultural Challenges in ChinaShanghai 08.11.2011 Workshop HR & GC Roundtable - Compensation TrendsTianjin 09.11.2011 "German Corner" Special - Starting Into the Professional FutureSuzhou 10.11.2011 Suzhou Workshop HR, German Chamber & DUSA - Survey on Recruiting and RetentionQingdao 10.11.2011 Legal and Tax Update in Qingdao: Including an Update on the New Social Insurance LawShanghai 11.11.2011 Breakfast Meeting with Fraunhofer President Prof. Bullinger: Innovation and the City of the FutureBeijing 15.11.2011 Seminar: Compliance Management in ChinaShanghai 15.11.2011 Workshop Legal & Tax: Trial VAT Reform in ShanghaiBeijing 16.11.2011 Seminar: VAT and Indirect Tax ReformTianjin 16.11.2011 A Manufacturing System for the Future -Implementation of Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES)Shenzhen 17.11.2011 Member for Member Seminar: Experience in German-Chinese Project TeamsShanghai 18.11.2011 Green Manufacturing China 2011: The Summit for Technology, Solutions and Best PracticesZhuhai 21.11.2011 Employing Expatriates in China: Recent Changes and New ChallengesTaicang 22.11.2011 Taicang Workshop IPR for the Manufacturing IndustryBeijing 24.11.2011 Communication Forum: Social Media from a Corporate PerspectiveShenzhen 24.11.2011 Energy Management System Awareness Seminar: ISO 50001Shanghai 24.11.2011 Workshop Automotive: China - Vision 2020: Where to go?Beijing 25.11.2011 German Young Professionals: Company Visit to ViessmannBeijing 28.11.2011 Bringing Brands to Life in China34 IAnnual Report 2011

eventsSpeakerMs. Mary E. Rezek, Founder and Principal Consultant, SaatoriMr. Martin Krämer, CEO, Lanxess and Member of European Chamber Shanghai BoardDr. Detlef Grünke, Director of Studies, Europaeische Fernhochschule HamburgMr. Bryant Eggett, General Manager, Mercer ConsultingMr. Zhang Hong, Manager Human Resources, German Industry & Commerce BeijingMr. Christian Gröger, Client Relationship Manager, Fiducia Management ConsultantMs. Susanne Rademacher, Partner and Chief Representative, BEITEN BURKHARDT BeijingMs. Lea Gebhardt, Tax Manager, European Tax Desk, PwC China and Vice-Chairman, Finance & TaxationWorking Group, EUCCC, BeijingProf. Hans-Jörg Bullinger, President, Fraunhofer-GesellschaftMr. Philipp Senff, Lawyer, SJ Berwin LLP ShanghaiMr. Kent Kedl, Managing Director, Control RisksMr. Wu Qiong, Corporate Compliance Officer, Siemens Ltd. ChinaMr. Robert Li, Tax Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers ShanghaiMr. Ulrich Reuter, Tax Manager, PricewaterhouseCoopers ShanghaiMr. Alan Wu, National Indirect Tax Leader, National Sustainability and Climate Change Tax Leader and aChina Tax and Business Advisory Partner, PwC China, Hong Kong, Singapore and TaiwanMr. Senthuran Elalingam, Senior Manager, PricewaterhouseCoopersIndirect Taxes Team, BeijingMr. Tom Yung, Technical Expert, TUV Rheinland Training and Consulting, Greater ChinaMr. Ray T. Lin, Director of Quality Assurance and IT, New Wei SanMr. Volker Schwickert, Sales / Marketing Director, IBS AGMr. Andreas Hogg, Project Manager, Testo AG (Germany)Ms. Quan Yu, Project Manager, Testo Instruments (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.Mr. Axel Strittmatter, General Manager, Testo Instruments (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.Mr. Gerhard Schröder, Former German ChancellorMr. Saori Dubourg, BASF,Mr. Hu Zheng, EPEA Umweltforschung & Gesseke Tamsiran-Schoolkate,Mr. Carsten Aschoff, Aschoff Solar GmbH,Mr. Thomas Rohrbach, Staufen AG,Mr. Daniel Zhu, Tsing Capital,Mr. Luo Lifeng, Bosch Rexroth,Mr. Massimo Onofri, TurbecMr. Benoit Stos, Managing Partner, MazarsMr. Vivian Desmonts, Attorney at law, DS AvocatsMr. Fabio Giacopello, HFG Law Firm & IP AgencyDr. Frank Hartmann, Counselor, Head of Press Section, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany BeijingMr. Zheng Yannong, Executive Vice President, China International Public Relations Association (CIPRA)Mr. Björn Eichstädt, Managing Partner, Storymaker GermanyMr. Xing Hongyu, General Manager, Tencent Microblogging Business DepartmentMr. Christian Claussen, Director of Brand Management & Brand Marketing, Volkswagen (China)Investment Co., Ltd.Ms. Florence Fong, ISO 50001 Lead Auditor, Bureau Veritas Certification HK Ltd.Mr. Jörg Wuttke, BASF Chief Representative, ChinaMs. Wei Lucks, Head of Viessmann Akademie, and Dr. Dr. Andreas Tank, Marketing Director, ViessmannHeating Technology Beijing Co., Ltd.Mr. Stefanie Diers, Creative Lead and Member of the Management Board, & Ms. Jennifer Nicholls, SeniorBrand Consultant, MetaDesign BeijingAnnual Report 2011 I35

