Islam in World Cultures: Comparative Perspectives - Islamic Books ...

Islam in World Cultures: Comparative Perspectives - Islamic Books ...

Islam in World Cultures: Comparative Perspectives - Islamic Books ...


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3 1 4<strong>Islam</strong> i n <strong>World</strong> Cult u r e sKurzman, Charles, ed. 1998. Liberal <strong>Islam</strong>: A Sourc e b o o k . New York: OxfordUniversity Press.———, ed. 2002. M o d e rnist <strong>Islam</strong>, 1840–1940: A Sourc e b o o k . New York: OxfordUniversity Press.In each of these volumes, Kurzman provides dozens of short, annotatedtranslations of essays by Muslim writers reflect<strong>in</strong>g on tradition and change <strong>in</strong>the modern world. Both <strong>in</strong>clude a number of selections from Middle EasternMuslim writers relevant to the developments discussed <strong>in</strong> Chapter 2.Qutb, Sayyid. 1991. M i l e s t o n e s. Burr Ridge, IN: American Trust Publications.The author of this work is one of the lead<strong>in</strong>g voices of the Egyptian <strong>Islam</strong>icBrotherhood. Milestones (cited <strong>in</strong> Chapter 2 as Signposts along the Road)has been one of the most <strong>in</strong>fluential texts of modern <strong>Islam</strong>ic fundamentalis m .S h a h r u r, Muhammad. 2000. P roposal for an <strong>Islam</strong>ic Covenant. Translated byDale F. Eickelman and Ismail S. Abu Shehadeh. http://www. i s l a m 2 1 . n e t /pages/charter/may-1.htm.This provocative text by an important Syrian Muslim author was written <strong>in</strong>response to a request from the International Forum for <strong>Islam</strong>ic Dialogue todevelop a plan of action for the twenty-first century.Secondary StudiesBerkes, Niyazi. 1998. The Development of Secularism <strong>in</strong> Turkey. New York: Routledge.This repr<strong>in</strong>t of Berkes’s classic work (orig<strong>in</strong>ally published <strong>in</strong> 1964) is an <strong>in</strong>depthexam<strong>in</strong>ation of the various factors that contributed to the ascendancyof secularism <strong>in</strong> Tu r k e y. It traces these developments from the eighteenthcentury through the tanzimat reforms and the establishment of the modernnation-state under Kemal Atatürk.Doumato, Eleanor. 1999. Gett<strong>in</strong>g God’s Ear: Women, <strong>Islam</strong>, and Heal<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> SaudiArabia and the Gulf. New York: Columbia University Press.Us<strong>in</strong>g historical and ethnographic data, Doumato explores women’s religiouspractices <strong>in</strong> one of the most conservative <strong>Islam</strong>ic countries <strong>in</strong> theworld. Her work illustrates the differences between public and private religiouslife, as well as the gulf that sometimes exists between men’s andw o m e n ’s religious <strong>in</strong>terests and practices. <strong>Islam</strong>, far from be<strong>in</strong>g monolithic,differs not only from one country to another but even with<strong>in</strong> the boundariesof the household.

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