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H i s to r i cal Introduction and Overv i e w 3 5arrested on trumped-up charges of corruption and sexual misconduct, effectivelymov<strong>in</strong>g the political contestation out of the public and <strong>in</strong>to the personalsphere.For many today, however, the example of Muslim politics that most immediatelycomes to m<strong>in</strong>d is that of the Taliban <strong>in</strong> Afghanistan. Although the imagesof bearded men and burqa-clad women lead some to see the Taliban as aharken<strong>in</strong>g back to the Middle Ages, upon closer <strong>in</strong>vestigation, one f<strong>in</strong>ds verylittle about them that can be seen as “traditional.” Indeed, many scholars ofreligion characterize “fundamentalism” as a dist<strong>in</strong>ctly modern development.Fundamentalism, a particular configuration of ideology and organizationalresources, orig<strong>in</strong>ated <strong>in</strong> Protestant Christianity and shares a number of characteristicsacross confessional divisions <strong>in</strong> the modern period (Almond, Appleby,and Sivan 2003, 14). One group of contemporary scholars has co<strong>in</strong>edthe term “strong religion” to refer to the shared characteristics of comparativefundamentalisms across different religious traditions rang<strong>in</strong>g from Judaismto H<strong>in</strong>duism. These <strong>in</strong>clude emphasis on conceptions of “purity,” selectiveread<strong>in</strong>gs of their respective religious traditions, and a concern withbolster<strong>in</strong>g the authority of the contemporary guardians of the faith (ibid.,17–21).The immediate orig<strong>in</strong>s of the Taliban as an <strong>Islam</strong>ic fundamentalist movementwere <strong>in</strong> the depress<strong>in</strong>gly modern sett<strong>in</strong>g of refugee camps on the Pakistaniborder, which were fertile recruit<strong>in</strong>g grounds for radical <strong>Islam</strong>ists. TheTa l i b a n ’s rise to power <strong>in</strong>volves issues of both modern geopolitics and Muslimpiety, for much of the Ta l i b a n ’s leadership was drawn from the ranks ofthe m u j a h i d i n ( l i t e r a l l y, “those who wage j i h ad” ) who were active <strong>in</strong>Afghanistan <strong>in</strong> the 1980s and early 1990s (Maley 2001, 15). The cause of them u j a h i d i n , framed as a battle aga<strong>in</strong>st the godless forces of an occupy<strong>in</strong>g Communistarmy, caught the attention and garnered the support of a number ofparties, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g wealthy adventurers like Saudi-born Osama b<strong>in</strong> Laden.The mujahid<strong>in</strong> were also actively supported and even armed by the U.S. government(Nojumi 2002, 197) and were hailed <strong>in</strong> the United States as “freedomfighters” struggl<strong>in</strong>g aga<strong>in</strong>st the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. Bythe turn of the twenty-first century, however, many of the same <strong>in</strong>dividualsengaged <strong>in</strong> those campaigns had been targeted by the U.S. government asthe world’s most-wanted terrorists (Weaver 2000, 228). The foreign policiesof the United States and other Western powers have been important factorscontribut<strong>in</strong>g to the evolution of shift<strong>in</strong>g alliances, revolutionary movements,and repressive regimes <strong>in</strong> many majority-Muslim countries <strong>in</strong> recent decades(Esposito 1999, 271). The complex dynamics of such developments are thus,some would argue, as much if not more important than any study of <strong>Islam</strong>icscripture or medieval Muslim theology for understand<strong>in</strong>g current events <strong>in</strong>the Muslim world today.

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