BUSIneSSLocation Event Date Event TitleShenzhen 29.11.2011 Cost Explosion: Is This the End of Cheap China?Shanghai 29.11.2011 Workshop Legal & Tax: IP Protection Practice in ChinaGuangzhou 29.11.2011 Sino German Green Building SymposiumBeijing 01.12.2011 Reputational Marketing Seminar: Influencing Consumer DecisionsBeijing 05.12.2011 Communication Skills Workshop for Effective Managers Using DISCShenzhen 07.12.2011 How to Deal with CIQ in Your Daily Import and Export OperationsTianjin 08.12.2011 2011 China Tax Executives Update: Start of China's 12 th Five Year Plan - Trend of Tax PoliciesDalian 09.12.2011 HR Forum in Dalian: "HR Outlook 2012"Beijing 13.12.2011 Interchamber Breakfast Seminar: Is China Heading Off the Rails?Beijing 13.12.2011 SME Forum: Corporate Social Responsibilty - Best practices in ChinaShanghai 14.12.2011 Workshop Controlling & Finance: Shanghai Changes – The New Balance Sheet Law36 IAnnual Report 2011

eventsSpeakerMr. Juergen Kracht, Managing Director, FiducaMr. Michael Hartl, Managing Director, Shenzhen Melitta Household Products Co. Ltd.Mr. John Lee, Senior Vice President, Pinkerton Consulting ServicesMs. Diana Peng, Director of Operations Shanghai, Pinkerton Consulting ServicesMr. Stefan Gallon, Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany in GuangzhouMr. Li Tairan, Vice Director of Construction Commission Guangdong ProvinceMr. Jens Hildebrandt, General Manager GIC Greater China, GuangzhouMr. Oliver Regner, Chief Representative, Delegation of German Industry & Commerce, GuangzhouMr. Liao Yun Fei, Head of Engineering Department, Guangzhou Pearl River Tower Co. LtdMr. Huang Xiang, Representative of I.DEA Holding GroupMr. James B. Heimowitz, President & CEO, Asia Hill and KnowltonMr. Chris Tang, Managing Director, Hoffman AgencyMr. Tom Van Dillen, Managing Director, GreenkernMr. Zaheer Nooruddin, Lead Digital Strategist China, Burson MarstellerMs. Birgitta Söderström, Senior HR Consultant, Thomas International BeijingMr. John A. Benito de Valle, Business Development Manager, Hercules Logistics Co., Ltd.Mr. Steve Wang, General Manager, Shenzhen Misda Logistics Co., Ltd.Mr. Kelvin Lee, Director, Tianjin Office, China Tax & Business Advisory Services PwCMs. Angie He, Manager, Tianjin Office, China Tax & Business Advisory Services PwCMr. Winnie Di, Partner, Beijing Office, Transfer Pricing Services PwCMr. Frank Liu, Manager, Tianjin Office, Transfer Pricing Services PwCMr. Peter Zhang, Senior Manager, Worldtrade Management Services PwCMr. Kitty Zhang, Senior Manager, International Assignment Services PwCDr. Juliane Bielinski, Executive Chamber Manager, German Chamber of Commerce BeijingMr. Michael Maeder, Practice Leader Automotive & Industrial, DirectHRMr. Adam Livermore, Regional Manager for Northeast China, Dezan Shira & AssociatesMs. Bonita Li, Consultant, AccentureDr. Manfred Nagel, General Manager, TAGALMr. Bas Overtoom, Chief Representative, NBSO DalianMr. Arthur R. Kröber, Managing Director, GaveKal Research and Chairman, GK DragonomicsMr. Gal Furer, Co-Founder, Vice Chairman and Legal Adviser, Israeli Chamber of Commerce in ChinaMs. Anthea Wang, Vice President of Media Communications & Public Relations, Daimler Northeast Asiaand Mercedes-Benz (China) Ltd., BeingMr. Jens-Peter Otto, Partner, PwC AssuranceAnnual Report 2011 I37

SoCIAlLocation Event Date Event TitleShanghai 13.01.2011 Wirtschaftsjunioren Shanghai - Monthly Get TogetherShenzhen 16.01.2011 Cultural EveningZhongshan 19.01.2011 New Years' ReceptionShanghai 17.02.2011 Wirtschaftsjunioren Cultural EventShenzhen 20.02.2011 KulturabendShenzhen 13.03.2011 Cultural EveningTianjin 19.03.2011 Tianjin Concession TourShanghai 08.04.2011 German Club Explores Shanghai's ArchitectureShanghai 15-16.04.2011 Chinese Talent DaysShanghai 25.04.2011 Happy HourBeijing 14.05.2011 Social Event "Business meets Art"Chengdu 20.05.2011 European Day PartyTianjin 28.05.2011 German Night in TianjinBeijing 01.06.2011 Young Professional Sunset-After-WorkShanghai 08.06.2011 6 th Shanghai IT DayShanghai 18.06.2011 Summer CelebrationBeijing 30.06.2011 Young Professional After-WorkKunshan 18-28.08.2011 Kunshan International Beer FestivalTianjin 03.09.2011One night in...Tianjin! Family Barbeque & Haihe NightCruiseChengdu 07.09.2011 OktoberfestShanghai 17.09.2011 Welcome Back PartyShanghai 19.09.2011 Art @ Work: The Workspace of the 21st CenturyGuangzhou 23.09.2011 7 th Oktoberfest GuangzhouTianjin 24.09.2011 2 nd German Chamber Oktoberfest - TianjinShanghai 27.09.2011 Joint-Chamber HR Mixer 2011Beijing 27.09.2011 Young Professional After-WorkTianjin 27.09.2011 Young Professionals NetworkingBeijing 10.10.2011 German Chamber OktoberfestBeijing 12.10.2011 German Ball 2011 - Dance ClassesHong Kong 02.11.2011 Booming China: How Long Does the Boom Last38 IAnnual Report 2011

