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Islam in World Cultures: Comparative Perspectives - Islamic Books ...

Islam in World Cultures: Comparative Perspectives - Islamic Books ...


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Key Te r m s 3 4 9Kulub (8)A political party founded <strong>in</strong> Harar, Ethiopia, <strong>in</strong> the late 1940s associated with theSomali Youth League (SYL). Kulub is also sometimes referred to simply as“Hanolato,” an abbreviation of the Somali language phrase Soomaliya hanoolaato,“Long live Somalia,” which was an SYL nationalist rally<strong>in</strong>g cry of the period.Madhhab (1)A school of traditional Muslim jurisprudence (f i q h) . S<strong>in</strong>ce the medieval period,S u n n i Muslims have recognized the equal validity of four m a d h h a b s : t h eH a n a f i , Maliki, Shafi’i, and H a n b a l i .Madrasa (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8)Muslim religious schools <strong>in</strong> many parts of the world. From their orig<strong>in</strong>s <strong>in</strong> themedieval period until the modern period, they were primarily <strong>in</strong>stitutions forthe teach<strong>in</strong>g of <strong>Islam</strong>ic law and were f<strong>in</strong>ancially supported by w a q f . In themodern period, however, madrasa curricula have expanded to take myriadforms <strong>in</strong> different places, and their fund<strong>in</strong>g now more often comes from thegovernment, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), or the personal supportof wealthy Muslim donors of nearly all ideological persuasions.Mahdi (3, 10)A figure who Muslims believe will return at the end-time to reestablish a justcommunity before the end of the world. Ithna’ashari Shi’ites believe thetwelfth Imam to be the Mahdi. Throughout history, S u n n i Muslims have recognizedvarious figures as the Mahdi, most notably <strong>in</strong> a series of modern millenarianmovements directed at least <strong>in</strong> part toward the opposition of Europeancolonial control <strong>in</strong> Muslim countries rang<strong>in</strong>g from the Sudan toIndonesia. The name comes from the Arabic for “the guided one.”Maliki (1)One of the four established schools of Sunni Muslim jurisprudence (f i q h) . M a-likis attribute the orig<strong>in</strong>s of their legal reason<strong>in</strong>g methodology to Anas ibn Malik(d. 795).Marabout (10)A French term often used to refer to Muslim mystics or S u f i “sa<strong>in</strong>ts” (awliya Alla h) <strong>in</strong> parts of northern and western Africa.Mariññet (8)The organized friendship groups to which Ethiopian Hararis belong. In thepast, <strong>in</strong>dividuals usually belonged to only one friendship group, often a neighbo rhood group that members formed dur<strong>in</strong>g childhood and that lasted for

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