chapter - ix - revenue and disaster management department, haryana

chapter - ix - revenue and disaster management department, haryana chapter - ix - revenue and disaster management department, haryana
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the price levels,but also active, and may cause expansion or recession ineconomy.Prior to World War I (1914-18), prices were generally dependenton agricultural yield.1. Since the areas, now comprising the district ofBhiwani have remained agro-based, the pricesinthe region havebeen co-relatedwith agricUltural production and theimports of goods necessaryfor therequirements of this area. The outbreak ofthe war in1914,causeda suddenrise inpricesowingto imports beinginshort supplyand agricultural productionhaving been affectedby poor monsoons and thebad harvests of 1915-16.In1917 commenced aperiod ofdistressand hardship inwhichprices rose toorapidly to allow the economic system to adjust itself. The strain on the railwaysresulting from the war caused dislocation of communications so thatgoods from an area of plenty could not be transported to areas of scarcity.The situation worsenedfurther bythe disastrous harvest of1918closely followedbyanunparalleled lossoflife caused bythe influenzaepidemic inthelaterpart of 1918. These hardships brought matters to a climax and evengoodharvests in 1920proved insufficient to contain the upward trend of prices.The general depression of thirties brought a big slump in the marketaccompanied by unemployment. The resulting downward trend inthe pricesof agricultural produce created misery for the farmer.World War II broke out in September 1939. Itcreated widespreadscarcity conditions in respect of many articlesof daily need. The situationwas further aggravated by damage to crops by natural calamities. TheBhiwani area wasfamine stricken. Soits farmers could not deriveanybenefitfrom the high prices ofagricultural produce. There wasa slightrecession inpricesin 1944and 1945, but after 1945 the generalscarcity of foodgrains andinflationary factors were responsible for the price levelto rise enormously.Theprice indexofcloth registeredamuch higherrisethan that offood articles.The Government enacted speciallawsfor the procurement offoodgrains andto regulate the distribution of articles in short supply at controlled rates.On the Independence in 1947and consequent partition ofthe country,1. Itis difficult to giveprecisely theprices prevailing inthe Bhiwani district as awholein the past. Since this district has been formed bycombining some areas which had in thepast remlined parts ofdifferent administrative units, some idea about the retail prices prevailinglin some parts of this district may be had from Tables XXXII and XXXIII of theAppendix. The former tableshews the retail prices prevailing intheHisar (Hissar) district onthe first January each year in seers n:d cthr.trnks I:er nI:ce frem 1£Glto 1932"hile l1:elatter table gives similar information about Loharu up to 1911.

economic activities suffered to a very great extent due to dislocation of theworking population. A proper working force could not be developed for alongtime and this affected verybadlythegeneraleconomic condition. Therewasafurther rise inteeprice level. Pricecontrol wasimposed bythe GovernmentofIndia inmany sectors tostablilizethe general pricelevel all over thecountry. The measures taken proved fairly effectiveand there was areasonabledecline in prices.After Independence, the introduction of planning opened anew eraofprogressanddevelopment particularly inthe field of agriculture, irrigationindustry and employment. Asaresult of the First Five-Year Plan (1951-52to 1955-56),agricultural production increased considerably and prices of foodproducts fell in 1953-54. The price control on foodgrains was lifted. Butthe upward trend inprices started again immediately thereafter. The generalscarcity of foodgrains due to harvest failures and taking up of developmentalactivities,with long gestation periods, gave birth tovarious Inflationaryfactors to boost the price level during the Second Five-Year Plan (1956-57to 1960-61). In the Third Five-Year Plan period (1961-62to 1965-66),theprices ofwheat ,barley, rice, bajra, maize,gur, tobacco, etc., increased almosthundred per cent.During the Fourth Five-Year Plan (1969-70to 1973-74), the wholesaleprices registered an unprecendented upward trend. - In Bhiwani, the price ofwheatwasRs. 35.00 to Rs.68.00 andRs. 135.00per quintal in the years1960,1966and 1974respectively. Similarupward trend in the priceofgramhas alsobeen observed during the last 15years. Priceswere generally stable during1975. The year-1976 witnessed allround declineinpricesexcept Jowar andbajra. -The average wholesale harvest prices in certain selected mandis of theBhiwani district are discussed individually to bring out clearly the fluctuationsin prices in different parts of the districtThe market at Bhiwanihas beenfamous for itstrade infoodgrains. Itis much bigger than other mandis of the district. The following table showsthe average wholesale harvest prices of various agricultural commodities inthis mandi during 1960 to 1976 :-

the price levels,but also active, <strong>and</strong> may cause expansion or recession ineconomy.Prior to World War I (1914-18), prices were generally dependenton agricultural yield.1. Since the areas, now comprising the district ofBhiwani have remained agro-based, the pricesinthe region havebeen co-relatedwith agricUltural production <strong>and</strong> theimports of goods necessaryfor therequirements of this area. The outbreak ofthe war in1914,causeda suddenrise inpricesowingto imports beinginshort supply<strong>and</strong> agricultural productionhaving been affectedby poor monsoons <strong>and</strong> thebad harvests of 1915-16.In1917 commenced aperiod ofdistress<strong>and</strong> hardship inwhichprices rose toorapidly to allow the economic system to adjust itself. The strain on the railwaysresulting from the war caused dislocation of communications so thatgoods from an area of plenty could not be transported to areas of scarcity.The situation worsenedfurther bythe disastrous harvest of1918closely followedbyanunparalleled lossoflife caused bythe influenzaepidemic inthelaterpart of 1918. These hardships brought matters to a climax <strong>and</strong> evengoodharvests in 1920proved insufficient to contain the upward trend of prices.The general depression of thirties brought a big slump in the marketaccompanied by unemployment. The resulting downward trend inthe pricesof agricultural produce created misery for the farmer.World War II broke out in September 1939. Itcreated widespreadscarcity conditions in respect of many articlesof daily need. The situationwas further aggravated by damage to crops by natural calamities. TheBhiwani area wasfamine stricken. Soits farmers could not deriveanybenefitfrom the high prices ofagricultural produce. There wasa slightrecession inpricesin 1944<strong>and</strong> 1945, but after 1945 the generalscarcity of foodgrains <strong>and</strong>inflationary factors were responsible for the price levelto rise enormously.Theprice indexofcloth registeredamuch higherrisethan that offood articles.The Government enacted speciallawsfor the procurement offoodgrains <strong>and</strong>to regulate the distribution of articles in short supply at controlled rates.On the Independence in 1947<strong>and</strong> consequent partition ofthe country,1. Itis difficult to giveprecisely theprices prevailing inthe Bhiwani district as awholein the past. Since this district has been formed bycombining some areas which had in thepast remlined parts ofdifferent administrative units, some idea about the retail prices prevailinglin some parts of this district may be had from Tables XXXII <strong>and</strong> XXXIII of theAppend<strong>ix</strong>. The former tableshews the retail prices prevailing intheHisar (Hissar) district onthe first January each year in seers n:d cthr.trnks I:er nI:ce frem 1£Glto 1932"hile l1:elatter table gives similar information about Loharu up to 1911.

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