evenTSLocation Event Date Event TitleShenzhen 04.11.2011 6 th Oktoberfest ShenzhenGuangzhou 08.11.2011 Women in Business: Farewell Dinner with Renate TietjenShanghai 17.11.2011 Exclusive Dinner with Gerhard Schröder Opening GreenManufacturing 2011 ConferenceShanghai 19.11.2011 14 th German Ball: Carnevale di VeneziaBeijing 28.11.2011 Meet our Board Member - Dr. Roland SavoyShenzhen 03.12.2011 German Evening and Nicolaus DinnerZhongshan 06.12.2011 Santa Claus DinnerGuangzhou 08.12.2011 Inter-Chamber Christmas PartyBeijing 08.12.2011 Charity Christmas Get TogetherTianjin 17.12.2011 German Chamber Christmas Dinner 2011reGular SoCIal eventSGCC StammtischeKammerstammtisch, BeijingKammerstammtisch, TianjinPraktikantenstammtisch, Beijing"Deutsches Eck", TianjinDeutscher Stammtisch, ShanghaiPraktikantenstammtisch, ShanghaiStammtisch, ShenzhenGerman Happy Hour, GuangzhouYoung Professionals Stammtisch, GuangzhouGuanxi - Connecting Shenzhen's Young ProfessionalsEvery third MondayEvery last WednesdayEvery second TuesdayEvery second WednesdayEvery second Tuesday of the monthEvery third Wednesday of the monthEvery first and third ThursdayEvery last TuesdayEvery second ThursdayEvery last ThursdayInter-Chamber NetworkingsInter-Chamber Networkings BeijingInter-Chamber Networkings ShanghaiInter-Chamber Networkings South and Southwest China12 times last year4 times last year11 times last yearAnnual Report 2011 I39

“Ahoj and welcomeon board!”the German ball beijing 2011Our cruise ship was casting off to a night full of leisure, joy and adventure. Our guestscould throw their sorrows over board and ascend the stairs to the luxurious vesselanchoring in the Kempinski Hotel Beijing Harbor. Warmly welcomed by flower-wavingAloah-Girls and our stewards from the Volkswagen Crew, they were about to have ajourney they will never forget.Once the ropes were cut off and the ship was drifting away from the dock, our CaptainsMr. Walker and Ms. Voss held their captain’s speech. The passengers - all first class ofcourse - started the ball with the opening waltz just before the dinner with the mostexotic and delicious dishes from all over the seven seas were served.Floating in the waves of the wide ocean and listening to the sound of the seaaccompanied by the orchestra, numerous dancing couples populated the dance floor.While the passengers enjoyed the exclusive dinner, the German comedian JoachimZawischa offered splendid entertainment with plenty of laughs for crew and guests.Passing the latitude between the main course and the dessert buffet, from theobservation deck there already were several bars with the best in alcoholic drinks,including exclusive German wine and original German beer, in sight. When our cruiserchanged the course towards the Midnight-Buffet, we shipped into some more casualwaters to enjoy and dance to the music of three great bands. While Princess Cut sailedfrom Germany to Beijing to entertain the guests with classic pop and dance music, thetwo Beijing based bands Jackson Twinz and Beijing Beatles had a shorter journey to ourcruise. The three bands played all night long and the dance floor was crowded until theearly morning. For those taking a short break from dancing, the bars on the observationdeck offered fountains of chocolate, mountains of ice cream and a paradise made ofsweets, candy and the most coveted snacks and beverages.When all the snack plates were empty and, some of the passengers still had quite a journey lying ahead, we reached the pier at theKempinski Hotel in Beijing again in the early morning hours.We hope all of our passengers had a pleasant journey and an unforgettable time on board. The German Chamber Beijing is lookingforward to welcome you again on the German Ball 2012.Handover Receptionon June 2 nd 2011Dr. Martin Wansleben CEO of the Association of German Chambers of Industry andCommerce (DIHK) and Mr. Ulrich Walker Chairman of the board of the German Chamberof Commerce in Beijing invited all members and friends of the German Chamber to adinner reception to welcome the new delegate Ms. Alexandra Voss in Beijing and tobid farewell to the former delegate Ms. Jutta Ludwig. The event took place in festiveatmosphere at Yishu 8 ( 艺 术 8) art gallery. 150 guests from politics and economy wereinvited to celebrate together the handover and to have an enjoyable evening withdelicious, varied dinner buffet and life music.40 I Annual Report 2011

Diamond SponsorsPlatinum SponsorswistowineWINES & MOREVoices from Beijing"""eine klasse ballnacht mit super atmosphäre undgrandiosem musikprogramm. mein bisher besterDeutscher ball in Peking!Benno von Canstein | Chief RepresentativeAllianz SEeine großartige mischung aus deutscher ballkultur, gutemessen und stundenlangem tanzen in allerbester Stimmung!Ariane Reimers | ARD-CorrespondentDer Deutsche ball war auch in diesem Jahr ein Höhepunktdes gesellschaftlichen lebens der deutschen Community inPeking. Ich danke der Deutschen Handelskammer für einenunvergesslichen abend!Dr. Michael Schaefer | German Ambassador in China"""Gold SponsorsSilver SponsorsAnnual Report 2011 I41

