Islam in World Cultures: Comparative Perspectives - Islamic Books ...

Islam in World Cultures: Comparative Perspectives - Islamic Books ... Islam in World Cultures: Comparative Perspectives - Islamic Books ...
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I n d e x 3 8 5Sufi, 26, 190Turkmen, 148Traditionalists, 106, 197, 198, 202, 275described, 107–111modernists and, 212Transoxiana, 135Transvaal, 262, 266Tri Sakti University, 211True Islam, 155Tuan Guru (Abdullah Kadi AbdusSalaam), 255Turabi, Hassan, 34Turki, 173Turkish Criminal Code (1926), 51Turkish Khanate, 173Turkish Muslims, 174Red Crescent and, 291Turkistan, 174Turkmen, 148Türkmenbashï, 148, 152Turko-Persian Islamic culture, 105Türköz, Ahmet, 179Turks, 289Turpan, 173, 174Twain, Mark, 290Twelfth Imam, 77–78, 88, 89, 91, 296Twelver Shi’ism, 75, 99African American, 296history of, 77–80politics and, 82–84teaching, 81See also Ithna’ashariTwelver Shi’ite law, 77Ulama, 19, 20, 23, 27, 28, 48, 50, 75,107, 109, 112, 113, 114, 119, 123,136, 137, 139, 149, 193, 194, 195,201, 266authority of, 116described, 358influence of, 202Sufism and, 116Ulfah, Maria, 209, 214n1Ulug’bek, Mirzo, 148Umayyads, 13, 77, 83Umma, 4, 54, 164, 358Umm Assa’d bint Isam al-Himyari, 10Union of South Africa, Boer republicsand, 260Universalism, 107, 295University of Baghdad, 212University of Illinois, Muslim StudentsAssociation of, 294University of Medina, 294Unrepresented Nations and People’sOrganization (UNPO), 176Urdu, 120Urs, 125, 126, 358Urumqi, 170, 172, 176, 178Urwa al-Wuthqa, 28U.S. Central Intelligence Agency(CIA), 86, 93U.S. Congressional Research Service,172Usul, 82Usul al-fiqh, 107, 358Usul-i jadid, 137Uthman, 3, 13, 219Uyghur Empire, 173Uyghur Muslims, 164, 170, 171, 175(photo), 358–359Chinese society and, 172–174Chinese sovereignty and, 174–176population of, 163rebellions by, 174Taliban and, 176Tibetans and, 179Uyghur People’s Government, 176Uyghur separatists, 176, 177, 178Uyghuristan, 171, 173, 174Uzbeks, 148, 163Uyghurs and, 171, 176Valentino, Rudolf, 286Valuesfamily, 299human, 150, 151Islamic, 63, 150, 205, 262, 265moral, 150Western, 114

3 8 6Islam i n World Cult u r e sVan Bengalen, Achmat, 260, 280n1Vandewalle, Dirk, 33Veils, 61–62, 115, 139, 303, 304Velayat-e Faqih: Hokumat-e Islami(Khomeini), 88, 89, 90, 95, 359Vietnam War, 288Vines, Jerry, 284Violence, 54, 283, 288Virtue Party, 68Voice of the Cape, 269Voll, John, 26, 189Wadi Hadhramawt, 21 (photo)Wadud, Amina, 304Wahhab, Muhammad Ibn Abd al-, 25,66, 189–190, 192Wahhabis, 14, 66, 123, 189–190Wahhabism, 27, 29, 64, 66, 152, 155,169, 231–232, 294, 359influence of, 25–26, 29Wahhabiyya, 175–176Wahid, Abdurrahman, 31, 211–212, 213Wakhan corridor, 176Waldron, Sidney, 230Wali, 359Wall Street Journal, 172Wallace, Mike, 293Wallo, 247Waqf, 21, 21 (photo), 22 (photo), 23,66, 136, 169, 359taxation of, 23Waqir, Hassan, 283War on Terror, 36, 161, 300Webb, Mohammed Alexander Russell,287Weber, Max, 166Weiss, Leopold. See Asad, MuhammadWelfare Party, 68West Bank, occupation of, 34, 58Western philosophies, 80, 112White Revolution (1963), 86–87Witnessing, 5Women, 286emancipation of, 49fasting and, 243Harari, 222–223Islam and, 61–63, 303oppression of, 303–304participation by, 62–63radio announcing and, 269roles of, 107social place of, 147, 304Tablighi and, 116Women’s associations, 62, 63, 271Women’s Cultural Group, 265Women’s rights, 94, 265Women’s suffrage, 86–87Woodward, Mark, 202Working class, Muslim, 295–296World Bank, loans from, 177World Community of al-Islam, 297World Muslim League, 294World Parliament of Religions, 287World Trade Center, attack on, 67, 69,128World Trade Organization, 178World War I, 47, 223World War II, 86, 141, 188, 196, 287Wu, Harry, 177Xenophobia, 145, 284Xie jiao, 167Xinjiang, 172, 173bombs in, 170ethnic/integrationist issues in, 179executions in, 176independence groups in, 163liberation of, 174loans for, 177trade with, 178uprising in, 177, 180n4Xinjiang Production and ConstructionCorps (XPCC), 177Xinjiang University, 170Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region,172, 174, 177XPCC. See Xinjiang Production andConstruction Corps

