chapter - ix - revenue and disaster management department, haryana

chapter - ix - revenue and disaster management department, haryana

chapter - ix - revenue and disaster management department, haryana


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economic activities suffered to a very great extent due to dislocation of theworking population. A proper working force could not be developed for alongtime <strong>and</strong> this affected verybadlythegeneraleconomic condition. Therewasafurther rise inteeprice level. Pricecontrol wasimposed bythe GovernmentofIndia inmany sectors tostablilizethe general pricelevel all over thecountry. The measures taken proved fairly effective<strong>and</strong> there was areasonabledecline in prices.After Independence, the introduction of planning opened anew eraofprogress<strong>and</strong>development particularly inthe field of agriculture, irrigationindustry <strong>and</strong> employment. Asaresult of the First Five-Year Plan (1951-52to 1955-56),agricultural production increased considerably <strong>and</strong> prices of foodproducts fell in 1953-54. The price control on foodgrains was lifted. Butthe upward trend inprices started again immediately thereafter. The generalscarcity of foodgrains due to harvest failures <strong>and</strong> taking up of developmentalactivities,with long gestation periods, gave birth tovarious Inflationaryfactors to boost the price level during the Second Five-Year Plan (1956-57to 1960-61). In the Third Five-Year Plan period (1961-62to 1965-66),theprices ofwheat ,barley, rice, bajra, maize,gur, tobacco, etc., increased almosthundred per cent.During the Fourth Five-Year Plan (1969-70to 1973-74), the wholesaleprices registered an unprecendented upward trend. - In Bhiwani, the price ofwheatwasRs. 35.00 to Rs.68.00 <strong>and</strong>Rs. 135.00per quintal in the years1960,1966<strong>and</strong> 1974respectively. Similarupward trend in the priceofgramhas alsobeen observed during the last 15years. Priceswere generally stable during1975. The year-1976 witnessed allround declineinpricesexcept Jowar <strong>and</strong>bajra. -The average wholesale harvest prices in certain selected m<strong>and</strong>is of theBhiwani district are discussed individually to bring out clearly the fluctuationsin prices in different parts of the districtThe market at Bhiwanihas beenfamous for itstrade infoodgrains. Itis much bigger than other m<strong>and</strong>is of the district. The following table showsthe average wholesale harvest prices of various agricultural commodities inthis m<strong>and</strong>i during 1960 to 1976 :-

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