Celebrating at theCarnevale di VeneziaFor the fourteenth consecutive year, the German Ball dazzled and entertained its wayinto the fond memories of all who attended. Beginning at 6:30pm, the first of thenight’s 1,200 guests arrived as the entrance tunnel was illuminated by the bright flashesof photographers trying to capture the mystery in every mask, the splendour of everydress and the excitement behind every smile. Once inside, the venue’s Venetian themewas apparent in the masks, candles and décor reminiscent of an elegant celebration fromthe glory days of the Carnevale. Ball-goers began the evening with refreshing cocktailsand canapés in the foyer, where professional photographs were snapped to ensure thenight’s memories remain fresh. The eager anticipation of the crowd for the opening ofthe grand staircase left an electric vibe in the air.Finally, the special moment arrived at half past seven, when guests were welcomedinto the elaborately decorated Grand Ballroom and Crystal Ballroom. Once seated, Mr.Jan Noether, the Managing Director of the German Chamber of Commerce in China• Shanghai, offered some introductory words on behalf of the event’s organiser andrequested the German Consul General, Dr. Wolfgang Röhr, and his wife, Dr. SilviaKettelhut, to open the dance floor with a waltz. In the Crystal Ballroom Mr. Titus vondem Bongart, Chairman of the Board of the German Chamber, gave a short openingspeech and invited the sponsors to start with the first dance. It didn’t take long beforethe dance floors of both ballrooms were packed with dancing couples enjoying therhythmic moves of classical ballroom dances. But this was just the beginning.Basked in the soft glow of the candlelit ballrooms, guests dined on the sumptuousbuffet’s Italian-flavoured indulgences. Whether they were enjoying the Ball’s culinarydelights, fine conversation with friends, family and colleagues, or the dynamism of thedance floor, guests were surfeited with entertainment. Rolf Becker & His Party Band setthe pace in the Grand Ballroom with dance-inspiring international hits. Sascha Klaar &Band then took the stage to capture the audience with passionate piano performances.In the Crystal Ballroom, a thrilled group of guests alternated between the funky andfresh beats of Princess Cut and the authentic Italian tunes of Nello and the Cats. Ifguests needed a break from all the excitement, they could head to the Champagne Baror Cigar Lounge for a more relaxed ambiance. But they always came back revitalized andready to make more memories at the German Ball 2011.When the clock struck midnight, a crowd of eager onlookers watched Mr. FelixHeimberg, the evening’s moderator, conduct the much-anticipated lucky draw on thegrand staircase. With top prizes such as a weekend stay at the Park Hyatt in Ningbochauffeured in a VW Passat, this tradition lived up to its reputation as a highlight of theBall. After a rejuvenating midnight buffet, the dancing and celebration continued untilsunrise. As for which of the many unforgettable moments guests would consider to bethe night’s highlight, it was as mysterious as the face behind a Venetian mask.42 I Annual Report 2011

Diamond SponsorPlatinum SponsorsGold Sponsors""""Voices from Shanghaimystery of artful masks, fantasy of dreamlike robes – the 14thGerman ball in Shanghai conjured up the spirit of venice, itsbreath of decadence in glory, its vision of palaces in ruins.once again, the night of all nights flirted with superlatives:music and dancers, show and audience, food and wine,charm and esprit. Shanghai and venice - everlasting play ofrise and fall, eternal dance of being and illusion.Dr. Sylvia Kettelhut | Expert for SinologyGerman Consulate General"this year the German ball was again the highlight of theGerman social calendar in Shanghai. We, as the DiamondSponsor of this event, are very proud to also present ournew Passat v6 in front of the Grand Hyatt Hotel. We thankespecially the German Chamber of Commerce for the fantasticorganization.Mr. Joern Hasenfuss | Deputy MDShanghai Volkswagen Automotive"the German ball is in a class of its own. the decoration, exquisitefoods and excellent entertainment surpassed all expectations.Ms. Ioana Kraft | General ManagerEurocham"We moved back from Shanghai to munich three years ago.During our time in Shanghai we always enjoyed attending theGerman ball, so we decided this year to fly in for this specialevent. and we had a marvelous evening at the 14 th German ballin Shanghai! an awesome time with our friends, a lot of dancingand having fun... for sure, we will be back in Shanghai for the15 th German ball in 2012!Dr. beate and mr. Christian moltallianz Germany"Silver SponsorsBeverage SponsorSound PartnersMedia PartnerAnnual Report 2011 I43

The OKTOBERFESTin South and Southwest ChinaGuangzhou | Shenzhen | Chengdu | ZhongshanAttracting more than 10,000 visitors and extensive media attention every year, theOKTOBERFEST already spans across four major cities in South and Southwest China. It hasdeveloped into the long-awaited event highlight in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu andZhongshan.In 2011 again we kept our promise and offered our guests an authentic Bavarian beer tentatmosphere, live music by our Munich band, freshly tapped German beer, delicious Bavarianfood and a great night of fun, games, competitions and lucky draw.Starting off the OKTOBERFEST season in South and Southwest China was Chengdu, wherewe held the first “German Evening” on 7 th September at the 8 th Kempinski Hotel Oktoberfest.With more than 100 participants of German companies in Southwest China and lots of positivefeedback, we are striving to further expand our OKTOBERFESTivities in Chengdu in 2012.Following suit was the 7 th Guangzhou Oktoberfest, held from 23 rd – 28 th September at theJinhan Exhibition Centre in cooperation with the China Hotel, A Marriott Hotel. The newGCC Executive Director Mr. Oliver Regner, who arrived in Guangzhou beginning of September,used the chance to officially introduce himself to the Sino-German business communityby opening the event series with a well rounded speech. He was joined on stage by theGerman Consul General Mr. Stefan Gallon and Mr. Holger Kunz, Managing Director of TÜVRheinland Greater China, who jointly tapped the first barrel German beer.Six evenings, including three public nights, of live music, dancing, games and a barrelof fun: The Guangzhou Oktoberfest offered exquisite entertainment, free flow of freshly44 I Annual Report 2011

tapped Hofbräu beer as well as a traditional Bavarian dinner buffet prepared by our Germanchef Manfred. The 2011 Guangzhou Oktoberfest attracted about 1,000 guests more thanthe year before and with an average of 700 participants per day, the festival can now claimto be the social event highlight of the year.This year’s Guangzhou Oktoberfest truly bridged cultures with guests from all over the worlddressed in “Dirnd’l and Lederhos’n” while dancing on beer benches to famous German andChinese songs performed by the Muenchner Musikanten. Once again the success and thehigh demand for tickets showed that German food, German beer and German entertainmentare just as famous and appreciated as German technologies, engineering and cars.Our special thanks goes to the main sponsors TÜV Rheinland Greater China who supportedthe Oktoberfest in Guangzhou and Shenzhen. We also would like to express our sincerethanks to Herrenknecht, Mercedes, Losberger, Lufthansa, Jade Cargo, Dachser and the GardenHotel for making the 7 th Guangzhou Oktoberfest a full success.Rounding off the OKTOBERFEST season, we held the 6 th Shenzhen Oktoberfest for a total ofeight nights from 4 th – 11 th November at the Crowne Plaza with a record number of morethan 6,500 guests. Mr. Stefan Rosenbohm, GCC • South and Southwest China Board Memberand Treasurer, officially opened the festival on behalf of the German business community.With two public nights being sold out almost immediately in 2011, we are planning toextend this very successful event to a total of ten days in 2012.The 2011 festival series was officially closed with the very successful Zhongshan Oktoberfestheld at the newly opened Crowne Plaza Zhongshan Wing On City Hotel from 16 th – 19 thNovember. On the opening night, Mr. Rüdiger W. Kümmerle, Board Member of GCC • Southand Southwest China, introduced the essence of an Oktoberfest to the fully booked tentand officially opened the event with the first round of beer. Thanks to the support of ourWestern PRD Liaison Mr. Peter Hourle and the experienced event and culinary team of thehost hotel, the Oktoberfest became a full success and the GCC • South and Southwest Chinais looking forward to bring this piece of German culture to Zhongshan again in 2012.Organizer:Sponsors:Annual Report 2011 I45

