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Islam in World Cultures: Comparative Perspectives - Islamic Books ...

Islam in World Cultures: Comparative Perspectives - Islamic Books ...


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<strong>Islam</strong> after Empire 6 7such th<strong>in</strong>gs as the availability of alcohol, sexual content <strong>in</strong> the media, reformof divorce laws, or treaties with countries that abuse local Muslims.S i g n i f i c a n t l y, such criticisms often come from the state’s own religious personnelas well as from <strong>in</strong>dependent organizations and <strong>in</strong>dividuals. Some ofE g y p t ’s state-tra<strong>in</strong>ed religious scholars ally themselves with the Muslim Brotherhood or, occasionally, even with small spl<strong>in</strong>ter militant groups. Shaykh UmarAbd al-Rahman, currently <strong>in</strong> a M<strong>in</strong>nesota prison for conspiracy <strong>in</strong> the 1993<strong>World</strong> Trade Center bomb<strong>in</strong>g case, is one such example. The <strong>in</strong>dependenceof Egypt’s judiciary allowed for <strong>Islam</strong>ist judges to ga<strong>in</strong> considerable <strong>in</strong>fluence<strong>in</strong> guid<strong>in</strong>g cultural and political policy <strong>in</strong> disputes between secularist and <strong>Islam</strong>istgroups. Ironically, the century-long process of enhanc<strong>in</strong>g programs ofreligious education <strong>in</strong> government-funded public schools and the more recentefforts of states to respond to <strong>Islam</strong>ist challenges with religious propaganda oftheir own have <strong>in</strong>creased rather than dim<strong>in</strong>ished the tendency of major politicalgroups to promote their positions <strong>in</strong> <strong>Islam</strong>ic terms. Particularly wherethere is social fragmentation due to tribal differences, such as <strong>in</strong> Jordan orYemen, or susta<strong>in</strong>ed geographical mobility <strong>in</strong> the form of refugees or populationsrelocated <strong>in</strong> programs of urban renewal, other sorts of social and culturalidentities have had trouble tak<strong>in</strong>g hold. <strong>Islam</strong> thus becomes a common languageof protest and political mobilization for a broad range of groups.This is even true of Tu r k e y ’s cont<strong>in</strong>ued use of both Muslim ethnic identityand political secularism <strong>in</strong> the construction and ma<strong>in</strong>tenance of its modernnational identity. For decades, the country has experienced periods of democratizationpunctuated by military coups as the army responds to perceivedthreats from communist or <strong>Islam</strong>ist sources. As far back as the 1950s, though,the government began to re<strong>in</strong>troduce religious studies to secular schools, andit later allowed the rapid expansion of a parallel set of religious schools knownas Imam-Hatip <strong>in</strong>stitutions. In the 1970s, anticommunist concerns led the governmentto support <strong>Islam</strong>ic organizations, and the market-oriented reforms ofthe 1980s saw politicians realiz<strong>in</strong>g that “state plann<strong>in</strong>g of religious and morallife was . . . the prerequisite for promot<strong>in</strong>g a national culture that could secureunity of purpose and homogeneity of ideas” (Sakallioglu 1996, 245). In 1991,General Kenan Evren, president of the Turkish Republic from 1982 to 1989,expla<strong>in</strong>ed the reason<strong>in</strong>g beh<strong>in</strong>d the state’s <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong> religious education:[R]eligious education cannot be given to children by every family. In fact, even ifthe family tried to do so, this would be improper s<strong>in</strong>ce it may be taught wrongly,<strong>in</strong>completely or through the family’s own po<strong>in</strong>t of view. I asked you before not tosend your children to illegal Qur’anic courses. Thus, we made this a provision ofthe constitution. In this way, religion will be taught to our children by the state <strong>in</strong>state schools. Are we now aga<strong>in</strong>st the cause of secularism or serv<strong>in</strong>g it? Of coursewe are serv<strong>in</strong>g it. Secularism does not mean depriv<strong>in</strong>g Turkish citizens of reli-

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