3 8 6<strong>Islam</strong> i n <strong>World</strong> Cult u r e sVan Bengalen, Achmat, 260, 280n1Vandewalle, Dirk, 33Veils, 61–62, 115, 139, 303, 304Velayat-e Faqih: Hokumat-e <strong>Islam</strong>i(Khome<strong>in</strong>i), 88, 89, 90, 95, 359Vietnam War, 288V<strong>in</strong>es, Jerry, 284Violence, 54, 283, 288Virtue Party, 68Voice of the Cape, 269Voll, John, 26, 189Wadi Hadhramawt, 21 (photo)Wadud, Am<strong>in</strong>a, 304Wahhab, Muhammad Ibn Abd al-, 25,66, 189–190, 192Wahhabis, 14, 66, 123, 189–190Wahhabism, 27, 29, 64, 66, 152, 155,169, 231–232, 294, 359<strong>in</strong>fluence of, 25–26, 29Wahhabiyya, 175–176Wahid, Abdurrahman, 31, 211–212, 213Wakhan corridor, 176Waldron, Sidney, 230Wali, 359Wall Street Journal, 172Wallace, Mike, 293Wallo, 247Waqf, 21, 21 (photo), 22 (photo), 23,66, 136, 169, 359taxation of, 23Waqir, Hassan, 283War on Terror, 36, 161, 300Webb, Mohammed Alexander Russell,287Weber, Max, 166Weiss, Leopold. See Asad, MuhammadWelfare Party, 68West Bank, occupation of, 34, 58Western philosophies, 80, 112White Revolution (1963), 86–87Witness<strong>in</strong>g, 5Women, 286emancipation of, 49fast<strong>in</strong>g and, 243Harari, 222–223<strong>Islam</strong> and, 61–63, 303oppression of, 303–304participation by, 62–63radio announc<strong>in</strong>g and, 269roles of, 107social place of, 147, 304Tablighi and, 116Women’s associations, 62, 63, 271Women’s Cultural Group, 265Women’s rights, 94, 265Women’s suffrage, 86–87Woodward, Mark, 202Work<strong>in</strong>g class, Muslim, 295–296<strong>World</strong> Bank, loans from, 177<strong>World</strong> Community of al-<strong>Islam</strong>, 297<strong>World</strong> Muslim League, 294<strong>World</strong> Parliament of Religions, 287<strong>World</strong> Trade Center, attack on, 67, 69,128<strong>World</strong> Trade Organization, 178<strong>World</strong> War I, 47, 223<strong>World</strong> War II, 86, 141, 188, 196, 287Wu, Harry, 177Xenophobia, 145, 284Xie jiao, 167X<strong>in</strong>jiang, 172, 173bombs <strong>in</strong>, 170ethnic/<strong>in</strong>tegrationist issues <strong>in</strong>, 179executions <strong>in</strong>, 176<strong>in</strong>dependence groups <strong>in</strong>, 163liberation of, 174loans for, 177trade with, 178upris<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>, 177, 180n4X<strong>in</strong>jiang Production and ConstructionCorps (XPCC), 177X<strong>in</strong>jiang University, 170X<strong>in</strong>jiang Uyghur Autonomous Region,172, 174, 177XPCC. See X<strong>in</strong>jiang Production andConstruction Corps

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