PReSSNo. Titel Medium Language Headline1 CCTV TV e Foreign relations between Germany and2 四 川 卫 视 News Tonight TV c 中 国 德 国 商 会 成 都 办 事 处 今 日 成 立3 成 都 商 报 Chengdu Business Daily Print, Online c 中 国 德 国 商 会 成 都 办 事 处 成 立 The4 Handelsblatt Print d Das Jahrzehnt der Exporteure5 Global Times Print e China needs a new class of business lea6 Die Welt Print, Online d Deutsche Lotsen im chinesischen Nebe78910和 讯 网 Hexun, 中 国 经 济 网 www.ce.cn,网 易 财 经 163 Finance国 际 商 报International Business Daily国 际 商 报 International Business Daily,现 代 物 流 报 Modern Logistics News中 国 经 济 网 China Economic Net,和 讯 网 HexunOnline c 碳 交 易 与 建 筑 行 业 绿 色 研 究 项 目 已 尘Print, Online c 中 德 合 作 既 有 建 筑 节 能 改 造 项 目 完 成Print c 物 流 业 : 实 现 绿 色 与 创 造 利 润 并 不 对Online c 世 界 知 名 企 业 代 表 谈 成 功 经 验 : 中 国11 北 京 商 报 Beijing Business Today Print c 在 华 欧 企 欲 加 大 本 土 化 力 度 Europea12 Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) Print d In China wird der Strom knapp13经 济 参 考 报 Economic Information Daily,国 际 商 报 International Business DailyPrint, Online c 德 国 盛 邀 中 资 企 业 赴 东 部 投 资 East14 Die Welt Print, Online d Eine Öko-Stadt für China15 和 讯 网 Hexun Online c 德 国 企 业 对 中 国 监 管 环 境 的 关 注 与 日16 Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) Print, Online d China nimmt Autozulieferer in die Zang17 中 国 工 商 时 报 China Business Times Print, Online c 德 国 工 商 大 会 北 京 首 席 代 表 履 新 AH18国 际 商 报 International Business Daily,中 国 对 外 贸 易 杂 志 China's Foreign TradePrint e, c 中 国 市 场 对 德 企 重 要 性 日 益 显 著 Ch19 运 输 经 理 世 界 Transport Business China Print, Online c 德 国 物 流 协 会 在 京 举 办 “ 物 流 日 ”20 ARD Hörfunk Hörfunk d Kommentar anlässlich Freilassung von21 Bild Print, Online d Macht & Milliarden – China zu Gast be22 Deutschlandradio Radio d Interview mit Frau Voss23 Sun & Wind Energy Magazine Print e Taiwan Gears Up for Export24 CCPIT-Tianjin Online e CCPIT-Tianjin Chairman Zhao Xueming25 中 国 工 业 报 China Industry News Print, Online c 德 国 在 华 企 业 数 目 超 5000 家 The Nu26 中 国 车 商 China Auto Dealers Print, Online c 推 动 中 欧 经 济 合 作 的 最 佳 商 会 : 德 国27DCW, ihk-suhl.de, Jenapolis, Regioweb, AGEV.de, Dtoday.de, Nrwinternational.de,bme.de, hannover.ihk.de, Leipzig.ihk.de, Osnabrueck.ihk24.de, CountryDesk, Asean Today, RheinlandOnline d Gefälschte Zahlungsanforderungen aus28 Handelsblatt Print d Im Reich der Fälscher29中 国 经 济 网 www.ce.cn, 和 讯 网 Hexun,中 国 绿 色 经 济 网 cgecon.comOnline c 中 欧 环 保 项 目 助 中 国 中 小 企 业 实 现 可30 中 国 工 业 报 China Industry News Print, Online c 中 欧 环 保 项 目 助 力 中 小 电 气 企 业 发 展31 Süddeutsche Zeitung Print, Online c Bye bye workbench46 IAnnual Report 2011

eviewDateChinaThe Chengdu Office of German Chamber is set up todayChengdu Office of German Chamber was EstablishedderslJan-2011Feb-2011Feb-2011Mar-2011Mar-2011Mar-2011埃 落 定 Carbon trading and green building research project finally concluded Mar & Apr 2011Accomplishment of Sino-German Cooperation in Energy-saving in Building SectorApr-2011立 Logistics Industry: No conflict between Green Realisation and Profit MakingApr-2011需 新 商 业 领 袖 Famous International Companies Sharing Successful Experience: China Needs New Business Leadersn Companies Promots Locolization in Chinaern Germany Welcomes Chinese InvestorsMay-2011May-2011May-2011May-2011May-2011俱 增 EU Business Confidence Survey 2011 in perspective of German business in ChinaeK China has a new chief representativeinese market becomes increasing important for German companiesBVL hosts Green Logistics Day in BeijingAi Weiweii Merkelmeets with Chief Representative of German Chamber of Commerce in Chinamber of German Companies in China has been over 5000工 商 总 会 (DIHK) One of the Best Chambers to Promote Sino-European Economic Cooperation: DIHKChinaMay-2011Jun-2011Jun-2011Jun-2011Jun-2011Jun-2011Jun-2011Jun-2011Jun-2011Jul-2011Jul-2011Aug-2011Jul, Aug & Sep2011Aug-2011持 续 发 展 Sino-EU Environment Project helps Chinese SMEs to realize sustainable developmentSino-EU Environment Project supports SMEs in electric sectorAug-2011Aug-2011Aug-2011Annual Report 2011 I47

PReSSNo. Titel Medium Language Headline32/33和 讯 网 Hexun, 欧 中 经 贸 观 察 europe1china.com, 搜 狐 财 经 Business,国 际 商 报 International Business Daily, 中 国 经 济 网 www.ce.cn34 欧 中 经 贸 观 察 europe1china.com Online cOnline c 《 中 德 合 资 企 业 合 同 示 范 条 款 》 首 次欧 盟 项 目 SWITCH-Asia 提 高 中 国 电 子 电National support from EU-project for e35 经 济 观 察 网 eeo.com.cn Online c 中 国 成 为 德 国 电 子 电 气 设 备 最 大 购 买36 经 济 参 考 网 jjckb.cn Online c SWITCH-Asia 助 力 我 国 电 子 电 气 中 小 企37 中 国 绿 色 经 济 网 cgecon.com Online c38中 国 经 济 参 考 报 China Economic Information Daily,新 京 报 Beijing News, 中 国 工 业 报 China Industry NewsPrint, Onlinec提 高 中 国 电 子 电 气 领 域 中 小 企 业 环 境National launch about promoting envir我 国 明 年 或 成 德 国 第 二 大 销 售 市 场China is expected to become the secon39 technikundeinkauf.de Online d Joint-Venture-Verträge 眉 Musterklauseln40 国 际 商 报 International Business Daily Print, Online c41 Financial Times Deutschland Print d Der Stadtplan42 中 国 质 量 报 China Quality Daily Print, Online d43国 际 商 报 International Business Daily,欧 中 经 贸 观 察 europe1china.com, 中 国 塑 料 橡 胶 CPRJ44 和 讯 网 Hexun Online c45 新 华 网 Xinhua Net Online c到 发 达 国 家 掘 金 去 !Panning for gold in developed countrie欧 盟 资 助 项 目 让 中 国 制 造 更 环 保EU Funded Project Makes China Made PPrint, Online c, e China to become Germany's largest sal住 建 部 张 小 玲 : 北 方 居 住 建 筑 正 局 部Zhang Xiaoling from BOHURD: Part of第 二 届 德 国 啤 酒 节 狂 欢 活 动 展 现 巴 伐The second German Beerfest shows the46 中 国 工 业 报 China Industry News Print, Online c 欧 盟 助 电 子 电 气 中 小 企 业 提 升 生 态 效47中 欧 经 贸 杂 志 europe1china.com, 中 国 绿 色 经 济 网 cgecon.com,中 国 质 量 报 China Quality DailyOnline48 东 方 早 报 Eastern Morning Paper Print, Online c49 21 世 纪 经 济 报 道 21st Century Business Herald Print, Online c5051欧 中 经 贸 观 察 europe1china.com, 和 讯 网 Hexun,上 海 新 闻 网 Shanghai News.com, 天 天 新 报 Daily News,中 国 日 报 网 站 chinadaily.com.cn, 中 国 商 务 部 网 站 MOFCOM,凤 凰 网 Phoenix, 京 华 时 报 Beijing Times,汽 车 007 周 报 Auto 007 Weekly, 中 国 经 济 时 报 China Economic Times,新 民 网 xinmin.cn, 移 居 上 海 杂 志 Emmigrate to Shanghai,上 海 金 融 报 Shanghai Financial News, 中 国 新 闻 网 China News Net,中 化 新 网 China chemical industry news online,国 际 商 报 International Business Daily, 中 购 联 泛 商 网 mallchina.net,光 明 日 报 Guangming Daily, China Daily21 世 纪 网 21st century net, 新 华 网 Xinhua Net,经 济 参 考 网 jjckb.cn, 中 国 绿 色 经 济 网 cgecon.comOnlineOnline52 国 际 商 报 International Business Daily Print, Online c5354Ad Hoc News, NQ-Online, Finanztreff.de, T-Online.de (Wirtschaft), news.de, Echo Südhessen, Antenne BayernStern, Fokus, Frankfurter neue Presse, Mittelbayrische Zeitung,Süddeutsche Zeitung, Südkurier, Nordsee-Zeitung,Landeszeitung Schaumburg-Lipp, Stuttgarter Zeitungcc,ec中 德 对 话 : 探 讨 2012 年 之 后 清 洁 发 展Sino-German Dialogue: Discussion for t" 超 大 城 市 “ 研 讨 会 在 沪 举 行Megacity seminar held in Shanghai建 筑 节 能 纳 入 能 源 消 费 总 量 控 制 碳Building Energy Efficiency is incorporta德 国 商 会 : 德 企 普 遍 计 划 在 华 增 加 投German Chamber: Majority of German近 九 成 德 资 企 业 看 好 中 国 未 来 五 年 发Around 90% German companies in Chi看 好 中 国 经 济 在 华 德 企 增 资 意 愿 强 烈German companies in China intend to rRadio, Online d In der Krise ist China für deutsche UntePrint, Online d China ist für deutsche Unternehmen ei48 IAnnual Report 2011

eviewDate颁 布 Sample clauses for Sino-German joint venture contracts ratified for the first time气 领 域 中 小 企 业 环 境 和 安 全 绩 效 成 果 发 布 会lectrical and electronics industry in order to improve environmental and safety performance国 China becomes the largest buyer of electrical and electronics products made by Germany业 SWITCH-Asia supports Chinese electrical and electronics companies和 安 全 绩 效 发 布 会 举 行onmental and safety performance of companies from the electrical and electronics industryd largest sales market of Germany next years!ratifiziertAug-2011Sep-2011Sep-2011Sep-2011Sep-2011Sep-2011Sep-2011Sep-2011Sep-2011roducts More Green than before.es market outside EU in 2012 明 年 中 国 或 成 德 国 除 欧 盟 外 最 大 销 售 市 场试 验 行 业 减 排Living Architectures in North China are in the trail of sectorial emission reduction利 亚 风 情glimpse of Bavaria益 EU Promotes Ecological Benefit for Electronic and Electric SMEs in China机 制 的 替 代 方 案he alternative plan of CDM after 2012Sep-2011Sep-2011Sep-2011Sep-2011Sep-2011Sep & Oct 2011Sep-2011交 易 试 点 待 启 动ted into the moves to control total energy consumption and the pilot carbon trading is ready to launchSep-2011资companies are planning increasing investment in ChinaSep, Oct & Dec2011展 并 追 加 投 资na see bright future of China's economy in the next five years and plan to increase investmentaise investment with strong confidence in China's economySep-2011Sep-2011rnehmen ein Lichtblick Sep & Oct 2011n LichtblickSep-2011Annual Report 2011 I49

PReSSNo. Titel Medium Language Headline55 China Observer Online d Green Manufacturing: Chinas Weg zur56 Die Zeit Print, Online d Konjunktur: Chinas Industriegeschäft fl57 Mittelstandsblog.de Online d AKH Weltkonjungturbericht - Chinas Ex57 Die Welt Online d Personalprobleme58 Shanghai Daily Print e City loses allure for Germans59 EastDay (English Service) Online e City loses allure for Germans60 Handelsblatt Print d Facharbeitermangel bremst deutsche F61 南 方 都 市 报 Southern Metropolis Daily Print, Online c 德 国 驻 华 大 使 : 解 决 欧 债 危 机 符 合 中62 Die Welt Print d Deutsche Firmen drängen nach China63 Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) Print d China erhöht Kosten für ausländische B64 VDI Nachrichten Online d China: Binnenmarkt lockt deutsche Firm65现 代 物 流 报 Modern Logistics News,国 际 商 报 International Business DailyPrint, Online c 中 国 德 国 航 空 业 圆 桌 会 在 京 举 行 Sin66 电 动 车 时 代 网 evtimes.cn Online c 2011 中 国 新 能 源 汽 车 促 进 推 广 周 在 京67 联 合 早 报 网 zaobao.com Online c 德 国 商 会 调 查 报 告 称 北 京 、 成 都 宜 设68 新 京 报 Beijing News Print, Online c 近 半 德 企 计 划 追 加 在 华 投 资 Nearly H69 财 新 网 Caixin Net, 一 财 网 Yicai Net Online c 在 华 德 企 薪 水 额 度 预 期 明 年 平 均 上 调70欧 中 经 贸 观 察 europe1china.com, 和 讯 网 Hexun.com,中 国 经 济 时 报 China Economic TimesOnlinec中 国 德 国 商 会 发 布 2012 年 度 薪 资 调 查German Chamber represents the results71 信 息 时 报 Information Times Print, Online c " 德 国 啤 酒 节 “ 亮 相 广 州 ”German Be72 成 都 商 报 Chengdu Business Daily Print, Online c 川 德 企 业 牵 手 7 项 目 签 单 30 亿 元 Sic73 中 华 建 筑 报 China Construction News Print, Online c 中 德 携 手 探 讨 更 天 然 的 绿 色 建 筑 Si74 第 一 车 网 iautos.cn Online c 2011 新 能 源 汽 车 展 开 启 汽 车 工 业 新75 建 筑 时 报 Construction Times Print, Online c 德 国 水 务 联 盟 在 京 举 行 水 资 源 研 讨 会76 中 国 对 外 贸 易 杂 志 China's Foreign Trade Print c 搭 乘 投 资 德 国 东 部 的 班 机 运 筹 帷 幄77 运 输 经 理 世 界 Transport Business China Print c 中 国 航 空 货 运 量 有 望 年 均 增 9% Chin78 WELT AM SONNTAG Online d Fehlendes Fachpersonal und steigende79 Welt Online Online d Die neuen Probleme mit Made in China8081中 国 对 外 贸 易 杂 志 ( 英 语 版 )China's Foreign Trade English Edition)汽 车 零 部 件 杂 志 Automobile Parts,中 国 工 业 报 China Industry NewsPrint e German Exports to China Surge RapidlyPrint, Online c 潜 力 巨 大 , 德 国 在 华 企 业 看 好 中 国 经82 Ministry of Commerce of P.R.China Online e German businesses to increase investm83 PADERBORN AM SONNTAG Online d Erfolgreich im Land des wirtschaftliche84 环 球 时 报 ( 英 语 版 ) Global Times Online e German companies to scout for Chines85 中 国 日 报 chinadaily Print, Online e Steppin' lively, having a ball86 WDR and DLF Radio d "Ich habe keinerlei Fachkenntnisse" De87 South China Morning Post Print e Go Shenyang Supplement88 China Daily Print, Online e German businesses to increase investm89 国 际 商 报 International Business Daily Print c 德 国 企 业 对 中 国 市 场 信 心 十 足 -WTO50 IAnnual Report 2011

eviewDatenachhaltigen Produktionacht abporte sollen 2012 um 9 Prozent wachsenirmen in China国 利 益 German Ambassdor in China: Eliminating Europe's sovereign-debt crisis meets China's interestsetriebeeno-German Aviation Roundtable held in BeijingSep-2011Sep-2011Sep-2011Oct-2011Oct-2011Oct-2011Oct-2011Oct-2011Oct-2011Oct-2011Oct-2011Oct-2011开 幕 2011 China International New Energy Vehicles Industry Promotion Week to be open in Beijing点 German Chamber Survey: Beijing and Chengdu are best to investmentalf of German Companis Plan to Raise Investment in ChinaOct-2011Oct-2011Oct-201110% German Companies in China Expect Average Wage Increases to reach 10% in 2012 Oct-2011报 告 结 果 在 华 德 企 仍 计 划 吸 纳 新 员 工of the Annual Wage Survey 2012, German Companies in China still plan to hire new staffer Festival" Appeared in Guangzhouhuan and German Companies Cooperate for Seven Projects Worth Three Billion RMBno-German Cooperation for Green Architecture纪 元 NEV China 2011: Making a New Era of Automobile IndustryWater Workshop hosted by GWP in Beijing取 胜 欧 洲 Check in to Eastern Germany for European Business Successa's Air Cargo Volume Increases 9% AnnuallyLöhne sind die größten Herausforderungen westlicher Betriebe in ChinaOct-2011Oct-2011Oct-2011Oct-2011Oct-2011Oct-2011Oct-2011Oct-2011Oct-2011Oct-2011Oct-2011济 发 展 German companies in China see bright prospects and huge potentiality of China's economy Oct & Nov 2011ent in Chinan Senkrechtstarterse talent at upcoming job fairutsche Firmen auf dem chinesischen Jobmarktent in China: Survey专 刊 German Companies Feel Confident towards Chinese Market-WTO SupplementNov-2011Nov-2011Nov-2011Nov-2011Nov-2011Nov-2011Dec-2011Dec-2011Annual Report 2011 I51

SURveyS 2011buSIneSS SurveySTo support our members in the development of their business in China the GermanChamber has been conducting studies on a regular basis for twelve years. The surveysprovide an up to date insight into German operations in China and shed light on presentand future business opportunities as well as challenges. Due to the rising interest ofcompanies to participate and the growing presence of the German Chamber in China theabsolute amount of surveyed German companies is consistently consequently increasingthe quality and significance from year to year.In 2011 the annual Business Confidence Survey and the 4 th Salary Survey, our key survey,were published.The Annual Salary Survey 2012 has been conducted by the GCC since 2008. This year thestudy was simultaneously carried out in North and South China helping to expands its reachand providing insights over regional developments. The results indicate that on averagecompanies projected salaries would rise by about 10% in 2012 though there are variationsdepending on job positions. Next to recruitment and retention issues, rising social securitycosts are a key concern for companies. Overall the employment outlook remains positive withabout 2/3 of companies planning to hire new staff, although the figure is lower than 2011.The Business Confidence Survey focused on experiences, challenges and expectations ofGerman companies in 2011. The results indicate that German companies report a positivebusiness environment and are confident about their further business development inChina. The most prominent challenges facing German firms consist of finding and retainingstaff as well as intensifying competition from Chinese companies. During the first half of2011, German companies reported strong growth, with more than 50% of the companiesincreasing their profit and turnover significantly. Ranking China among their top threeinvestment locations, German companies plan to increase their investment and expand intoother Chinese cities within the next three years. Sales potential in the Chinese market is themost important business driver for the majority of German operations.The summary of our surveys are free of charge and can be downloaded on our website. (http://china.ahk.de/market-info/studies/)We thank all participants for their support and are looking forward to more participationnext year.52 IAnnual Report 2011

Market developmentand outlookChina’s economic growth in 2011 again proved to be a major factordriving the otherwise sluggish global economy as economies inEurope and the US continue to struggle. But for this year China triesto achieve a more balanced and sustainable development.Nonetheless in 2012 German companies will again hope to benefitfrom China’s growth in what has become one of the most importantforeign markets for many.Annual Report 2011 I53

oUTlooKCHInA: from SloWWe expect annual GDP growth for 2012 to be around 8.3%,lower than the 9.2% growth rate in 2011. The main reasons forthis deceleration include real estate investment slowdown andweak external demand for Chinese exports. On the positive side,as economic activities slow, inflationary pressure will tail off in2012. We expect CPI inflation to drop to around 3% in 2012from 5.4% in 2011. Monetary and fiscal policies will likely bemarginally expansionary in 2012 to support growth.Specifically on growth outlook, we expect the yoy growth rateof the Chinese economy to continue to slow in the first half of2012, but it should recover in the second half of the year. Onqoq basis (seasonally adjusted), China's GDP growth will likelytouch the bottom at around 7.0% (saar) in Q1 2012, and shouldrebound to around 9.0% in Q3 2012 due to the impact of policyeasing.dB's China macroeconomic forecasts yoy %Real GDP201010.320119.22012F8.3CPIBroad Money (M2)Bank creditBudget surplus (% of GDP)Fixed asset inv'tRetail salesIndustrial production (real)Merch exports (USD)Merch imports (USD)1-year deposit rateCNY/USD (eop)3.319.719.9-1.723.818.415.731.338.73.506.595.413.615.8-2.023.817.113.920.324.93.506.302.815.015.0- DB Research2013F8.63.514.514.0-1.517. expect a sequential growth trough in Q1 2012 because:Firstly, the European economy is probably already in recession andits economic contraction will be the worst in Q1 as seen by ourEuropean economists, which will deal a blow to Chinese exportsin Q1. But over the coming months, we expect the Eurozoneto make some progress towards fiscal consolidation, and theEuropean Central Bank’s liquidity injection should help lift marketand consumer confidence. Given this European growth trajectoryand a relatively steady pace of US economic growth, we estimatethat China’s qoq (saar) export growth will slow sharply to a mere2.2% in Q1, and then recover to 12-14% in Q3 and Q4 2012.For the year as a whole, we forecast export growth at 8% andimport growth at 9%.Secondly, as a result of aggressive policy tightening on the realestate market, sequential slowdown in construction activitiesshould last at least until Q1 2012, before property prices andsales may stabilize. Transaction volume of China’s real estatemarket has declined sharply since September 2011, and developershave been reining in their construction activities accordingly. Thegrowth of floor space started, a leading indicator of real estateFAI, fell from 30% yoy in January-August to negative 25% inDecember. On qoq basis, we expect the real estate FAI growth toslow to zero in Q1 2012.Thirdly, China’s monetary easing, which began only in end-November (as marked by the 50 bps RRR cut on 30 November,2011), will likely continue in Q1. But there will be a time lagbefore monetary easing begins to support domestic demand(especially investment activities) from Q2 2012. This time, given54 IAnnual Report 2011

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